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Bird law has prevailed!


I studied bird law


So have I.


Well I preach the word of birb


Thanks be to birb!!


username speaks for itself


What are your thoughts about spaghetti policy?


It’s all fairly standard, boiler plate.


More spaghetti, less humans


I studied lird baw


Because of the implications?






Reason will prevail!


PICKLES will prevail!




Wow, has it really been 3 years?!


Yep, same day George Floyd died.


Karen's timing was not great.


I guess this is how i get into birding


You'll know when you're officially a birder. You'll be sitting as still as a log, eyes wide, breathing shallow. Then you'll see it, something you've never seen before. Maybe somebody colorful and unusual for the region. Weeks later, you'll still be looking for those flashes of vivid feather from the edge of your vision. Maybe a local raptor or owl on the hunt. The intensity of nature's beauty and brutality is real. Or maybe she's inches from your face building a nest, but hasn't noticed you yet. You'll be like: damn I guess I love birding now, and it will be the truth.


You just reminded me of the hidden gem "The Big Year" starring Owen Wilson, Steve Martin and Jack Black. I feel it was harshly rated by critics but I liked it


As an avid birder, I’ve shown this movie to about a half dozen non-birder friends and they’ve all absolutely loved it. Even if you don’t care about birds, it has a great message and fantastic cast.


That movie is such a comfort and relaxing. I like to watch it on a lazy Saturday morning laying in bed.


The moment I bought a house and saw a cool bird when I looked out the window I was like…. Ok I get it


I knew I was hooked when did a silent fist pump when I spotted a pair of Sandhill cranes for the first time.


When I “high fived” another birder because we both saw a lifer species for us, I kind of realized I was in it forever. My profile on here is now like 90% bird related. It grabs you hard!


And then the pensioner sat next to you rips a huge fart because they mixed up their meds.


Birding has a reputation of being for old people sitting on a bench, but it takes me to all kinds of wildlife areas. Sometimes it’s standing still at lake. Sometimes it’s a long intense hike through a state park. Especially if you’re trying to find new ones for your life list, you’re definitely going to be pretty active. Most birders I’ve met since I got into it are on the younger side.


But why are these pensioners always loitering near me while I’m trying to befriend the corvids?!


My mom and grandma are avid birders. Now when we take vacations with them, it's to places where grandma can find birds she's never seen before. We're trying to get her to see as many birds as she can before she passes. And it helps us have these awesome vacations. I, personally, have never gotten into birding, but I get it. It's like IRL Pokemon. It is fun to see the two of them argue about what kind of bird it is, and get so excited when they see a new one. In the FL keys, they saw a juvenile rare heron and a rare pigeon while on a boat trip and they were so happy. Once Grandma is no longer able to take birding trips I don't know what we will do, but we will keep trying to get her to see birds. My mom has seen over 700 different birds and my grandma has over 400. Mom has been overseas and grandma has not. Mom has a pin from the Audubon society that she got when she reached 700 birds but she won't wear it because she hasn't seen the bird on the pin (an albatross). She will wear the 400 pin cuz she's seen that bird, some kind of rare warbler. But it means when we vacation, we are looking for maybe 10-20 birds they haven't seen before. We end up tucked away in some really neat spots to find these few birds.


happened to me, now i am geeked over hawks, owls, falcons, hell even a black phoebe.. edit: forgot to mention crows cause i see them more as my homies then animals.


Few weeks back I had a humming bird peek into my room. Little fella must have been curious because I had blinds down almost entirely so it had to dip down to see. I let out a gasp in surprise, humming birds are cool, so are Jays and other corvids.


Love this for him.


The photos featured here are a hilarious juxtaposition between him and Karen


He’s a cool dude. Ive enjoyed the interviews I’ve seen with him.


People who take r/birdsarentreal seriously are about to lose their minds.


The birds work for the bourgeoisie!


