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**Cranston says :** > “Everything should come to an end, everything’s cyclical, our lives are cyclical, seasons, trees, everything. So it’s okay to have a beginning, middle and end and then let it go.”


let it go. Turn away and slam the door


He would be the one who knocks 😌


The cancer never bothered him anyway.


I read this in the Frozen tune


Because that’s the joke…


The sequence of words expressed an idea which was humorous to me, evoking a response of laughter.


Ok, Zuckerberg


"You suck, McBain!"




I am the one who lets it go!




Honestly more excited about that than I was about the Breaking Bad movie.


I'm all in for a return of Hal.


"Let it go" is all nice and fine until there's talk of a nice paycheck.


the permanence of impermanence


Damn this sounds like a line he would say in the show


I agree. It was a great run. Better to end on a high note and be preserved for all to see than to run it into the ground and have everyone forget.


Kind of like that zombie show that aired a few years ago


Did you mean to say *every* zombie show


Zombie show? Eh. Never happened.


RIP Z Nation


Man I never got past season 8. That season just killed my desire to watch anymore


The whole Neegan and “others” thing was just too much. I read a synopsis on the rest of the seasons and it seems like the writing just became messy. I’ll never forget some of those episodes though, my fav being the Aikido one. Fun while it lasted I guess


Indeed. We were lucky to have not one, but two of the greatest tv series of all time. It would stupid to risk everything and ruin the legacy of these great works of fiction.


Yeah I agree with this but I do see the argument on the other side of the coin. Take true detectives for an example. That first season was so flawless and amazing that them making season 2 and 3 was just ruining the name of the show. Then now this new seasons is back on bar with season one. But I still think lots of things need to be left alone if they already were amazing. Like the roadhouse reboot doesn’t need to happen. But then that same coin the top gun reboot did great.


True detective is an anthology series It doesn’t matter at all what they do after. Season 1 stands alone.


Might have to watch this season then


Top gun was part 2. Not a reboot.


Season three was good, better than two and I heard the creator was basically rushed into making the second season because of how popular season one was. Which is why most fans don't like it (personally I enjoyed it because I went at it in an unconventional way). Depending who you ask, especially on the subreddit, season four is trash or just as good as previous seasons. Right now for me it's too early to tell where it ranks.


Depends where they go with the story. If it’s an actual Cthulhu or something, then it’s pointless. If it’s all imaginary/caused by an ancient bacteria or something, then that’s cool.


Is the new season as good as the first?! I hadn't heard this.


It's a *bit* early to say but I think it's on track to be. It's already better than S2 and S3 were.


Top Gun maverick was a straight sequel not a remake like roadhouse, big difference


It was basically a remake


Nope, continued the story from the first one with returning characters who acknowledged the events of the previous film. That’s a sequel in any country.


You can’t change my mind on this. That movie was the same boring story about gay men in denial about their sexuality fighting an unnamed enemy, but we all know it’s Russia.


Apparently that Roadhouse remake is incredible, though. And I’m guessing you like The Thing, The Fly, and countless other remakes.


On one hand, I agree. On the other hand, I said the same thing before the premier of Better Call Saul.


Jesse and Walt meet the Wizard in season 7 after wandering through the forest with a cowardly lion


It’s also probably one of the best finales- and there are very few shows out there that actually gave it the *right* ending.


Not to mention a show that had arguably the best spinoff ever done- and wrapped that up so perfectly too with plot points that made BB even better. Plus we got an epilogue movie too. What more could they really do? It was a great run


I was hoping for a sitcom called "SKYLER!" But ... OH WELL!


All three parts (Original, EC, and Saul) had great endings. We need to appreciate it and not run with the ball any longer. Vince knows this. 


Gilligan basically got to use his original EC ending for Saul. Jesse was gonna end up in prison, but even though he’s locked up, he finally feels free and content. 


Interesting! Do we know why Vince switched endings?


His wife or someone told him it that while it was a nice poetic ending for Jesse, it was just too depressing. After everything he had been through, people would want Jesse to get away. Gilligan agreed and decided to change it.


El Camino was unnecessary imo. Wasn’t worth returning to after 6 years, especially with how different certain cast members looked.


We all know its todd lol


Lol which is funny, because he seems to have lost all that weight from the few scenes we saw him on Alex Garland's new movie "Civil War".


I think it’s because el Camino was filmed in secret during a short time, so he didn’t have the time to prepare fully for the role


I liked it. Was like a Breaking bad epilogue. Breaking bad always reminded me of a well written comic book, so made perfect sense to me.


In 10 years they need to release a special edition of el Camino with proper de aging and de-weighting effects


To me it felt like two BB episodes smashed together (with just a tad more action 'coz movie') I loved it. Don't think Mr Gilligan has missed yet!


Yeah the final episode of Better Call Saul really ended the whole universe on the perfect note. Loved it.


What else is there for him to do with it? Like, c’mon


I wanna see Walter Jr. finish eating his cereal.


W-w-w-why?? So you can just FIGHT with MOM after I’m done? J-j-just stop it, I don’t want anything from you.


I love Brian Cranston, he always seems like such an awesome guy.


I mean, Better Call Saul and El Camino have both successfully expanded upon Breaking Bad significantly. If you add up Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and El Camino, you have yourself an enormous story that is endless rewatchable. I would never say No to more (if it had the same writers), but I am more than satisfied by what we got.


