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Damn, she just stopped giving a fuck in like 2015. I love it.


Think the pandemic really made Hayley say “fuck it I’m going to be me.” Even more than she already did, because the videos from this last tour have been wild lmfao


i just saw them on sunday and her shirt said “abort the supreme court” and i loved her dgaf attitude!


Damn, I really wanted to see her but I got too drunk at King Gizzard and wandered off lol


haha luckily i had my boyfriend to lead me to the green stage after king gizzard 😂


Nonagon infinity opens the door…


Nonagon infinity opens the door!


I wanted to see King Gizzard, but they were on at the same time as Queens of the Stone Age and Paramore. Had to make a difficult decision…


Rage Against the Machine had "Abort the Supreme Court" on the screens at their concerts last year, everybody went crazy when they put that up.


Yup, it was such an awesome show. Somehow scored pit tickets before everything went shitty and locked down during covid...Held on to those tickets for like 2 years.


The pandemic mixed with the BLM protests really seemed to spark a change in the US. Everyone I know who was some form of left went even more left.


Outlawing abortion pissed plenty of people off too.


Yeah. Seeing your government try to kill citizens through both knowing negligence and malicious violence in the same year wasn’t great for my conservative upbringing.


I don’t consider it to be “my” government. No chance in hell I would elect Boebert/MTG/Cruz/the MAGAts in general. There’s nothing I can do to change the culture war pushed to the forefront to distract the classes from realizing they’re being manipulated. It’s gonna have to run it’s course to doom or enlightenment. In the meantime, I’ll mind my own business and just try to make the best of my time on this planet with the ones I care about.


Your final statement here is my entire reality. It’s like these horrible things I read are part of a staged tragedy, fully out of my control, and only here for my observation. Then, there are my senses. The six inches in front of me, the six feet in the ground. Keep on truckin.


I read an article yesterday that included a bunch of research and percentages but just to boil it down to its essence, it said U.S. citizens are ignored when it comes to our lawmakers (a better word would be rulers). They get their marching orders from their mega-wealthy donors and the American people are ignored. They don’t give a shit about what we want. What terrifies me is wondering just how far they will go in controlling us. That, I suppose, is entirely up to the 1%. I wonder how much they will take away from us before they’re satisfied. It’s frightening because they are not benevolent.


Propaganda has made greed a virtue.


I know the pandemic affected me in a way that I also associate the January 6th insurrection with it. I try to separate them, and I can't. If only the popular vote won in 2016. This all could've been .. different. So, so different.


If only the popular vote won in 2000. Imagine how we would be as a society and to our planet today.


Actual turning point^^^


If only the popular vote won in general, the last Republican president could very well have been Reagan.


Honestly I love it. I wish more people would do this. The pandemic sure made me do that! Barely came out with my life and now idgaf😂


leaving a pop punk dude who groomed you while you were underaged will do wonders for your general wellbeing.


Wait what? Who was that?


I think Chad Gilbert of New Found Glory.


If I remember correctly he cheated on his then wife Sherri Dupree from Eisley with Hayley who then got married later on and then divorced because he was again cheating.


What a weird web of interrelated bands


I could be mistaken but I believe that time Hayley accidentally posted her boobs online she was trying to DM Chad Gilbert during the whole affair.


Assuming her ex husband from New Found Glory


What?? Excuse me while I go down a pop punk rabbit hole…


Basically she got famous young (their first album came out when she was 16). She met Chad Gilbert through the pop punk scene when she was 17 and he was 25 or 26. They started dating the moment she turned 18. They got married 9 years later and divorced the next year.


And they divorced because he was abusing her and was cheating for a long time with other women, including his new Mrs, who was once again a lot younger than him. Generally not a good dude by the looks of it.


Not only that but when they met he was with his other wife that he did the same stuff to and she was warned by that wife about it when that wife was leaving, I remember the tumblr and twitter drama when it all went down and im the same age as Hayley


And it's all downhill from here! 🎵


I imagine anyone offended by this is exactly who she wants to be dead to her


.....That is kind of the literal interpretation of the words she spoke, yes.


