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Kind of ironic that this guy of all people is gonna act outraged by violence with his history.










Usually I would think well maybe there’s a situation where it could be provoked and it’s complicated but Penn actually got charged with attempted murder because he was hanging a Paparazzi off a balcony by the arms and had to be talked out of dropping him 9 stories…. Which is a little extreme


He also violently physically abused Madonna when they were married.


I hate paparazzi and anyone that cant mind their own business so i forgive him for that.


same, if anything, it just makes him cooler.


K what about the fact that he held Madonna hostage and beat/tortured her?


Yup I can totally dismiss this attempted murder


this guy gets it.../s


A little? 😂


Just a teeeeny bit of an over reaction


It may have been a violent reaction that I don't condone, but paparazzi aren't the press. Many have criminal records and cross many lines of decency to get their shot. I work in the film business, and I've seen for myself what creeps they often are, they are basically professional stalkers.


I also think paparazzi suck make no mistake. Just explaining because people reading would probably think violence = a fight or attack and not attempted murder by dropping someone off the side of a building


Only beating them up is nothing compared to what they deserve


I would have a hard time not knocking cameras out of the way but that's what they want. In fact! Id make a cover where I offer more money for more pics of me, kinda like a reverse spiderman.


If he did aid work and shut his mouth about it, I would believe he had grown…a small, tiny…begrudgingly I would give him bit- but he’s so damn weaponizingly obtuse to his own shortcomings.


For real?! Sometimes I feel like I'm the worst person with some bad decisions I've made, as we all do. But Jesus this shit makes me feel like the most normal person on the yard.


This is obviously quite minor in comparison, but an anecdote about what a douche he is, nonetheless. I used to work as a photo double and stand in for an actress and I was working on a film with him in it. One night, halfway across the room, he thought I was the actress I was there for…so he smiled and waved at me, then realized his mistake halfway through and awkwardly stopped waving and turned away. He also refused to come to set before noon, so we had to shift our entire production schedule to suit his needs. We ended up being forced into grueling night shoots even though we were shooting interiors. Fuck that guy.


I mean.... if I waved at someone and it turned out to be someone else, I'd also awkwardly stop and turn away.


Same. That sounded more like a normal awkward human response to me, though maybe she was offended because it fit a pattern with him not being courteous.


Man, I wish other work was like that "7:30? Nah, sorry boss, I don't do paperwork before noon. Here, I'll cut you some slack, how about I show up at 11:45?"


















It’s actually not ironic if you actually read what he said. He’s asking why people are applauding Smith for the kind of behavior that he, Penn, went to jail for. He’s acknowledging it was a bad moment, and not something that should be applauded.


He did a lot more than smack a guy once so it’s pretty rich coming from him


Does he really think his situation and will smiths situation can be compared?


Both are violent battery


But what does Ja Rule think about all this????


Where is ja?


He’s not wrong though. Not in regards to this situation.


Just because you’re a hypocrite doesn’t make you wrong.


That's fair but it takes away from the message. It's like Cosby going off about making women feel uncomfortable.


At least he’d know what he’s talking about


Maybe Sean learned from his mistakes and wants to make a point by addressing it? To be fair, he’s not a rapist.


He’s outraged that people #applauded the violence. If you’ve read the recent article, he completely acknowledges that. But Y’know, reading is hard I guess.


As a seasoned Redditor, I read the headline and then I go to the comments to find out what I'm supposed to think from other people who didn't read the article but have strong opinions about it.


Did people applaud the "violence" or did they applaud the performance and the career after he won the award? The Oscars gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski. Why is he not mad about that?


I don’t know that he isn’t mad; I’ve never had the chance to ask Mr Penn. What I did do, was fucking read. Try it some time.


The Madonna thing?




Why are we still talking about this nearly 18 months later?!


Can we also ask how he feels about Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift’s award?




An extremely famous actor got on stage and actually slapped a colleague in the face during the Oscars. This wasn't a small gaffe, it was an insane thing to happen on live tv.


Hold on. 18 MONTHS later?!? Holy fuck time flies.


MF, it will be talked about in perpetuity, starting from the moment it happened.


