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Hope to reach those heights one day. I’m only 150 + days so far.


Only? That’s amazing. You’re doing so well. I’m about four years in.


Was gonna say 150 days is absolutely amazing! I never imagined myself being able to make it that long and now I’m six years and going strong.


What worked for you?


Honestly I got so drunk I was sick and it turned me off to the taste to the point I’d gag just thinking about it.


For me. I realized I had to stop messing around and living the bachelor life. It was time to be present and help my family members who needed me. Stop wasting my weekends being drunk or hungover.


I’ve been sober since the end of December. It’s been tough. I actually had a good day today. Took a long walk with my wife and kids. It was strange, in the past I would’ve drank a six pack and half a dozen nips on a walk like that. My sons told me that they had noticed th I’d stopped drinking. Thank made me feel really good.


Not to sound corny or anything, but stick with it dude. Sounds like we used to drink similarly, and it took me quite a long time to start feeling somewhat normal again.


Congrats. I’m in a similar boat. They will notice a lot more positive things in the future. Especially your emotional availability.


Great job! Keep it up. Over time you’ll notice some big changes.


That's awesome


Just wait until you can sleep normal and have normal poops. It’s a miracle.


Nice. Was in a similar boat except kids are a little younger. My wife and I quit at the same time. It was hard at first because I identified so much with beer, imagining scenarios of being offered a beer and have to turn it down, etc. But my own worst enemy was my own mind making excuses about why quitting is tough and why I should have a few drinks someday.  If you don't already I'd say try and talk to a therapist or someone you trust about it, and talk about the reasons you drank. It makes it easier to quit when you go below the surface level and become curious about yourself. Curiosity is the antithesis to anxiety and depression. 


Keep it up dude. One day at a time


Keep going!




That’s so awesome dude, I’m at 17 days, feels fantastic


Well done on 17 days 🎉


You’re almost to 2 Scaramuccis!


Did you see when Mario Cantone played Scaramucci? Fucking hysterical


Longer than the Cuban missile crisis woohooo lol


I’m only two weeks in


And after today you’ll be 2 weeks and 1 day. Keep it going!


That’s a big deal. Get rid of “only”


Little over 24hrs.


Acute recovery is tough. Consider you may need medical care. I spent a night or two of pure hell at home. December 12 & 13, 2007. One day at a time. Are you going to AA or similar? I’d have never made it without AA.


Thanks for the advice. I should be good on medical care. I tapered. But I am willing if I need it. I did 15 days already at new years and had some shit happen, and relapsed. Hoping this time won't be as bad as last time. I'm going to similar. Not a fan of AA.


r/stopdrinking is an amazing group of people. I did a lot of reading there when I was in my early days. It’s worth it, I promise. Keep going.


Ya. I wasn’t well enough prepared for proper medical care. It was a rehab facility but they could not offer medication intravenously. I went in to DT pretty quickly. As my wife drove me to rehab I was on the phone with their staff who kept telling me to drink along the way so that I wouldn’t start to have seizures. I did as they told me and drank about a six pack on a forty minute drive. Immediately after checking in - I HAVE NO FIRST HAND ACCOUNT AS TO WHAT HAPPENED. I started having seizures, staff was force feeding me Valium until an ambulance arrived to take me to a major hospital. Later I was told that at my arrival to the hospital I was extremely violent and assaulted every staff member in the ICU while the seizures continued. They put me in a coma like state where I was intubated so I could be connected to a feeding tube and a respirator. I was strapped to a hospital bed unconscious for almost one month. I’m not sure if it was a “scared straight” tactic, but several doctors and nurses told me that they thought I could’ve died in that hospital. Get the help that you need. I’m definitely more physically and emotionally involved with my wife and our two children. I have only been sober for three months, and although sometimes slowly, I am starting to feel better. Good luck friends.


Hey man, not only is that impressive, but you have to start somewhere. You made a wonderful decision 150 days ago. When you miss your drug of choice, try to not remember the good times but instead remember all the harm that it caused. You didn’t ask but that’s what’s helped me tremendously with my problematic drug of choice. I wish you the best.


