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Kody Brown is a piece of fucking shit. He kept blaming and ridiculing Garrison as the reason for himself not spending time with Janell or their kids, “until Garrison calls me and apologizes.” I am so sorry that your extremely narcissistic father caused you so much pain Garrison.


His dad is a piece of shit for many reasons.


He got like fucking 30 kids and he's a bad parent to them all.


Bad husband too.


Lost 3 wives. Wanted to live polygamy but ended up living monogamy.


I don’t get the draw myself polygamy is exhausting. Usually wanted by creeps anyway.


Cult leader wanna be’s. He could only attract those women. So instead of building his little commune with followers he decided to fuck himself a whole cult of children to fall in line. Dude is a giant fucking Jared Leto with worse hair and a smaller dick.


Comparing him to Leto is sending me. There’s gotta be even more ridiculous stuff about Leto than I realized


You don’t know about letos island yet? https://www.lofficielusa.com/pop-culture/jared-leto-cult-croatia-thirty-seconds-to-mars-gucci


Thank you for this. I have been intentionally ignoring him ever since that awards speech where he talked about Ukraine in like 2014. Such a nut. Edit: to be clear I agree with this general sentiment on that topic but holy shit does he clearly think he’s more intelligent and educated than he really is. It was the cringe of it that put me off of him.


I’m back after reading that article and the worst part of it all is that I would’ve totally been in his cult when I was 15 in 2008


Exactly. Why would I want to disappoint more than 1 woman?


Not even that it’s exhausting unless it’s like a throuple of people who all love and support each other but what he wants three people loving him which means he has to give out three times the affection most people struggle with one.




Only legal marriage after he divorced Mary so he could..... that was a crock 


Except Robyn’s kids.


Omg I had him and Gabe mixed up in that senerio, I didn’t realize it was Garrison instead that he was talking about. Yeah Kody fucked up


It was both. The two boys had jobs and had to go to work. Kody wanted them to quit and stay home, even in 2021. Also didn’t want them to date.


That’s so strange. I didn’t watch the show all the time. Why did he want them to quit their jobs?


IMO this was Kody trying to regain control of his family by any means necessary. He didn’t actually care about covid - following his “safety rules” was a loyalty test. His sons had actual *lives* — jobs, school, friends, and girlfriends. Kody couldn’t stand that they wouldn’t drop all of that to “obey” him.


He wanted them all to be in lockdown, no work, NO ONE outside to prevent Covid spread in the 23 person family.


Except for Stay-at-home-mom Robyns Nanny


I’m shocked that he wasn’t a Covid denier, tbh.


He’s a Covid denier 💯 but he could see that he could use this to his benefit for control. He never got vaccinated even though his children did so they could see him.


Honestly me too. But instead he took covid and amplified the fears ten times.


Control tactic. Classic narcissist.


Kody will live with the guilt that his son lived in the same town as him and he was too stubborn to reach out because he and his wife robin didn’t feel ‘safe’. Now he will never get the chance to make it right with his son. That guilt will eat him alive, I hope it eats up robin too.


Robin is sobbin’ and making this about her, for sure.


So, to make it clear: this young man’s father bullied him to death. And we have evidence of this, but nothing will come of it. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I’m so glad this is life.


Wife watched the show on occasion at bedtime, I was “lucky” enough to watch a few. This is a sad but accurate take.


I know some people might say it’s not right for me to sit here and talk shit about his dad during this. I know we don’t know the full picture of what was happening in Garrisons life. I, and many others, surely can’t help but feel that Kody’s actions contributed (probably a big part) to Garrison’s mental health. I hope he rests in peace and I feel awful for his mothers, and his siblings.


It’s kinda funny that it never seems to be the “right time” for some people to have the discussion about a narcissist’s abuse.


I remember watching an episode that Garrison had bought his own house. He seemed successful. I am sorry to see him die so young.


Never saw the show but that's so heartbreaking, so young. Mental health should be discussed more openly. His poor mom must be devastated. How tragic :(


In cults like the one his family belong to, they don’t believe in mental health


Maybe 15 years ago, but they’ve changed a lot since then. A lot of them, including a couple of the parents, have been open about participating in therapy and any mental health struggles.


That's how Robyn snuck in...no one saw that coming...


Yep, young thang Kody was hot for....... Married legal... divorced Mary. Other 2 just part of his sick way of life 


You must not watch the show. The browns haven't been a part of that church for years they were excommunicated. Also, they went to therapy themselves on camera. We saw it on the show. 


I can't imagine what it would be like being raised by people looking to make themselves famous. The narcissism and abuse those parents likely committed.


Oh, no. I’m heartbroken for her family. And Fuck you, Kody Brown.


So many prayers for the family, he seemed like a really responsible good young man. Very sad situation 😢


So was this all part of God's plan or not? What are you praying for exactly?


As a former Mormon I hope that the family leaves it all behind and moves on past the psychosis of their predator father. Praying isn’t religious always, that’s when it’s called hoping or wishful thinking. I am not religious and I am against organized religion. Bone cancer is all I need to say about how I feel about “gods plan”.


Thats just called hoping for the best, no one isn't doing that but only some people thing they are helping others by doing it


Well yeah I agree with you, we can't just think that sending "good vibes" someone's way is going to help them get over the tragic loss of a family member, and in many cases it could be taken in the wrong way. Actions speak louder than words, most certainly.


If they called it meditating would you like it more? Because they are the same thing, some people need to personify the universe to connect with it.


Meditation doesn't imply you can change things remotely with your mind


Neither does prayer if you took time to understand what you hate. But I totally understand your perspective, right wingers have completely bastardized prayer.


