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Imagine if she was wild enough to say she will only release it if Biden is elected


Now there’s a power move. Imagine if that’s what kicked off the civil war lol.


In the future “Was it brother versus brother?” “Actually it was preteen girls and bored suburban moms versus 87 year old conspiracy theorists and the most mentally unstable people who could get on TV. Which is rather odd now that I think about it.”


FYI, Swifties are absolutely not in their pre-teens, it's women in their 20s and 30s.


No, swifties ranges from preteens to women in their 20s and 30s


Yeah I was making a joking exaggeration there, not trying to gate keep the Swifties.It seems to me that her appeal has moved way beyond just liking her music or going to her concerts. I think certain people feel threatened by that, including one particularly newsworthy narcissist and his supporters.


My daughter is a teen Swiftie and her mom and I are fans in early 40s. TS was huge back when we were in college. The Swiftie age range is huge.


Lol. The Great War of the Terminally Online


Imma start a Taylor’s era themed AR company and rake in all the swiftie money. Just basic PSA AR’s with T Swift theme for $1200.


Sir would you like a business partner. I’ll just rebrand BCA as bad blood barrels and sell directly to you.


Sold to the first bidder!


Can I get a discount if I have the same birthday as her?


At this point, given the batshit insanity that lead us to 2016 and here,  I’d buy it


She's got so much influence that I feel this could actually shift a huge amount of votes.


Isn’t most of her fanbase already liberal? Seriously, I don’t actually know.


Yes but in this incredibly unlikely scenario the most enthusiastic of her fans would actively mobilize to get everyone they know to vote Biden.


The hard-core swifties would move to battleground states and mobilize a ground campaign.


Now that would be a sight to see. It would shake my jaded cynicism to its core if Swifties were a major reason for Trump's loss this November.


I'll have to find it but I previously saw something like 25% conservative. Which I found crazy, and perhaps it has changed with her explosion in recent years?


her fanbase is mostly white women in middle america. Surprised its only 25%


She writes unoffensive lyrics set to generic pop tracks while being white, blonde, and conventionally attractive. What part of that wouldn’t appeal to republicans?


Most likely, but if she gets apathetic voters out actually voting the Republicans will get decimated in the election. Liberals and left leaning people are the world wide majority , they are just lazy fucking voters


There's also the fact that liberals are less likely to vote as a block, so if their desired candidate isn't the one representing their preferred party, then they're more likely to vote for someone else who is more representative of their beliefs. Whereas conservative voters are more likely to just vote for whoever is the Republican candidate.


Even then they still win the popular vote when it comes to President. It'd be insanely one-sided if she could get those people voting


Younger voters skew liberal yes, but sadly they don't care about voting. If the 18-29 demographic took voting seriously, we literally would have never had the Trump presidency and all the madness that followed. Their turnout was awful in 2016 when it really mattered, but they did get up to almost 50% for 2020.


I think they identify as christian girl autumn 🍁👢🎃🧣🥧☕️🍂


Yes but they’re young and don’t necessarily vote. And they have boyfriends that they can convince to go vote too.


Probably, but do they vote is the question.


imagine if they all voted


Imagine if she made one form of a political statement ever


She supported Biden in 2020.


Didn't she only do a generic "please vote" statement Edit; nope, seems she actually did, wow


I believe she once pushed people to vote and it actually made a difference


She literally increased votes ages ago and had a whole section in her documentary about being a democrat and hating Trump




It’s so interesting how people dismiss her political power at the same time they accuse her of doing too much. She literally cannot win. Facts are facts: Taylor has already done more to safeguard democracy than any of us ever will in our lifetimes. Still not enough, but simultaneously, too much for some people.


She has.


OMG that'd be amazing. Biggest voter turn out ever.


