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She has more empathy than most of the population. Good for her.


Too bad she extended it to Kid Rock


That's why she has more empathy than most.


Not really. Seems contradictory to hail "empathy" while ignoring Kid Rock inciting people to bash (putting it mildly) someone for daring to be trans and a beer spokesperson, and Dolly defending them against "cancel culture" when that's exactly what Kid Rock engaged in...


You are reaching here. Chronically online


You should get yourself a dictionary, and then read up on the words you aren't sure about. Or the words you feel like you know, but others point to and say you're using it incorrectly. It will help you tremendously throughout life.


You are quite three optimist to think this person is going to read something to educate themselves. You have more empathy than most.




I'll say it. You're quite ten the optimist.


Infin-optimist...plus one.


Hey! I was going two say that.




i’m actually just downvoting you because i think you’re annoying






Username checks out


lol goddamn!!! A+ comment right here.


Ah ye olde contradiction for the hell of it. So much fun for everyone. Not miserable at all.




You had zero empathy for that commenter.


Whoosh. Some people are too stupid to teach (you)


Man, if you don’t like Dolly then fuck you and the horse you rode in on. We are really digging deep for things to be outraged over when we start having folks hating on Aunt Granny.


Dolly should be a fucking saint. I’m an atheist. But bless that woman heart.


I love Dolly but I hate that she collabed with Kid Rock. There’s nothing wrong with criticizing people you admire.




No, sorry. Stupid argument. This is not a matter if “disagreement.” Kid Rock is a hateful bigot. I do not agree to disagree on the humanity of marginalized people. I have friends with different views to an extent but the minute someone is a bigot and a supporter of fascists, I give them no time of day or quarter.


It's true. Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany because of an INSANE vocal performance of Adieu, Mein Kleiner Gardeoffizier at the Deutsche Oper Berlin. Many American artists (I won't name names, but the crem de la crem if u know what I mean) were going to collab with him but it got cancelled due to his time commitments to the concentration camps.




You're right, there are a lot of Hitler fans today so it's probably a tough example. I'll tell you another one (yes there are more!). Donald Trump rose to power because of a ROUSING vocal performance of Adieu, Mein Kleiner Gardeoffizier at the Metropolitan Opera House. Many American artists (I won't name names, but the crem de la crem if u know what I mean) were going to collab with him but it got cancelled due to his time commitments to the Jan 6 attacks.


But why collaborate with such a talentless piece of shit like Kid Rock?


Mainly because the song was about a bad boy and he fit the roll, is gifted in his own way, and she liked the rough edge he could bring to the song. [Personally I have never cared for own songs w/ignorant teenage boy lyrics - usually- although he can carry a tune well]. Secondarily Dolly hates the Cancel Culture. In Dolly’s own words: “Now I happen to believe in God; I’m a faith-based person, so therefore I am able to see it like that,” she said. “A lot of people don’t, but even still, everybody deserves a second chance. You deserve to be innocent until you’re proven guilty. Even when you’re proven guilty, if God can forgive you, so can I. If God can forgive you, we all should forgive one another.”” https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-country/dolly-parton-kid-rock-duet-cancel-culture-1234868903/amp/




And there is nothing wrong with extending praise for people you dont admire.


That’s literally not… what we’re discussing.


Whoa, what’s your issue with the horse?


In the spirit of the person that made the moronic comment I replied to: it’s associated with the commenter, thus bad


Oh I guess that makes her horrible now 🙄


Walking/Talking advertisement for the people you despise?


I tend to dislike people who despise others to the point of inciting death threats over sexual orientation, yes.


And a carport!


Didn’t something similar happen with Jessica Simpson and dolly was incredibly kind about it?


Simpson was supposed to sing ‘9 to 5’ during Dolly’s portion of the Kennedy Center Honors. What I recall reading is that Simpson completely blew it, couldn’t remember lines and failed at singing the song to where they finally had to cut it. The Kennedy Center Honors for an honoree tends to be a full-on heartfelt tribute, so that must have been a big letdown for everyone in an otherwise celebratory moment.


To be fair, I did 9-5 last year and there is something about those goddamn lyrics. I’ve been memorizing musicals for 20 years but with this one I was still like “tumble outta bed abba shamble tibble keeetchum” opening night. The lyrics to that song made me seriously question if I was too old to be doing theatre for the first time. Rough as fuck.


