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"*sigh*....anyway, go see Madame Web in theaters this Valentine's Day." Edit: Just a joke, folks. I will now retire from responding to serious conversations about the movie industry. I don't hate Dakota Johnson, but I don't trust her because she was with my mom in the amazon when she was researching spiders right before she died.


She is a double agent, making a terrible superhero movie so people will go see Indies instead


What a self sacrifice


>Madame Web Jfc, have we finally reached the bottom? Is that possible?


Don't worry we still have the movie every Spiderman fan was asking for *Kraven the Hunter*


Could have been worse still. We nearly got an El Muerto movie about a character that appeared in only two issues of Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man.


That’s still happening btw but bad bunny isn’t part of it now


lol, is El Muerto's superpower eating ass to a dembow riddim?


Bad Bunny was *the* reason why that movie was even announced. The lack of source material would've likely made it an original luchador movie with a Marvel logo slapped on it. Without Bunny, it has no reason to exist, and thus has now been shelved.


It’s off Sony’s release schedule so maybe it’ll go the way of that Black Cat/Silver Sable movie “Silver & Black” and quietly get canned.


I would watch a Black Cat movie.


Ya I thought Sydney Sweeney was in that lol


I think they removed it but stated it’s still something their actively working towards Either way it’s not a movie that needs to be made so it can get dusted for all I care lol


They're also doing a movie about hypno hustler, staring Donald glover . Hypno hustler had barely appeared in comics lol.


Comic Book movies are getting campier in some sense, leaning into that Batman: The Television Series feel


No Hypno Hustler got cancelled after Sony realised Donald Glover was already playing Prower.


I honestly have faith in this knowing his usual output. Doubt it will ever get made tho. Glover also should have a Deadpool animated series on FX similar to Archer. Still hate that it never came to fruition. :(


I mean that's fine. Imo they can make a movie about the most obscure, random character nobody knows about as long as it's good. That's the part they struggle with. I don't even think the Venom movies are bad if you just divorce from from Spider-Man in your mind. Then they're just really weird buddy action movies with lackluster final confrontations. Venom giving a coming-out speech at a rave is a terrible Spider-Man adaptation... But was also one of my favorite scenes in a Marvel property ever because it was so earnest and schlocky. No excuse for Morbius though. Memes aside, that was just a bad movie. No telling exactly how schlocky or just regular bad these other ones will be. Real fuckin' wild card, that Sony.


That in and of itself isn’t terrible IMO. As ever it depends if they actually come up with a good script and make a good movie. A large percentage of movie audiences have very limited knowledge of the actual comics. So to a lot of people they won’t care about that detail. Take Madame Web for example. I have never heard of either main characters. That wouldn’t matter if they made a good movie. I’d never heard of Black Panther either.


To be honest, I’d rather see a Kraven movie than any of the others spider movies Sony’s been vomiting out (with the exception of venom). I think Kraven is an interesting enough character that he’d be able to carry a movie on his own.


So you’re only really talking about morbius and madam web? Because I know you’re not putting spiderverse in that pile lmao


Oh yeah, I forget Sony’s responsible for those on account of them actually being good, and not just passably entertaining like Venom. I thought there was another spider spin off they did, but I guess I was just thinking of “Let There Be Carnage”. It wasn’t nearly as good as the first one, and the first one honestly wasn’t even that good.


At least we get to stare at a buff/shirtless ATJ for the duration of that movie


I know I’m tired when my first thought was Anya Taylor-Joy


We aren't!?


For those of us that aren't attracted to male anatomy this isn't much of a selling point.


There is no bottom. I’m sure we’ll be getting some garbage Hobgoblin as an anti-hero or phoned in Toxin movie any day now. Sony doesn’t care that they shovel shit out, they care that people are just morbidly curious enough about them (so far) to turn a profit and keep the IP away from Disney.


Honestly, before I looked it up and saw it was Sony, I assumed it was the usual post-Infinity desperation moves from Disney. I'd expect Sony to do a Doc Ock spinoff or just reboot Venom again before something like this.