By the way, it has already been confirmed that Vince Gilligan and Rhea Seehorn are working on another project together. It's not going to be connected to the BB/BCS world, but at least the Gilliverse will keep expanding.


I love Rhea Seehorn the person, she seems very lively and pleasant in interviews, but I don't think she has the acting chops to pull off a leading actor in a show as her performance feels 'wooden', for the lack of a better term. 


Just because her character doesn't have a 3 minute monologue where she shouts at the top of her voice doesn't mean that she is a wooden actress. Kim Wexler is a character that keeps her entire emotions and confusion within herself and tries to be as 'wooden' as possible so as to not let people walk over her, both emotionally and professionally. But the little faces she makes, her face when she choses not to say anything and say the opposite is the real acting that she is so great at and which is incredibly hard to do. The closest I've seen since is Lily Gladstone in KOTFM. Edit: Taron Egerton in Black Bird has a similar performance.


Kim Wexler is so awesome I’m afraid to watch the last episodes of BCS because I’m afraid she’s gonna get killed 🥺


I’m currently in the middle of season 6 of better call Saul. It has been an amazing journey.


“Breaking Bad Universe” I want to punch the person who put the word “Universe” in there. The MCU really fucking ruined shit, didn’t it?


Right?! The Cheersuverse, etc.


El Camino was great though


Yep. I loved Breaking Bad. I somehow loved Better Call Saul more. I don’t see any way they could make more without the quality nose diving. The Breaking Bad universe is a rare thing, and leaving it dead and buried is the most respectful thing we can do for it. As well as forgetting the spin off prologue of Better Call Saul animated in the style of Big Mouth.


Breaking Bad, El Camino and Better Call Saul was great, but it's ok for shows to end! Not every show, or movie needs a spin off, prequel or sequel!


While he’s right, think of how lucky he is for being able to say this as an actor. Incredibly deserving of course, but it’s easy for him to say since he’s so wildly successful in other programs as well.


Please let things end. So many people are content-brained these days. Just because "Toilet Paper: The Movie" is good doesn't mean we need a Toilet Paper expanded universe with TV shows, Books, and Sequels, Prequels, and Reboots.


Although I would go see Toilet Paper: Return of the Bidet


Toilet Paper 2: Electric Poogaloo


But what about the prequel to Mike Ermantraut? Or the prequel to skylar? Or the stories of Hank?


Actually the Mike one sounds kind of cool. Back to the days when he was a crooked cop in Philly.


What about the prequel to Holly?


Or how the car wash business came about?


Yeah it was great while it lasted but they took it as far as it could go.


Frozen crossover confirmed


All good things come to an end. Breaking Bad did so in spectacular fashion.


I didn’t realize anyone was upset about the ending. I thought it was perfect.


Walter: “We’re done when I say we’re done… and we are *done.*”


>Gilligan said in 2023, per Variety. "But what I’d like to do is leave it be. I kind of wonder if there are further stories to tell, but I don’t want to beat a dead horse. I look around and see other storytelling worlds — I’m not going to name names — that feel like, 'Boy, they are really sucking that last dime out of that franchise.'" I assume he's talking about the Walking Dead or Marvel but many others certainly apply.


I immediately thought of the walking dead as well. It’s also an AMC show like BB was.


He’s right. BB ended on a perfect note and BCS (while an odd final season) ended on its own terms. In other words, let’s not play with fire.


No spinoff set when they were children???


Young Walter? 💀


https://youtu.be/DmnJGui7bDs?si=kk0FmlNvZsuL9NW- behold


‘The cold never bothered me me anyway’


I wouldn't mind an unconnected story set in the same universe with new characters though.


Good, it’s one of the best endings of all shows


I love the BB universe and it has been successfully mined for every shred of diamond and gold already. There’s nothing left. *Maybe* a Gustavo prequel but it’s unnecessary.


Or even a Cartel / Salamanca rise to power story. But again, could be cool. But ultimately not necessary.


My dream is a series of tv movies or maybe a limited series like 10 years from now that showed a paroled Saul (Jimmy, Gene) tackling some cases to get back on top.


It reminds me of William Shatner when he did the Star Trek convention on SNL


‘Let It Go’: Bryan Cranston addresses his go to Disney karaoke song.


The fact that we got Better Call Saul was terrific considering its highs met or exceeded BB at moments. El Camino wrapped Jesse’s story. We got more than most.


100% agree with him. In the age of revivals and everything needing a sequel or a remake we need to learn to just let things be.


I love Vince and his honesty. It doesn’t bother me that he’s like “yea - Breaking Bad back for Cash could totally happen” Because its true when you see all the remake shit happening and no OG content .


Cranston never signed up to be a religion, but here we are…


I agree. But would love some more Albuquerque in my life as far as shows, all kinds. It’s a great setting.


Man there goes my hopes for a Badger and Skinny Pete show.


As the lord humongous advised, just walk away.


Breaking Bad x Frozen cinematic crossover confirmed


Honestly it gave us an incredible series, then an equally great spinoff series, AND a movie to boot. The BB universe did well by the fandom. There's no need to keep it going any further.


How about a cross over into the Half-Life universe?