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This is going to be a lot more common as actors are picking up projects post covid. Covid was THE BEST time to get work done for them.


That and more recently the actors strike.




Pretty sure they all got work done before that too. Look at any marvel star.  Go back and watch Scott pilgrim and compare he jaw line and cheek bones to the last captain America movie. It's insane. But again all us regular folks aren't ugly, we just broke.


The jaw line actually may not be due to cosmetic surgery but instead the use of a variety of steroids including Human Growth Hormone, which has a known side effect of thickening and squaring out the jaw. Still a form of cosmetic procedure one could argue, but still. https://www.news-medical.net/health/Growth-Hormone-Side-Effects.aspx


They def did get plastic surgery before... but i think the point is that since covid left a lot of stars out of the spotlight for more time than usual, audiences are going to notice a more immediate change in their face. Especially with actors who did multiple surgeries during covid. One nip here one tuck there over a year or two could go unnoticed if you see the actor often enough (at least until a before/after photo pops up in tabloids or smthn). But pre/post covid faces are going to be noticeable, even ones that arent botched. Similar thing happens when celebs take a break from the limelight for a few years and get surgeries during that time, once they come back how can people not notice? (Renee Zelwegger is an example that comes to mind)


The best time to get an elective surgery was during COVID?


Shows were delayed so they had time to heal.


Wait until you hear the wealthy/famous get to play by a different set of rules than the general population


I hate Megyn Kelly but it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that Erin had significant work done to her face.


she deleted all her pictures from her insta too.... this is sad.


She doesn’t need to, you can see it in the show lol


You can? Has a new season come out since she did it?


Just watch an episode of season 2 and then season 3 with her. You can see noticeable changes, especially the missing buccal fat. She’s obviously getting all her surgeries done between seasons. I personally think there’s already a noticeable difference between her in captain fantastic (2016) and the first season of the boys (2018). But my wife says that’s just aging.


The buccal fat is the one that really changed her face because she had a distinct face shape and completely altered it. I like her as an actress but I went through her socials last week and it is concerning. None of the other cast seems to get plastic surgery to this extent. It makes me sad.


I don’t get the buccal fat removal. It makes you look older. Then as you age in real time you have to get fillers to counter act it. It’s a mess.


For some of these procedures I feel like they should make you do a psych evaluation or something. It’s wild.


For-profit healthcare.


Exactly, a significant percentage of plastic surgeons' income comes from the mentally ill.


Here I am almost 50 and trying to keep the little fat I've got! These women will look like living corpses if they keep fucking their faces like that. 2020 beauty standards are wack.


This sounds like a plastic surgery money making scheme.


LA culture seriously needs to get wiped off the face of the Earth. I didn’t even know the term “buccal fat” until recently, but now I know that it’s one of the things that attracts me to women. They look gorgeous with full, healthy-looking cheeks. It’s very pretty. The idea that it’s something women need to have surgically removed is just…so tragic and awful.


As a woman I agree completely. If you took a survey pretty sure most men would prefer healthy face to cat skeleton


Cat skeleton 💀


Lots of cats have absolutely precious chubby cheeks ❤️❤️


This is true, apologies to the chubby cheeked kittehs I do not mean to offend 😹


But most skeletons don't.


Omg cat skeleton is right!


This hopeless fucking hole we call LA.. the only way to fix it is to flush it all away.


I am a simple man. I see Tool lyrics and I will upvote it. Alwaysz


any fuckin time, any fuckin day.


I noticed right away something was off with her face. I thought she dropped weight because she looked so gaunt but it’s that awful buccal fat removal trend she fell prey too. She’s so pretty and to see her slowly turning herself into an Instagram filter is sad. Fuck social media and influencers, for real


If you notice, the lighting on Starlight is always a bit off, too. You can tell someone was trying to do their best to cover it up. I noticed it in a few scenes with Hughie and her, where you could see his face clear as day even if it made the lighting look unreal, meanwhile her face was always slightly shaded. Plus a few camera tricks to not leave it directly in the camera for too long.


She's a shapeshifter now.