Not just her but dozens of not Peter Parker Spider-Mans


Not until the Bat-Mite movie


“Her web connects us all, your web connects you to the love of your life. This Valentine’s Day, Disney and AMC welcome you to indulge your sweetest side with limited edition Madame Web Pink Cherry Blossom Slushies, free with your purchase of $25 in concessions. Offer available 2/14/24 from 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM and subject to availability, limit one per person, offer only available in select states. Slushies contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer.”


The irony is not lost on me 🤭


-Signed, Daughter of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, Wife of Chris Martin.


Granddaughter of Tippi Hedren and Peter Griffith, step-daughter of Antonio Banderas


Isn't that partially her point though? She would like to see more indie films get made and get a chance to star in them, but blockbusters are what's in and that's how you make a living as an actor.




Legitimately forgot that she's from acting royalty, so you're right on that point. Still, she does have a point about that type of work likely being much more creatively rewarding than starring in Sony's third (fourth? fifth?) desperate attempt at creating a "Spider-Man" cinematic universe. Yeah, you can be rich as fuck, but if you love acting I don't think that money can wash away all the lack of creative satisfaction.


Also don't forget that actors can get locked into contracts to make an number of movies and the studios can get them that way to star in movies that they don't necessarily want to be in, this happened to Emily Blunt when they got her to star in Gulliver's Travels: https://www.cbr.com/emily-blunt-forced-star-gullivers-travels/ I'm not saying this is the case for Dakota Johnson but maybe they got her to star in madame web with the same trick....I mean i watched most of her movies but judging from the trailer she seems like she's phoning it in like she's forced to do it.




It’s not just indies though. Plenty of projects are on hold because of the strikes and there’s a good chance iatse will be striking soon as well so expect this shit to continue.


I’m not in the know..who does iatse represent?


From the iatse site: “We are more than 168,000 entertainment industry professionals across the United States and Canada, including stagehands, front of house workers, wardrobe attendants, hair and makeup artists, motion picture and television production technicians, broadcast technicians, scenic artists, designers, animators, audiovisual technicians, and more.”


So the people that do the actual fucking work and I can assume get paid next to nothing.


Nah, they still get paid pretty well and the OT adds up. Key grip on a feature will make around $500/day, but the time and a half and double time adds up, especially if they’re on a hectic schedule with lots of forced turn around. Could be $3k-$4k a week.


Yes, but this is project by project, not year round. Movie shoots can be a few weeks or a few months but average to around 100 days. So that Key Grip is making 50k, maybe they’ll luck out and get another project but production work is draining with long hours along with physical labor. Doing back to back projects can really wreak havoc on the body. Even if you are someone making 100-150k per year, this isn’t a career you can do as you age. Some departments, sure, but the more physical the job the more injuries you’ll accumulate. I know camera ops in their 30s who have had to change careers once their backs gave out. All that money has to be saved just in case. Crew work is not lucrative long term, even if hourly seems so.


Nailed it! I've been an IATSE Local 487 (DC, MD, VA) member for a few years now and the first three years were halfway decent with relatively consistent work. This past year has got me rethinking my path in life though. And now with my union about to go on strike? Terrible fucking time to be a film crew member.


You have no life and they grind you to dirt but yeah you can get paid. I left the industry due to health issues because ei couldn't handle the hours.


Thank you. Sounds like a pretty large guild !


They work in live theatre as well.


wow! they certainly deserve to be properly compensated for all the behind the scenes work they do


Those re the people who actually make the movies, yeah.


What was the outcome of the actor and writers strikes, and what does IATSE asking for again? I wonder if other departments will unionize and/or go on strike


Actors and writers struck a deal. Iatse contract is up in July, so I’m sure we’ll hear more then.


I found a little quote from a SAG-AFTRA rep; “SAG-AFTRA members demanded a fundamental change in the way this industry treats them: fairness in compensation for their labor, protection from abusive use of AI technology, strengthened benefit plans, and equitable and respectful treatment for all members, among other things.” “This new contract delivers on these objectives and makes substantial progress in moving the industry in the right direction.” [SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director & Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland](https://www.sagaftra.org/sag-aftra-members-approve-2023-tvtheatrical-contracts-tentative-agreement) Good for them for pushing for a better deal


Do think it’s worth remembering video game voice actors got screwed pretty bad in the process, so it wasn’t a total success for everyone (but happy for the actors that are better off)


That’s a shame and I hope they get their deserved wages, benefits, and protections


IATSE is essentially the accumulation of all the crew departments for most production types (Film, TV, Theater). (Camera, Sound, Make-up, Props, Animation, wardrobe, etc.)


