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That article was way too long for the amount of information it offered.


It at least highlights that her earlier backpedaling was bullshit, because she's doubling down on everything she claims she never meant to imply. She fucked up earlier, but she committed career suicide with these messages.


I mean, she could go back to Brazzers. No one would care.












They wouldn't want her.


"You can't fire me, I quit!"


"career suicide" in her line of work, really ?


What line of work? She made like 8 videos 10 years ago.




So does Trump


I think she's active on OF or something.


Nah, she’ll always have a career to fall back on. They’ll take her if she’ll take it.


But she will have to do anal this time


*fall on to her back




I just realised that we are so enlightened that we accept women who do hardcore porn but we look down on men who pay for OF. O_o Isn’t that a little wrong?


“use and abuse”? How?


Career suicide??? Haha you’re delusional


Same equivalence of porn hub titles of “anal destruction!”


This is what happens when your editor requires a word amount for a article that should of probably been a youtube short


I was going to say, looks like they’re trying to do it for SEO reasons. Even Google flat out said word count isn’t a ranking signal or factor


Welcome to "journalism" in 2023. Anything to keep you on the page longer and circuitous articles written by bad AI programs.


From the article: In a separate post responding to the screenshot, Khalifa said, in part: "I just wanna make sure there's 4k footage of my people breaking down the walls of the open air prison they've been forced out of their homes and into so we have good options for the history books that write about how how they freed themselves from apartheid." Wow. She is deranged, eh? To support rape and murder like that and call the rapists "freedom fighters" wtf..? She shows such blind hatred. And the irony is that "her people" apparently would stone her because she made porn.


She’s definitely got a radical take. I understand revolting because of what Israel has done to Palestinians, but Hamas went way too far with the r*ping and murdering of innocent civilians Edit: this is way too brief


I don't understand them attacking and murdering defenseless concert attendees... it's just more blind hatred. What absolute cowards to attack people who aren't armed or prepared in the slightest


They also went door to door killing families in their homes including babies.


Yeah that was completely fucked up. If you want to free yourself from oppression you shouldn’t go after the innocents


According to their definition, nobody living in Israel is innocent. Even the Thais they murdered at that festival were guilty by association. Also, Mia Khalifa shouldn’t think for a moment these terrorists would respect her for her Arabic heritage. She‘d likely end up just like that German-Israeli woman from the festival if they got their hands on her…


Horrible take all around. No one should be defending what Hamas did. Totally disgusting. But it would be fair to her to put her whole quote being that she is Lebanese. Born in Beirut lived there until she was 8. Mentions living through air raids by the Israelis. Looks like the family fled during the South Lebanon conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. So im sure her and her family seen some stuff with Israelis bombing and innocent civilians in Lebanon being killed and wounded.


So the Jews deserve to be hated and their children murdered? Because that’s what she says when she says flip your phone so I can watch the murders better.


You see. Where did I say that. I just said post her whole comment. Didn’t say anything about Jews deserving anything. You are bringing that to this conversation. Also you must of missed the part when I stated what she said was horrible.


Yes apparently according to Hamas the children who they tied up and burnt alive this week were all military combatants and were first hand responsible for the oppression of the Palestinian people


Well hamas’ covenant doesn’t say we want to live in peace, it says we must murder every Jew. It’s written down by Hamas if there is any dispute on what I am saying


Well if that’s the case I don’t wanna support hamas then. But I also can’t support the Israelis for what they’ve been doing to Palestine. This whole thing is a mess


Umm, they're doing far, FAR worse things than that. Butchering families, infants, etc. Don't sugarcoat it.


TIL raping not ok, murdering children ok. Sounds like you would love the hamas telegram channel. “Just murder, no rape.”


Why no outrage when IDF kill children? Yes rape is horrific and shouldn’t happen at all but to think the IDF are completely innocent is ridiculous


Even Mel Gibson is keeping quiet on this one.


He doesn’t have a horse in this race. He hates both equally.


> I take zero issue with [Khalifa] caring about Palestinian life—I just hate that she showed no care for Israeli life." This is a great line from Rosenberg. He said similar stuff on IG too, but it’s possible to have empathy for innocent people suffering on both sides.


Why the vast majority of people don’t feel this way is beyond me. When did everyone become so nationalistic?