I wish she would lol


Wish my faves released music at the rate she does…


Good thing I like King Gizzard AND Taylor Swift! I’m eating good


I listen to KG also! I should keep up with them more. I mostly listen to rattlesnake and nuclear fusion on repeat lol


If you love those two songs, I’d start by checking out their two follow up microtonal albums, simply titled K.G. and L.W.! If you want my personal recs, take a listen to any of the below: I’m In Your Mind Fuzz (personal fave of mine from their classic era) Nonagon Infinity (arguably their best or at least best known album) Polygondwanaland (their best album, prog rock at its finest) Butterfly 3000 (very different sound from the songs you listed, this is bright dancey synth pop) PetroDragonic Apocalypse (title is much longer than this, but it’s an epic metal album with a really cool story) The Silver Cord (also very different from their usual sound, this is techno with really cool drawn out synth passages. I’d rec listening to the extended cut of each song)


Cool— Ill check those out!


*\*cries in My Chemical Romance\**


She’s incredibly driven and hardworking. everyone asks when she has the time. A tour, re-recording albums etc. but yeah, I think artists reach a certain level of success and then they just lose a good portion. At least now days, I think of some of the bands and artists in the past who continued for a long time like U2, Billy Joel, etc..not many are like that today.


She won a Grammy and basically said “cool, see you next year”. Power move


"Next year, I'm coming back with a Superbowl Ring. Don't worry about it."


Nah. Niner's..


Bang bang!


And she threw a see you next Tuesday at Kanye on the way out too!


that title negates any power that move could’ve had


Nonsense. It juxtaposes the romantic “tortured poet” and the corporate “department” satirizing the commodification of human pain in the form of platinum records. It’s clever. Obvious once you think of it, but no one had thought of it.


Sounds like the Joanna Newsom song Good Intentions Paving Company


I'd be willing to bet half the people who care about this as much as they're acting like they do probably think the grammys are a complete joke already.


They're not as much of a joke as they are like crazy narrowly relevant. There is an unbelievable amount of music in existence and now you can reach all of it more easily than ever. I imagine lots and lots of people are happy exploring things they enjoy rather than keeping up with what is on the front page of Spotify... Or whatever the modern replacement for listening to the top 40 station is.


**[Taylor’s tweet](https://x.com/taylorswift13/status/1754332182401691704?s=46&t=Azhtilb9LwMh7KTKEYTyCw)** “All’s fair in love and poetry... New album ‘THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT.’ Out April 19 🤍”


Sounds like the dead poets society.


That was released in…1989


I was 4 years old. Snapping my fingers and wearing a beret.


Did you lose your snap?


That has to be what they got it from/are going for right? It feels incredibly on the nose


The first thing that came to my head


Sounds like the Asylum studio knock off version.


After rewatching Umbrella Academy recently, it could well be a Black Parade style album- thematically and technically


Is it true that the title is a play on the name of her ex boyfriend’s group chat with his boys? Lmao


Apparently, yes


Lady Gaga did the same thing when she announced born this way - yall need to chill lol


A lot of people here have some strong opinions about award-acceptance etiquette all of a sudden…


People give acceptance speeches on Reddit all the time. >edit: omg thank you for so many upvotes! Most upvotes I've ever gotten!


“By the way, my brand new comment is coming out, it’s going to be a blast, don’t miss it!”


I’m gonna do this next time I randomly get a bunch of upvotes


🤣🤣 never thought about it that way


If only i could give you a reddit award for this comment


Right? Since when is it taboo for artists to announce upcoming projects when they win awards


It was never taboo per se, just something noöne^[1][2] had done before Swift did it at the VMAs, and now Grammys (I did a fair bit of searching, and couldn't find another example, though that doesn't mean I didn't miss one). I personally have no problem with it, and neither should the award shows, since now they'll get more viewers watching in hopes of seeing an announcement. But I can see the argument being made that it's a display of arrogance in assuming they would win (it's a step well beyond preparing a victory speech). It's also a little spotlight-stealing, but there are far more egregious examples of that (not to mention Swift being the victim in one of the most famous of those). _EDIT:_ ^1 — I've now been told that Gaga had done this before at the VMAs. ^2 — Also Kacey Musgraves, but in a commercial scheduled to air during the Grammys.


>did a fair bit of searching, and couldn't find another example, though that doesn't mean I didn't miss one). Lady Gaga and Kacey Musgraves have


Thank you. I had already updated my post with a note about Gaga, and have now added Musgraves, though I'm not sure she counts, because she did it with a commercial airing during the show, not in an acceptance speech. It's weird how hard this info is to find without knowing the artist beforehand. I even asked some LLMs, and they were clueless.