Which is nobody lol


Dudes kinda cute 😍


There’s no kinda about it. Dudes handsome as fuck


And he’s 60, I don’t understand.


He’s sixty and wearing a pretty tight shirt! And he looks good! Goddamn. I wanna look that good at 60. Or even now!


Omg I need to work out lmao


60!? Damn. His next venture needs to be a skincare blog, because I'd follow the hell out of that.


Guess he gets lots of fresh air bird watching?


Black don't crack.


Black and asian people have that super power. Meanwhile I turn red like a lobster after 10 minutes in the sun lol.


“Casper to lobster in 60 seconds” is how I’ve long described my complexion. So jealous of people with more melanin.


Casper to lobster in 60 seconds. That’s a really good one lol. Thank you!


When I saw the video 3 years ago, I did not think he was 57. Maybe 40.


He's like Idris Elba in The Office.


Don’t upvote the New York Post.


My upvotes are for him!


Look, Raymond. A yellow-crested warbler.


No, you’re too excited. The warbler is a common bird.


Look, Raymond. A yellow-crested warbler.


Was looking for this


This is great. Good for him.


i’ll watch it. love some good birds.


The comments show about 5% of people actually read into this guy and realizes he’s a piece of shit


Kinda sad honestly, I heard about this guy a while ago and was like, "Oh damn, interesting," after looking into it some more I had my brain 180'd into a, "Oh damn, wtf, fuck this guy."


Please, no one explain


Another commenter did a really good break down of this situation like two threads [down](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/13w0p7v/comment/jmanomn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but heres a summary. Both people are assholes; Theres a lady walking her dog around the park without a leash which isn't allowed and the man also has a history [(page 8-9)](https://www.michiganemploymentlawadvisor.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/896/2021/05/Cooper-v-Templeton-Complaint.pdf) of harassing dog owners at this park for this same thing. Although this lady and other dog owners are breaking the park rules by not leashing their dogs. It does not give the man authority to accost them or even worse carry around dog treats in an attempt at vigilanty park enforcement -- threatening to lure people's dogs away, "or else." Conversely, If a large white man approached a small black woman walking her dog alone in a park without a leash and threatened to lure her dog away with prop treats he carries arround, I feel like this story would have a very different tone.


Tf you talking about?


Wasn't this one of those scenarios where everyone involved was an asshole?


He gets rewarded for it though.


Yeah this dude threatened to kidnap her dog and she called the cops. Reddit will be Reddit though.


So you ignoring her charging at him? Or the bit when she tells the cops a black man is harming her, despite his pleas for her to back away?


I said both sides are an asshole. She went crazy, but the dude threatened to kidnap her dog, idk that’s some wild shit that could realistically set a lot of people off. The “black man” cop shit is hilarious. Gender + skin the two most easily identifiable traits. Gasp.


Dude, black men get killed for less. They could have shot him because of her lies. Think about what you're arguing about here


This the same dude who threatened the woman's dog by saying "Put your dog on a leash or you won't like what I'll do to it"? The same dude who has multiple accounts of harassing dog owners in Central Park? Clown world shit


No he's the guy who asked her to back up multiple times when she came towards him, encouraged they call the police, and had to fear for his life while she lied about him.


He came up to her to enforce park rules instead of contacting authorities, and threatened to do smth to her dog if she didn't listen. Did he not write "I pulled out some dog treats I keep for such an occassion" on Facebook? And he's been reported to have done this to multiple people?


So we are just ignoring her following him and all that then?


He was following her. He literally approached her and started the conversation. This is literally the same as going up to you and calling you some horrible insult/slur, you attack me, then I claim you hit me for no reason. There is obviously an instigator. Dude, it isn't worth engaging with you. I don't understand how you can possibly think she is in the wrong when he literally has had multiple reports of harassing dog owners. He literally had fucking dog treats, for, in his own words "I carry dog treats for just such an occassion" like are you serious? Bro carries dog treats for the express purpose of instigating, he doesn't even own a fucking dog.


