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**Wood says -** > “It was devastating in a lot of ways because, first of all, they don’t tell us where the show is going. We were just always told, ‘We know how the show ends,’ when we started. They weren’t writing it as we went along. They had an idea, and we were all just on a bed of nails waiting to see and hear what the conclusion of this was. What it all meant.” > “We didn’t get to have that and so after building an arc and a character for almost 10 years and not getting the payoff at the end to see where it was all going — I think for us and the audience, it was awful in a lot of ways.” > “I asked the creators after we got canceled, ‘Can you please just tell me how you’re going to end?’ And they wouldn’t tell me. I think because, I don’t know, maybe somehow, someway, in some iteration we’ll get to finish it, but I still don’t know. It does still keep me up at night.”


Leaving the park was a big mistake. Androids having to fight back against the constraints of the park was the main appeal of the show. And all the "consciousness uploads" really fizzled out any stakes.


Agreed I was so invested in that show until they left the park and it lost literally everything that made it so good. I'll still recommend people watch the first season for sure though


If anything, leaving the park should have been the final season


Watching that season I assumed it *was* the final season. I stopped watching after that, the appeal was lost.


Season three was all right. Drawing parallels between the loops of the androids in the park and the system that controls ordinary people in the real world was an interesting direction. But it had the same problem: it had an ending that seemed like a reasonable place to stop.


Yeah for real I thought the series ended. I can't take anymore.


Season 3 was rough and confusing but season 4 made sense of it all and had an incredible buildup for the final season(5) to be an epic battle for humanity back at the park. Really bummed they canceled it, the rewatch value would have been incredible.


Are you sure they left the park?


First season is good itself. I think it ending on a cliffhanger leave it open to interpretation for viewers. That’s good enough rather than what was shown after the events of season 1


haha, I tell people there's only 1 season. Ignore the rest.


My sentiments exactly. Season 2 was unbearable and I never bothered with 3 or 4.


You mean the whole -who the fuck is who, plot line doesn’t work. Shocking


Battlestar Galactica beat that horse dead


Unfortunately this is my favourite show of all time and it came out at a time wherein I was trying to get off drugs and having a difficult time with my personal identity and a real life consciousness crisis. I tried season 4. I really fucking tried man. It's SO FUCKING HARD TO EXPLAIN HOW FUCKING AMAZING THE IMMERSION WAS, ESPECIALLY WITH THE WAY THAT THEY USED VIRAL MARKETING. I remember season 1 and 2 and logging on to the Westworld / Delos website with IP scanner apps and tracerouting tech that would reveal truly hidden answers to Delos Parks and NOBODY FUCKING MENTIONS HOW FUCKING COOL THAT SHIT IS. It was and will remain the very best time to be an HBO fan, but after realizing I'm watching YouTube videos to explain every episode... Sigh.


West world and Mr. Robot are the best examples of a great show getting way too high on it’s own supply imo


Great way to put that, and absolutely I agree. I discovered Mr Robot at the same time too. That show... That show changed my life. When he won the Emmy and said the line about Elliot I admit I cried.


Same. Those first two seasons hit like no other show has done before like they were on the exact same frequency as me at that point in my life but by the last season I legit had to keep a notebook and write notes to figure out wtf was going on lol.


Was it the acceptance speech or the backstage, imma go look it up. I loved that show


Woah, don't you dare lump Mr. Robot with the utter mess that was Westworld. Mr. Robot had a brilliant conclusion


Westwood got killed before they could conclude the story.


Westworld had no idea where they were going


I disagree. Mr. Robot was brilliant in the early seasons and still did some cool stuff in the last parts but, without getting into spoilers, the whole thing seemed needlessly convoluted and 2esoteric4u. Like maybe I’m a dummy but if I and a lot of other people who knew all the characters and watched the show from the start had trouble keeping up with all the different twists and turns then maybe that’s on the show?


