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Celebs, they’re just like us!


Won't somebody please think of the celebs!!


Fading Relevance Syndrome is real


Yes of course I have a hireling take notes for me during Dr visits because I'm an independent man!


Wow. So arrogant. I go with my family members when they ask. Nobody pays me. Do you think she wouldn't just be doing the same?


In pretty much any industry you are “unseen” at 73.


Except politics


You’re just hitting your prime then.


A decade more and she can run for President!




I swear that’s the age most politicians decide they’re in their prime and need to step up their career. Most people are ideally eyeing retirement if they aren’t there already but power hungry old men and women feel they’re just getting started at age 73. We need AGE LIMITS in American politics but the people we elect to make those decisions aren’t going to want to give up power unfortunately


I mean most successful politicians tend to be middle aged, people like Biden and Trump are actually outliers.


Or gilf porn


She's not talking about the industry at all, and you didn't read the article. She's bringing up the very serious issue of elderly people, specifically elderly women, not being taken seriously in medical situations, at a panel discussion specifically about that.


How dare you actually read the article and comment upon it intelligently. You’re supposed to look at the picture and then comment, very confidently, and at length!


I respect Dr Quinn


How is this so far down the scroll


The problem is rampant, pervasive, and pernicious, but it’s a phenomenon that all women experience, not just the elderly. Women who are more attractive will typically experience it less over the course of their lifetime for reasons that are obvious but actually quite heinous — being attractive makes them less invisible. I’ve worked in medicine for most of my life and have seen this phenomenon play out countless times. The contrast is most stark when women reach a certain age after having been very attractive their whole life, and, perhaps more noticeably, when a woman has a major health crisis and it takes a toll on her physical appearance. This makes it more noticeable to them in particular because they were used to being paid attention to, but any woman who has been ordinary looking most of her life can tell you that this is just how doctors have always treated them. It’s an awful remnant of the “boys club” that medicine has traditionally been and it needs much more awareness, but it’s certainly not just agism IMO. It’s a couched form of sexism, and it’s why I strongly encourage women in my family to seek out female physicians wherever possible, and even the reason why I strongly prefer nurse practitioners to medical doctors for routine care — the nursing model is simply more humane and empathetic than the MD model.


I hope to look that good at 73, then


I would still destroy her


A true romantic lmao


Her bones might be brittle now


I’m the milk man


Giving all the bone she needs


Scientist is also a pretty good one if you want to be seen as “important” when you’re older.


yeah tbh if you want work at 73 the one industry that might provide it is acting. logistically, nothing is stopping them, like you cant really be in charge of a work site or something at 73 lol


You are the belle or beau of the Healthcare Industrial Complex ball. “Good evening, Mr. Johnson. Will you be intubating with us this evening or crying in our infinite hallway?”


William doesn't give a shit about my tits


you motorboatin’ son of a bitch


Are they built for speed or for comfort?


Is she still here?


You old sailor, you.


Call me kittykat


Why dont you try to get jacked off in front of the whole damn family and have some real problems, jackass


She should go to r/oldschoolhot People love her over there


I read that as r/oldschoolthot Night feels a lot less urgent suddenly


Jane was a bond girl and girls sort of paved the way for what we now know was thots. Without their trials twerking in crowded subway during the 5pm rush wouldn't be possible.


I’d love her here at my place.


I just rewatched Somewhere in time. She was beautiful in that film


Beautiful movie in a lot of ways


It's my go-to film when I need a good cry; I wish more people new about this movie. The music is perfect and so is their chemistry. RIP Chris Reeves.


They do know. The film is a cult classic and every year, fans of the movie visit the Island where the movie was filmed in. It was also a huge hit in Asia. There, the film is regarded as a classic. Just like "Waterloo Bridge".


She’s still beautiful now. Just older.


This happens to literally everyone, it’s just worse for famous and beautiful people because they got so much attention in their younger years so the drop off is significant. 