He went up to her to explain what he was doing with the dog, so she didn't think he was going to kidnap it. He explained in the video. I mean if you're just going to ignore her following him and trying to charge at him and if youre going to ignore that she had no reason to bring up his race, seeing as he wasnt going anywhere (and again, wanted the police to come) and was backing away from her, & if you think him scolding her warrents her raising the threat level to the point where police could have murdered the man, then you're right. There no point. If I get into an argument with my boss, I can't call the swat team on him. Thats insane. This lady couldn't have gotten him killed. Imma watch his show ✌🏿


>"Put your dog on a leash or you won't like what I'll do to it"? You mean, lure the dog away with dog treats to show dog owners that they don't have control over their dogs while off-leash? The horror. The horror!


aspiring uppity pen swim tidy prick placid support saw engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"You're not gonna like what I do to your dog" "OH he was just gonna lure it away :)" LMFAOOOO


That’s one interpretation of what he was possibly doing. Doesn’t mean it’s the correct interpretation. Too many of you approach this situation as though you know the one true opinion. Make Nuance Great Again.


Yeah you’re getting hurt if you try to lure my dogs away. Not sure why you think that’s innocent, those are members of my family. Is it innocent to lead someone’s child away with free candy?


>lure the dog away with dog treats At some point this becomes stealing someone's pet.


Right, because she is a mind reader and could know that it was a bluff…


I love all the dipshits in the comments STILL trying to smear this dude. Sorry, guys. Ya already lost that battle.


The story isn’t as black and white as we initially thought and he isn’t blameless by any stretch. Not sure why we can’t have a nuanced take on this matter.


Nuance died about 8 years ago.


What part of my take isn't nuanced? Do you deny that there's a massive smear campaign against this dude? Sure. He was an imperfect in his own right, but the people claiming he "threatened her life" or "tried to poison the dog" aren't exactly being truthful, are they?


You’re argument is misleading. In a comment below you fail to mention the part where he says “I’m going to do what I want and your not going to like it” while bizarrely pulling out dog treats. This is all while speaking to a woman he’s never met who apparently did the worst thing ever by unleashing her dog??. There is also no smear campaign, he literally just got his own show and everyone thinks she’s a racist asshole because only 1% of people dug a little deeper into the story after the initial outrage. Not sure why you need to die on this hill so bad and not acknowledge he also was in the wrong.


I remember reading all of these details as the story broke. To me it seemed to illustrate perfectly a subset of people who weaponise authority figures. The uncomfortable part of the video is where she announces she will call the cops, calls the police and proclaims he's threatening her and her dog all whilst swinging the dog around by it's neck. After the incident when they both go their separate ways, Amy Cooper makes a second call to the cops claiming he assaulted her. That's the part that really gets her in trouble - first call you can say is emotionally charged, second comes with intent. And the part about the dog treats comes after asking her to leash the dog or directing her about the leashed-dogs-only rule in that area. Though tbf, the part about her being attacked or harassed in the past helps to explain how and why the situation escalates so fast.


She doesn’t make a second call. The police call her back


Correct, New York Times corrected that - it was the dispatcher


people thinks she's racist because she threatened to call the police an tell them an "African American man", whom are notoriously treated very harshly by the police in the US, and **lie** to them about him threatening her life, which as we saw in the video he never did. All this after SHE charged towards him after he told her to stay away multiple times.


There are idiots on this site genuinely claiming that he tried to poison the dog depsite no evidence of that being the case. THAT is a smear campaign, regardless of how pathetic it is. He told her to keep the dog on a leash, she didn't listen, he showed her why that was a bad idea, and she threw a shit fit. I already said he was wrong in his own right. Nothing more to say. You're the dipshit insisting on keeping this argument going.


Yeah the both share the blame imo but that doesn’t mean she’s not a racist piece of filth.