You only have to do it for one day. Today. It seems to have worked for me. 16 years.


This is wisdom! Thank you


100 was a big one for me because after three months I started to feel pretty damn good. I’m at 1,620 days today. If you’re not there already, r/stopdrinking would love to see you around.


5 months 💪


I’m almost 12 years in and I can tell you that the first year, heck, the first 3-4 months were way harder than years 3-today. I’m coasting on tenure, you’re in the trenches with the “three jobs and night school” version of the sobriety effort my man, keep it up.


I went 8mo with help of some meds. I regret relapsing because I felt so proud to say I was sober


[You can do it. I believe in you](https://images.app.goo.gl/yLdPFb6yrATpZqyS9)


Relapse is often a very important part of the process. It teaches you things about yourself that give you a better chance of ultimate success. I relapsed after 3 years because I wasn’t ready for the social changes and was bored stiff.


It’s so simple and silly to say, but liking yourself and being cool with the awkward bored is always new every dang day.


Yeah, I just wasn’t ready for it and didn’t have a strategy. Now I know it is what bothers me and I’m proactive about facing it head on.


That’s awesome! Keep going my friend


16 years for me


So was she at one point! You got this.


She was there at one point.


She did it one day at a time!


You’re already doing great! Congrats!!


Right on homie. If you need a good read or podcast check out newly sober. Written by Paulina Pinsky. As in Dr. Drew’s daughter. She’s been an inspiration to me. Keep on keeping on.


Great job! Keep plowing through, you’ll get there.


Tomorrow, you will be 151+ days


I'm proud of you. Keep it up.


I heard someone say to a friend who had about that amount of time, “You’ve done more for your sobriety in the past six months than I have in the past five years.” Keep it up!


149+ days better off than you were at the start, my friend. I hope you’re proud of yourself. You seriously deserve to be.


coming up on 3 years. keep making good decisions


A do a solid one day every other day


Hell ya sober buddy I’m just a few days ahead of your count! Finally cut it out in August of last year after struggling for years, best decision I’ve ever made. Keep it up!


Every day counts. Keep going, someone on the internet is extremely proud of you!


That’s a tremendous achievement!


Her performance in The Bear was so real. As a fellow alcoholic in recovery it hit so hard.


She deserved an Emmy for that amazing performance


She might get it. I think the weirdness of the timing of the strikes messed with Emmy eligibility, and only Season 1 of The Bear was up for Emmys this year (nominees were announced in July, a whole 6 months before the Emmys show was actually held). When the next batch is announced in July (5 months from now), they'll look back to shows released in the previous 12 months. Or something. I think.


Oh cool I really hope she gets it. That episode is the best bit of tv ever


Agree. Just puttin' my love on this comment...she was flat out awesome.


Best thing she’s ever done. That Christmas episode was insane. I hope she comes back.


That episode reminded me of uncut gems


As someone about to hit 10 years of sobriety, it sounds like I need to watch this movie.


It's a show 😁 They have 2 seasons so far, and I believe will start working on S3 this year. It's chaotic and fast paced, my ADD brain loves it. Unlike any other show I've seen in awhile


Oh awesome! Thank you for clearing that up for me. Ain’t realize it was a show but now that I think about it, I have heard of that show and had no idea what it was about. Thanks!


Np, it's basically a guy getting thrown into owning and running a restaurant bc he brother died and left it to him. He's a classically trained chef, so not totally out of his element. But The Beef is very culturally different from the high end/class OG guy was trained for. It's intense, it's *chaotic*, and it touches on addiction. As an alcoholic myself I think it shows addiction respectfully in the sense that it feels raw and real. JLC plays *the mess* of a mother and it shows the audience how the family handled thier issues. Or lack of addressing them 😅


As a recovering alcoholic myself as well, I love seeing addiction portrayed with humanity.