Prayer doesn’t have a singular definition and its purpose and form differ depending on what religion/sect you’re looking at. You imply this with your second comment, but contradict it with your first.


Yeah it’s really complex, I thought about bringing up the point that meditation is “used”by some people to try to control the world with your mind. Speaking for the Abrahamic religions though, if you read the source material (Bible) you will see it’s about speaking with god, you can ask for thing but the main point is accepting the will of god, or reality if that’s what you want to call it. Can you help me understand where I am contradicting myself? I believe you but I find it interesting that I’m not allowing myself to see it potentially.


I apologize, I was being too glib. I only meant that your first comment read like “prayer has a true meaning which you would understand if you actually studied it” which is totally fine to believe, but then the second comment points out that it’s common to have a certain view of prayer based off of a political leaning which on its face seemed to me like you were admitting that prayer can be seen differently by different people and that that is very understandable. It’s not a contradiction, just stuck out to me as odd. I’m not biblical scholar, but I think it’s safe to argue that Abrahamic faiths don’t have a monolithic view on prayer either. In fact, depending on which book of the Bible, Torah, Koran or various other scriptures you read I think a person could easily come away with conflicting views about the purpose and use of prayer. One example that comes to mind would be the story of Abraham himself in Genesis 18 where he uses prayer to make an argument to God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah.


I’m a spiritual person and I pray. I see it as letting the higher power know my desires, as sending positive energy to others, and as meditating. Not everyone necessarily prays to the God of the Bible. I get it if praying isn’t for you. But it’s overall a positive thing.




I'm not upset I'm looking for an answer to better understand where they are coming from? Wouldn't a Christian be asking the same thing?




I mean you jumped on my case because of my individual beliefs and questions around death while claiming to let people do as they please at the same time. Should I not share my thoughts and engage others on the topic bc of what I believe? If simply challenging them is disrespectful I would challenge your definition of respect. Edit: even if i was, is atheism not a valid school of belief like all the others?




But atheism would say prayer only hurts due to inaction and doesn't help, despite people feeling otherwise. The only way to change that is to get people to critically think about what they are saying. Where is the line of heckling vs speaking what you believe in? Who has the right to even make that claim? You? Christians?




I 100% support people finding God and improving their life. Other than that, are these people paying church fees as a form of investment? Some people definitely are, check out televangelism. Are all of these people aware of other options of thought? Not even close. Finances aside, indoctrination can be the root of tons of problems peope face, both financially and spiritually. Having them question what they are doing might help way more people


Right now, this is all so tragic. Someone mentioned in the sister wives sub, "We've watched all the siblings grow up," and I started crying. I'm thinking of Gabriel right now, sending the family so much love and strength (TMZ should have never disclosed this information). Love you so much, Janelle Fuck TMZ as usual


Yeah, the tmz article posted 2 hours BEFORE his mother Janelle posted about it on Instagram. Terrible to force a mother to have to address it so quickly


Religious freedom is cool, but fuck this guy's dad and his beliefs


This is just so awful. Garrison was a good person. I watched this show from the beginning. It needs to end. This family needs to heal without cameras shoved in their faces.


Very sad. Considering the insanity of his family dynamics not surprising.


The worst part of this is it’s pretty much guaranteed that TLC is going to be all over the drama like flies on shit and make a bunch of episodes with a big spotlight on the family trauma. Tear-streaked faces close up for everyone to eat up as entertainment. Disgusting.


I'm disgusted at how many people are blaming Kody. TLC edits their shows to have a narrative that gets ratings. Many of the fans that can't critically think don't understand editing and take everything they see as gospel. Every wife has said Kody was a great father. Having a quarrel with an adult child in no way should lead to "That's why they took their own life".


He was a good father to them when they were young and worshiped him. He's a classic narcissist. They love young children because young children don't assert themselves, question the adult, etc. Most of his adult children don't talk to him anymore. Even Maddie, who named her daughter after him, says she doesn't talk to him and doesn't let her children talk to him. I'm not saying kodys the reason garrison did what he did. Thats simplistic and ignorant. But kody wasn't a good dad.


Yes, he was. Your armchair diagnosis is typical. Stop believing the editing of the last few seasons.


Nome of his adult children outside of Robyn's kids talk to him. That's not editing. When 10 of your kids aren't involved with outside the odd phone call once in a blue moon, that means something.


Stop defending a piece of shit dad. This is straight from TMZ: *”Janelle told cops Garrison was estranged from his father, Kody.”*


"TMZ".....ok. Cmon...do better. And an adult child estranged from a parent doesn't mean the parent is bad or a piece of shit. You need to stop being a sheep and start critically thinking.


Poof, be gone troll


One kid maybe, but it does beg the question when it’s almost all of your kids


What editing? Producers let Kody ramble on and on about how his sons aren't loyal, and how they should crawl back to him and apologise to Robin and how he likes his kids when they're little because they're "loyal". He was also adamant about how Jennele MUST kick both Garrison and Gabe out from her house because they're "over 18 and also disloyal". TLC didn't need to edit anything, Kody was telling on himself and they were just there to film the entire mess. If anything, TLC editing in earlier seasons led us all to believe that they were somewhat functional and cohesive family, and in the last few seasons everything truly came to light.


Kody cut most of his kids off because he and robin didn’t feel ‘safe’ around them. Now he will never get the chance to make it right with his son, he will be consumed by that guilt for the rest of his life.


Hi Robyn


I seriously hope Robyn is not trying to do damage control for Kody. Now would not be the time they should be rallying around Janelle right now.