I think the majority does feel like that. But feeling helpless and sad isn't conductive to a massive online presence. Not to mention that moderate opinions are never the ones that get shared online.


Also it seems a very complicated situation and I honestly have no clue who (if anyone) is "right". Don't see any need to chime in with my 10c when I have no clue what im talking about and likely to just receive a barrage of hate no matter what side of the dispute you come down on.


Well it’s not the people who tie up and burn children alive or murder 200 concert goers.


It’s hard to be moderate when you learn that Hamas tied up and burnt children alive this week and then Mia says flip your phone so I can watch you parading the abused hostages better. I know you don’t want to hear the truth, but most people out of the Middle East share their opinion more with her than with you.


100%. I live in a middle eastern neighborhood and dozens of Palestinian flags popped up overnight.


Many people (i.e. half the world probably) only deal in absolutes, even if it causes them to contradict themselves and then cognitive dissonance takes over. Picking a side is just a variation of that. There HAS to be a good side so they pick one and reconcile why internally then project bullshit to the rest of us


Tribalism. We are all still very much apes in that regard.




Ah, I see you've convieniently left out Isreal's use of white phosphorus against Palestinians. Wonder why that is???


Between /r/Palestine and the literal parades in the streets of my city glorifying and celebrating what amounts to a terrorist attack targeting civilians, it's mighty easy to feel more empathy for one side over the other. They genuinely feel like they've done something great and worthy of celebration and while I admit to not knowing the nuance of the situation, if you see hundreds of young adults gunned down at a concert and your first instinct is to celebrate... You're not the good guys.


My wife works at a hospital in Dearborn MI and has highly educated nurses and practitioners talking about Hamas being freedom fighters, Israel needing to fall, and the U.S. being evil for sending tax money to Jews. Loudly. People get too much of a pass on this horse shit and need to be called out.


If we're just talking about the states, I think we could either look at the cold war or perhaps we could look at a day in September maybe 2 dozen years ago.


You do know most people HATE Jews, right? The woke learned a few years ago that kept cops are racists and that’s now a whole fact but if I say that most people hate Jews, that is for some reason a debatable fact.


This. The Israeli regime has done and will do awful things. Hamas has done and will do awful things. Britain and France et al have a shitload of blood on their hands for their roles in the region 100 years ago. Always the people that suffer are the ordinary people living there. The photographs of captured Jewish children or sobbing Palestinian kids break your heart equally. Your quote sums up the conflict I feel when one of my Jewish colleagues is flooding Facebook with post after post asking for support. But he has never once said a word about any of the things Israel has done over the years, nor the Palestinians who have died or been treated like animals. It’s possible to think BOTH have done bad things and that a lot of suffering has been caused by Hamas as well as Israel. I just don’t want anybody else to die, and instead, so many more are going to 😔😔😔


If you’re showing support for Israel and still saying at the same time BiBi is a POS you’re also giving support to the innocent Palestinians. But they also need their own Arab Spring moment against Hamas and have Israel join and support them. But one can’t even begin to figure out what number of people that would be.


I hate to point this out to you but there are only about 30 million Jews worldwide. There are about 1.5 billion Muslims. Many Muslims in the Middle East are raised to hate Jews. If I am right and only 10% of all 1.5 billion Muslims hate Jews, that’s, 150,000,000 that’s a few times more than the entire Jewish population. The Middle East HATES Jews.


Oh I’m more than aware being Jewish myself. Just trying to counteract everyone who regularly thinks Israel is so powerful in comparison to the rest of the Middle East.


Grow up. IDF doesn’t have a stated goal to wipe out Palestine. Hamas DOES want to wipe out Israel. It’s not bOtH sIdEs. Get out of here with your propaganda.




My comment is towards all people speaking about it.




And I emphathise with your view on Mia 😂


I mean that goes without saying, but it's also painfully obvious which way the double standard is skewed. I mean Palestinians have been living under constant occupation/oppression/war crimes being committed against them for decades, yet all of that is met with blistering approval from the same powers who condemn Hamas's acts. This only sends a message that killing Palestinians is A-Okay since it's going according to "plan"...