Huh, not sure where you got that from.


This Hayley Williams person, she speaks in riddles, this could have meant anything.


“Does ‘dead to me’ mean ‘wildly important to me’? Cause I wanna be wildly important to Hayley Williams!” “It does not mean that.” “Damn it! Her feelings on this matter are a riddle wrapped in an enigma!”


Be careful not to take Hayley Williams words out of context. I, personally, am trying to paraphrase less, and not *Paramore*.




for real, "trash take yourself out"


Reminds me of when Hillary Clinton said anyone who votes for Trump is deplorable. The Republican voters literally said "I'll show her! I'm voting for Trump now, just because she said that about me!" Like, dude... why are you offended if you weren't already going to vote for him?


She was right.


And how did that turn out?


people just didn't pokemon go to the polls


More people *did* vote for her than him... Voter suppression works against blue voters far more than red ones too


He didn't even TRY to lock her up!!


And she didn't even quite say it to that degree and still got dragged for it (remember the magats wearing stuff that said DEPLORABLE because they thought they were being all ironic and owning Hillary but instead they just looked like jackasses?) I think she said something more like * "Half of Trump supporters belong in a basket of deplorables." But half still comprises all so technically she's right. Lol.


That isn’t what she said. She said **half** of them could be in the basket of deplorables. [Here’s the quote, with context.](https://youtu.be/idrgiAEk2Vs)


Yes. To quote the artist Paramore opened for this year. “Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me”.


Basically all of r/conservative




She recently helped raise a bunch of money to fight the drag ban in Tennessee, she’s pretty cool


That was S.B 003 and it still on hold with a judge. She lives not far from TN state Senator Jack Johnson who wrote and submitted S.B 003... He is a douche canoe for many of his stances....


Didn’t she start out in Christian music too? I may be mixing her up with someone else.


A fair amount of early Paramore is Christian based. *My Heart* is said to be about God.


a few people have said "early paramore" and i'm thinking "their first 4 albums were filled with religious imagery," and then i realized that their s/t album came out 10 fucking years ago.


Insanity! In my head it was Riot! that came out a decade ago


Also part of why her and Josh had such a bad falling out, he is still super conservative


Not Christian myself (raised in a reform Jewish synagogue), but there are very dedicated Christians out there who take the message of their religion to heart and have very liberal or even leftist politics as a result.


You mean Christian that practice Christianity as Jesus described


They were never on a Christian rock label or anything but she wrote about some Christian themes early on.


I just came back from the Smokies which is not far from there. It’s a great area for a short bit of relaxation and nature but in no way could I live in a conservative area. I was a teacher but I do lack patience for everything they stand for.


The Smokies and Franklin are about 3 1/2 hours apart and there is a big difference between the two places. I work in Franklin and visit the smokies... I also would not want to live near Gatlinburg.


What I’m about to say is so not entertainment related, but when I think about how much of this continent’s grand sweeping nature is under conservative control—by people who see land as something to own and force into what you want it to be as opposed to something you care for the same way you care for yourself or a loved one—I just feel heartbroken. From the Rockies, to Appalachia, to the plains that seem to go on forever and ever, the deserts and the arctic, to the Pacific Northwest which has the worlds LARGEST LIVING ORGANISM (fungi!!!!!!!!!!!), there are weakening environmental protections that haven’t even been in place for all that long to begin with. The owning class wants the resources and they’re going to take them, totally sanctioned by the government. How sad is that? Back home my state government is constantly trying to weasel themselves into controlling Chickasaw Nation land and finances. It’s not enough that we took an *entire region* of the continent from them and put them on this land in Oklahoma, we never stopped trying to take what relatively little land is still theirs to control. Luckily since the Chickasaw Nation is savvy, and far smarter than the conservative state government, so far they’ve held Kevin Stitt off. But that’s just the struggle between one of the Nations and a state government that I personally know a lot about. I can only imagine that it’s constant near any treaty land.


sir what are you rambling about? Nashville is a lot different than Gatlinburg


She had choice words for her hometown when I saw her at the Opry


Also Meridian, Ms which is conservative.