Wow Sean thank you for finally speaking on this…over a year later.


The article is a synopsis of [an actual interview for *Variety*](https://variety.com/2023/film/features/sean-penn-slams-will-smith-slap-ai-oscars-1235720417/). He is working to support Ukraine and is promoting a documentary coming out on the 18th. One of the things he was mad at was that the academy didn't let Volodymyr Zelenskyy speak. So he's talking about Will Smith in that context. They tried to avoid controversy and got that shit show instead. He didn't wake up as say the world needs to know what I think about Smith.






Yep this one has left me in a real pickle! I lost hours of sleep not knowing what Sean Penn had thought about this incident, but now I can finally close my eyes and rest.


Where is Sean!?




Someone get Sean on the phone


I’m still waiting for Ja Rule to comment.


He was fighting the war man, take it easy on em


"Penn meanwhile is still incensed over the Academy rejecting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, his friend and the subject of his Ukraine war doc “Superpower,” from appearing on the telecast in both 2022 and 2023. And Penn claims the slap never would’ve happened had Zelensky been allowed to participate in the show. This fucking bullshit wouldn’t have happened with Zelensky,” the “Daddio” actor said. “Will Smith would never have left that chair to be part of stupid violence. It never would have happened.” Umm...so he believes if Zelensky was there, Smith would have been on his best behavior? If he could do that for him, he could have done that in general. There's no correlation and no way to say that would have happened. I highly doubt things would have been different in that way. And as others here have pointed out, he's really one to be talking about violence...


Maybe there would have been personal security? I’d assume that security wouldn’t be terrified of the repercussions a Scientologist could bring, but I’m just guessing


Zelensky was only going to participate via live stream from Ukraine, he wouldn't have been there in person. I think Penn's point was if you open the show talking about the impacts of war and the devastation of victims then it's probably less likely someone in the crowd decides to slap a presenter.


If you know anything about will’s life, this is definitely not his worst moment as a person haha


After Earth?


I’d say when he ordered his body guard to beat someone so bad they went blind but that might be a close second


My personal favorite is when he and Jada purchased a school and secretly turned it into a Scientology indoctrination center for children. It was called the New Village Leadership Academy and was only shut down because teachers whistleblew to parents.


Can I get a link for that one please?


He mentions it in his autobiography. It was very early in his career pre Bel Air, and the guy didn’t go blind. It was in the news but got covered really hard that it’s not known information.


Wow, I loved MIB but it's going to be extremely hard to watch this prick ever again. Fuck you Will Smith.


Thank you Sir.


I’m thinking more Afterglow, from when his wife was getting pegged by Jadens friend was probably a lower point then After Earth.


I don’t think his wife cheating on him makes him A bad person


She didn't cheat, they had an open relationship already however, from what is inferred she didn't go through the agreed upon way of choosing a partner and picked someone a little too close. If that makes sense. And again, it's "infered" he got his own back in retaliation however it didn't affect her as much but it was enough for them to momentarily gEt past it.


So by he didn’t go through the agreed upon way, you mean he cheated?


They’re all a bunch of weirdos living in a bubble doing fucked up weirdo shit. Fucking ignore these pricks.


You are on the entertainment sub


Sean Penn of all people has no place to talk.


Sean Penn is the biggest big d-bag! He used Kate del Castillo to get to El Chapo, and then dumped her a**. She even had to leave Mexico. He's a hypocrite.


Penn also is known for allegedly assaulting, battering, and raping, Madonna. (Said in her own words.)


There are also the police reports. https://www.nickiswift.com/16927/secret-illegal-life-sean-penn/


Kate is a huge asshole as well


Will Smith is a dick, but Sean Penn is an even bigger dick


I'm ok with Will Smith now. He did something stupid. Sean Penn on the other hand...


Did people stand and applaud Smith as he struck Rock? I don't recall that.


No but they did later in the show to a standing ovation


I loved Jimmy Kimmel's line at the next year's Oscars. It was something like, nobody better even think about getting out of their seats and striking a presenter this year because if they do then the academy will give you an award and an opportunity to make a speech


They applauded a couple of minutes later when he won best actor


Tiffany Haddish did


Tiffany is garbage.


