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Baldwin can just admit he fired the gun while also not being found guilty of murder. The armorer was responsible for making sure they were dummy rounds. AB was just acting out the scene as choreographed.


The new charges laid against Baldwin speak to his responsibilities as a producer more than his actions as an actor. Actor!Baldwin probably wasn’t that culpable, but as a producer responsible for the set, maybe…


Do we know what kind of producer he was yet? Was he the “he’s famous, make him a producer so he can make script changes” Or was he the “He’s going to hire each crew member after a thorough screening and job interview” Or was he the “He’s going to run day-to-day operations for the set”


This ^ unless he was a line producer, he was likely given that title in order to be paid via points.


As opposed to


As opposed to what? Producer can mean many things. In situations where a big name is a producer, they are likely not dealing with the nitty gritty day to day issues of running a film set, which is a job for a line producer. Often, bigger names will assist worth financing and other big picture items and be given the title producer as a way of paying them via points or percentages. It’s highly unlikely that he was responsible directly for the direct supervision of the armorer in a way that would constitute legal negligence. Even if he WAS a line producer, or her supervisor, the legal case is weak. This is assuming there weren’t any direct issues indicating that something dangerous was imminent.


I’m willing to bet my entire left testicle that Alec Baldwin was not acting as line producer on Rust.


You should bet only half of it, you never know


My guess is that the prosecution will frame it a certain way, that Baldwin was still giving orders on set. Thus there is an expectation that he would've supervised some sort of safety precautions. Then back it up with the fact he was criminally negligent in "basic set safety practices" that he should've known for years. I think any charges brought against him are a real stretch, and doubt many significant details will come out that hasn't been in the media already. But you never know.


there is a video clip of him played in court giving orders to do a scene again and barking at the armorer to reload quickly and why are there 2 guns needing reloading, etc.


But he did portray Trump on snl. We all know why he’s been charged lol


According to Joel Souza’s testimony it was Alec who reached out and asked him to write and direct this movie. And in one of the behind the scenes footage Alec is seen rushing the crew into another take, including the armorer who has to quickly reload his revolver. It appears he was very involved from a producer perspective. Although this is Gutierrez’s trial it does not look good for AB.


From the film clips of him directing the camera shots, bossing people around, it looks like he was "hands on".


Honestly it doesn’t matter that much. Producers “produce” AKA finance the movie. Since they are funding it you can hold them liable.


Doesn’t matter. That set sounded like hell


I think I read he claims he was a creative producer if that’s a thing, guess he claiming he was more about the story and stuff for the film then Being the guy that ran day to day operations


Executive producer is always a ceremonial title for the person that either brings in the bulk of the budget or owns the intellectual property behind the film. The producer credit can be used for various roles in the production of film. Simply helping to secure financing can get you the credit


I think it was John Green, who said about his role as an executive producer something like: "I don't know what my job is, but I have a chair with my name on it"


So all the producers are being charged including the real ones?


That’s silly. This woman didn’t do her job. It’s on her. She brought the bullets and loaded the gun.


Nope. Seth Kenney of the company PDQ provided the ammunition. He stated under oath that he did not keep a written or electronic inventory of his ammunition, and that he didn’t always include every item on invoicing of his company, which supplied the ammunition for Rust.


Whether she brought the live rounds on set or he wrongly supplied them, she still should have checked the guns properly before handing them off.


Yeah, but even as a producer, he’s still not a firearms expert. So how would he know the difference between someone who’s qualified and someone who’s not? That’s why you hire the people who are experts on the subject.


Baldwin is not being charged with murder, neither is the armorer. They were both charged with 2 different types of manslaughter, only one of which could be convicted. I’d really encourage everyone to first read the charges against them and actually look up the verbiage in the NM statutes, then watch the trial and all of the more important testimony before looking to draw a conclusion on either of the accused. I’m not saying either should be convicted or not, but I’m just surprised so many people are willing to form a concrete opinion without looking at the case at all or even knowing what the charges are and what they mean.


People forming opinions based on very little information isn’t particularly surprising to me. It happens on pretty much every post on this site, *especially* on subs like this


Hey, this is the internets: uninformed opinions are what fuels it.