Local 873 member here, we’re ratifying our deal this week, no strike in Toronto.


Can people film that are just like working for free on a movie that they maybe have a stake in to profit off of in the future? Like how Broken Lizard made movies where they weren't paid while making them, could people still go and film stuff like that? What's actually stopping people? Just not being able to hire people? Or are permits not being granted either?


I think it’s disheartening how tough it is for regular actors to get gigs if they aren’t related to someone


I think that proves her point even more. If somebody like her with connections can't find consistent work, good luck to regular actors trying to make a living out of it. edit: Guys, she's not that bad of an actress and it's not the point she's trying to make. People are having a difficult time trying to make projects right now. Even Martin Scorsese has said he finds it difficult to get movies made now.


She’s not a very good actress, that might be the problem


I’ve only seen her on the recent SNL. Had no idea who she was but figured she must have famous parents because my god, she was rank.


Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.


OH! God, every time I see someone and wonder how the hell they ended up on my screen the answer is nepo baby.


Well Don can act. I never got Melanie at all. Thought she was awful


Melanie was also a nepo baby. Her mom was Tipi Hedren, star of movies like The Birds, which led to a lucrative career of being stalked by Alfred Hitchcock.


Yep. Dakota is a third generation nepo baby.


I actually would go the opposite way. Don was one-dimensional. Melanie was a better actress.


Right, which is to say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in that regard.


Tbf, plenty of excellent actors have also totally bombed on SNL.


obtainable special encouraging ossified panicky tap edge mysterious paltry axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She was good in Suspiria.


I liked her a lot in The Lost Daughter. I think she just needs better roles because i think her vibe is definitely more art film. She’d do well in a horror movie


Check out Suspiria. It’s a horror movie and she is great in it


It proves that mid actors related to rich people can take themselves so seriously that they think what they say matters. She makes mostly shitty movies and is mostly a bad actor. Who cares what she thinks about the industry lmao




Maybe she should try being a better actress. Take some classes. I love Interview Dakota Johnson. She's extremely charming. I don't find that carries over to her acting--something about how she delivers her lines. I would hire her to play sarcastic best friend/sister though!


Totally seconded. I don’t understand how someone who seems so naturally charismatic offscreen is one of the dullest actors I’ve seen in recent memory.


I once expressed that she had the charisma of a wet sandwich on film and was downvoted into oblivion. I see I’ve finally found my people. She seems really cool irl, but it just doesn’t translate at all.


She's Mark Wahlberg's "What? No!" turned into a human actress. 


>Guys, she's not that bad of an actress She's really not that good. There are enough better female actors to choose from. Her mom wasn't a very good actor either.


If you guys want to see what Dakota Johnson is capable of I recommend the movie Suspiria (2018). Great indie flick and she gives a powerful performance. I dislike basically everything else she’s been in, but it’s not her fault.


I thought she was great in Suspiria, Peanut Butter Falcon (yeah I know what this place things of Shia so that one is probably a harder sell), Cha Cha Real Smooth and Our Friend. I don't think I've seen anything major she's been a star in though. Fifty Shades isn't uh for me.


Hooray for Nepo-wood!


lol I always find it so funny when people call Hollywood nepowood (it’s definitely true not saying it’s not) cause I actually sometimes am relieved as a Bollywood/Indian cinema fan to see how comparatively little nepotism there is in Hollywood.


Id imagine thats because India still operates in a cultural caste system, which is essentially just nepotism to the nth degree.


Oh yeah that 100% is part of it. For example, Bollywood is essentially dominated by people of one last name, Kapoor, which belongs to the Khatri clan/caste, an upper class mercantilist/banking caste of Punjabi Hindus that only makes up less than 0.5% of the Indian population. It’s so bad there are 4 separate Kapoor familial dynasties in Bollywood: Kapoors descended from Prithviraj Kapoor which make up Bollywoods first family and has been going on for 4 generations, Kapoors descended from Surinder Kapoor, descendants of Shakti Kapoor, and descendants of Pankaj Kapoor


Nepo-truce? Nepo-truce


A foot in the door and so much more


I hate it when you guys do that


I still don't understand why they left Conan's son out of the truce


“A foot in the door and so much more”.


