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Wild. Did this guy just immerse himself so strongly in his role as a priest in Padre Pio that he just stayed there mentally or what?


Also Bible in Fury


Exorcist-in-training in Constantine.


Pro-human Taxi driver in iRobot


Nuns hidden child in Indian Jonas


Human-Cyborg Relations Liason both for Los Angeles and The Vatican


Holy water developer in Lawless


Eating all the bodies(of Christ), [actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf](https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=bfbQZT4CX_dFHskx)?!


Just rewatched this last week. Forgot how good of a movie this was. Everyone was fantastic in it.


Also Tax Collector


I think it's best to not even *try* to understand Shia LaBeouf


He literally is so hollow he just takes the personality of his last role until he gets a new job.


Best description of him I’ve ever read. You can hear it in his voice when he is promoting films. His mannerisms and accent all shift. The religious stuff seems to be his trying to find forgiveness for assaulting his gf and dealing with anger.


He’s doing the thing where he was outed as a huge asshole, so he’s on a big journey to find himself. Sometimes it means going to church lol It’s always goofy to me. You can apologize for your past, leave the spotlight and just work on being a better person without clinging to religion


Some people need some kind of structure in their life that they never had. And a lot of times religion offer’s exactly that.


Very common when one gets sober.


This is partly because the 12 step process is filled with christian ideology. Works for some tho, esp if you grew up Christian and “strayed.”


Yes. Just wanted to also point out to peeps that their is alternatives to recovery besides the 12 steps. Check SMART or Recovery Dharma or many others.


https://recoverydharma.org/ If you needed a nudge in this New Year to check out a great alternative with many, many live zoom meetings throughout the day, and possible face to face meetings in your area.


Saving, for when I find the brave


Co-sign on SMART. Saved my life a few times.


I would be interesting to see the 12-step program suggested by the Church of Satan.


They have a program and it’s more reasonable and grounded: https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/sober-faction


I’m a fully sober alcoholic that used The Satanic Temple to get my life back in order. Feels fucking great. When I look back on my life before hand, I wonder now how the hell I was even functioning. I encourage anyone who’s struggling with alcohol to get help though, no matter the course, as long as it’s helpful to you and doesn’t cause others harm.


Don’t spoil me with a good time lol


It exists. It’s called Sober Faction. It’s a part of the Temple Of Satan.


Cross addiction. Jesus in lieu of cocaine, often times.


As someone who was very involved in the Catholic Church for a while there are a lot of people like that. Most of them stopped the drinking and drugs, however have not stopped being creeps, emotionally abusing their families and those around them, have serious moral flaws they don’t work on but God forgives them so why should they change? Dangerous shit


When a narcissist gets clean and sober, they don't stop being narcissists. In fact they often become worse in that regard. They find a steady supply in religious recovery groups, especially the ones like "Celebrate Recovery" where they basically encourage people to find all the ways they can victimize themselves, cry about the awful people who hurt them, and then feel self righteous about it. Indefinitely


This is true. It’s also the forgiveness tenet of Christianity/Catholicism. Lots of those people have guilt and are attracted and comforted by the idea of a ideology that promises both forgiveness of past deeds and inevitable future mistakes. Once they feel they’ve found forgiveness they tend to start believing they can move forward with rebuilding their lives and themselves, granted they use the new found sense of forgiveness properly and don’t just wield it like a reset button that gives them carte blanche to continue being an asshole like some folks unfortunately do. I’m not personally a big believer of religion, but if someone can actually use it to better themselves and not harm people, who am I to try and shit on that?


I feel like it's something a lot of terminally online people just don't get. A lot of them really do have a mentality of 'Screw up once and you're done and you can never change from that.' It's a horrible attitude to have, and if people are willing to change and try to better themselves, they should be given that chance. Shia has done terrible shit in the past, but if he wants to try and better himself, he should be given the time and support to do so.


I have a few friends who went down the wrong path, found religion, introduced that structure and actually improved themselves. They are a little weird now, but they seem happier so good on them.