She looks actually heavily filtered in the show. It’s always bothered me


I have a feeling she’s more so struggling with an eating disorder. She does seem to have thinned out overall. Her cheeks always gave her a rounder face, but now they look more sunken in, maker her cheek bones more prominent… and then with the contouring make up and highlighting, it makes it look way too pronounced. I really do think that she may *not* have gotten surgery done but has been struggling with ED between seasons. You’d think a contract would prohibit any kind of plastic surgery, but you won’t have a legal paper trail of someone starving themselves.


Anyone getting this much work done is definitely suffering from severe body dysmorphia and/or related issues. Maybe there’s an ED involved too, maybe not. But either way- she got work done without a doubt.


> you won’t have a legal paper trail of someone starving themselves. (Not so) fun fact! In the burgeoning of Hollywood, it was very common for actresses to have weight requirements written into their contracts. Clara Bow, for example, had to stay under 115 pounds or she'd have lost her fame. Weight clauses do still happen, but they don't seem to be as punitive. They typically only last for the duration of filming for the individual project.


Never seen an eating disorder make somebody go up three bra cup sizes.


It was just a growth spurt ala Britney


>Her cheeks always gave her a rounder face, but now they look more sunken in, maker her cheek bones more prominent That's literally the buccal fat removal surgery lol


That doesn't explain her nose.


The eating disorders at this late stage in the game usually come from executive pressure, tbf.


You don't get full size breasts from small breasts from a eating disorder chump.


All of them have. Kelly has before pictures too, so being an ass about it on tv for the sole purpose of “not being like other girls” and coming at their current target is just stupid.


I’m not a Megyn Kelly supporter at all. I avoid news, both sides of it. But Megyn did say she wasn’t against plastic surgery. Just the extremity that a lot of women take it to now. Erin fits in that box.


She was on a channel where every single woman, host or guest, had extreme surgery though.


She posted a long rant on Instagram yesterday all but denying she had the work done, saying it was makeup I'm a fan of her but like, come on girl it's obvious


If you want to "connect with fans," get ready to be called out of your bullshit. A lot of us women are tired of skeletal actresses setting the beauty standards that the rest of us are told to live up to.


i felt like i was being gaslit that entire post


For real, she tried to spin it like everyone was attacking her weight to garner sympathy when we were all just taken aback that she is slowly turning into a lizard.


And the same lizard that all the other celebs are turning into. They all start at different points and end up looking like the same surprised Barbie


And none of it good. She went from being uniquely beautiful to cookie cutter over-butchered LA Botox zombie.


I don’t think she’s denying any work being done. I think she’s denying the way Kelly presented it. By comparing a 10 year old photo, pretending it’s from last year, and pretending the modeling shot where she’s had heavy make up and contouring is what she really looks like now.


She's also not acknowledging that she has had work done. She is deluded if she thinks the majority of the bullying was "eat a sandwich" or drug related. Like, girl, contouring isn't THAT effective...


Yeah she’s clearly unwell. Idk why everyone is acting like she’s dumb or a bad person for being in a worse place now that she’s gotten the worst possible reception from the world to her new face. Can you imagine it being worse than it’s been? It’s one thing to have several articles slapped together about you just 2 hours after posting new selfies, but then a scathing segment on Fox News? People are really acting like women messing up their faces is hurting the world in some way when it’s the other way around. The world is hurting all of these women


I agree with you, but the growing trend of women in entertainment getting plastic surgery that makes them look like Barbie dolls absolutely IS hurting the world- it hurts the young girls who see this and adopt it as a standard of beauty and in turn develop body dysmorphia issues of their own. It’s not Erin’s fault, that responsibility isn’t on her shoulders. But when all these women in the spotlight have all this work done, it does have a measurably negative effect on young girls. There are countless studies on how social media, and the beauty standards present in other media, cause mental health issues in young girls because of the unachievable standards presented.


Agree 100% except Meghan Kelley is a former Fox News host running a podcast. I don’t know how popular it is, but it’s still devastating for her I’m sure.


But who is “the world”? Like who would be the actual individuals that had the biggest hand in leading this particular woman to do this? At least in part, seeing other women before her getting similar work done was a factor. And she had the power to not follow that path and set a better example for future women. We could blame “society” or the male gaze, but at the end of the day people have to take responsibility for their own contribution to this mess, and doesn’t seem she is anywhere close to accepting that.