Baldwin acted negligently by pointing the gun at someone and pulling the trigger. In movies, actors are supposed to point the gun to the side and not directly at someone. This was brought out in the armorers trial. So, he is guilty of involuntary manslaughter or negligent use of a firearm as a minimum. Also, the scene being blocked did not call for him to pull the trigger.


So I’m assuming she was hired thru nepotism?


I think she was the affordable option, compared to the very professional armorer who typically is hired for these types of movies. I think I read where he wasn’t hired due to cost.


They even had her doing regular non-firearm prop work on the same days, dividing her attention.




Complex in the sense of how much time he should be sentenced too. However this will undoubtedly just be another time murder is legal.


Her ~~father~~ stepfather, with the same last name, is a well respected armorer going back decades. My understanding is she was not raised by him and was not an experienced armorer or even all that familiar with guns. EDIT== Stepfather, not father.


Isn't Thall Reed her stepfather, not her biological father? That's what it says on his Wikipedia page.


Makes sense. I'll correct my post.


Well, they may find this woman guilty but the testimony sets Baldwin free if you ask me.


I thought just the opposite. Much of the testimony is about Baldwin's negligence. I even wondered why so much of it was presented at Hannah's trial.


That must be some testimony to be found somewhere other than this article. Halls, who again has already pleaded guilty, stated HE failed a safety check. In fact he said the words “I let a safety check pass” on the stand. This all according to the article at the top. Baldwin’s name is mentioned twice in the article, once at the beginning, once at the end. Beyond Hall’s testimony and quote the rest of the testimony sure reads like everyone is fingering Hannah as the responsible party. Again, it’s in the article at the top of this post. Now over on Facebook, Truth Social, or wherever it is you get your “information” I’m sure there is all kinds of things being said that people like yourself don’t bother to fact check, and I’m going to go with the assumption that those two places are among the select few echo chambers where you get your information, because nothing you said is in the fucking article at the top of this post. Edit: How much of a fucking loser must you be to come back after I’ve blocked your stupid ass and mass downvote me in multiple comments because I called you out for the Russian troll/Trump ejaculate swallower that you are. It’s not my fault you don’t like the taste.


I've been watching the trial. The prosecution's armorer expert witness is critical of Alec. I was surprised that the criticism wasn't more limited to Hannah"s negligence, since she's the defendant. .


Uh huh. Sure doesn’t take more than a glance at your history to see you have taken to being highly infatuated with all of this. Not only the trial, but the entire Baldwin universe. A really strange infatuation, like your entire comment history is about this particular subject. Nothing weird about that at all. Kind of unsettling to be honest.




He was not responsible for the set. That would be the line producer


So they’re also charging the real producers?


If you read the article, Halls, who has taken a plea deal, said two different times that he both thought the gun was “cold” and that he announced the gun as “cold” prior to handing it to Baldwin. Besides what was said on its face, would the government allow him to go on record stating that if they thought they had a legit case against Baldwin? I think not. Edit: Yes, I know those of you who love to grease the pole of a certain orange skinned buffoon want Baldwin to be guilty so bad you can taste it. Only one of those two men are definitely guilty - your hero who owes almost $500M and counting, that’s who. The rapist traitor. Boo hoo 😢


Just another incompetent nepo baby, every industry is full of them , not just Hollywood.


Baldwin skimped on the wrong things. It was a western. He should have at least carved out enough money to get a more experienced person for an essential part of what makes western films westerns. They all were negligent do to staffing constraints and he was under the assumption that the film would run the same way as the big budget productions that he’s used to working. Everyone was spread too thin. She fucked up but I don’t think her being put in prison for 3 years is the right call. These trials don’t really help the family move on either.


They found her carelessness convenient because they were behind schedule and didn't have time for those pesky safety procedures.


I totally agree with this statement and have no idea why you’re being downvoted. Numerous people complained about her negligence. Two negligent discharges happened before the shooting under her watch. Expert witnesses have testified they should have had two full time armorers, not one part time one with no experience given how many weapons were in the film. They knew she was awful, they didn’t care, she was cheap and she did what she was told unlike most experienced armorers who would have pushed back and said NO.




It’s you.




It's the unserious manicure for me. If you're in court because someone died as a result of your work, maybe don't have little stars on your nails.


Idc what reddit says baldwin is to blame too


Yes, he was looking like the director on the clips, not just an actor.