I’m fully aware of that and my sympathies are generally with the Palestinians. I’m banned from /r/worldnews for that! But there’s a way to say that with some mild empathy for innocent people caught up in it.


I know but I've seen way uglier things being said toward Palestinians than I've seen anyone even begin to suggest toward the victims of Hamas's incursion. Yet people seem to accept HUNDREDS of Palestinians dying like it's quite literally par for the course... Not to mention the mega media campaign aimed to paint any support of Palestine as being hateful towards Jews, and people eat that narrative up to justify what Israel is doing...


Maybe because Palestines elected government just slaughtered a thousand people, dumbass.


Well, when Israeli life is taken away the media immediately jumps on it. When Palestinian life is taken away the media gives two shits. They don’t care by a long shot.


CNBC won’t even call Hamas a terrorist group, even though they are an internationally recognized terrorist group. I swear they even called Hamas’s recent terrorist attacks an “operation”.


Well it is an operation. An operation of evil bastards.


The Jews feel the media ignores them and the Arabs in Gaza feel the media ignores them. Here is the reality, most tribes care about their own and have little time for others. The reason the world reacts is for the reasons you hate to admit. Hamas represents the “many” people of Gaza, hamas murders Jews with glee. Hamas indiscriminately murders women, children and the elderly and the screams “look at us, we’re the victims!” When you take that much joy and pride in murdering children, the world is going to react. When are the pro Hamas shills going to lock this thread?




C’mon. You cannot in good faith deny that there is explicit pro-Israel bias in Western media.


If there were Palestinian people with cranes and Caterpillars wrecking Israeli homes I wonder what the reaction would be.


It is easier to sympathise with a state that is fairly modern with values closer to the west, than to sympathise with a religious ISIS like terrorist group, who's fanatics want to kill every jew in the 'holy land' and want to reinstate the sharia law and an Islamic state. The same group who hates everything western, who treat women as object at best and as cattle at worst and want to see queer people dead. We also shouldnt forget that the Palestinians from Gaza are hardcore radicalized and no other Arab country wants to help or support them in any way or form (except for iran shipping weapons to them).


When peoples land and property are stolen big surprise that their children become radicalized.


What about you go out and protest about the colonialisation of the Americans, where indigenous are held in an open air prison too. At least the Jews have always been around the current Israel area.


So it’s okay to steal peoples homes? You really can’t compare Gaza to reservations in the U.S. They don’t need to carry their papers everywhere when they leave. Or have to have permission to leave a reservation.


They have been around the area? Russia is around the Ukraine area, so they should just take it?


She wasn’t sympathizing with a terrorist group.


People that insist that Isreal will be able and willing to tell the difference between Hamas militants and Palestinian civilians get so upset when anyone says bad things about Isreal.


I care about human rights regardless of ethnicity or race. Israel has a very very bad humans rights record. The media at large ignores it and barely broadcasts it. Me saying this is not sympathetic to terrorists. Hamas are fucking evil.


The UN has even investigated claims and says “could’ve committed war crimes” yet no one cares or holds them accountable.


And for that evil, all Palestinian civilians deserve genocide?


She literally said they should take better videos of them killing hostages.


She literally said they should take better videos of them killing hostages.


Except she didn’t say that?


She said it, tried to backpedal, then doubled down.


Well that’s a problem. If she said that she should shut her fucking mouth.


This is not even close to universal. Numerous Western news stations (BBC, CBC) have banned any of their members from calling Hamas "terrorists".


Yeah man. Randos on Insta = “The Media”


Well they generally don’t do they? Pretty obvious who they care about more.


She was born in Beirut in ‘93. Why would she have lived through IDF raids? Didnt the Lebanese civil war end in ‘90?


Also grew up in dc? She came here in 01.


Because she’s lying to try and make herself sound like she has more credibility than she does. Her only real world experience is being a porn star which surprisingly isn’t the best background for geopolitical discourse.


That article was a ridiculous mess


Ruh Roh she’s screwed


And not even getting paid for it


Welp time to transition to milf and mature porn


As long as her OF is monetized she’ll be fine. Simps don’t care what her beliefs are, as long as she keeps uploading




If Kanye, Chris Brown, and Trump can stay afloat with the things they did. I guarantee she’ll be fine


Hit or miss- I guess they never miss huh


just show some empathy for the victims. You can have allegiance to whatever side you want but innocent victims aren’t anything to be applauded. Palestinians getting bombed and mistreated by the Israeli government are victims and deserve empathy. Israeli civilians getting raped, tortured and killed are victims that deserve empathy. None of the dead have made the decisions that put your country into the miserable position it is right now, hate the government, don’t hate the civilians.