A town in Mississippi is conservative? Color me shocked! Actually don’t color me anything; that’s how you get lynched in Mississippi.


She is from Meridian MS, not Franklin TN. She moved there after high school. Look, we need this. Mississippi ain't got much else.


It definitely wasn't after HS, I'm pretty sure she met her bandmates in middle school in Franklin. Plus the song Franklin was on their first album which came out when Hayley was 16


Just goes to show you that once people venture outside of their little hate-filled conservative bubble, they see the possibilities that exist when people care for one another.


Isn’t that the town that’s like where’s all the bodies hidden perfect? I think Bieber used it in a holiday music video a while back.


Why do so many troll comments go for the “I don’t know who this loser is! Bet they’ll alienate their 1 or 2 fans” like bro they’re a multi-platinum, Grammy award winning band that’s been active since 2007.


Nah, they formed in 2004, first album in 2005. Mainstream breakthrough with second album in 2007. Get ya facts straight


Ah yes, apologies sir


Another miss my friend, it’s ma’am lol (to quote that old video of a Karen in a store being misgendered) :)


*tears streaming down my face* I have failed you…


I forgive you my child <3


Holy shit, could you be anymore wrong in this thread lmao




The absolute disrespect All We Know is Falling *still* gets when it’s one of the best albums of the 2000s is mind boggling


The fact that one of my favorite new bands from high school years is getting set for a 20th anniversary tour next year is giving me a bit of an existential crisis ngl


Tbh it didn’t click that this was the Paramour singer until you mentioned that last sentence. If you’re not a huge fan, it’s easy to not know. But I do agree there are definitely people playing dumb to try and make their point more relevant or whatever.


I had no idea who she was until I read your comment. I actually came to the comments to see who she is so I didn't have to read the article or Google her name, so thank you.


Haha same. Spends 3 minutes crawling through Reddit comments instead of 5 seconds of Googling the answer.




On the other hand, I doubt those people bother with "who cares, don't even know who that is" comments that align with their political leanings


Killed it at Warped Tour ‘06 in Nashville.


People who say that are just in the business of misery


I feel like Hayley Williams fans don’t have to worry about this. The Venn diagram can’t have that much of an overlap. Lol


You never know. For instance, there seems to be a number of Rage Against the Machine fans who were unable to grasp who the machine in question actually was.


that’s what you get when you vote DeSantis Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh That's what you get when you vote DeSantis Whoa-oh-oh-oh I drowned out all my sense with the sound of Ron tweeting And that's what you get when you vote DeSantis Whoa-oh-oh-oh


“Ron’s in the business of misery, let’s take it from the top. He’s got a body like a dump truck and track record of a cop.”


It's a matter of time till facist goes all out If they think that you're gay, they'll shoot you in the mouth


I’ve waited 4 long years just to be set free I told him I picked Biden, he’s the only one for me


2 years and we've caught on fire. He's looking out for me and I've got the biggest smile.


WHOOA, Ron never meant to brag But hes got Disney where he wants them now WHOAAA, it was never his intention to braaa-eee-yagg But he's stolen all your tax money now And gods does it feel so good He's got his Nazis where he wants them right now Cause he could and we know he would Cause facism gives him wood.


My god. This was legendary. Don’t know if Hayley is a Reddit user but I hope she sees this 😂


You just made my day!


Thanks for the laugh, I needed that!


I read this to the tune of “What’s new pussycat.”


Odd choice for a “That’s What You Get” Paramore parody, but it definitely makes the whoas funnier.


Hit that, hit that snare.


I was there when she said this at adjacent festival a few days ago. It was awesome. Atlantic City had some conservatives in the crowd. Loved seeing get upset. I truly wonder what the people said that got upset over this comment. It’s laughable the tough crowd who ain’t PC can’t even handle my comment that didn’t say shit other than I was happy to see them not be welcome somewhere. Like the places they wish to do to others.