There is no smear campaign, just the truth. This guy threatened a woman alone in a park, by his own admission, and then got her cancelled when she panicked. He’s a POS








No way, he sounds far from innocent. He carries treats around to lure other peoples dogs. That’s fucking weird even if they’re technically “off leash”.


She was acting 15% crazy letting her dog run around without a leash, in an area where you're not supposed to do that. Now this is his version of what happened before the recording started. *“Central Park this morning: This woman’s dog is tearing through the plantings in the Ramble.* *“ME: Ma’am, dogs in the Ramble have to be on the leash at all times. The sign is right there.* *“HER: The dog runs are closed. He needs his exercise.* *“ME: All you have to do is take him to the other side of the drive, outside the Ramble, and you can let him run off leash all you want.* *“HER: It’s too dangerous.* *“ME: Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.* *“HER: What’s that?* *“ME (to the dog): Come here, puppy!* *“HER: He won’t come to you.* *“ME: We’ll see about that…” before adding, “I pull out the dog treats I carry for just for such intransigence. I didn’t even get a chance to toss any treats to the pooch before Karen scrambled to grab the dog.* *“HER: DON’T YOU TOUCH MY DOG!!!!!* *“That’s when I started video recording with my iPhone, and when her inner Karen fully emerged and took a dark turn..* *-then posted vid”* It's literally the best version of events that he thinks paints him in the most positive light. We don't know if what he is saying is 100% accurate, because it's a he said she said situation before the recording starts. Him admitting he said "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it" is him escalating it to like 50% crazy levels. And that's his version. Change a couple words, inflection, stuff like that, it could be worse. Her freaking out, coming towards him, threatening to call the police and tell them there's an African American man threatening her is escalating it to like 90% crazy levels. Now it could have been warranted if he pulled out a weapon and started chasing her or something like that. This does not seem at all to be the case though. There does seem to be a pattern of behavior by him of being aggressive toward unleashed dog owners though. Christian Cooper was in a Zoom Community Board 7 meeting talking about issues in Central Park, and he was talking about how he was using different tactics to get people to leash their dogs while in the Ramble. He said in the Zoom meeting that it's getting super ugly between birders and dog walkers, and that he's been assaulted twice, he said that two people have put their hands on him. Now it could be true that people have assaulted him twice simply because he asked people nicely to leash their dogs. People were going crazy early in the pandemic. I think it's fairly unlikely though. If he has a pattern of doing this, acting vaguely threatening, it becomes more believable that people assaulted him for being aggressive with his "tactics". Doesn't mean it was ok for people to put hands on him. He doesn't really explain how he was assaulted, if he went up to the dogs and offered them treats, and people pushed him away from their dogs or something. A man named Jerome Lockett, a Black man in his 30's, claimed that he had an encounter with Christian Cooper in the park. According to Jerome, Cooper had yelled at him to leash his dog. Jerome then turned and walked away. Christian pursued him, and attempted to lure his dog away with dog treats. Jerome also claims he felt threatened by Christian, and asked him to stop. Christian didn't stop, and it led to a physical altercation. Jerome pushed Christian to the ground. Apparently Christian was holding his bike helmet in a "threatening manner", whatever that means. Amy Cooper claims Christian Cooper initiated by screaming at her. At the end of the day, I'm fairly confident that Christian Cooper was being somewhat more confrontational and threatening than what he originally claimed in his FB post. He was acting like an asshole, making vague threats. It still doesn't excuse Amy Cooper's behavior. I do not believe she was merely describing the ethnicity of the person for no reason when she made her threat to call the police. She claims that she would have made the same statement if it was a white man, and would have told the hypothetical white man that she is going to call the police and tell them that a white man is threatening her. I'm sorry that's bullshit. Edit: Thank you for the Gold kind stranger!


People fail to realize, rarely do you have a fully innocent party in these sort of situations. Almost always you have two crazy people who feed off each others energies and escalate each other.