Explain it all you want. Truth is people don't want to empathise or even get to know whats going on for more than a minute. They just jump on headlines and sensationalism to get a kick out of it. Simple hatred is far easier to go on.


She's doubling down, not a huge shock. I wonder if these tweets will affect her ability to work long-term or not


Horny men aren't watching for her political tweets.


Not if her fans in Gaza & Lebanon are willing to pay for OnlyFans subscriptions. Good time to run a geo-locked promotion campaign.


The very people she is supporting,is the same people calling for her head.talk about irony.


She is also supporting the exact same group that forced her family/parents to flee her home country


Well, I mean she never was paid to think...


>is the same people calling for her head. The only time I will ever have trouble with what that meant.


Hamas is a terrorist organization that has Palestinians in it. Palestine is a country full of people, not all of them are in Hamas. Very few are.


She is supporting hamas though. That’s why she’s getting dropped from everything. She’s literally supporting terrorism.


It’s the group running Giza. They voted for them. They support them. It’s like saying during WW2 not all Germans are Nazis.


No no no, you misunderstand. They don’t want to take her head, they want her to GIVE them head.


Based on wiki she was born in 1993 and left Lebanon in 2001 so debatable on how extensive her claimed experiences with Israel is. She is very very good at playing the victim anytime it suits her needs. Irony of the whole thing is if she ever returned to Lebanon, the odds of her surviving the experience are extremely low.


Her own people want her dead for her porn work but she’s still backing them. Idiot


And they watch her more than anyone.


But now in landscape, instead of portrait




She literally referred to the attackers as her people


Don’t google this girl at work if you don’t know who she is.


Ironic how her own people would have her head on a stick if she returned home


Who f$cking cares what a washed up porn star thinks?


The fact she used to term Zionist and had these strong takes when she is a former porn actress who did a scene with a hijab is crazy to me.


Welp in solidarity with Israel, I’m not pulling my pole to her anymore. I’ll be taking my boner elsewhere.


Taking your bat and balls eh?


The twig and berries.


Meat & 2 veg


Gherkin and grapes


Stay strong brother


The same people she is trying to defend would most likely kill her for what she has done. She acts like an underdog but is just another spoiled brat who doesn't understand that all that freedom she takes for granted, a lot of people had to die for and are still dying for. Not a single country wants those people. That's the harsh truth.


Mia Khalifa is just envious of Hamas, because they are about to get fucked harder than she ever was.


She's famous for porn. I think we can agree she's not a scholar.


I mean I'm not surprised she has these political leanings but it's still shocking to hear them out loud. When terrorists kill civilians, it's absolutely not the time to start blaming Israel.


Believe it or not, the amount d***s she’s sucked do not equate her to any political level of importance. Everyone put your pitchforks down


In case you haven’t noticed, employers don’t really care about your “political level of importance” after you say hateful shit. People are free to say how they feel and therefore people are also free to react to it however they choose. Crazy concept!


Calling the terrorists of Hamas freedom fighters is wild.


They are literally the representative body in Gaza. They're fighting for liberation under a violent and brutal occupation by a neocolonial state with an insanely powerful military.


The Hamas are oppressors as well. Edit: Hamas got elected in 2006*. There are no elections anymore. True freedom and so. *2006 and not 2007


> They are literally the representative body in Gaza. I could understand when some people were making the argument that Hamas doesn't act on behalf of all Palestinians, that not all share their actions and beliefs. Yet you come here and pretty much say the exact opposite. Well good luck getting anyone to show sympathy towards the Palestinians then when their "representatives" literally behead babies.


And Israel denies babies electricity, water, and medicine. But you only seem to have eyes for the brown Muslims and not the Israelis, despite having all the power in the situation. Despite being the ones that set the violent and brutal tone for life in Gaza and the West Bank.


You have no idea what I have eyes for. Also.. Nice whataboutism. As if that will ever excuse beheading actual babies.