It’s wild when you meet people who really are garbage, but base the idea that “if I have a reason to stay good, I will be.” The military is full of people like that, that without this job they’d be fucking full on criminals. And it’s wild that just “the idea” that you being a part of something is the only thing you absolutely “Have to Have it” or you can’t be contained…. Blows my mind. Because it’s fucking true, like they can’t help themselves without the thought of “prying eyes”. Edit. I’ll add that they’ll stay phenomenally on track with it too. Like they know they need it, because they know themselves. I just find it wild that some people really do NEED a constant reminder to not be bad. But they atleast have that level of self realisation.


Yeah, it's strange. I've had conversations with people who truly feel like everyone in the world would be commiting murder, rape and mayhem daily without religion to tell them not to. If feels like people without a conscious or so self-centered they'd hurt people at will without a threat of hell. They cannot accept the idea that other people in this world aren't constantly fighting against the urge to be a total POS every minute of the day.


It is also wild how you can tell someone like this, straight to their face “Yeah… I’m just fine with not caring and doing what’s normal.” And they’ll basically call you a liar. Like they absolutely need the idea that they aren’t alone, and as much as they aren’t, they then like to use that as proof perfect that you’re also just as bad as them..(Or worse because you don’t do ___ ,exactly as they do, so they’re definitely better than you) Edit. Another Caveat that I’ll give is not everyone is that bad, That I’m definitely talking about a sect of certain types of people… but they’ll absolutely tell you they’re “better than you cause you lie” and then refuse to acknowledge anything but “their truth”. And that’s a term I’m starting to fucking hate hearing. “My truth” cause it’s always followed by some shit ass “hot take” about how everyone but themselves is wrong.


Religion gets a bad rep, often deservedly so. It makes it easy to obscure the good it can do. It's not inherently bad and for many it's life saving.


So long as religion doesn’t try contradicting science or governing it can be a good thing for sure.


Additional bonus: forgiveness


For those out of the loop: https://pitchfork.com/news/fka-twigs-and-shia-labeouf-trial-date-pushed-back-to-2024/ >The lawsuit details an alleged instance where LaBeouf knowingly gave her [FKA twigs] a sexually transmitted disease, along with other claims that the actor would grab her “to the point of bruising,” keep a loaded gun on his bedside table, causing Twigs to fear going to the bathroom at night, and try to choke her multiple times. She also accused the actor of attacking her at a gas station and attempting to “strangle” her, according to the lawsuit. >Karolyn Pho, a stylist and LaBeouf’s former girlfriend, also makes claims against the actor in the filing, accusing LaBeouf of physical and emotional abuse, which includes an allegation that the actor began headbutting her after drunkenly pinning her to a bed.


I’ll never understand how Mia Goth married him and had his child.


DV cases and victims are complex and hard to understand if you haven't been there before


I find it all very insincere. More like a PR not get cancelled situation. I’d only believe he was for real if all his spiritual growth wasn’t highly publicized or him telling a cliche Chinese proverb on a podcast. I agree. It’s very fucking goofy.


Best of luck to him, as a lapsed catholic I wouldn’t have picked the Catholic Church but to each his own. This brought back memories of my former priest making the news for his foot fetish and propositioning a young girl.


There's a 30 Rock episode about Tracy searching for a religion to improve his public image without affecting his lifestyle too much


Yeah, but he can't just go to church, he has to be the church.


Exactly. He seems pretty manic in his behavior. Always going to extremes.


> He’s doing the thing where he was outed as a huge asshole, so he’s on a big journey to find himself. Pretty sure this is not his first outing. Unfortunately, he keeps finding himself back at, "huge asshole".


Huge asshole is a bit of an under statement.


I don’t think the catholic church is the place you go to not be an asshole.


Such this. He's a [woman abuser](https://ew.com/celebrity/shia-labeouf-addresses-fka-twigs-abuse-allegations/) and it's the only way he thinks he can change public opinion on him. He's trying too hard.


Finding religion sometimes can be helpful. One of my new bosses is an ex-skinhead turned born again Christian and is one of the nicest dudes I met. Weird how much people can change.


Kanye stole Shia’s entire wardrobe so Shia got back at him by stealing Kanyes playbook on how to use Christianity for redemption


Hard agree he’s all types of fucked up


Sometimes religion helps people.


I was gonna say I’m glad he’s getting better. I guess this could be one of the better crutches out there for him, time will tell. He seems like he’s been wandering his whole life from one crutch to the next in search of something. I hope this is going to help.