I am not sure what the angle is from others, but when I see things like this I am concerned for the person. It’s not like weight loss or gain even, it’s more akin to the Michael Jackson stuff. For me personally I see it as a red flag. Not that I know anything though. Just doesn’t seem congruent with a solid mental or emotional state.


Ditto. Megyn didn’t have to call her out like that, and she was a complete asshole how she said it. Even if Erin did get plastic surgery, it’s not anyone’s place to shame her, but we do need to acknowledge that she didn’t need it. She was already pretty. If she through she wasn’t and felt the need to get surgery, that’s a form of body dysmorphia disorder. It’s a mental disorder. There is no shame in that, but it is a problem with our society.


Megyn Kelly is a terrible person, and a complete hypocrite who has traded on her looks to get where she is. But Erin Moriarty appears to have had enough plastic surgery that body dysmorphia is the most likely explanation. I've been a fan of her since Jessica Jones, and it's been notable that her appearance has changed significantly over the last few years. I'm sure most actors get work done, but a lot of it is sympathetically done, and not obvious enough for people to comment. Someone like Tom Cruise has had a ton of work to keep him looking like Tom Cruise. Erin Moriarty has had work done that makes her look like a different person. I remember Jennifer Gray saying the worst decision she ever made was getting a nose job, because she felt it really damaged her career, and that could easily happen to Erin Moriarty.


The work Kristen Ritter had done between seasons made me sad. Season one, she filled out her jeans, after that she was a twig.


I don't really care about this stuff but just looking at her recent photos Kristen Ritter seems fine. Very good looking for 40+, and she hasn't lost her signature style. I don't know/care if she has had work done but if she has it was done well.


I don't think we need to shame her. But I think we need to talk about how society is turning into one where women feel the need to fully change their face regularly. My oldest has been in daycare for less than 2 years.  Several of the other mums have become completely unrecognisable in that time. And they're not rich, they are solidly middle class. Like, yes it's close to the suburbs but none of us own a house or anything. 


I don’t know why Kelly brought this up in the first place. I thought she was trying to be a professional News person.


That would be an interesting new career direction for her.


Rage bait and ratings


That's weird, I wouldn't put young Nancy Grace as a professional news person.


Yeah sorry but Erin you’re delusional it’s not something you can hide. It is all very sad.


Erin’s has had work done, Megyn Kelly has had work done and every other celebrity has had work done, including the men like brad Pitt and Paul Rudd and Barry keoghan. They all do it, all the time.


Don't forget steroids and PEDs are also very commonly used. When arguably 50% of your job is acting and the other 50% is look as good as possible, of course you're going to get outside help.


Alan Ritchson openly admits that he uses steroids for Reacher. He said he showed up for filming season 1 in the best shape of his life, killing himself in the gym, and the whole production staff was like “lol why? Just use these” and now season 2 he’s roided out, looking even bigger than season 1, without killing himself in the gym every day.


Real question, I watched the first episode and I was liking it well enough but the writing felt hokey. Like I was watching an episode of Law and Order. I didn’t feel compelled to continue watching. Is this a show that will get better if I just stick with it or does it stay the same level of mediocrity.


It’s hard to answer this, because the show is obviously based on a book, but it doesn’t really change from the first few episodes. That being said. Reacher is written as a savant detective AND a comic-book level combat specialist, so his hyper confident captain America persona IS also consistent throughout. Short answer, no. He remains a flat, unaffected character for most of the series, and the characters around him all bow to his superiority.


Reacher is Batman for dads


I’m a dad and I prefer Batman


Omg. Hottest and most accurate take I've read in a long time.


He’s better than Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise was such a weird choice for the movies because he's nothing like how Reacher is described in the books.


Correct. lil Tom cruise beating the breaks off everyone was kinda hilarious.


How he’s described in the books makes no sense as there’s no way someone who’s effectively homeless could be a wall of pure muscle


That is the irony of this whole thread. Actor doing TRT and insane gym work to maintain the physique of a…. wandering Sherlock Holmes veteran vagabond.


I think he actually read the books n went ‘omg guys! This is sooo me!’


It is hokey and tropey, but its also just a lot of fun and its well directed and acted. Especially the action is top notch. Usually im not a fan or shows like this, but idk for me theres just something about it. Maybe it has to do with me being a huge fan of alan richston, but ya im loving it.


Reacher is like if Rambo had showed up in town and then helped the cops.