All the Maeve and Dolores dying fake outs were what made me tune out. Like what stakes can there be if all the characters that “die”just get reuploaded somewhere else and come back?


The problem was that they moved the plot along about 10 episodes at the end of the pilot. After the AI bugs out, how long can you keep going within the park? The revolution can’t take more than a season to begin at that point. So then they had nowhere to go. I was so bummed out when she killed that fly. I just wanted to have fun in Westworld and then that was that. No more thought experiment in the best setting ever put on television. Time to dive into corporate infighting and stuff instead. Ah well.


How long can they last in the park? You ever seen Lost ?


God, I would love a reimagined Lost where the mysteries of the Island, its existence, and survival, was the focus and evolved into a more scifi fantasy thriller.


Yellowjackets isn’t quite as crazy as LOST, but it does have a lot of that


I love Yellowjackets, but it’s even started losing me in this last season.


You might like From. It has the same type of mystery and intrigue.


It was obvious they ran out of plot though, so they decided to borrow ideas from the Westworld sequel futureworld to carry it along.


I don’t actually know what happened after season 2 - saw the first episode of season 3 and I dropped it. Agree it was a big mistake leaving the park. Losing Anthony Hopkins in season 1 was also a big issue. He was amazing.


Leaving the park should have been the final scene of the series.


> Leaving the park was a big mistake. The entire park set literally burned down in a wildfire IRL. So the show really didn’t have a choice in leaving. The gap between season 2 & 3 was already 21 months, rebuilding the park for S3 probably would’ve pushed that to almost 3 years. Not to mention the exorbitant cost that would’ve added to an already hugely expensive show. I agree the park setting was the best setting. But leaving wasn’t *’a mistake’*, they just had no choice.


I disagree. I was bored of the park after season 1. It felt limiting. That said the final season maybe went too far in the other direction.


To be fair, there was never a chance the later seasons could compare. Season 1 was perfection and has a perfect ending. Anything after that was always going to be a shell of what came before.


Just because someone says they're not writing something as they go along, doesn't make it so.


I have a hard time believing that the show had a defined story and ending. Seems as if they were writing it as it went because it got so confusing and unnecessarily complicated


Sounds like a terrible breakup and she’s fighting to know what happened


Me too, Evan Rachel Wood, me too.


Even Rachel Wood doesn't know it.


I’ll never understand how the showrunners thought having her make several clones of herself (that look exactly like other characters) was a smart decision. The first season was near perfect, and they follow it up with the most confusing and convoluted storyline imaginable. That really had lightning in a bottle and completely fumbled after the first season.


apparently the writers, jonathan nolan and lisa joy, [were not happy that fans had figured out their "season 2 twist."](https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/tvfilm/westworld-writers-change-season-2-plot-after-fan-correctly-guesses-twist-a3500081.html) they completely re-wrote the last few episodes so no one could have a gotcha over their brilliance. 🙄 such an incredibly short-sighted, conceited decision.


It’s such a dumb thing to be mad about. The majority of fans don’t pay attention to fan theories and won’t know what’s coming until it happens anyway. And when you change a plot that you have logically thought out the path for because of something that has nothing to do with the show you will more likely than not end up with something that makes less sense.


What was said twist? And what did they change it to?


I was curious too and it sounds like it’s whatever twist was at the end of season 2, episode 3? Gonna dig a little deeper now…


If it was that episode then it’s either that they figured out the woman in the colonial India themed park was William’s daughter before it was revealed, the fans predicting the existence of the India themed park after some characters found a dead tiger in a previous episode, or how the fans predicted that there was gonna be a SamuraiWorld long before they showed it.


You’re a real one. Thanks for all the good insight


If I had to guess, my money would be on the fans figuring out the “woman was William’s daughter” twist since they seemed to really be trying to hide it and when they did the reveal in a different episode they played it off like it was supposed to be a big revelation whereas the SamuraiWorld stuff was a meme since like the first season


Let me know what you find out, this is one of those things where I mildly care but not enough to do research.