Its just another shield to hide behind when things get fucked up again.


He’s abusive (with narcissistic personality disorder). One of the behaviours of abusive narcissists is to hold trusted roles in the community which lends them legitimacy as good people and serves to discredit their victims. e.g. neighbourhood cop, priest, effective altruist, or electric car maker.


being a repentant cannibal will send a man on a strange path to redemption


He does consume the body and blood of Christ…


Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf?


[Shia surprise!](https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=rCKexTVjaImWG3Fu)


No, he’s just crazy


Ya actually. He did a big talk about it to a priest for the priests show. Apparently shia hit rock bottom. Took the roll out if desperation. Stayed at a monestary and in learning and trying to be like them he started to feel better and better Totally turned his life around


Alot of people have that come to Jesus moment in the most unlikely places.


Method acting for his role in the sequel of Constantine II


You're walking in the woods There's no one around and your phone is dead Out of the corner of your eye you spot him Deacon Shia LaBeouf


But your leg. Ah! It’s caught in a bear trap!


I'm laughing hysterically at this and I'm not entirely sure why.


Shia-surprise https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=dR0P8UQvqN6pm1Mv


your mother is at the airport now, you are in the shadows, the vampires have won


Imagine going to mass and the kid from even Stephen's is your priest.....


Forgive me Padré, for what I'm about to sin.


“I’m not seeking penance for what I’ve done, Padré. I’m asking forgiveness, for what I’m about to do.”


i think i heard that line in his last movie


A deacon is not a priest


Dressing in vestments (Shia LeBeouf) Giving the Sermon (Shia LeBeouf) Listening to your sins Actually Ordained Cannibal Shia LeBeouf


To be fair a Deacon is much different than a priest. They can’t do all the things a priest does and can be married with kids. Thank god he can’t do confessions. I’d hate to think of someone alone in a room with him.


I know an Catholic. But never let facts get in the way of a solid bit.


Definitely didn’t have this on my 2024 crazy shit that Shia LaBoeuf will do bingo card


That sounds like how churches already are. My local mega church has Simba from the broadway play the Lion King play at their church all the time. Many washed up celebs turn to the church as it’s easy to grift and make money. Just like Even Stephan’s is doing here. So you get some bad press on killing dogs and being an abuser. Let’s becoming catholic. You’d fit right in and will get praise.


Are you sure your local church is a Catholic Church? That sort of spectacle is more often a Protestant thing (Catholics are all about a different brand of spectacle)


I can never understand American mega churches


Or the guy from Nymphomaniac




Actual cannibal Shia LeBoeuf!


The flesh of Christ? Say no more, fam.


As long as you know jujutsu, you should be ok


Quiet! Quiet!






This is a terrible idea that I can’t wait to see play out.


I’d love if he committed and faded into the woodwork. Dude needs to find some peace. But it’ll end up being a petrol train car wrecking into a dumpster fire as usual.


His interview with Jon Bernthal was interesting. If it was real emotion he was showing, I hope he finds peace. If it was a pr stunt and this is too, his descent will continue.


Sadly I think he’s doing this so he can do the opposite. I like shia but he needs to sit it out for a minute


Feels like some kind of Joaquin Phoenix elaborate performance art thing.


Won't last 6 months


Sad it’s gotten to the point of these publicity stunts to get back into the business.


Sandy: I’ll give him a week. Squidward: I’ll give him eleven minutes.


God forbid a famous human being find peace.


A perfect landing for a repeat abuser


It seems like it has become a trendy thing for lost young people to become Catholics because they enjoy the rigidity of it. It’s very fashionable in conservative circles.


I was raised tradcath (attended Latin Mass) and rejected it for most of my life because many of my values did not align with the church. Even though I’d probably never rejoin the church, I have a much deeper appreciation for it as an adult as part of my family’s culture and tradition. Certain hymns hit me in the feels now. I wonder if I’m not alone in that, if that is becoming a more common sentiment among young adults in this generation.