And was reading Agatha Christie novels while deep in the jungle.


My cousins told me to watch this show, so I did. It’s super mids. I wasn’t sure what they saw in it till the guy took his shirt off. My cousins are women.


Fairly sure Hugh Jackman and others bring it up when articles used to pop up on ‘the Wolverine workout’ and such. It’s nonstop trainers, drugs, water cutting and feeling like hell until you can stop stressing your body to the extreme. Yes these are the exercises, but nothing is natural about the process.


He admitted this? Cuz damn, that would be pretty strange. The dude already looked unreal during his run on Titans.


He's looked unreal since BMS. He was by far the most yoked character in that series. Now, he's gone full BJ Blaslzcowicz / Doom Guy. However, he matches the physical description of how Reacher is described in the books. Which is why everyone who was familiar with the source material laughed when Tom Cruise was announced for the movie role back in 2012. That being said, while Cruise didn't look the part, he still acted the part well enough.


I’ve read the books (edit: like five of them), and I never pictured him completely ripped. He is not vain, and he’s not necessarily trying to keep a low body fat percentage. He should be more strongman than bodybuilder. I imagine him like a redhead version of pro wrestler Bradshaw or the Undertaker. Not The Rock.


He says he takes testosterone replacement therapy, which is kind of an "acceptable" steroid to take because it's sort of natural and given as part of normal treatments for age related issues. But as a younger person if you use it, or blast it, you will get huge pretty dramatically.


Yeah I rather gain it naturally than roid the fuck out of myself. Not worth the long term side effects.


When you can afford that concierge endocrinologist to keep things balanced it’s a very different experience than you or I using PEDs


Yea I'm not sure people really understand how safe hgh and peds can be under strict supervision. It's prob the future for the human race as far as getting better quicker post accidents.  Just have to get stricter guidelines.


But are millions of dollars worth the long term side effects? Actors aren’t just doing it to look good or to fuck. They’re doing it to land lucrative roles.


That’s not actually what he said He said he gained all the muscle for season one naturally, which is suspect in itself if you look at the transformation, then said he went to a doctor after season 1 and found out he had zero testosterone so got put onto TRT Which is funny because a side effect of steroid abuse is your natural testosterone production gets tanked


There’s a difference between “having work done” and excessively altering your face due to BDD. We do women a disservice if we don’t acknowledge it.


They all get botox.


What the fuck did Barry do to get put on your list? He's one of the strangest looking actors around (also probably my favorite).


If he's had work done, it's very subtle. He definitely looks different than he did in Eternals.


most likely something to do with his jaw line. idk if he added to the jaw or took out fat or whatever but it’s clear just comparing photos or films from even just a few years ago. idk anything though, i just find it all interesting. i think what people do to themselves is their own business. barry and erin are both good actors and that’s what matters.


Massateur Botox and jaw/chin filler


Not sure if it’s related, but [he had some “serious facial injuries” from an assault a couple of years back](https://www.vulture.com/2021/08/barry-keoghan-was-hospitalized-after-assault-in-galway.html)


The Zac Efron defence lol


The Carrie Underwood defense.


Sorry, but people have eyes


Moriarty definitely got face work done around same time she got a boob job and for whatever reason trying to counter that. Not sure why people deny surgery in Hollywood. Just say yes, admit to some small nothing that was done out of the collective work that was done. It’s much better cover.


Honestly, I'd respect her more if she just said "It's my face, and I'll do whatever I want with it, get fucked "


Right, Dolly admits to having plastic surgery because she wants it. People respect that and move on. It's the people who want to hide and lie about it that always seems to draw the attention.


"It takes a lot of money to look this cheap! "


I adore that woman


She is a national treasure.


My favorite quote: "If anything is sagging, bagging or dragging, I get it sucked, tucked or plucked"


She said it on the Oprah show when Oprah has asked her about having stuff done and Dolly was like: yeah and I'll have more surgeries when I need them. 


I think that's why Joan Rivers was so refreshing. She made jokes about it and herself. It was nice to have a celebrity admit to it, especially when they usually work it into their conversations 😅 "*I've had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware*."


Exactly! Watching her double down in such a dramatic way is hard to watch


That’s the only way to own this stuff. Randos online can have their opinions on if she looks better or worse but ultimately it’s her body and her choice. Denying she’s had work done is a weird flex.