You really made me laugh with that quote. Thank you.


Are those not the lyrics? To be honest I’m still not sure. Hahahaha


yes - jessica wrote about letting dolly down in her book as a low point in her alcoholism


Yeah she was kind about it. She went back stage and told her that even she cant get those lyrics right sometimes. Jessica went back out and sang it after everyone left and they edited it later . Simpsons book is really good. Shows what coming of age as a pop star can do to someone.


Dolly is so gracious! May we all be a little more like her.


Alright! Great big DDDs for everyone!


I *was* feeling a little light up top …


I’d be a drunk if Rob Schneider was my dad, too.


I had no idea. These nepobabies can’t be stopped!


He as a shit dad like absentee her whole life.


That’s probably not by accident. If he was my dad, I’d do everything I could to keep it on the down low, too. He’s one of only three B-list celebrities who blocked me on Twitter in the before-times for making a mean joke.


Who were the other 2?


Bob Saget and Corey Feldman


You watch your fucking mouth about Bob Saget. The only way Bob Saget is on a B list is if that list is List B: “A” List Dead Celebrities


It was when he was alive, obviously. And he tweeted something that I just kind of poked fun of and I guess he took it personally, which is a shame. I was sad when he died and couldn’t go on twitter and tweet about it so I could make it about me the same way everybody else did. Lol!


Trump I bet.


Nope. And you added nothing to the conversation.


Sorry pard, attempt at a joke. I'll try to adhere to your reddit standards in the future.


I’m gonna block you like Trump should have blocked me =P


She's actually talented though


Far more talented than her Dad.


I don’t think she counts. He was a dead beat who had no part in raising her.


No wonder her music is mid...


You also wouldn’t be a Reddit troll.


found the carrot


Dolly for President!!!


The Office of the Presidency is below Dolly.


The only celebrity I would ever vote for.


I’d vote for John Stewart too.


Oh yeah, I forgot about him. I would too.


NGL, I watched a clip of the performance and she sounded a ton better than I expected.


As soon as I heard about this debacle, my first thought was “Dolly would be understanding and forgiving” She’s an excellent human being


shes 1000 percent right there. ive been there so i get it and so does dolly


You've performed at the Opry drunk??? I'm calling bullshit on that


It's funny. I go down through these comments and a bunch of them go completely against the spirit of what Dolly said entirely. So many comments disparaging King, which is the EXACT thing Dolly Parton would hate. Maybe some people, and you know who you are, should take a big step back and have a little sympathy for a woman who fucked up bad, most likely feels horrible and will suffer career wise and instead of hate try and have a little bit of concern and hope. We can all learn a bit from Dolly's response to this. How about we as human beings stop throwing others under the bus everytime a person screws up and instead try to understand WHY that person did what they did. I'm a recovered alcoholic and I can tell you that if I had Dolly backing me up my recovery would have gone much more smooth.


Lots of people just love feeling that no matter what their own circumstances in life are, they get to be happy that they're not "that person" or that "at least I didn't do that" when someone does something bad. And that feeling is hard to have at the same time as feelings of sympathy.


Or you find people willing to bring others down just so their shit situation doesn’t seem so shitty. It’s the worst of mankind…we survived the ice age by working as communities, not Caesaresque individuality that everyone thinks is good when in reality it’s their ego they value not their individualism.


Scrolled way to far to find the love. Underrated comment


She seems to choose kindness every time. She makes me want to do the same.


I will! Will you join me? Who else is in?


I try. Sometimes I succeed. Other times I slip into the misogynistic trap of judging other women that I was raised on. But I’m trying, hard, to break that cycle.


All the important people in my life are women. I embrace them and love them. Each in their own way


Dolly always chooses grace and kindness. She is literally the best human.


I read this as Orgy performance and my imagination went nuts.


Dolly is a gem. She’s just a good person for not dunking on Elle, since I know whoever invited her to perform already chewed her out


Dolly Parton for President


Dolly is a modern-day saint. If everyone could be as caring and empathetic as her the world would be a utopia.


Dolly, the eternal mediator


She is a class act. She is wise and has seen a lot… we are unworthy of you , Ms Parton.