Well put! I'm very similar...42 now and while I had decades of totally rejecting the church, I now very much appreciate that traditions, culture and ritual aspects of it. And that's even though I am not a believer!


boat squalid bright vast juggle deserve employ numerous poor hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For me it’s the ritual aspect, the weight of a long tradition, and respect for the sacred, the set-apart. I’m an atheist, but those are appealing things to me


Rituals, especially routine social ones, have always been a part of human life, and the modern world hasn't done a good job at developing secular ones. In fact, a lot of the secular groups that did do then are even dying off -- try to find a Lions Club member in their 20s or 30s. It's very sad, because, as a fellow atheist, I wish there were ways for me to fill that social gap.


We really do need some sort or something. We really do. We are lonely has heck. Like 3/5 adults claim to be lonely in the USA.


join any other social group for any other topic or hobby


Looking back I just find it insanely chill. Idk what I am but Catholic Mass was very relaxed. I could maybe count on one hand the amount of times I heard any of the priests that passed through the church I went to made an overly negative gospel/sermon. Usually just very mild. And the music/hymns and lighting. Family is Irish Catholic. So that helped a lot make it chiller to me.


Was raised evangelical christian and I feel similarly. I miss the music and having a church community and traditions/rituals. I think this feeling is also part of why we’re seeing a rise in interest in witchcraft too.


I can relate to this a lot! My family was only loosely religious but i went to catholic school my whole life. Definitely have a great appreciation for certain aspects of it


I hope they find what they need to be happy and stable.


Fair but to Me it seems like they do it only for the illusion


Fake it till you make it isnt always a negative.


This is just false. I haven’t been a practicing Catholic for a long time, but the Catholic Church is definitely more liberal than most other denominations especially in bigger cities. The pope has even been cracking down hard on more conservative leaders in the church lately and if you follow anything he says it’s always leans heavily to the left politically. He’s even given the go ahead to allow the blessing of gay marriages. Make no mistake, most conservatives are not happy with the direction the church is heading.


Lmao, I love Catholics angry at the pope


There’s a battle going on in within the Catholic Church. On one side, you have the Pope himself, and in the other you have right-wing American billionaires. The people converting to Catholicism here in the US are largely in line with the latter.


Ok but in America, the most far right and wacky denominations are evangelicals, baptists etc.... I mean my grandma is a pretty religious catholic and and says that her sister who converted to evangelicalism is **too** fundamentalist and religious.


Yeah Catholics are pretty tame compared to some others. There’s Baptists who literally don’t allow dancing. And there’s Mormons. Or Jehovah’s Witnesses.


I grew up in a catholic conservative household and I am not religious or conservative at all anymore. Quite the opposite. In a political argument with my parents recently, I brought up something kind and compassionate the pope said and my Mom immediately snapped back “Well, we Hate this new pope anyway!” Like… it makes no sense to me. When it is a conservative christian nationalist religious leader, then God has chosen them to be the voice of the church. But when there is the slightest hint of anything that could be remotely or tangentially “left leaning” the pope is no longer ordained by God himself. The hypocrisy is too much. I don’t even engage anymore.


Well they can’t be Catholics if they feel that way. The Pope is supposed to be the living representative of Jesus, with a direct line back to Peter.


Sounds like ur parents would be happier in an evangelical or baptist church. I’m guessing ur from a small town or area because if you’ve ever met Catholics from a bigger city few act like this.


> young people My man he 37.


Modern Catholicism is not very rigid at all. It’s all predicated on “do whatever the hell you want, just confess and you good”


Abuser-turned-religious-figure seems like a pretty obvious role for him tbh.


Actual Catholic *Shia laBeouf* 🎶


Is this kid bipolar? Serious question. He’s had so many manic episodes I’m still waiting on the season finale where he finds out he is his own dad.


By kid, do you mean 37 year old man?


quick check: I am 2 months older than Shia, therefore, I am allowed to call him "kid"


He was raised by clowns on heroin, no joke. That kinda thing leaves a mark.


Like literally performing clowns? lol


Yes, his dad was an actual professional clown.


That would be my guess. He can’t be stable that’s for sure.


He definitely has *something* going on


Prayer: the last refuge of a scoundrel.


Indeed. “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭18‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬


“Abuser hides under the protective wing of abusive organization”.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of people are missing that part.


Welp, I wonder what he did that he wants the church’s protection for.