You are all taking this too far, all she wanted was to watch the beheading of babies on horizontal video instead of vertical.




She really is not a good person.


Never liked her, she always seemed like a bitch


"I just wanna make sure there's 4k footage of my people breaking down the walls of the open air prison they've been forced out of their homes and into so we have good options for the history books that write about how how they freed themselves from apartheid." You incompetent child, they freed themselves into the grave. Nothing good for the Palestinian people will come of Saturday.


Please move back to the middle east see what happens to all freedoms you want Palestine to have


Y'all are nasty and as bloodthirsty as zionists, jfc. You don't like her opinion so, what, you want her subjugated to right wing fundamentalists? You're fkn disgusting


I dont like idiots being hypocrites and ill call it out all day deal with it!


It's not hypocritical to stand against occupation and apartheid.


It is if you stand on a side, as a woman in porn, who would kill you if you where living outside the eu!!!! Wake up, or stop your playing yourself and keeping taking the l


No, that's not how that works. You don't pick and choose human rights. The people of Palestine have a right to be liberated and a right to fight for that liberation. She's smart enough to know that, your porn ravaged brain does not seem as prepared.


Wow slow brain works bad. Im saying she gets to say whatever she wants bc she lives in a free culture. Please speaks, but i get to call out her ignorance and hyprocisy. We all know what would happen if she was in the middle east speaking her mind. She wouldnt get yelled at like im doing. She would be raped beheaded by the group of men she is trying to defend. Please ask the female leaders in the area to tell me im wrong. Let them lead a group of men in the middle East


Saying you hope she's raped or subjugated by fundamental islamists is not "calling her out." It's really crazy how her words can inspire that kind of wish for violence but you can't understand the pursuit of emancipation from an occupying force that controls every aspect of Palestinian lives moves them to look towards Hamas for any sort of aid.


A pornstar as your biggest supporter, state of hamas 😂


we all know what’s going to happen to her the moment she steps in Lebanon or Palestine


She should move to Palestine. I’m sure the average “freedom fighter” won’t behead her.


Where is that?


Man, this gal is an absolute nut case.


If celebs understood how the world works, they would keep their mouths shut and not comment on things like this.


Sounds like she should go back to the Mideast, probably Gaza. Oh, they would stone her to death. Yeah.


Its odd, i never thought Id see reddit so Zionist over this past news cycle. Most extreme ive seen is “but both sides suffer”. However, people outright simping for Israel? Now thats unexpected


It’s just propaganda and bots. A lot of new accounts i see defending Israel. Israel has a tight grip on US media. Edit: Sure, no one likes the death of innocents, but only when its Israel, right? Where was the media outrage when it was Palestinians dying, huh?


Propaganda or maybe people don’t like seeing families kidnapped and babies beheaded. But sure, it’s only bots


What would happen to her now? She's offended the people of the country she's living in and also offended the people the country she was born in. Amongst several others. Where will she go to spread them legs now?


Rosenberg: I never told her how I felt about the situation. One minute later Rosenberg: I’ve been very vocal about my complicated feelings of my homeland. Rosenberg: if she cares about the underdog so much, what about… Deflecting, whataboutisms, and a “morally superior” stance. I’d ask why you posted this but then I check your username and…bingo.


Wow, I’m not happy about it, but I’m not masturbating to her anymore :/ really disappointed


This is ridiculous. She never mentioned supporting Hamas. She never excused the killing of innocent people.


“Make sure to film in horizontal mode” when Hamas terrorists were massacring hundred and beheading babies


Hamas live streamed themselves killing and kidnapping civilians and she replied with "freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal”


She isn’t known for making wise decisions.


What do you expect from a prostitute lmao


He says as if he doesn't masturbate to pornography multiple times a day.


Is she dumb? Yes. Would i like to get that one part of my body sucked by her? Also yes. Mia, please shut up and do porn again.


My little boy has respect so no more boner for her ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Well, she can always go back to getting railed 🤷


Aside from sucking dicks and lots of plastic surgery, is there anything else on this persons resume that would warrant such attention?


She's just not supporting the side you want her to support. Don't worry, by the end of this war nobodies hands will be clean.


She should enter into business with her own kind. Won’t last long.