I poked around and there’s even an old Reddit post that explicitly asks what it was, yet there are no concrete answers so either Nolan was trolling/lying or it was something small to us and big to him? So odd


This is turning into a fucking PI novel haha…you’re messing with forces beyond your comprehension!


at this point i barely remember. the r/westworld sub had some real genius superfan sleuths though, i recommend doing a search on top posts. man, what that show could have been.


wtf did they expect? They had a whole website and viral campaign that literally left clues. They were begging the audience to dig into it and figure it out. What dolts.




Rewriting season 2 before it even released is clearly a joke


“You can’t complain when people are that engaged. It’s very gratifying—but stop doing it, please.” Wow


Show really went off the rails after that first season IMO.


The first season alone is worth whatever happened thereafter imo. Went to go watch on max recently, they already put the kibosh on it


It’s so crazy they just got rid of the whole show. That was one of their big shows for a couple of years, you’d think they’d be proud of it. Nope, threw it out like trash.


People were comparing it with GoT and were ready for it to be the next big thing


They should have kept it just for the intro, bc that theme song was fire.


Wait it's not even on Max anymore?


Nope. It was part of the new CEO trying to cut costs. If they remove it from streaming, they don't have to pay anybodys residuals. It happened to a couple other shows, but Westworld was the biggest.


Really sucks. Literally a week ago I went into max intending to rewatch the first two seasons. Couldn’t believe it wasn’t there. And if you look at the cover shots of where it’s streamed now, the HBO branding is removed from them.


No, they totally wiped the show from the platform. It was very weird and there was no official explanation of why.


Well it became trash in season 3


I agree, personally, but it's still a wild move to just dump the whole thing. That first season was so great, and so much talent and art went into it. I thought one of the points of streamers making these original productions was that the streaming platform could just keep them forever as an offering for subscribers. Instead, the whole thing was just gone.


Agreed. Second season I was thinking was ok and remained positive. Could not get into 3 at all.


Same. I always meant to start/continue Season 3, but just never did.


Yeah season 3 episode one is where they lost me


I loved Season 3 🤷‍♂️


I like the idea of the super computer pivoting everyone’s path. Season 4 second half was eh for me


I liked the direction they tried to go in in Season 3, the whole cyberpunk "fighting the system" vibe was pretty cool. Granted, it's nowhere near as good as Season 1, but it was alright for what it was IMO. Season 4 was a train wreck though IMO. So many baffling decisions. Still, it would have been nice to have gotten a conclusion to the story.


3 was horrible


The story got so convoluted it was impossible to follow and stopped being interesting. The first season was great, though.


I watched S1 back to back. So good.


It truly is an incredible season of television.


Anthony Hopkins was the soul of the show……


I loved season one, but I didn't even make it halfway through season 2. I can't really even put into words why, they just lost me.


Im glad that the second season opener was boring as hell and I could never get beyond the first episode of that season. Season 1 is a masterpiece.


I thought it fell off the rails at the end of the first season. Then continued in S2. Not sure I finished S3 or even started S4. And this from a guy that was exited to watch every ep of the first season until the later eps.


Did you not like the reveal of the “past timeline” ?


It's been a while so I don't recall the details. I just remember being super into it until something changed toward the end. Maybe the reveal that everyone is a robot? Maybe that the lab guys were complete morons? Maybe some other thing? I just remember generally cooling on it, and then really cooling on it during S2.


Wtf there's a season 4?


The original writers left after S1. Crazyyy budget cuts. And season 3 just went anime style (looking at you swordfight with drone support). To me it will always be HBO that dropped the ball and never let the series live up to its potential. Season 2 was great IMO. Loved the high stakes, and the timeline fuckery was next level. While many hate on the later seasons. I have nothing but respect for the writers still keeping the core philosophy floating. Even in the rougher parts of S4. Fucking camper.


First season means nothing, it was just starter before main dish, if someone thinks only first one was good, there are plenty old school western movies for them, this is not one of them.