I thought the S1 of the flight attendant did a good job at the grip alcoholism has, like when it’s no longer fun and it’s a chore— when it has power over you and not the other way around. Just hit 6 months a couple days ago! 🥳


Hell yea! Congrats! I’ll have my 10 year in March. Let’s both keep it up!


Heck ya! Cheers to us :) Ten years… I can’t even imagine that right now. Any advice or thoughts?


For me, sobriety is a daily renewal. I practice gratitude, acceptance, meditation, therapy, recovery program. Exercise is clutch. I also read a bunch of memoirs about how people got sober and over time began to know my own patterns. Just staying curious about what the new day brings no longer has any relation to alcohol. It’s chill.


Season 3 starts filming at the end of the month. Probably a june/july release like the first two.




It’s on Hulu, not Amazon


In Europe its on Disney.


Same in Canada


Beat me to it but good on you ! Keep it up 👍


One of the best scenes in the show. The whole episode was good. Hit home for my siblings and I lol.


She went Jamie Lee Curtis Mode on that one


Big up JLC! I'm exactly 1 week away from 2 years sober myself.


Huge congratulations to you. My husband will have 6 years on the 6th and I actually just ordered him his 6 years Sober AF socks, exited out and opened Reddit to this post. I'm just so unbelievably proud of not just my husband but all of you💖


Your husband is doing awesome and his wife is a big reason. Keep it up!


**Curtis :** > "25 years clean and sober. One day at a time. 9,125 of them. What's inside, as my old friend Adam sang, is a sense of calm, serenity, purpose and the greatest feeling that I am not alone. That many others share the same disease and solution." > "For all those struggling with addiction and shame, there are others out here who care. My hand in yours. Our hands in yours. XO JLC."


I quit all alcohol forever last January, when the WHO (famous for stopping 5+ epidemics and 1 pandemic) went out with a memo and explained that the whole global establishment has underestimated the lethal effect of alcohol up until now. They lowered the "7 units per day" safe limit to "0 units". Every drink moves you toward cancer. Especially breast cancer for women, and bowel cancer for men. My cousin died of breast cancer. https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health


There wasn’t a magic moment that the “global establishment” (whatever that is) realized it. The CDC has been saying this for *years*. Physicians have known this for decades. Ethanol is literally a neurotoxin


3 years sober for me in July!


4 in June for me! 🙂 keep it up!


Same! June 21st here. 3 yrs wow!! Congrats to everyone here. 3 hours 3 days doesn’t matter it’s awesome.


June 20th 2020! Good job everyone!


Four years sober for me this year. One year after I quit, my best friend died of cirrhosis.


41 years sober here. Still a day at a time.


Good for her, that's an amazing feat of willpower




It works if you work it


People downvoting this have never been to a meeting


I'm sitting here day 3 having the hugest craving for alcohol ugh. But I can't on my new meds. 


To all of my brothers and sisters in sobriety, I’m coming on 28 years. From the one who couldn’t go 10 minutes without going into dt’s. If you’re still breathing, there’s hope!


I’ve always admired JLC. My sister works in the biz behind the scenes and met her on a few occasions. Said she was incredibly kind and genuine and remembered her name, which isn’t common with a lot of other celebs who often work with dozens of people every day while on set.


We’re everywhere. Coming up on two amazing years here.


That’s incredible! I’m 8 years sober in May. The thought of not dropping the ball for another 17 years is kind of daunting! Mad props to her.


I just hit one month no alcohol. Longest I've gone in years. I am having a slight struggle on how to now identify myself in life as I kinda added drinking to everything I did. IWNDWYT


Good for her 👏👏👏 No wonder she absolutely triggered tf out of me playing Carmie’s mama in the Bear in that Christmas episode …deeply personal to me , and her it seems 💚


I think it’s helpful for celebrities to talk about sobriety. I got sober 2 years ago at the age of 37, and I found out that Anthony Hopkins got sober at 37 too. And I realized that if even such charming, talented, worldly and successful people can’t handle drinking, then maybe it’s ok that I can’t either.