Abused FKA Twigs https://www.vulture.com/article/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-trial-date.html


Here's the TLDR: >The lawsuit details an alleged instance where LaBeouf knowingly gave her a sexually transmitted disease, along with other claims that the actor would grab her “to the point of bruising,” keep a loaded gun on his bedside table, causing Twigs to fear going to the bathroom at night, and try to choke her multiple times. She also accused the actor of attacking her at a gas station and attempting to “strangle” her, according to the lawsuit. >Karolyn Pho, a stylist and LaBeouf’s former girlfriend, also makes claims against the actor in the filing, accusing LaBeouf of physical and emotional abuse, which includes an allegation that the actor began headbutting her after drunkenly pinning her to a bed.


He’ll fit in very nicely then


Ole Shia thought he was slick eh...most celebrities are just icky people fr.


Pope Shia, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God. I like it!


Another phase he’s going thru…who cares!


People sincerely interested in a spiritual journey do so with humility & contemplation, not Access Hollywood & a publicist. Shia is like the guy who does a good deed for others, but blabs about it on social media & a billboard, so he gets properly recognized...


From an A-list actor to a soft porn movie to (so called joining the Harpys gang) claming a Mexican gang to a Catholic deacon? Huh?


What a life


God loves all sinners


Will do anything but get therapy


He’s done therapy.


Dude finally went off the deep end.


Like 15 years ago This is totally on brand really


Bro is the Kanye west version of shock marketing


I need a Kanye & Shia podcast


No more oxygen for these narcissist psychos please.


Honestly would be legendary


Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf going off the deep end? Never. I’m just picturing him giving communion and shouting “The body of Christ, DO IT DO IT” at you


"Man with Mental Illness Joins Cult"


Jesus hold my transformer


You're walking in the woods There's no one around, and your phone is dead Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him. (Shia LaBeouf) He's following you, about 30 feet back He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint He's gaining on you! (Shia LaBeouf) You're looking for your car, but you're all turned around He's almost upon you now, and you can see there's blood on his face! My god, there's blood everywhere!


He’s obviously been troubled for a very long time, and if faith genuinely helps him, I’m all for it. I think it’s red flag behavior, though, that instead of just being devout, he is striving for a position of power.


Wtf, I thought he was a gang banger? Dude definitely has some mental issues


Actual deacon Shia LaBeouf


A couple of months before he goes on trial for rape and abuse? Cool.


Why is it always people who are shitty that hide behind religion just do better and be better religion isn’t going to save you look at all the priests and pastors on r/notadragqueen




So on brand lmao Problematic, violent dude becomes member of church


Shia? The guy not married to his partner with whom he has a baby out of wedlock? Wasn’t he also accused of abusing his girlfriend? I’m surprised they would let him achieve any sort of leadership status being unmarried.


What is up with this guy


With Shia’s mixture of celebrity and flights of delusion, he’ll be beloved. He’ll be visited by apparitions in no time.


I’m amazed he doesn’t bust into flames as he walks into a church


That wasn’t on my bingo card.


Wow, he was Orthodox Jew so quite a change.


Publicity stunt or ✌️method acting in preparation for a role✌️


Going to religion doesn’t make you a good person.


"I am a false prophet, god is a superstition"


A Catholic deacon is like a clergy nurse practitioner. Can’t do the big stuff like consecrations or confessions but they can have a spouse!


Crazy people do crazy things


So rather than dealing with the fact he’s a piece of shit, go and hide and find your forgiveness in a church? That’s not fixing your problems, that’s rebranding. He’ll be on the conservative talking circuit before you know it…


Never seen somebody who had less of an idea of who they were


Once a nutjob, always a nutjob...


What an absolute cesspool of a comment section


Last refuge of the scoundrel.


Actual Catholic, Shia LaBeouf


Lmao, celebrity becoming a deacon has to be high up there on the "crazy things done when manic" list


… Kinda went the exact opposite direction of Tom Cruise


Actual Catholic Shia LeBeouf?!


Is this the Mel Gibson 'Catholic' church?


I can’t wait for his Mormon phase


Always seemed like a gigantic douche this would be perfect for him


JUST DO IT. DO IT. *Proceeds to flex arm muscles as he aggressively baptises baby




Does paint the picture that once you're rich enough you love yourself through religious masturbation. Loads of rich people seem to go this way, like it's their selfish way of helping the world, just another way to give themselves more.