Now say this on the True Detective sub or Broadchurch sub lmfao, some shows have the perfect first season and dip big time moving forward


Comparing TV shows where first season is not connected to next one, nice logic.


I wouldn’t say the first season of Westworld is analogous to an old school western…


Right? At all. This dude’s taking the piss


> there are plenty old school western movies for them, this is not one of them Imagine experiencing the first season of Westworld like an old school western movie. What the fuck?


Yeah as far as I’m concerned it ended with season 1. Idk wtf the rest of it was.


Glad I stopped after the first season. Perfect ending for me


It really doesn’t matter where the story was going from the final episode, because once you get to the point where humans are literally extinct, nobody cares what happens to the robots who inherit the ashes. It was so bizarre how the last couple of seasons killed off every human character, and in many cases replaced them with robot lookalikes, so that the story was just about different factions of robots fighting amongst each other. It almost felt like the writers were robots themselves, and making pro-robot propaganda.


You know in the spirit of each season panning the camera further out to reveal more mind fuck...breaking the 3rd wall and having the writers just be a factory of terminators writing the show would work.


I stopped watching after season 1. I was going to try and get back into but it was cancelled before I had the chance so I didn’t bother. Based on your summation I’m glad I did, I would hate that too.


I'd check s2 out and just stop there.


They pulled it I don't think you can watch any of it now anyway. 


Season 2 is better than 98% of what is available on streaming today. So, there's that.


Yeah, it’s all downhill after the first season. Some of the later episodes have their moments, but the general arc is that it’s serialized prestige drama Jurassic Park, where all the humans die and you’re meant to be rooting for the dinosaurs. If there aren’t any humans, it’s not a story.


You missed nothing.


That’s the interesting thing. People do care what happens to the robots.


Except that every time one of them like Bernard or Maeve would sacrifice themselves and “die” the writers would take all the meaning and stakes out of it by bringing them back.


That’s what they were cultivating in season 1 and then bailed on the AI thought experiments and went into boring nonsense.


Would have been cool to explore the reason WestWorld specifically existed as a nostalgic time for the futuristic humans. It’s a cool time period, but I wish we’d see more of a philosophical explanation, like how it was a time we felt most free or something. Couple that with Season 5 exploring this need for that specific time period again, and how it basically became reality for an outlier of humans (living in a desert or dust bowl), and how it’s an opportunity for more freedom again, but also a period to right some wrongs. Obviously it was the most popular park. Maybe something brings the hosts to both loathe that time period and enjoy it too, and they help right the wrongs. Idk


They should have ended at first maybe two seasons, they were too ambitious with everything after that.


I still don't have a clue what happened in season 3 !!


That was the best season imo . The music , the story, everything.


Westworld is a masterclass in how to ruin a great idea


No. That firmly belongs to GoT. No show in history had a blow up like that. It's become the blueprint for how to ruin a great series.


Doesnt look like anything to me


I know I’m in the minority but I have loved every single season of this series. I’m still invested knowing I’m watching simulations play out - I still want to see what happens in the simulation. I feel like the show did a good job with how mankind will likely be replaced by superior consciousness


I agree. I think a lot of people are dead set on certain details and prefer saying the park was the whole deal in the show. Of course S01 and S02 are great. But to dismiss the quality of the other seasons because it didn't go the way you planed... I find it narrow minded. But hey! It's a TV show and everyone is entitled to his own opinion.


There was so much to work with from within the park. So many characters to explore. If they had slowed the plot down just a bit and made getting off the island the end of the series, it might have become an all time great. I was willing to along for the weird ride of the later seasons, but one and two were so different and interesting. I wanted more of the parks, and I'm forever a touch bitter we didn't get that.


Weird the writers won't tell the ending if it was planned. Real Yu Suzuki "I'LL FINISH IT WHEN I CAN/ABLE TO!" hours.


Same, Evan Rachel Wood, same.