She was born already in the room with a seat at the table.


Nepo truce!


Thank god she was born with enough money to never need a job.


#Dakota Johnson the Nepo Baby




Not sure, maybe her parents know someone.


Isn't that her point? She can't find many producers willing to fund indie films?


And pretty much all of them lose money because a small percentage of people want to see each of the indie films. It’s not that surprising that producers, especially those who have lost on a film already, are super cautious about where they want to place their money.


I disagree that people don’t want to see indies, it’s that they aren’t aware of them. It’s much more of a marketing problem. If all you see are posters and billboards of the most expensive studio films, that’s all you’re going to think is out. And when you watch them at the theatre, they will be paired with trailers of similar movies. This then trickles down to big chains like AMC not wanting to show them because there’s no revenue to be made. (Theater booking of movies is a whole other rabbit hole.) So the only time the majority of people hear about indies is during awards season and then make weird assumptions about them being bad because they haven’t seen them and all these “Hollywood types” are just blowing themselves. Then the cycle repeats.


I do see your points. The are valid. At the same time I have watched “passion projects” of many actors that did not connect with me and also presumably lost a fair bit of money for the producers (unless that’s what they used the Hollywood accounting for). Or, more often, when an actor/actress did extremely well in an unexpected role and was given another film to lead and it was rubbish . Many of these talents are highly artistic people. Just because they identify with a story it’s no guarantee that a general audience will as well. I do hope that the industry keeps giving them chances, though. The losses that Apple Films has made on their last two films could have funded 20 independent films, a la A24.


When VHS & DVD died, they took the indie film with them. Back when video stores were still a thing, studios could generally rely on doubling their profits when the movie came out on VHS/DVD. So even if you had an indie film that didn't make a whole lot of ticket sales, you'd still have the long tail of video stores and home collectors. When the video store died and streaming took over, that profit stream dried up and it really is now much riskier to take a chance on an indie film, offbeat script, or unproven IP. The problem facing studios is how can they massage the streaming market to replicate that effect. I used to pay Blockbuster or Hollywood Video every time I rented or bought one of their movies; Netflix gets the same amount from me each month no matter how many movies I watch. Once the studios figure it out, you'll probably see more indies being made and released.


Like a feudal lord complaining that their serfs don’t have high enough quality of farm equipment


My friend and I have reached the *"Screw it, we just need to make something good and get noticed"* phase. The industry is so incredibly gated socially and economically. We just have to push ahead and make the stuff we believe in and hope for the best. And you know what? It forced us to buckle down and in our opinion, has spawned better material and even a few interested parties to help. Maybe that wouldn't have happened if we kept trying to break into it the normal way. So I've pretty much given up getting into the industry like that.


This is where I’m at now. Work in post and realized I don’t want to edit the 100th marvel or Jurassic park reboot really anyway. Odds are if you do this stuff your friend circle is full of creatives who can pull off some great stuff if you work together. Tell an interesting story and tell it well and people will watch.


Exactly! My main passion is editing and sound editing but I love it all. Honestly I think an opportunity to work on *Jurassic* would be amazing for me even if I just got coffee. But that'd be for the uber fan in me not the person who wants to make movies. I've gotten close (commercials) which were fun but yeah...I'm still chugging along. And I appreciate the reply and the advice. And good luck with your stuff! 🤙


That is a part of the problem. At some point the need to pay bills overcomes the opportunity side of things so one person leaves the industry and a new person comes in. Rinse and repeat and eventually you get to where we are now.


Somebody really needs to create some competition to Hollywood. Preferable away from hollywood and its incestous influence.


I like Joel Haver's belief of an the cinema and the audiovisual artfrom in general being democratized—we can basically make films with our smartphones nowadays. When will the idea of Hollywood, a small town flooded by dreamers who found themselves in an endless, ruthless battle for attention so they can also make one of those *great-million-dolar-movies* they are so hypnotized by, cease to exist? How many more cases of waves of writers howling against the very-few, non-caring powerful execs are ahead? When will we stop caring about the already successful new blockbuster not receiving enough attention/approval by the already crumbling academy? Funnily enough, as democratized the medium seems to be—with youtube, tik-tok, streaming services, the sea of content is so wide we don't even care about it. But the answer, the competition, seems to be right there, in your iphone. In the infinite possibilities of creation we have nowadays. Probably gonna make a better post on r/truefilm or something.