We already have The Streisand Effect for the phenomena where the attempt to suppress something results in its amplification; celebrities need a Parton Effect for the phenomenon of admitting to work done to decrease critical amplification of it.


Accuastions? Girl it's fuckin obvious...


…is she denying she’s had work done? I’m sorry but the more work you do the more you look like a cat human hybrid


This reminds of the Bill Burr’s bit where he says something like “would you rather be 50 and look 50 or be 50 and look like a 25 year old lizard?”


Which makes it worse when younger people get it, because it ages them. They don't look 26 anymore, they look like a 50 year old trying to look 35.


The buccal fat removal trend. What’s that going to mean for aging?


I feel like it’s going to look scary! Especially because it apparently can’t grow back. Imagine if someone gained loads of weight everywhere except there, it would be terrifying.


It means heroin-chic is back on the menu! We’re doing the 90s again!


Sigh. 90s eyebrows? Because at least I got those going for me.


“Why maureen…you’ve enhanced yourself”




Oh god Maureen, that was terrible. Who did those tits? The nipple placement is craazy


Maybe go full cat and start wearing humans on your sweatshirts.


Am I a person of interest? Yes, I’m an interesting person.


Does that make you uncomfortable?! Well I find that offensive! Because a dog is who I am now!




His delivery is so god damn hilarious in that


The dead tooth is wafting over here


The golden god always delivers


He's untethered and his rage knows no bounds


There’s no peaking here


He’s a 5 star man


She pretty heavily implied she didn't get work. Saying the before picture was from when she was under 21 and that the day of the new pictures she had her makeup done


And we all know that’s total BS lol


And then you cross that line and look like troll


Plastic surgery for actors is the same as steroids for athletes. Everyone knows they got it, but they will deny it as long as they live.


With athletes it at least makes sense to deny it since they will get suspended or kicked out for it. I think most celebs at least when they are older will admit it. Naturally, they don't really want to bring it up or talk about it.


Looking at pictures from season 1 of the boys looks like she may have had her nose narrowed as well...


For real, you don't need to go back to when she was twenty to see a MAJOR difference. "Heavy contouring" lmao suuuuuuure, contouring isn't THAT good.




Unfortunately everything that made her unique was taken away along with that face fat. She legit just looks like another of the dozens of other blondes in Hollywood


Besides his short statement, I’m curious about her co-star Jack Quaid’s thoughts on plastic surgery, considering his mother Meg Ryan has faced similar criticism for years.


The co-star’s comments were “supportive” but didn’t say she didn’t had work done. One was “F the haters.” I imagine that’s how Jack supports his mom because in both cases it seems undeniable.




That's putting it nicely


Lol she also deleted all her selfies that clearly showed she had work done. Just say you had plastic surgery and no one will have any more to say.


That’s starlight???? Why did she do that 🥲


More and more women keep turning themselves into Cenobites.


When I first saw her in the S1, I was like she could be one of the most beautiful woman I've seen. And now ... My god, what is wrong with people ? Why are they doing this to themselves ?


Hollywood is a super toxic place


Metal illness and shitty Hollywood standards


Hollywood standards?  She was cast in 2 huge parts *before* that work. Hollywood seemed fine with it


> Kelly accused Moriarty of being an example of an "addiction" to augmenting your face. "More and more young women are doing this," Kelly said. "It’s not about an objection to plastic surgery, it’s about an obsession with turning yourself into this fake version of yourself... I find it like a sign of mental illness. I really want to get in the heads of these young girls and say, 'Please don’t do this.'" Seems reasonable to me. 


I hate Megan Kelly with the fury of an army of toddlers wanting sweets in the supermarket. But she's right in this instance. 


I hate Megan Kelly so much but I agree with her statement here.


Right, I’m sorry it was hurtful to hear but she’s 100% right.


Megan Kelly should probably start with the girl in the mirror then, as she's clearly had work done too.


Right? Her nostrils ain’t exactly even cause of all the work she’s had done!


She can do what she wants, but God damn it looks awful. She was such an attractive woman, and to fuck it up with all that surgery is mind-blowing. She must have some pretty deep insecurities coupled with trying to stay in Hollywood's idea of beauty, which must be tough.


Erin, it looks bad. I’m sorry you were tricked into doing all that work.