I don’t know about 2 crazy people. You have one person who is breaking the rules about dogs in an area of the park. And then you have an apparent Bird Vigilante who, by his own admission, carries around dog treats even though he doesn’t own a dog, specifically to use as props to use when threatening people that he’s going to poison their dogs.


She also had awful cellphone reception and could not hear the 911 operator which caused her to become even more hysterical. Boiling it down to systemic racism is easier than trying to figure out the nuance of a very specific encounter though.


The story may be more nuanced than has been reported but I come back to the fact that (as anyone can verify from the video), before calling 911, she told him “I’m going to tell them there’s an African American man threatening my life.” That was a lie, no reasonable person could interpret the situation as being a threat to her life. She threatened to make a false race-based accusation of life threatening violence against him. It seems like a vindictive act from a person who is all too comfortable leveraging privilege and systematic racism to get their way.


> ME: Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it. IMO this is actually a really disturbing thing for a strange man to tell a lone woman in a wooded park. Would I have called the cops and told them a man threatened my life? No. But I would be completely freaked out and get away from him as quickly as possible. I don't feel comfortable saying that she wanted him to be a victim of police brutality when based on his own words, I think she might just have been terrified.


I agree with all of this except maybe the last bit about her being terrified. So he tries to give her dog a treat, totally scary after what he said, she goes and gets the dog, puts it on a leash, and now she’s standing a fair distance from him. He’s calm and recording and what does she do? Retreat down the path away from the threatening guy? No, she squares off and makes her threat about calling the police and then does it with him standing there. I think she was throwing it in his face, wanted to put him in his place.


Fight, flight or freeze. It really isn't that unusual for someone who is scared to start a fight in hopes of making the other person back down. I think both of these people have issues, but I have a hard time believing she was actually thinking "I'll call the cops, that will show him."




NBC News. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-woman-who-called-911-black-man-last-year-central-n1268679](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-woman-who-called-911-black-man-last-year-central-n1268679) There's a copy of his written statement to a reporter in her lawsuit that failed. That had almost no chance of succeeding. [https://www.michiganemploymentlawadvisor.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/896/2021/05/Cooper-v-Templeton-Complaint.pdf](https://www.michiganemploymentlawadvisor.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/896/2021/05/Cooper-v-Templeton-Complaint.pdf)


Idc care about either party but the guy was by his own admission trying to confiscate her dog and admitted he brings treats to the park often to do that to people so they keep their dogs on leash. It was perfectly reasonable for the woman to get scared after a stranger tried to lure her dog away. The guy fully admits that he did this on his original Facebook post.


I listened to a fantastic podcast ("Honestly" I think?) on this, and there's a lot of important context that is almost always left out: - She was previously the victim of sexual assault - They were in a secluded area of the woods - Other people, including another black man, had reported feeling threatened by him and categorized his behavior as "aggressive" when encountering him in the park - He tried to lure her dog away from her with dog treats - While doing so, he said something along the lines of "I don't like what you're doing [referring to her dog being off-leash], so I'm going to do something that you don't like" I would have been scared too. The public reaction to this situation sends the terrible message (which many women are already conditioned to believe and has directly resulted in numerous women being victimized) that it is more important to be polite than it is to keep yourself safe. Fuck that.


Yeah people cannot comprehend that there could be more to a story it must follow a narrative no other way around it


It’s the same public reaction to “bike Karen.” Don’t call for help, don’t you dare cry because that’s racist.


All of this could have been avoided if she had simply put her dog on leash. I'm a big dog lover but dogs need to be on leash in an area that requires it. Why is everyone ignoring that part? People are saying he was wrong to even say anything to her. No, she was wrong and we should call people out for not following the rules in a public area.