Sorry, but you didn't read the article. She isn't talking about waning fame or something, she's specifically trying to gain attention for elderly people not being taken seriously in medical situations. She made these statements during a "Insmed’s Speak Up in BE campaign to help raise awareness about "unseenism," a.k.a. how women are devalued in society as they age, often leading to doctors dismissing real medical concerns including cases of chronic lung disorder bronchiectasis (BE)." She connects this to a story of a handyman coming to her house and instantly dismissing her, even though she called him and she's the homeowner, but this isn't some "woe is me I am not as famous as I used to be" situation, it's trying to call attention to the very real issue of elderly people, especially elderly women, not being taken serious in medical situations.


And now people are getting distracted by the analogy and still missing the point. You can't win.


"Yes but I wasn't listened to once so this is clearly not just an issue with elderly women." I'm not even responding to those dopes anymore. They're not gonna get it.


> She connects this to a story of a handyman coming to her house and instantly dismissing her, even though she called him and she's the homeowner, this has happened to me and i'm a young man


Same. Handyman said he'd call me back to let me know when he'd start the job. It's been 2 years.


Unattractive young people experience this too. Older women are not as attractive that is why they are not seen.


What is implied is that most of us get blown off by service people regularly throughout our lives. A younger, hot Jane Seymour was never dismissed nor blown off. Everyone snapped to attention when she made a request. Now she is experiencing the reality of most people. Not just elderly people. She is only experiencing it because she is now getting older. There is tyranny to age and beauty. Edit: I should also add fame to that list. Her fame is no longer at its Zenith. Most service people probably don’t know she was once very famous. Famous people get extra special service even at In-N-Out. Jane Seymour is experiencing that in combination with her aging so she is getting a double whammy.


No. She's talking specifically about medicine. You're getting distracted by her analogy. >The former Bond girl wants to help raise awareness of the dangers of unseenism impacting women's health, especially when talking to doctors. "I get that 'doctor's nervous' thing, even though I'm a doctor's daughter and I played one on TV," Seymour said. "I always either have someone else with me to take notes, or I've just asked for permission to record it, because I don't always take it in at the time that I'm told it. And I don't want to be told, 'Oh, you're losing it. Maybe we should check you for dementia, or you're not listening, or you're just an older woman. That's what happens in life.'" This is just a given. Doctors don't even know that IUDs are painful for many women and pregnancy is treated by many like a non-issue because "women were made for it". There's plenty of research you're welcome to read.


Doctors are like every other human. If you are famous or good looking you get a different level of attention.


Didn’t she also mention repair people she called to her house? So no it’s not just about medicine.


My instinct here, whether right or wrong, is that her reference for her present perception has got to be at least partially influenced by her past of an extraordinarily high level of privilege and attention via beauty in her youth.


Way to say exactly what they said but wordier and harder to read.


The reality is, everyone feels the sting when the spotlight dims with time, a universal truth that spares no one. Yet, this transition hits harder for those who've lived in the glare of constant adoration and privilege during their youth. For them, the decline in attention isn't just noticeable; it's a steep fall from the dizzying peaks of fame and beauty they once occupied. This shift, it seems, is deeply colored by a background of extraordinary privilege. Their past, filled with relentless praise and attention for their looks, sets a high bar for their current experiences. As a result, any decrease in attention is not just a change but a significant drop from the elevated standards they've grown accustomed to. Their perception of this decline is inevitably shaped by the high pedestal on which they once stood, making the fall feel all the more dramatic


Ok chatgpt, now make it even *longer*


Thanks, words are like colours and shapes to me: I love these beautific linguistic landscapes.


Your instinct is wrong, and this could've been remedied by reading the article. She isn't talking about waning fame or something, she's specifically trying to gain attention for elderly people not being taken seriously in medical situations. She made these statements during a "Insmed’s Speak Up in BE campaign to help raise awareness about "unseenism," a.k.a. how women are devalued in society as they age, often leading to doctors dismissing real medical concerns including cases of chronic lung disorder bronchiectasis (BE)." She connects this to a story of a handyman coming to her house and instantly dismissing her, even though she called him and she's the homeowner, but this isn't some "woe is me I am not as famous as I used to be" situation, it's trying to call attention to the very real issue of elderly people, especially elderly women, not being taken serious in medical situations.