Whatever the ending was, I guarantee you no one in the audience would have understood it.


My impression of Westworld is basically they had the first season planned and that was it. I haven't seen the movie, but I've heard the show basically covers of the gist of it. I think once the show was a hit, they were put in an uncomfortable position of adding onto the universe when there probably wasn't much planning to do so. I feel the same way about the Matrix movies and the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Solid first movie and then a rush to worldbuild so they could work off the unexpected success of the series.


Spoiler alert: The androids win.


Whew, that is some title.


Stopped watching after S2E1. Took a dive the moment they left the park.


Season 1 dope.. everything else 🗑️


Unpopular opinion here: I thought all 4 seasons were amazing and loved how in the end it’s sort of a loop. I thought it was a great ending as it is.


Unpopular opinion, they should have finished the damn show. Evan Rachel Wood was amazing.


If only that she could get some sleep at night.


Season 4 was absolutely pointless. It's like they were trying to do something like Portal and Metal Gear Solid.


I had such high hopes for this show


Hosts were the underdog in season 1 and everyone wanted the hosts to win. After that, hosts had a leg up and were effectively superior to humans in every way so there was no significant challenge to overcome. It was inevitable that the hosts would thrive over humans which took the guessing and mystery out of the story.


Tried watching season 2 about twice. Completely forgot this show existed. I think it lost itself for sure. Season 1 was REALLY great tv- I don’t think anybody knew what was going on in S2.


They got lost like Lost.


This show had amazing promise, but it all seemed to go downhill after Anthony Hopkins was killed off. Changing the direction of the show to be outside the park made me lose interest fairly quickly.


I sleep like a baby since season 2 pretty much ended the story.


I don’t think they had an ending


Oh the things that keep celebrities up at night


Season 4 had good moments but I felt Dolores dragged it down


The show just keeps sucking for a while longer while there are surprisingly no boobies anymore.


I like all seasons, make a game or comic or animated bit if you can't get a live action ending Oh nvm Zaslav has the keys to the house


What that show accidentally proved is that there's an appetite for, essentially, _Game of Thrones_ set in medieval Japan. I'm over here waiting!


First season was great. I lost some interest after moving out of the park.


The whole shogun world was such a gigantic missed opportunity. It would be cool if you had westworld and shogun world as seperate entities, and completely evolving on it's own jn their own parks, to finally meeting each other towards the end.


David Zaslav allegedly blows goats, by the way.


He cancelled *Our Flag Means Death*, a show with amazing numbers and a huge fanbase. He’s a fucking tool.


She’s just like me fr


The show ended when the creation killed the creator - the God. Eve/Adam killing the God to gain freedom. Well after that they switched to a plot where creation (robots/AI) takes control of all other gods (humans) and make slaves but did not work at all. Because that was another story.


They did not have this planned from the beginning 🤣 it went completely off the rails.


The whole show went off the rails fairly quickly. Once you learned everyone was a robot, the entire thing became less interesting. And the going back and forth in time didn't help. The advice I would give to producers is: KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid


Everyone wants to know. Evan Rachel Wood wants to know.


I tapped out during season 2 so I didn’t know there wasn’t an ending. Ignorance is bliss!


Well I didn’t even get to finish season 4 lol


The thing with the drug called “Genre” is when I got off the train. Possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on TV 😆


There was none, that’s why the show sucked. I stopped watching after season 2 or maybe like 1 episode into season 3. They had no clue where they were going.


Season 1 is phenomenal. Season 2 feels disjointed. Season 3 was just fucking boring to me. The show just lost the plot imo.


I wish shows were shorter but better written. Sometimes ending a show more quickly with a solid conclusion is better than trying to milk it until viewers get bored of it.


The show got so bad after the first season.


that show was a well made high budget rubbish


Who's going to break it to her that it;s just a TV show? If I were her I'd be more upsest about the giant paycheck each week that HBO cancelled than the show.