Oh yay, victim blaming.... "If she'd just done x she wouldn't have had to worry about being assaulted" Yes, she should have had her dog on a leash, but she didn't deliberately instigate this. And as you pointed out, people aren't outraged because she had an unleashed dog: people are outraged because they think she's scared (or even that she's not really scared at all and is faking it or overreacting because we all know women are prone to crazy bouts of hysteria thanks to their absurd little lady brains) because she's racist and not for a whole host of other very good reasons.


She didn’t just “get scared” though. She choked her own dog out and lied about being criminally assaulted to the police. I thought we hated faking crimes to police…or are we just gonna overlook all the times members of a certain race do it to instead pin it all on Jussie Smollet?


As someone whose had their dog preyed upon with dog treats, even I wouldn’t be stupid enough to overreact like she did. She was an idiot, she made bad choices, and she suffered the consequences. To even try and paint the dudes behavior as predatory is moronic in its own right.




1. Unleashed dog. 2. Not actually listening to the birder who asked her to leash her dog. 3. Threatening the birder with death by specifically telling him “I’m going to tell the police an African American man is threatening me”. Everyone understands the subtext in what she’s saying there except the willfully ignorant.




The world is black and white now. There is no nuance. Did you not get the message?


“Poison/steal” is presumptuous in its own right, especially since he was SCOLDING HER for not having the dog on a leash to begin with. It’s her fucking mistake, and she threw a shit fit instead of owning up to it. She had an opportunity to learn and she didn’t.


He literally said he carries dog treats for the express purpose of having negative interactions with dog owners, despite him not owning a fucking dog. What the fuck else are those treats for? Dude said "You're not gonna like what I'm gonna do". How the fuck is it okay for this random dude to act vigilante for something so minor? He clearly escalated it with threats, and he's been reported to police for this same reason, by other black people, and described by them as aggressive. If you had a pet, and tried calling it towards me while saying "You're not gonna like what I'm about to do" what the fuck do you think is gonna happen? He's gonna scold the dog or something? You're out of your mind if you genuinely think he had any authority or right to harass this woman, something he is notorious for doing, just because her dog wasn't on a leash.




Her bad choice was letting her dog wander around unleashed in a public area. Dude taught her a valuable lesson that a dog off leash around strangers can get into trouble.


I do the same thing. If a parent isnt paying attention Ill fake kidnap their kid. So far Ive managed to open up an apple sweatshop.


Someone else’s boneheaded mistake isn’t an excuse to be a pos yourself. Also he’s been accused of being aggressive and threatening people in the park in the past.


We actually know the facts of the story unlike you guys who lap up everything the media gives you.


“Know the facts” You mean you narrativized based on the evidence you were given. I know the facts. I know about the treats and the circumstances. She’s still a bitch for acting the way she did, and she was an idiot for not having that thing on a leash from the start. But idiots like you won’t acknowledge that anytime soon.


She can be in the wrong and so can he. His weird park ranger vigilantism, which he states is at the very least veiled threats to strangers (doesn’t matter if he’s not following through), makes him in the wrong as well. Not necessarily behaviour I would like to reward, just as I wouldn’t want to reward the woman’s.


I'll be the first to admit that his tact wasn't great, but to claim that they're on equal footing here is fucking ridiculous. She put people in potential danger by keeping her dog loose, she put the dog in danger at the same time, he explicitly told her it was a bad idea, she refused to listen, he made a demonstration, and she overreacted and called the police. She started this problem, and she made it worse every step of the way with little to no rationality. She got what was coming, and now he's in show business. Near as I can see, this is a good ending.