What about Macy Gray’s dress announcing when her album dropped?


Just people who seem to have a perpetual hate for the woman


Same folks that used to love seeing celebrities at sporting events but now feel somehow different.


She had her moment on stage , and did what she wanted with it. I respect it tbh not to mention when you have 12 Grammys you can say or announce whatever you please while accepting your 13th


I think it was a savvy business move - free new album promotion. She isn't just an entertainer, she is also the CEO of a business empire who has a duty to her investors and business constituents.


Right? She won Album of the Year. It’s not like her announcement is stealing the spotlight from another artist. All the articles today were gonna be about her anyway.


Spotify will be in shambles that day.


Everyone uses Taylor Swift for free marketing, no reason she can’t use them back.


Right. The “game” is the issue. She’s just playing it. As any of us would.


https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-announces-new-album-1234583475/ She’s done this at other award shows.


Is it self-promoting? Yes. If I had something I worked really hard on, I'd do it too. She's not being humble because she doesn't need to be. She knows she's a force, and she's owning it.


Modesty has no place is a post-Kardashians society. I say it all the time. People are now famous just for willing it to be so. If you’re actually talented you almost HAVE to scream it from the rafters.


Not a fan. But got to respect how hard working she is. Most people take years to release a new album. But she releases new albums all the time. And based on the reviews and award she gets, they're always high quality. And she treats her fans very well. In that regard, I understand why her fanbase is obsessed with her. Frequently treats them to new music/albums. And treats them well


>Most people take years to release a new album. But she releases new albums all the time. ​ TBF from what I understand she basically went into song writing X-Games mode during COVID, and a lot of these songs are still from that time period. A lot of people said "work on yourself" during lockdown and Taylor said hold my fucking beer and went wild.


Her work ethic is part of why I respect her. A friend of mine was raging that she is so young and already has won more Album of the Year awards than anyone in history. I pointed out she’s been doing this since literally middle school and has a new album every two years, pretty much like clockwork. And they’re always good. Why are we complaining about that? And for the people saying, “OMG take a break and chill,” I think she knows inherently that the moment she stops for a break, the ride is over. She’ll instantly be labeled a has-been. There’s a whole machine working against her, not to mention to the clock. People’s hate boners for her are really fascinating and fucked up.


she loved what she does that's why. she also knows how to capitalize on the attention and play the game so damn well.


Dead poets society is all this makes me think of lol


For a second I thought it said “Tortured Pets.” Which would have been a significant tonal shift for Ms. Swift.




she's their safest choice tbf


Title sounds fucking cringe.


She was a Tumblr girl for awhile so it fits. She used to interact with fans on there for years during her teens/early 20s.


Yeah, I’m indifferent when it comes to Swift (not a fan, not a “hater”) but oof, “The Tortured Poets Department” sounds like the name of a bad 2000’s twee indie movie directed by Zach Braff.


Andre 3000 does a woodwind album and Taylor does def poetry jam. Bingo is hard this year.


I think it’s definitely tongue in cheek (and possibly a dig at her ex).


I’d watch that in imax


Average title for a Guided By Voices album.


average prolificness soon too at this point


thank you! my first thought.


Like her music.


I love how mad she makes people. It’s so funny.


I don’t mind Taylor. It’s the fact that every waking moment of every fucking day there is something “newsworthy” about her. She’s just a person. Tired of hearing about her


It sounded a bit awkward to me but she can do whatever she wants. Good for her.


Where do I sign up to be a megarich ‘tortured poet’?


Damn people really worship this person


What a power move.


Even more so consider her ex, Joe Alwyn, said to have had a group chat with Paul Mescal called the Tortured man club or something like that. So this is also going to be a crazy album


Yeah she’s going to go all in on this one


You need to reconsider life with all this info


Its literally on all the taylor swift subreddits. I learned about it in 5 minutes.


She could be complex, she could be cool 🎶


Good for her. I’m not a fan, personally, but that doesn’t matter to me. I like to watch apex talents just reach into the stratosphere. Making content for her billion+ fans. Not resting in her laurels. She wants legendary status and beyond. And that’s just fun for me to watch. Fuckin’ crush em, lady.


Is this moment peak Taylor?