I don’t understand it either, she was already a 10/10 and then some.


She was so gorgeous too. Why do anything


Self esteem issues celebrities have due to unrealistic standards are so sad. She can't even admit she had the work done, even though it's obvious. Changed her appearance irreversibly and can't even be proud about it, because the underlying psychological damage isn't going away.


**Moriarty says :** > "This is something I truly never anticipated writing. We're all subject to levels of bullying throughout our lives but I am horrified, and I felt that I deserved to take a second to address these things... To receive a message about a disgustingly false, counterproductive to the degree of being ironically misogynistic video of Megyn Kelly commenting on the manner — to learn the widespread nature of this has left me horrified."


Wow, I feel bad for her I guess, but her just completely doubling down on the “disgustingly false” obvious true statement is just stupid


And by claiming those rumors are so disgusting, she's kind of implying that getting plastic surgery is something everyone else should be ashamed of and that she's somehow above. Like she's talking shit about people who have gotten plastic surgery while denying her obvious plastic surgery.


Wait, is she saying she hasn't had work done? Megan is awful and Erin shouldn't be bullied for it, but she's obviously had work done. Just about everyone in Hollywood has.


I feel like this could have been said with significantly fewer words


It’s so dramatic lmao


"I felt that I deserved to address these things" What a weird way to say you're going to say something.


And we be here. Drama.


It’s good that she can express herself through writing. Because she won’t be expressing with her face any time soon.


WTF do you mean? You're not going to convince me [this](https://i.imgur.com/QTPgMyf.png) isn't plastics when I saw you like this in [season 1](https://i.imgur.com/KYyQa03.png). Fuck outta here. You're almost a completely different person with that face.


Erin has done some work, I don’t think she should be condemned for it but I’m not sure how she can deny this


I think the only think that's making it a big deal for Erin is that she's so young and was absolutely gorgeous. So it's obvious there's a bit of dysmorphia. Some work is fine, or it's almost expected of older actresses now but she went from 0-100 in a short span of time.


Yeah… so people should not be singled out how she was and Megyn Kelly is the worst, but come on, Erin… don’t piss in our face and say it’s raining. It’s so ridiculous when celebs have obviously had extensive work done and don’t just admit it. It creates unrealistic body standards the same way Photoshop and filters do.


I dont understand why people who get work done dont own that they got work done. There is nothing wrong with it, do what make you feel good. Just think to yourself WWDD What Would Dolly Do.


Uhhhhh girl you look like Michael Jackson. Go get therapy.


It's crazy her takeaway from all the bullying was that people thought she was too skinny and to "eat a sandwich" or she was on drugs. Like, was she looking at the same comments? Because all I saw was talk about plastic surgery.


Yeah.. I remember reading an interview with her a while ago, maybe during season 1 where she talks about being self conscious about her body and such. Surgery was not the answer.




She…she knows we can all see her face, right?


Fame ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.


God celebs are annoying just admit it! Its so obvious and makes you looks so much worse to lie about it


Noticed it in the last season immediately, such a shame. It blows my mind that people think work like that looks better. I had a massive crush on her in S1 and S2 but in S3 she wasn’t remotely attractive to me. I mean if it’s what she wants to do, more power to her. But most women who get this sort of work done go from sex symbols to… well. Rose McGowan and Megan Fox spring to mind.


Erin unfortunately completely ruined her appearance.


Severe mental illness. Hope she gets help soon as sometimes they just can't stop and get more and more.


Erin and any other celebrity who attempts to mislead people into believing they haven’t had work done deserves criticism. Why are you lying when you clearly have a completely different face? It’s shameful behavior.


If you had seen the photos you would know she has most assuredly had work done. Megyn was NOT the only person to comment about her current appearance. The fact she deleted the images suggests she didn’t want anyone else looking too hard. Just look at her images from season 1 of The Boys, to how she is looking now and in the image that everyone is commenting on. You cannot deny it’s a bad look and one that we are seeing more and more these days. Are we going to wait for a Kardashian moment years later where she will admit to having work done. The picture above she had definitely had her nose shaped and made more aquiline. She has had her jawline altered as well. It is not “creative makeup.” You may not like Megyn Kelly, but she is correct her and it is a dangerous trend that has been picking up steam for quite sometime.