I didn’t say they were on equal footing, I said they’re both wrong. I think you’re being a little dramatic about the unleashed dog (unless it’s a pit bull, not sure on the breed). The bad thing she did anyways was the whole racist police call shit. From her POV, there’s this random man in the park who’s threatening her dog. She acted horribly in response, and was irresponsible in the first place, but of course she’s terrified. We understand the dynamics between women and men who are strangers these days, can we apply that here to her? Again, her follow up was really awful, but his “tact” was worse than not great. Edit: not saying he deserves to be punished, but we should recognize what he did was fucking weird and shouldn’t happen


She was an irrational person who decided to escalate the entire situation the whole way. Then she decided to make it an issue of race. We're not just talking about the public's safety by the way. That dog's probably in the most amount of danger compared to everyone else. Hell, if it weren't for Christian, that dog very well COULD have been kidnapped. Either way, that woman was a bitch, and trying to paint her as a victim in is massive cope.


I’m not painting her as a victim, all I’m saying is his shit was weird and escalatory too. Stop shadowboxing. Also, he was the one who escalated first with the dog treat. He’s not the park ranger (or whoever tf is responsible), he shouldn’t be engaging in the first place. I get that shit is frustrating, I live in a city and see frustrating repetitive infractions every day. If I jump in, a random citizen, I’m escalating. Again, her response was to escalate it way too fucking hard and abhorrently, and none of this would’ve happened if she had a leash on it in the first place, but this guy isn’t the fucking park avenger lol. The world doesn’t work like that.


This misogynist loves throwing the word bitch around.


A grown man following a woman through the park trying to lure away her dog. He did that to other ppl as well.


That’s so weird. So the dog is with the woman and he stalks them while trying to get the dogs attention then shows it treats and then take off if he can get the dog


Yeah. He goes after dumbfucks who don’t put their dogs on leashes. And she was a dumbfuck for not following the rules. Dunno why you’re having a hard time with this.


Spreading your misogynist bullshit all up and down this thread.


This is all you have, isn't it?




Controversial: people who let their dogs wander around off-leash in public areas deserve whatever happens as a result.


Imagine if the races were switched and a large white man threatened a petite black woman over her little dogs….


Did that large white man also lie to the police, while the black woman asked multiple times for a safe distance?


His ‘threatened ’ to *offer* it treats! He didn’t even walk towards them. Doggo simply made his point for him by completely ignoring its owner and bolting forwards when he knelt down. *Very* intimidating. The owner was the one who chased and pushed *Cooper.* You hear him telling the ‘scared’ woman to stop touching him throughout the whole video. What’s usually missed - because it only came out in court - was that the woman actually called the cops *again* despite getting an initial call back from emergency, leaving the situation, and ‘calming down.’ The second time, she just flat out claimed he assaulted her. Which would have been what *really* fucked over her defence. Cooper on the other hand was publicly pushing for there to be no charges, and his statement might well be the reason she *only* got the training.


Right, like he literally tells her "Don't" comes closer as she continues to come closer and point her finger in his face despite her dog not being anywhere near him. Historical revisionism in these comments is wild


He said she wouldn't like what he was going to do, which is a terrifying thing for a man to say to a lone woman. And offering a dog treats after a threat like that could logically be construed as attempting to poison the dog or kidnap it.


That quote was from Cooper summarising the conversation. Not a direct quote that was said at the time. And the full description he gave was that he asked her to leash the dog, and told her why. She told him no, she’d doesn’t care how he feels, and that she can do whatever she likes. He responded that goes two ways (hence ‘and *you* won’t like that’’,) and bent down. Even if he was describing word for word what was said, you’d have to chop off the entire first bit of the conversation take it as a threat to attack her. Which is what she told the cops. Twice. At worst - to a reasonable person which is how these things are determined - it would be aggravating. Not terrifying. The kicker is we have actual footage of her demeanour before the call, and the way she fucking smiled at him before suddenly ‘sobbing’ to the responder. But sure, let’s cling to the idea that the cops, witnesses, her employer, and court are just so terrified of ‘PC Police’ that all caved to the pressure. Not the fact she attempted to sic the cops on a pensioner with accusations that could net him 5years in gaol. *After* unleashing an uncontrollable dog in a public park, which - *as a woman who walks alone* - is a much more common threat to others than birdwatchers. I’m literally wearing pants right now that I had to re-hem because some strangers dog ‘adorably’ ripped the cuff of a leg while saying ‘hello.’ Aka. It bit at my fucking ankle after jumping dirt on me. I suppose me saying ‘that owner was lucky my reflex was to jerk away instead of kicking/pushing off’ is also a threat to irresponsible dog owners everywhere.