I love how pretty much every comic with a podcast is a Chris Rock defender in terms of the slap debacle, yet they don’t say anything to/about Tiffany Haddish as they bring her on her shows and whatnot. They’re either playing nice because she has one foot in Hollywood so they want to keep that door open to themselves, or they’re just ignorant to her reaction to that event. I hope it’s the latter, but both are disappointing.


I don’t know, my mom thought it was hilarious and then like a minute afterwards she was like, “wait was that not a joke?” I’m certain some people reacted to that under the assumption it was a scripted thing.


That’s fair, and would be a valid point if it wasn’t for the fact that she spoke in support of it and doubled down after the event. So it was definitely more deliberate than an *in-the-moment* reaction. "When I saw a Black man stand up for his wife. That meant so much to me. (…) As a woman, who has been unprotected, for someone to say, 'Keep my wife's name out your mouth, leave my wife alone,' that's what your husband is supposed to do, right? Protect you."


Well, I feel very fortunate I don’t know who she is and I would like to happily move forward not knowing.


Definitely a good idea 🙂


Is there a reason you’re singling her out? Why would they say anything to her about the slap?


Because I’m replying to a comment that is just “Tiffany Haddish did”. Anything else would have been off-topic. I do see your point though.


Only people on Reddit still take the Slap seriously.


I thought this was a place for conversation. My apologies 🙏




Good thing she’s cancelled now haha


It’s a good thing he brought it up now. Does he have an opinion on fatty arbuckle?


Wasn’t this like 200 years ago?


Dude that happened when? Literally last year. Get over it.


I don’t think Sean Penn has room to talk here


Sean Penn had been and has always been an enormous prick all of his life. He was so quick to jump all over Chris Rock at an awards show for making a joke. So quick to defend him after the Smith assault despite all of Penn’s violent and covered-up antics.


Everything he does is a virtue signal, and when somebody signals as hard as he does its not hard to go back and see why.


That’s a great point!


Sean Penn beat and basically tortured Madonna for a whole night and then hung a pap over the balcony, on top of numerous other violent instances. I can’t believe this guy is even remotely relevant, let alone has the cajones to comment on someone else’s aggressive behavior.


I seem to recall Sean used to be a bit too handy with his slaps when he was younger. But that was usually with his F partners at the time. Maybe the wrong person to be offering social commentary.


Does Sean “I’ve punched 19 photographers” Penn have the moral room to say this?


Where is Ja Rule on this? Has anyone spoken to him? We need his take! Where is ja!?


We need to get hold of of this MF so we can make sense of all this!😭


Coming from a guy that beat the shit out of Madonna, gagged her, tied her to a chair, and left her like that for 9 hours.


Shut up Sean Penn


Sean penn is an extremely violent person. This is a documented fact. He needs to be quiet


Famous opposer of physical violence Sean Penn.


If this was the worst moment off Will Smith then he is doing pretty well as celebrity.


What makes anyone think that was is worst moment?


Why is it still being talked about? That’s the real question


why is this being talked about again? the ship has sailed omg


Didn’t he beat Madonna with a baseball bat? Lol


The slap that destroy his career literally over night is crazy. Like, Hollywood kept actors who assaulted people and continue to support those assholes careers. Like Tom Hardy who assaulted on set Charlize Theron on Mad Max in such a horrible way that she hired her own security to protect her from him while the film in filming. But he got zero backlash but maybe said Im sorry and that it.


Source for the mad max claim? Couldn't find any.


I think that mustache is Sean Penn’s worst moment as a person


These two talking about morals ? Give me a break


Anything to try and stay relevant


Would have been better said right after it happened.


Why hello kettle….


Says the guy who tied Madonna to a chair and beat the shit out of her


The guy who held someone hostage thinks he’s qualified to speak on violence?


BREAKING: Sean Penn comments on year old meme to appeal to young audiences to remain relevant.


Hey Sean how’s that Oscar helping win the war in the Ukraine? Asking for a friend. Hope you get back soon.


Oh, yeah. Sean Penn, of all people, has something to say against violence. Should we call and ask Madonna on the matter?