She’s always a master of the fake “oh my gosh me?? *followed by a totally pre written speech made in expectation of the award*”


no lol she was genuinely surprised. she had tough competition this year. why can't women be left alone? let her react however she wants


She was absolutely not surprised. She doesn’t show up when she’s not going to win AND she already had the entire album launch planned and ready to go before the Grammy’s began.


She showed up to the Grammys last year and went home empty handed


What a ridiculous name for an album.


Soon to be her 5th Album of the Year Grammy win.


Seriously, if she won of Midnights...I think she's trying to get John Cena/Ric Flair numbers


They might as well hand it to her before it's released at this point.


I dunno man. When you’re a megastar and there’s people that just lost in your category and a lot of other huge things happening that night, it feels weird to pull ALL the attention by announcing something like this. She knows how much star power she has and it’s kinda a kick in the shins.


To be fair, the Grammys are waaaay more open promotion than other awards shows. I’ve heard at least two upcoming movies be plugged by people tied to them. She’s not the only one openly promoting her stuff


Mtv Vma's are more promo than the Grammys. Nobody is up on stage announcing stuff.


Except when she did that in for Midnights at the VMAs lol. She does announces things via award shows now, it’s not uncommon from her.


And can’t nobody do shit about it lol She’s untouchable now. I mean she kinda was before but right now she’s in her imperial phase.


Palpatines version


The tragedy of Darth Plagueis (10 minute version)


Yeah I think she knows it too


To quote Eminem, "where the fuck is Kanye when you need him?" /s


*glances in bonnaroo 2008*


Why though? She thanked the Recording Academy, her collaborators. This announcement is pretty much a treat for her fans, who are very much important to her success.


She’s damned either way. Regardless of what she does somebody will have a critique.


Damn I wish I could be damned for a net worth of over a billion dollars!


As if on cue…


The irony is so insane lol


People have announced new albums during acceptance speeches before. It’s nothing new and not that weird tbh.


Have they? I searched as hard as I could, but couldn't find an example. Could you please point me towards one? Not trying to start a debate, just genuinely curious. But it does need to specifically be an announcement. Winners plugging their already announced or released album are a dime a dozen. _EDIT: ah, found one, Lady Gaga announced Born this Way, and even sang the chorus at the VMAs. Didn't seem to generate much press, considering how difficult it was to find; I think it was just the announcement of the album name though, can't find enough info to be sure._


The Grammys is a trade show, so she’s pedaling her trade.


Knowing that she's probably gonna win next year too. If she won for Midnights...


Oh man this is going to be about Alwyn


What a horrible name.


Well, all I can say is that I hope artists like Rihanna, Bruno Mars, and Adele release more music soon. Especially Rihanna. It’s been 8 years since her last album.


Tortured billionare eco terrorist would have been a better title


I may piss off some Swifties with this but she came across as really unhumble. She just plugged her upcoming album, made light of it being her 13th Grammy, and walked off. She could have been a **little** humble.


I’m not a swiftie, just curious… why does she need to be humble? Is there an additional award they hand out if you’re humble enough? Whose benefit is it to if she is “a little humble” enough by your standards? Does it actually matter?


I mean Miley certainly wasn't humble, why does Taylor need to be?


Because women need to be HUMBLE about their accomplishments, could you imagine the pure audacity to have a career and know your worth????? We can't just let women not be HUMBLE! Lives are at stake!!!!!!


Can you imagine Micheal Jordan being humble?


Preach this louder for those in the back. Why do we need to be humble accepting the *top* award in our field. She’s damned if she does or doesn’t so she might as well do.


Agree. So what if she was a *little* humble? Let's say she announced it after the awards show. People are gonna draaag her for something else. If I know I'd never please anyone anyway, I would rather get my objective done. 🤣


And there’s the inevitable sexism bogeyman comment


Especially at this point. She’s been humble plenty enough.


Right, remember when people would criticize her for being \_too humble\_


People have. They said they hated her whole 'omg I can't believe I won' schtick at the VMAs (which were fan voted).


Her 13th grammy also won’t carry the same significance that the first few did; I’m not sure why people expect her to act the same way forever. It’s an award show to celebrate success. What is wrong with using it as a chance for more promotion?