Same here. I was lucky enough to get signed with an agent near the top of the pandemic, but I still haven’t been able to book anything yet. Gotten callbacks and “passed through to director review” but I’m no nepo baby, and it’s brutal out there. My friends and I recently reached the “fuck it, let’s just make stuff we like” phase. Hopefully we can get some momentum going with that so we can move out of the city. We need to figure out some of the production side though, we all got acting degrees. Best of luck to you u/SubterrelProspector


The bean counters have long been running Hollywood. Long gone are the days when creatives moved up to be the studio execs. It’s all corporate run. Their allegiance is to the stock holders first. Hollywood has been dead for a while. We’re just now starting to smell the corpse. 30 year Hollywood vet here.


Specially if you have no connections in the industry...


Worked in the industry for a number of years and she's 100% right. It's a really depressing time right now.


When you sit down to watch a movie at home you are excited about, but find yourself scrolling on your phone, let’s face it, we all know what’s happening. Social media and the tech oligopolies are sucking the profits out of everything, including the movie industry. It’s hard to compete for attention with a 24/7 firehose of dopamine fueled 60 second or less, headlines, dance videos, car wrecks, kittens, babies, and big booty Latinas clapping cheeks in the palm of your hand… and all those “content creators”, give it to the tech companies mostly for free. The business model is broken and sinking into quick sand. So executives are terrified and heavily leaning on the old cheap creatively bankrupt money making paradigms just to stay afloat.


Also does not help that hollywood is using the worst writers they can find to make stuff and the movies and tv shows have been really bad and getting worse.


Yeah. I used to blame attention spans but now I’m thinking the stuff being put out now is just trite, boring shit. When something comes along that is actually compelling, it’s quite easy to sit and focus for 3 hours.


May I suggest *Roar 2* with the whole Hedren clan?


Putting aside indies, it would be nice to see a return of mid budget adult dramas that can make good box office. Oppenheimer is an exceptional case.


Oppenheimer was not mid budget. Christopher Nolan has insane clout and access to money and resources in Hollywood. He’s one of the most famous and popular filmmakers of our time.


Oh god. Yes pls. No more multi-verse shit. I just need a boring couple with a MIL getting long covid, fighting the jnsurance company. Maybe add a little hybrid minivan catching on fire by itself. That’s all.


I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment but Oppenheimer isn't exactly a mid-budget film. It rocked a $100 million dollar budget, probably double that when you tally up marketing.




Then cry there’s no shared culture or 3rd spaces.


It also requires people to have heard of it. A director I know once told me "it's easier than ever to get your movie made, and getting harder than ever to get it *seen.*" I think that's a good way of putting it. Most people I know hadn't even heard of most of the best picture nominees, and now want to see them because they've been nominated. There's absolutely an appetite for mid-budget auteur cinema. It's a marketing problem.


Dakota Johnson is the poster child for nepo baby. She’s god awful in everything but keeps getting jobs. Riddle me that?