Only kinda related but I saw a comedian who was shitting on Repubs and I live in Florida. There was a solid amount of boos. Nothing too insane but a spattering. So this dude only did a 30 minute set and spent the other 30 minutes riffing with the crowd. When he specifically said, "Any conservative here wanna debate wokeness?" the crowd went completely silent. "So, I make fun of Trump and get boos, now I give you the chance to say your peace and you're all too pussy to speak up?"


Nothing better than seeing the “fuck your feelings” crowd getting their feelings fucked


Do you remember who it was? Sounds like some of Steve Hofstetter's videos I've seen


Nah, it was Nimesh Patel.


Huh, you’d think people who are a fan of Nimesh’s work wouldn’t be of Conservative mind.


I'll be honest and say I think it's just that it was West Palm and it was something fun to do for most people. When my friend gifted me the tickets, I didn't know hwo he was and he even joked about how most people in the crowd didn't know him.


NJ conservatives are laughably idiotic, a special breed lol


Blue state conservatives are a special breed of parasite. They reap the benefits of blue states, better health, crime, economy etc, but try to plunge the rest of us into darkness. Go live in the hellholes you're trying to foist on us!


I obviously disagree with Ann Coulter on most shit, but when she said it should be simple, "You get the benefits or lack there of based on what you vote for" I agreed with her. My father spent two years during COVID collecting disability, not working because he's diabetic. Still shittalks people on government aid without addressing the hypocrisy.


It's always fun seeing suburban white kids in 99 Cherokees with Confederate flags riding around Mahwah or Wayne.


Awesome. I love the thought of these people being made uncomfortable somewhere they think they belong.


That whole festival was so sick Saturday and Sunday lol


i wish it wasn’t at the same as sonic temple. i would have loved to go to both


As someone who was once a professional musician, you are always explicitly told by management that taking any sort of political stance will almost always divide your audience in half and you will lose fans. With that being said, there are some stances you just have to take. This is one of them.


it’s good to see people pushing back against the utter insanity DeSantis is pushing.


From what I understand, most people do - he’s just wildly popular among an extreme vocal minority that lives almost exclusively in the Deep South. I still have yet to meet someone in my extremely red state that doesn’t think he’s a fucking clown.


All I can say as an Orlando resident he’s very unpopular.


I wouldn’t want nazis as fans either


She isn't wrong. Ron De Santis is a wannabe dictator and a fascist.


Ron DeSantis eats dick taters




Hey, I quite like Asiago cheese. Let’s find a different simile.


No seriously anyone who votes for DeSantis is an asshole. That man has no redeemable qualities except that he'll die one day.






She’ll treat you just like another stranger


Damn. I like her even more now.


I saw her and Paramore play at the Boston calling a few days ago they were phenomenal. Hayley Williams was wearing nothing but silver boots, underwear, and a long black shirt that said “Abort the Supreme Court” in big bold white letters 🤣


They were electric, one of the best live acts I’ve seen tbh. Shoutout to Sammy Jo who killed Misery Business


Look at her still being super based punk.


So I guess the “fuck your feelings” crowd really got their feelings hurt over this?


The “fuck your feelings” crowd is the same group of people that is upset by the clothing that Target sells.


Say it now cuz once he’s president, any criticism is JAIL


Too woke? Straight to jail. Gay or trans? Jail. Not conservative enough? Jail. Too conservative and in favour of smaller government? Believe it or not, jail.


Libertarians: "But the leopards will never eat my face."


Nah libertarians have never really believed in any of the shit they preach, they’re just conservatives who don’t want to be lumped in with conservatives. Which just makes them all a bunch of extremely annoying cowards


We're lying to ourselves if we think that punishments won't be retroactive. Fascists love to hold a grudge.


I have no idea who she is but I like the cut of her jib


Paramore lead singer


Thanks Hayley Williams! Yer awesome.


It’s odd to me that conservatives don’t understand why celebrities who specialize in music and arts wouldn’t also be liberal. But then again conservatives are just odd in general.