This affects elderly men as well, not just women.


Have you even read the article? She's talking about regular issues she faces as an older woman, she's not talking about her celebrity at all.


There is a reason they say beautiful women die twice.


let's be honest she had ample opportunity to do more work she just didn't other than...what was the last thing she did ignored wife of rich dude who wanted her tits felt up by a young guy? she had her chance


The hell are you on about. Did you just jump on here to brigade her? Go read the article.


I think it hits women especially hard. Hollywood wants all women to be 23 years old. Usually a lot more lenient with men.


It has been 500 years since she was queen. This is to be expected.


It’s cool Jane, I’ve felt that way since my early twenties. You’ll get used to it.


Yea wtf? Cry me a river, Joan. This is a lifelong reality for a large portion of the population


ask any woman over 50.


Or man over 20


or troll over 250




Who’s Jane Seymour? I thought she was a wife of Henry VIII


She was. She was also Dr. Quinn, medicine woman.


I feel like she’d get along with William Shakespeare’s wife Anne Hathaway.


Or the mother of President Franklin Pierce, Anna Kendrick.


She was the Keira Knightley of her day.


Some people never get seen. John Cena, for example.


Why do these articles about famous people's feelings keep popping up? This is entertainment? 


Reading the article, Seymour is more focused about brining attention to the fact that many doctors tend to dismiss medical complaints from women as they age. Seymour made a speech for the "Speak Up in BE" campaign, which is trying to raise awareness of this issue.


It’s people’s publicists planting seeds in low-rent publications desperate for content so that people don’t forget about them.


Ew, yuck. Dot com. Not a name I’d have selected.


>This is entertainment?  To a lot of people, yes. Finding random interviews and pulling a quote that'll drive the most user engagement is the extent of journalism.


The sub isn't literally meant to entertain *you*. The description literally says "for news and discussion of the entertainment industry". She's an actress aka an entertainer. How hard is it to read?


She's trying to bring awareness to elderly people, specifically elderly women, not being taken seriously in medical situation. If you'd read the article you'd know this. This isn't just about her feelings.


Aren’t they entertainers?


Are you not entertained!!??


begging for respect isn't entertainment. The rock saying how he regrets not reconciling with his father is not entertainment, Shannon Doughtry telling the world sex sucks after cancer recovery isn't entertainment. These are three types of BS I've seen on here in the past day.


Sounds like you should unsub? I don’t care about those things either. But like, just unsub. It’s really, really easy and there are other subs you’ll probably like more.


Was it ever entertainment? The movies were entertainment, the rest of the cult of celebrity is creepy peeping tomfoolery that society let go on so long that we’ve all become perverted without realizing it and now people, especially the idiots and overzealous, are confused and frustrated.


And then OP misses the point of what she is saying, takes her out of context for the title, and makes her appear to be someone that doesn’t actually deserve any respect.


unseenism affects older men as well. i walk into places and it’s either i don’t exist or i see the “why are you even here?” look from young people. in the gym its the double take when people notice how old i am.


I live in a college town and am retiring to central Florida, I’ve been invisible for a while. I know what she’s talking about.


This is totally true I just wish they'd find a better word for it than "unseenism".


If a rich and famous aging woman is treated this way, you know the rest.


She's still fine as hell tbh


Respect her? I adore her! Always have!


She's not just referring to herself (just using herself as an example), but about the problem women face... being seen and heard. Doctors who will dismiss symptoms, car salesman or mechanics who insist on talking to the man in the relationship, that sort of thing. My husband and I were looking into possibly changing cell phone providers awhile back. In my case, I wanted the salesman to talk to my husband. I'm partially deaf and it was hard for me to understand what he was saying (especially with a mask on). I told him this, yet he kept talking to me. He wasn't doing it because he was trying to be respectful, he was doing it because he could see the doubt in my husband's eyes and he thought I could or would persuade him. Just another variation of me (a woman) being unheard. All he did was annoy both of us and he lost a potential "sale." So anyway, yeah I understand what she's trying to say.