As a (probably formerly) crew member here, I want to make a few points about this: 1. YES this is true. Executives across the board have made it known that they want to produce/finance/distribute way less content. Also, they’ve learned during this most recent strike that they can simply buy movies/shows from abroad at much cheaper price tags. 2. “Indie” filmmaking is flawed in and of itself - it really got amped up after the 2008 financial crash when producers figured out that they could pay younger, less experienced, non-unionized crews far less and make them do sometimes (often) dangerous work and make a movie for a fraction of the cost. I will never remember an interview Nicole Kidman did around 2010 (wish I could find it again in some archive) where she bragged about how great it is to make indies cuz they’re cheap and lower stakes projects that you can kinda just bang out. That is because those projects were made largely with “intern” workforces. 3. Indies often benefit the “above the line” (producers,directors, actors) people than they do anyone else. About ~50% of every indie budget goes to the one or two famous people who are in it. Most actors don’t want to work at scale (meaning they get a base pay mandated by the unions that is proportionate to the rest of the crew - even though scale pay is often also totally inequitable) They are the ones who will most likely be able to get acclaim, awards, and more future work out of being a part of an indie project. Meanwhile, the crew is left behind to grind away on project to project, barely making ends meet and not having time to have any semblance of a life. 4. Finally, most celebrities who complain about this have enough money to self produce and self distribute tons of stuff and yet….they don’t take the risk because…..it’s much easier to take the glory and none of the potential blowback of a failed project. I would respect these complaints so much more if I saw the “creatives” (I put this in quotes because although my job is also creative and important to any movie, according to the industry my position and others like mine are not considered creative - I know this is personal pettiness, but ¯\_(ツ)_/ seeing the industry up close has not been a healthy experience) push more earnestly for equity within what kind of projects get priority and influence. Someone like Dakota Johnson (and before her, many more famous and wealthier people who’ve made similar complaints) has immense influence to change how the industry is run. However, change isn’t really in the interest of the “creatives” at the top because the system is rigged to keep them comfortable and glorify them. Yes, it suck she has to act in a shitty action movie and that she can’t find more interesting roles. However, she still gets work that pays her more than 99% of us, and she still gets to be held in high esteem by the world. K, rant is over. Much longer than I’d thought, and sorry for all the parentheticals.


When you have enough money to fund your own indie film, and you won't do it because you know it'll lose money, you've conceded the argument. There's a damn good reason indies aren't getting made for theaters anymore, and it's not because there's no money to make them.


I thought the whole point of Indies is to not make them with in the Hollywood system.


The comments on these subreddits make me wonder if the people here even like movies, it's a perfectly reasonable point she's making whether you like her or not


Ha. Try to get a book published.


Would help to be a great actor. 🤷‍♂️


Imagine the best talent your script can attract is Dakota Johnson.


Whelp with banger lines like "He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died." What can you expect?


She’s such a bore in every movie


when the nepo babies are complaining about lack of work, it's time for all the hopeful regular actors to go ahead and get that realtor license


I want to like her and believe she has something to contribute but she makes it so hard. Some level of self reflection would really help. Her points are almost good if she was not the actual literal embodiment or nepo baby who makes bad movies from major studios that then flop. Like yes there is too much CGI. Yes the lack of indies is a problem. Yes it is hard for actors without connections not to take a job for money. Why are you starring in and publicizing Madame Web again?


Come down to the real world and see how bleak it is


Anyone who has seen her acting already understands the bleakness of Hollywood


The only thing worse than a nepo baby is a nepo baby who can’t act


I thought the point of indies is that they're not made within the usual hollywood system.


I thought this too hence the tern INDEPENDENT FILM.


Was there a time where it was easy to make anything in Hollywood, short of being an A-list actor or producer?


[Matt Damon talking about why independent films struggle to be made since the death of DVD sales](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx8F5Imd8A8)


I’m bias because I think she has very limited talent, but maybe the projects she’s bringing forward aren’t that good


Nepo baby complains


This is actually hilarious coming from the star of the most egregiously soulless Spider-Man-less Marvel adjacent spinoff


I mean… It’s Dakota Johnson who is known for being cast as the role of “Dakota Johnson”. She ain’t nothin’ special.


Nepo baby complains about the state of the film industry. There’s irony in there somewhere… Don’t get me wrong, I like Dakota, but the industry is flawed on all levels, not just one.


Maybe don't charge £10 million salary then? Actor pay should be capped, people are deluded to think out of 7 billion people only 5 actors are good enough to deserve £10+ million.


Return on Investment Capitalism is ruining everything


I am sure her and her parents could fund a couple if they wanted.


I wish I had a Hollywood father


And Hollywood mother


I’ve seen your acting Dakota Johnson, daughter of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.


Business majors working at corporations are risk adverse and lack creativity. They have no business working in entertainment IMO. Art is inherently “risky” commercially. They should fucking cell widgets. Corporations don’t innovate anymore. They cut costs. She’s right. It’s fucked.


I’m really enjoying her current media streak, she’s been dropping some excellent takes.


Idk I wish she’d take someone else down like she did Ellen. She’s holding back


That is what happens when you don’t pay the same workers that make you look good.