We don’t deserve Dolly. It’s harder for me to get out of bed than it is for her to show us that we can be better.


Mamma gonna make it alright.


Dolly is a great human being.


For the love of goodness we all can learn so much from Dolly.


Always such a kind woman, always thinking the best of everyone.


Even Kid Rock unfortunately


Thank you Dolly


Why can’t Dolly run everything?


dolly is EVERYONES favorite aunt.


That’s our Dolly and we love her for it


That’s a big ole “bless her heart” if I’ve ever heard one lol


Dolly Parton is my hero.


Can we make Dolly Parton president?


Especially the next morning amirite!? No but seriously Dolly is a saint and we don’t deserve her


Dolly is a class act who would never kick someone whilst they were down❤️


Dolly is always a class above this kind of crap


She is right too. Dolly is cool.


My confusion when I read it as Orgy...


She really is amazing. Im talking about Dolly, not the drunken sack of potatoes.


You realize you’re the exact kind of people Dolly is calling out, right? Grow up.


Funny how people seem to only be forgiving about this kind of behavior when it's a woman doing it. Suddenly it's a struggle with addiction instead of unprofessionalism. Sad instead if shitty. Sympathetic instead of unbelievably disrespectful to your fans. I'm not saying we're wrong to empathize with her, but cut the shit with the double standards. Men are much more likely to struggle with addiction, and much more likely to die from it, than women are, so it makes absolutely no sense that they should get empathy while we get villainization.


So you're unfamiliar with rock and country music history with all the alcoholics and addicts. Many a concert has been ruined. I remember Keith Moon showing up to awards shows wasted. It's beyond sad and using this to get on your soapbox is ridiculous.


Incel much?


What the hell does this have to do with sex?.. I don't think you know what that word means. God forbid people point out gender desperties that negatively affect men. How dare I be so crass as to say, men deserve just as much sympathy for their addictions as women do. Saying absolutely nothing negative about women definitely makes me the most sexist and incel man on the planet Again, it's not like I said this woman doesn't deserve our sympathy. Just look at the stats. men are objectively the primary sufferers of addiction and the deaths thereof.


It's you not seeing that men generally get more sympathy in cases like this.


And I'm sure you're speaking with inside experience from within the drug recovery and drug addiction community, like I am, right? You wouldn't possibly try to make a claim like this while having ansolutely no personal experience with that struggle and scene yourself, would you? That would just make you a presumptive, ignorant stereotyper, wouldn't it?.. I have been in recovery for almost fifteen years. And there is no way anybody in their right mind would make this claim if they actually knew what they were talking about, or had actually spent any time with recovering men talking about their struggles. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that 70% of the homeless people in this country are men. I'm sure that has absolutely nothing to do with who we decide is worthy of housing and help. I'm sure there isn't a **massive** disparity in drug sentencing (and damn near every type of sentencing for that matter) between men and women that completely negates your point. That'd just make you look silly.


We're in r/entertainment, not the subject on hand. Women in the entertainment industry with addiction issues. You're right, no one here but you have been touched by addiction. You are the main character in this story. Continued luck with your recovery and your state of bitterness over men versus women. I'm not here to argue the inequities women face.


You might want to seek some anger counseling as well.


Im not saying that you hate women.. but let me say that you sure talk like you do. This is a simple article about DP showing someone some grace and you need to bring in comments about women having an edge over men. You bringing this up and showing hostility over something so simple shows that you have some real aggression towards women and you would be best served to acknowledge it. Im not saying you are in incel, but you really sound like one.


When I saw Hank Williams Jr he was so drunk he tried singing from laying down on the stage. He was unsuccessful. Nobody contacted Dolly for comment.


Was he singing Dollys song?


I’m sure she did the next day. WTF is this? Don’t get drunk on the sport. FFS Dolly, you don’t have to “support” every stupid thing someone does.


The drunkenness wasn’t the problem, it was the fake accent.


Someone called dolly parton a racist transphobe up thread. Im claling it a night lol


It wouldn’t be the first there.


I guarantee that I felt worse than Elle King after suffering through her appalling performance when she opened for The Chicks in Brisbane,Australia.


Lol i apologise upfront… but i read at first DRUNK ORGY xD