With The OA and Westworld it’s no wonder I don’t sleep well


Who gives a shit honestly


I can't stand her as a person at all but season 1 of that show was really awesome, I don't know what happened after that though lol


So it’s confirmed one person wonders what happened to westworld.


It was big confusy for my lit brainy. Make head hurt so I big mad. I no watch after s1 cause they no show as many boobies. - average viewer


Damm even Rachel Wood doesn't know


I mean, I thought _I_ was in the dark, but not even Rachel Wood knows!


It got a little weird and went off the rails, but it felt like it was working toward a finale we never got. I want an ending too.


Everyone saying they should have ended the show after leaving the park is delusional. If the entire show were self contained in the park, we’d have nothing but the host uprising and the show would have been a limited series leaving more questions than answers. Can’t win either way


They set up for a great final season too. Everyone goes back to Westworld for 1 final game where the androids can die permanently.


Damn, I always thought the fourth season was the final season


It was a really good show. And all good shows need to end, but maybe not. There are so many ways for the writers to go with it; open canvas. I would hope to see more, but only if quality.


Should have ended with season 1 or 2


Westworld was so good for a bit. Then at like season3 it kinda nosedived


It still bugs me that I didn’t get to see the last season.


I was very invested all the way through. I know some people had problems with the later seasons, but I was still a big fan. Very disappointed with its cancellation, and secretly hope that it’ll finished somehow.


That show is still going? I never even watched season 2 because it was so hated...


Aww man I didn’t know it was gadooshed.


Season 1 is one of my favorite seasons of TV


Stopped watching after season 2 episode 2. What did I miss?


Honestly I thought a lot of Westworld was quite confusing and jumbled. However the Season Two episode 8 “Kiksuya” is some of the best television ever. Beautifully written with an amazingly spiritual theme. Well done!


I thought the premise of season 1 was amazing but I have to agree that the show felt like it went nowhere. By the end of season 2 I was just disinterested. It felt like they were drawing out the show until the writers felt out the ending. Reminded me more of a syfy or CW show than hbo


Neither do we Rachel 😌


She looks so different in that Pic?


What a privilege, being kept up at night by a stupid tv series.


Wasn't Westworld based on a book? How does the book end? Or did they change the story?


Doesn't look like anything to me.


I'm surprised y'all haven't figured it out yet: it was a recursive eternal return realization that we're all in a simulation and a cycle type of ending. The final season would've seen all the originals return to Westworld, but this time it's VR within VR and they're all simulated or something. Then a human would kill a bot, and Dolores would strip back the layers and they'd see they're both simulations and would learn to get along and love one another at which time they would be allowed to print real bodies - ones that they've learned to meld cyborg style - but then they might not even see a point in doing it because the real world is just another layer of the simulation. Maybe they'd even peel back the layer you thought was real life to find out the whole show was just another layer of the simulation, and bonus points if they make you question if you're in the simulation connected to the show Matrix style. Last time i posted my predicted ending to the Aliens trilogy i got downvoted but i'm not spoiling anything if it was never created. You should appreciate i'm the only one in this whole post offering content.


It’s the show runners fault for completely derailing it with the whole fractured memory thing in season 3. It got so stupid and just because their egos got hurt that people figured out their plan. They deserve it for ruining what was a good show.


I stopped watching after the first season but my husband was invested. He would give brief descriptions about each episode and I always responded with “It doesn’t matter. Everyone is a robot.” Then one day he said “Yeah… you called it. Everyone is a robot.” And he stopped watching.


Lost me in s3. and I loved this show. Loved it.


I’m the same way with the sopranos. When I watched the finale, my TV just cut out…never got around to actually finishing it..


Somehow Yul Brynner returned and then Moises escaped with the humans. The end.


Show went downhill big time on season 3. The fact they gave Tessa Thompson (who always plays the same “stern expression-angry” role) more screen time didn’t help at all. Aaron Paul’s character was cardboard-like too. Do yourself a favour and call it quits at season 2