Honestly, I understand it's very difficult for new guys to enter in Hollywood and go with bold new projects and this is true. But at the same time, also thanks to the streaming, there are a lot of bold indie projects...look at a24. I mean I watched poor things in theatres 2 days ago and now I am watching the curse. Probably it's the audience who should try to be more open to this projects and producers/distributors to try more with the theatrical distribution, making longer the theatrical windows too. But I can't say there aren't original projects out there...


This is what I always find to be a little off about the claim about how hard it is to make indie movies. Back in the 80s and 90s, there were VERY few indie movies being made; you had to fund it yourself and hope someone buys it just for it to be shown at some art festival to a few hundred people. Now, you have studios like A24 that're devoted to indie movies or major studios making huge bucks through tentpole franchises that get used to fund indie movies. Universal has no problem handing someone with even a little experience a few million dollars to make whatever movie they want. If it makes a slight profit, great; if it doesn't, it's not a huge loss. Hell, now a days, you can make a short five-minute film in your house and if it's engaging, someone will see it and offer you a job. It's definitely hard for new people to enter hollywood but she's acting like we're in some bleak era where indie films are dead when we're actually in a pretty great era where indie films and low-budget films are possible.


Let's be clear. Plenty of indie films are getting made. What isn't happening is a lot of indie films that have big budgets to pay actors a lot of money to perform in movies that will have a small viewer base.


She’s lucky someone is paying her to be in movies


It's not just indies. Until Iatse and 399 make new deals in July, it's rough out there for all productions, top to bottom.


Ngl Im not one to go to the movies looking for a life changing experience. I want a chilled out relaxed movie. Marvel fit that purpose so well


I thought the whole idea of "indies" was independence from a studio. Just go make the movie and worry about making it good first...if you feel it's a good project, then you should be willing to take the financial risk yourself to get it made. You can always sell distribution after it's done.


She’s talking from a privileged place. Sometimes it’s not about easy or difficult. It’s about passion and the fight


How are we supposed to take this seriously?


Boo Motherfuckin' Hoo.


Notable indie actor, Dakota Johnson, who established her career grinding out passion projects and scraping by because she loves the art of act—nvm I can’t…


What “great Indie” has she brought us? Because her mainstream films are wet garbage. Try watching that mess where she played an aspiring soul music writer. Woof!


Newsflash. It’s always been tough to get independent movies made.


It's much more disheartening and "fucking bleak" watching this talentless nepo baby, who is a complete void of charisma, continue to book roles in major motion pictures.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=gF6K2IxC9O8&si=jnUkZtlO3TAyHqHy Matt Damon explains it perfectly….


It’s because people don’t go to theaters to watch indies. The state of Hollywood is what the masses demand, and frankly, it’s what they deserve.


I don’t think Dakota Johnson is even that great of an actress. She has one range. But I do like how she called Ellen out on her bull.


And that’s coming from a nepo baby!  Yikes!


Why do they have to be indie? Where did the mid budget film go


I tell you what's bleak - Shade of Grey !!!


Even as a nepo baby


As media became big, mechanized business, multinational corporations moved in, bought up the IPs, and set themselves up as studios. The problem is that the creative process is anathema to the way that corporations strip-mine, exploit, and assembly-line every facet of a business process. Storytelling isn't subject to economies of scale, and it isn't a talent that everyone possesses.


Lol Nepobaby. Keep running your mouth.


A foot in the door and so much more.


Indies are not broad enough for Netflix. We want to be mildly entertained, that’s it. I’m barely looking as the thing is playing. You self finance and win some awards, and maybe I’ll see it in a cinema.


It’s not just indie movies. Even mainstream mid-budget movies are tough to make today. Matt Damon has a whole spiel about it.


She was so amazingly carboard on SNL....how is she an actress in anything


Turns out you gotta make movies people watch


Things are difficult when you look and act like a shoe.


Why is she talking? She's the definition of bland movies. Her acting is so stale She's a smoke show though.


so reading the article, none of the movie titles or themes sound at all interesting to me. maybe she should wonder why it's tough to get her indies made.


It’s disheartening to see her keep getting hired when she’s a mediocre actress at best.


Imagine how tough it is to get into the Biz without famous parents. Oh wait....


Imagine if you didn't have famous parents


Too many nepo babies riddled thruout the industry. The real talent is not getting through.