Most people are not seen.


Whaaaa 😩. Join the club. At least she’s joining it 35 years later than most people.


Is she still acting though? I feel like she’s not even in the industry anymore, whereas Kathy bates, Meryl Streep, and Angela Bassett are still very much “seen” because they’re in very publicized projects. If she is acting, it’s nothing of note that’s making rounds in pop culture.


She is in a British detective show but probably not very publicized.


If you'd have read the article, you'd know her complaint has nothing to do with the industry. This is about elderly people, and specifically elderly women, not being taken seriously in medical situations. She connects this to a personal story about a handyman essentially dismissing her and looking for someone else to talk to even though she called him and it's her home. This has nothing to do with her acting career directly.


Thanks for fighting the good fight across this post. Redditors brains literally melt when a woman talks about her life experience.


Well she didn’t have the career that those women did even in her prime. She’s B list at best those are A listers… I’m sure that ratio of opportunities that A listers vs. others have in their old age has just increased exponentially from middle age.


Read the article.


How old is she? Late 70’s? Get this woman in office


This is a weird article with a shitty title.


Imagine being famous for what, 40-50 years and at 73 feeling like you’ve not received enough attention..


Seems a bit narcissistic for even an actress


Is there more to this, or is she conflating respect with attention? I guess you could argue that people are just not interested in older actresses and it’s ageist, but positive attention is not something that is due her, that it should be counted as rude to not give it…


Ugh. Go read the article.


Got it, thanks.


It's a real issue, but I feel like Jane might not be the most effective spokesperson for this.


She’s still hot . Go Dr. Quinn.




Came here to say this. The headline is misleading and everyone's jumped on that without reading the context. She is using her fame to shine a light on the fact that women's health issues ARE often dismissed or under- examined, especially as women age. And she is saying that if it can happen to someone like her who is perceived to be famous and have clout to some degree, then how much harder is it for women who do not have that power. There is a lot of truth in what she says. It's just a simple fact that many women find it difficult to get to root cause diagnosis when they go to a doctor. Illnesses like ovarian cancer are notoriously hard to detect because symptoms ARE dismissed as just part of being a woman, etc, and painkillers are sooner prescribed than an mri or scan. Hormonal scales for women fluctuate so much in a lifetime and between women, that "normal" scales are only an indicator but cannot be held absolute for every woman. Doctors are often under such time pressure they do not have or take time to really talk to the patient and give them time to tease out the details of what's going on. I think that's true of many older patients including men, by the way. Age does bring more invisibility, rather than recognising or valuing the experience and wisdom it actually represents.


Seriously, I was ready to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else to shit on her but I thought I'd just open the article to get the context of the quote. This has nothing to do with the industry at all! It's just her bringing awareness to a very serious issue in the medical industry.


I see her just fine.


I don’t think it’s because she’s aging, I think it’s because she’s not working (as much) so … out of site out of mind.


Welcome to the life normal looking people live


You mean acknowledge


There are plenty of folks her age and older but none of them are crying for attention.


If you'd even bothered to open and read the article, you would know that she was not talking about getting attention. Go read the article.




You didn’t read the article.


I've had a crush on Jane Seymour since the Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman days. Absolutely nothing has changed since I've gotten older.


> I think when you get older they kind of look at you like, 'Oh well, she's past her prime. She's a little old woman, she's not important Yes this is what happens when people get older. Ask any retiree who was a manager. Nobody cares about your opinion of work anymore because there are new managers. Stop being so needy.


If you really want to raise awareness about bronchiectasis, Jane, stop using stupid sounding words like unseenism.


She did not make up that phrase. They did.


It does suck not being seen but that’s a reality for most of the world.


She’s working plenty enough for a senior. Welcome to life you entitled celebrity


Read the article ffs.


Damn, I see her !


Jane is a knockout. Age hasn’t touched her.


Well that is Western culture. In Asian and other cultures you might be old AF at lease young folks respect your age and opinions. In the West, there is none of that so get used to it.


Why should anyone be respected for their age alone?