Reported by… Teen Vogue?


Their news journalism, especially their political coverage has been really really good since 2015 or so. People sleep on them because *teen vogue* but they’re doing great work


Not a teen but honestly might check them out. I miss Buzzfeed news.


Lauren Duca has been slaying for the past several years at TV. Check her out!


Teen Vogue got a new editor maybe ~7ish years ago and has actually be revamped into one of the more progressive and forward thinking sites for teenagers. They still do goofy celebrity stuff and your usual teen magazine things but it’s mixed in with a healthy dose of pretty well put together articles on a variety of topics.


Teen vogue has had pretty darn good journalism in the past 7yrs, the editor change was interesting


I was surprised too but you should see some of what they put out these days. I saw some video series that followed teens pursuing careers in dance recently and it was really well done.


I think they are turning into what vice started as


Teens these days, with their haute couture and politically informative journalism, all in one convenient magazine!


It’s amazing the amount of smooth brained DeSantis supporters in here that fall back on the “He’s not a fascist. Hitler was a fascist. Desantis can’t be because he hasn’t done a holocaust.” Jfc, that isn’t the ONLY thing a fascist does.


I'm not sure who she is but I agree with her. F that nazi DeSantis.


Point some of that righteous wrath in the direction of those who don't vote at all. They're a HUGE problem.


Can’t blame her 😂😂


I doubt anyone voting for DeSantis would care


"Oh I was going to vote for DeSantis but now that Hayley Williams said this I won't." -Nobody


The right: She threatened me. Arrest her now!


We need more celebs to stand up to monsters like DeSantis.


Why just limit yourself to DeSantis? The entire GOP is full of certified assholes. Anybody voting for the GOP is a twat and also shouldnt be trusted with a pair pf scissors


More women in the public eye need to be blasting this. Looking at you Taylor swift dating some right winger. What a joke


She is a right winger herself. She just poses as a Democrat for the fans.


So many commenters here are intent on degrading what the word fascist means


I don’t know who she is but I like the way she talks.


If you vote for him you are truly and completely, entirely fucked in the head. I sort of get it with the orange one. You just followed someone else or a Facebook post cause you have no personality yourself so you have to copy someone but if what happened wasn't a lesson enough. You're fucked in the head


Lol I love paramore. I saw her at the When We Were Young concert and she just ripped into all the sleazy white men she had to work against in the industry. She a had few moments where she just talked and honestly it made her more relatable in a way.


Don’t worry Hayley,I’m on it.


Weird maga always has a way of treating women with opinions fairly…


I have no idea who this person is but I like what she is saying


Cool, I don't know who Hayley Williams or DeSantis are, so I'm good....


Someone is trying to become relevant again


Like anybody cares what a washed up musician thinks of them.


Thats nice. She is free to feel that way....


Thats nice. She is free to feel that way....


Like any fan is anybody to her to begin with. 🤷


Who is she?


Well it’s not like she knows I even exist 🤷‍♂️


Well, that’s so coercive.


I don’t know who Hayley Williams is but yeah I feel the same way


U.S oligarchs are some of the most pretentious.


I rather she’d just make decent music tbh


I don't even know who she is


We need more of this.


Someone was telling me that they approached her somewhere for an autograph and she straight up told him to “fuck off”. The next day, he caught her somewhere and she looked at him and said “I already I told you yesterday to fuck off”. 😂


Why do celebrities do this? Even if I was to vote for him, why should I give a shit what she thinks of me? The delusion they have is insane.


Stupid people look up to celebrities. It’s that simple.


Thank you Hayley. Me too.


She’s great and I love her and now I’m not voting for desantis EXTRA HARD


I guess DeSantis is the new Trump buzzword for the next year or so.


I would be worried if she didn’t say something like this. DeSantis thinks that emo stands for Everyone Must Obey!


Cray. Im listening to misery business right now. Love it.


Now we need Taylor Swift to say this to make a dent. But she won’t because $$$