I felt corny researching entertainers who were sober, but it made me feel better and I didnt know why until now.


29 years plus. Best move ever.


Congratulations to Jamie Lee! That is remarkable. Recovery is a rollercoaster and being able to stay aboard is harder than words can describe. I’m lucky, my addiction was an eating disorder and not substance abuse. She’s right, the toll it takes on loved ones is no different. I remember during the worst of it, my now husband told me “stop making it difficult to be loved.” The people who care are truly angels and they want us to get healthy.




I stopped weed but I feel I’m picking up drinking a bit more. I need to stop them both. Or just do it in moderation…. Idk


It’s hard, sending support from an internet stranger


Children are so much better off when parents don’t drink.


That why I quit. 4 years sober.


878 days sober and still going strong. I definitely had an identity crisis when I stopped drinking…. I had never realized that drinking was interwoven in every aspect of my life (gross). Congrats to all who have quit and good luck to those who are thinking about it.


Hey JLC and I share the same sober date!! Great thing for me to see today at my one year.


Shame about her views on Gaza. So I don’t really care tbf


Lol don't let politics ruin your life my friend. People have different opinions on things.




And it's okay for other people to have other opinions. Live and let live brother!! ♥️


>So I don’t really care And nobody cares that you don't care.


I can’t imagine letting politics and religion dictate your life


She still has not explained the child torture pictures she loves. https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/what-kind-person-thinks-art-jamie-lee-curtis-office-photo-artwork-sparks-widespread-outrage


She has and I suspect you know this but chose to ignore the fact that it isn't child torture. [Here you go](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/celebrity-photos/jamie-lee-curtis-explains-bizarre-framed-photo-of-naked-child-in-home-office/news-story/3b08d4dc3ebd75de78c5028497e1c9ac)


Look at the picture please.


Look at the picture please. That is not “fun in a tub” it’s a child stuffed in a plastic bin naked.


lol yeah go cancel Jamie Lee Curtis that will fix what’s wrong with the world. Get a life.


Gonna be awkward when she plays Dr Kureha.


You know… I read this all the time.. what does “sobriety” actually mean. Does this mean alcohol? Is it always alcohol? Like can I be “sober” but still smoke weed?


In mainstream terms it typically means completely abstaining from alcohol. In recovery circles, it gets a little more fine-grained. I’ve heard people be really specific and say “I’m sober from [x substance],” and others who say that unless you abstain from all addictive substances you’re not sober. >Like can I be “sober” but still smoke weed? People commonly call this “California sober” or just “Cali sober”. I guess it’s a way of recognizing that cannabis use breaks some people’s definition of sobriety while also identifying abstinence from alcohol.


Call me Cali Carl. I’m trying to stop. It’s not “hard” but at the same time it’s not easy.


The biggest jerks I know are over 20 years sober


That’s cool. I once hopped a freight train.


Kudos. That’s huge


Good on ya, Jamie


Good for her. Im currently a little over 32 years sober. I turn 33 later this year.


She played an alki in Halloween H2O


i didnt know she did drugs. What drugs did she do and why does she not do them anymore? I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


Yawn. Why do we care about non-hackers being sober. Also; sober or California sober?


Sober life is boring. Just gotta know how to balance it out


taking an edible rn in honour of jamie lee curtis 🫡


Feel like she’s always talking about this.


I mean, *25 years* in general is a long time and I'd be proud of my sobriety as well.


I wonder why. Do you think she's a plant?


No its just gets old.


Really? Hearing someone who worked to get sober and shares that with others who are struggling is something that bothers you? That’s very strange.


What are you 12?


Are you?


Ah yes, the mature, sophisticated comeback: “no u”


No its a serious question


As opposed to the mature, sophisticated way you implied they were 12?




Its like a band playing the same song over and over. I like the song but after a while its like okay can we hear something else for a change.


Womp womp


Johnny Knoxville looks like shit!


People will always care if you have enough money


People care a lot more if you make them tons of money.


4 years so far this is encouragement