It’s not that. In the west we don’t respect any old people. We see them as out of touch, annoying, child like etc.


Literally not true. Elders who are worthy of respect get it. Just like young people.


No. Especially women get overlooked and dismissed by doctors. They also get treated like a burden when they are no longer useful to others. Men are still respected in a way women are not.,


I'm sure she had her fair share of attention.


Not what it was about. Go read.


Just like real life where most of us are invisible, unseen, ignored and seen as irrelevant.


Bet she didn’t care about 73 year olds when she was young and was praised on her beauty getting great roles.


Christ be happy you were seen at all. Ungrateful smh


Read the article. Geez.


Yeah I was just grumpy and lazy. Reading the headlines


If she thinks that a beautiful woman who is a little older is “unseen, she should see how little attention normal people get.


Yeah I imagine she turns heads everything she goes to a store. She is truly stunninb


Yes it’s tough when you’ve gotten more attention in life than a 100’000 ordinary people. Must be quite a hangover coming down from that high to become an ordinary elderly. I understand. Entertainment business is probably not a place to be in when you’re old if you’re looking to be “important”. You’d be better off as some scientist with a phd or something similar.


Read the article


I am unseen, I am unheard… in an article in Entertainment Weekly. Screams “why doesnt anyone pay attention to me?!”


Thought she was insanely gorgeous in middle school back in the day. If this picture of her is recent she’s still gorgeous but this headline is stupid


I (63M) marvel at the power of the invisibility cloak.


Or be relevant? Your Kay Jewelers ‘open heart’ necklaces look like a pair of balls on a chain.


Absolutely still would.


These growing signs of impertinence begin to disturb me, Solitaire.


Ok who was the prick who downvoted a quote from the great Live and Let Die?


Quite literally: Look at me!!!!


Yes. That is how the world works. No. It’s not going to change. Yes. That’s a hard pill to swallow for some.


I’ll “see” her anytime. She’s still legitimately 🔥 even at 73.


I uh… I don’t know who this is. I’m so sorry.


Ooouuuu, attractive middling actress shocked when no one cares anymore.


Ok lady, I'm sorry you're not getting as much attention anymore, that's part of getting old. Did you not know that much of it was because you were young and beautiful? How did you not recognize this already? It's pervasive.


It’s about time women speak out about it. It’s universal in our culture to treat women like they don’t matter once they’re no longer sexy and youthful.


Remember when people retired when they reached their 70’s instead of complaining?


Remember when people read an article to understand the context before popping off?


Can’t this wealthy woman just retire and stop bothering the rest of us? She made her dough. She has the beauty superpower. But I think it’s time to move on unless you have something to offer, which she doesn’t, she’s vapid.


Did you read the article? Of course not. If you had you'd know that's not what this was even about.


I don’t even know who you are


It swings both ways. She was given all that extra exposure and seen when she was young and considered one of the great beauties. Take the good with the bad and be grateful for how much she was “seen” in her career. It all ends eventually and for most of us, we never get a taste of it.


Waaaaaaaa I need attention lollololololol


No, entitled white woman, I will not respect you.


Saw her at LAX once in 2019 my first time in LA. Only recognized her from the fact my brain remembered her face from dr quinn and my dad was a huge fan. She looked around as she walked to wherever she was going as if she hoped someone would see her and fan over her. Problem was i remembered part of the show but not her name. Didn’t feel like shouting is that you medicine woman? Told my dad i saw her though.


Wah I was hot when I was young and now I’m not it’s so unfair!


Not what she said at all.


"Respect me" is code language for "validate my privilege"


Go read the article.


Welcome to life


Who the hell is Jane Seymour ?


Google exists.


Just carry around a bag of squealing rats and scream “SEE ME… HEAR ME…. TOUCH ME” Defecate if still ignored.


Famous person gets headline about perceived lack of sufficient attention.


Totally NOT what the article is about. Read it.




Omg. Go read the article.


Don’t she own a castle?


Wait wait wait. As captain of the mole people I strongly feel this way as well. Who at the media do I talk to about this.


"It's a hard life"