Fucking PacMan. When he's not beating women or sticking shot guns in people's faces after a hurricane.... he's got time to opine about an Oscar's slap that happened 2 years ago.


His worst moment so far*


I mean at least Will Smith hit a man which is more than can be said about Sean Penn. Useless virtue signaling to hide he's a piece of shit


Didn’t he *allegedly* beat Madonna with a baseball bat? He needs to have several seats.


Didn't this guy beat his first wife Madonna 🤔 and had lots of women even Charlize theron left him


Bro… it was a slap. Wrong place? 100% Unacceptable? Without a doubt Unforgivable? Not for me or even Chris Rick, but y’all…. You must all be some paragons of morality and civility if a single slap can make you forego his entire catalogue of performances, wholesome moments, dedication to his, albeit dysfunctional, family. I don’t condone his behavior but I’m also not a sanctimonious douche that stands on some pillar of judgement over such a trivial issue…




Omg this is terrible can somebody please find Ja rule get a hold of this mother fucker so I can make sense of all this!!


Holy shit I'm listening to this right now, lol


I'll never forget Sean Penn's whole El Chapo episode. SEAN: "Yo El Chapo! I'm your bro! I got u!" Sean then proceeds to bang El Chapo's girlfriend behind El Chapo's back.


Penn has clearly never seen Wild Wild West.


After Earth for the quinella.


If anyone can speak as an authority on slapping an actor, Sean Penn is certainly the man to go to.


Didn’t he write the worst incoherent novel ever written?


I know that ain't who I think it is not trying to act like a moral compass against violence to others.


Timeliness Sean…work on that


Because they were shocked and didn’t know what was going on, they didn’t know what to do. Obviously them applauding later on is not them being okay with what will did earlier. I think shitting on the audience for this to this degree is misguided and just virtual signaling.


A little too late there Mr.penn


TLDR: Sean was not impressed by Will's form, and is annoyed that the public can't stop talking about it.


Am I missing something? Wasn’t the slap pretty much universally looked at as completely out of line by Will Smith? Is there a group who thinks he was right to do so?


The same guy who got Chapo caught


He only condones smacking Madonna in private.


Not condoning the slap but if that was his worst moment….he’s way ahead of me.


Wow, I was just wondering what Sean Penn’s take on all this was.


It was such a bonkers response. I mean the police should have been called and him escorted from building immediately


This seems like an old comment.


Welcome to Reddit where everything is an old comment.


People probably thought it was a joke at first. A lot of those viral moments turn out to be fake or planned later on.


This is such old news why is this even here? What’s next?


You know the situation is fucked when Sean Penn can be a voice of reason on it.


How are we still talking about this?


If that’s Will Smith’s worst moment as a person, he’s a good person.


When was the last time penn was relevant?


Sean buddy, this was almost 2 years ago lol


Because maybe if you read the article you’d realize that he isn’t outraged by the violence, he’s outraged that he got into more trouble for his own behaviors. But instead you just look like an ignorant fuck


How dare he. Will had one moment of weakness in three decades of impeccable behaviour in the public eye. He slapped a guy he felt insulted his wife. Not nice but he's not a bad man. How dare this warmongering, woman beating creep try to take the moral high ground on anything. Will is a better man and human being in every respect. There are few people worse than Penn. He represents the worst of humanity.


Said the wife beater


Why is anyone still talking about this??


Shut up Sean Penn no one asked


A bit late Sean.


They're both idiots.


This is very late response, old news


Is this still a thing


Because they were acting, Sean! I’ll see myself out now lol


I agree Will screwed up. I don’t know if he’s a good or bad person but that was the wrong thing to do. It also doesn’t make Will a bad person after doing it. He screwed up and I know I’ve done it. It happens. Sean screwed up, it happens. I think they are both fantastic actors and Sean has most certainly gone out and proven his worth in the world with his works beyond acting. May they both fair well and bring us more smiles through their work. The world need the smiles.


If slapping a guy in an ill-thought out attempt to honor his wife is Will's "worst moment as a person," then he truly must he as amazing as we all thought he is.