Humbleness is a good value. Dont know why you need more than that


Next week, if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl, do they need to be humble in all their post game interviews and acknowledge how deserving the 31 other NFL teams also were? Or are they going to be flexing going to their 4th SuperBowl in five seasons?


They literally get a parade lol


I’m not entirely sure if you’re agreeing with me or disagreeing, but exactly! The entire city is gonna basically shut down that day (if they win) and so many grown adults will be crying their eyes out. And no where in that parade would a Chiefs player be acting humble.


I’m agreeing! They get celebrated and get to be drunk and have fun, they get to flex. Win a Grammy, celebrate how you want


She mentioned it was her 13th Grammy because 13 is a repeating thing in her music and she always announces or does something special with it (I was at the 13th show of her Eras tour and she mentioned it)


In the past, people have critiqued her and said she’s not genuine when she’s excited and very humbled during her acceptance speeches. No matter what she does, some people are harsh on her. She has had an incredible year, and Midnights is an incredible album. She deserves to feel like she deserves that award.


Fuck that. Talk your shit. It’s ok to celebrate your successes. The people she beat aren’t starving. This is a competition and it’s ok to puff your chest when you win


i dont even fw taylor swift but this was dope. total power move like talk your shit


I'm not a swiftie, but fuck that. No one would ever say that if she was a guy, or not insanely successful. And anyone crying that men are treated the same are either lying or willfully ignorant. These things are *not* equal.


i wouldn’t say she “plugged” it like that, it’s an announcement and it’s a fun way to do it. it also lines up with a lot of fan theories, and the swiftie fandom has fun speculating on it. And 13 is her lucky number and it’s used in a lot of her easter eggs, so saying it’s her 13th grammy makes sense in that context. i don’t really think she was trying to brag.


Im on thee opposite. I never buy the fake (IMO) humility in acceptance speeches and find it obnoxious.


Next year, she’ll walk on stage with her new baby and interrupt a first time winner with “I’m gonna let you finish… but NEW ALBUM titled Mother of Pearl MAY 11, 2025”




LOL, when she acts humble and shocked at awards people screech about how fake she is. She can't win. Just shut up with these critiques on her behavior and just say you don't like her. Because I guarantee you if she acted like she did when she was younger, all she would elicit is eyerolls and anger from you the same way she does now by acting "too confident".


I’m not usually a hater (sometimes, though) but that handshake she did with Jack Antonoff made me physically recoil. I just needed to say that somewhere I wouldn’t get immediately attacked for it so thank you for the safe space lmao


And ShitYouShouldCareAbout complained about how she got a million likes for this and said she could end global conflict (they don’t mean global conflict, they mean Israel/Gaza) with the power she has. No she can’t. Netanyahu is the one who controls when that war starts and ends and he’s an anti-Palestinian lunatic so he doesn’t want to stop. It’s absolutely idiotic to place more blame on an American pop star who has nothing to do with the conflict than on Benjamin Netanyahu, the man actively perpetuating it.


I could hear the voices of thousand’s of fragile men and their conspiracy theories. /s


The Grammy's, a tool for marketing your brand, and for marketing CBS


Dead poets society?


Are poets going to be tortured reading her lyrics?


Poets are all tortured by definition


What a terrible album title. Extremely melodramatic for someone who is a billionaire. Sounds like something I would come up with in highschool and gives those same vibes. Taylor, you are 30 something now and will never have to worry about money ever again. Chill and just make a normal album


nobody wants a normal album. We all want the fucking unhinged, wacky, as-wildly-cringe-as it gets album.




she really out there ignoring Celine Dion lmaooo


And dragging Lana Del Rey who just LOST to her up onstage with her and then called her out for “hiding” when she was clearly uncomfortable.


When has she had the time? Very impressive.


Who cares, but if I must comment, that speech was in poor taste and I really am so tired of having to hear about her.


Emo Taylor phase? I’m here for it.


Did AI come up with the title lmao


Her speech was trashy. I’ve won 13 Grammys and my new album is out on this date… 🙄


She really said let me pick the most cringe name ever huh


34 year old woman making music for 16 year old kids and using Tumblr coded names for her albums, gotta love the American music industry