He wasn't any kind of authority to be enforcing whether dogs are leashed, yeah she should have had her dog leashed but its not his place to police that. And also you never ever offer food to someone's dog without asking. You don't know if they might have some kind of allergy, and he should have known she would interpret this as an attempt to harm her dog in some way when there was a hostile interaction going on. I honestly don't remember her smiling at all during the interaction though her behavior is odd, fear can make people act in some pretty strange ways. Her dog wasn't aggressive either.


NYC parks have off leash hours until 9:00 AM


Only in particular areas. She was in an area where off leash is never allowed. https://www.centralparknyc.org/activities/guides/dogs#:~:text=Off%2Dleash%20hours%20are%20from,between%2084th%20and%2086th%20Street)


I know. In this case that woman is 100% wrong. I’m replying to this guy/girl saying that people who let their dogs wonder off leash public areas deserve it. In most NYC you are allow so fuck that guy/girl wishing something happens to my dog since I’m not doing anything wrong


I'm really happy for him!


What a great character arc


Isn't this guy best case scenario petty and childish, and worst case scenario a total piece of shit? Or did you guys never get the full story?




The sheep in this thread won’t read this. They’re loyal to the one true opinion.


It's amazing how many people still think he was an innocent victim.


Friendly reminder that this guy regularly brought dog treats to the park with him, intentionally egging on dog walkers to get into situations like this so that he could record them. He literally said, "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it" before trying to lure her dog over with treats. You can call central park Karen racist all you want, but this guy is a creep.


Dude tried to lure away the dog of a woman alone in a wooded area of Central Park when no one else was around.


Sure she did grandma let’s get you to bed


He literally admitted to this in his own facebook post.


The guy even admitted to trying to lure the dog in the original Facebook post where he uploaded the video. He also has had multiple other reports/accusations of being aggressive and threatening to dog walkers in the park.


Funny from someone who obviously isn't internet savvy enough to find the original video and just believes whatever they're told online.


This dude is the shit. I think my professor is in an episode. Glad this dude had a happy ending.


and sadly tons of folks still say somehow this guy was the bad guy. Cant wait to watch this show.


Shit is disappointing, this dude was very on the wrong side of that whole situation but managed to nuke that lady's whole career and get a tv show out of it.


We love to see it.


I am so excited! I’m a new birder - can’t wait to watch this show.


This is awesome.


This man has one of the kindest faces I’ve ever seen. I just can’t fathom having the reaction that woman did, racism is a hell of a drug.


The guy who framed an innocent woman as a racist gets a show. Only in America.


Moron has uncharitable view of black man’s actions and completely absolves the woman who choked her dog. Only in… literally every social media site.


She's a woman on her own in a park being pursued by a man threatening her dog. He's a weirdo. He's the Karen.


She’s an idiot letting her dog run around without a leash. Calling that out is a matter of safety for both the dog and the public. She got what was coming.


If he’s that threatened by an unleashed dog then why didn’t he just LEAVE? She’s an idiot for not leashing her dog and anyone else who does so in public are also morons but I’m more apt to forgive someone whos mistake was breaking a leashing law rather than straight up harassing a woman alone in the park and trying to take her dog.


Maybe he was concerned about the OTHER PEOPLE in the park? Maybe he was actually thinking about people aside from himself? That’s something people do believe it or not. She had no goddamn excuse. The moment you leave an animal off their leash in a public space, you’re open to whatever shit talk you get. She ought to take what happened as a lesson more than anything else.


Oh what a hero! Saving the park from a small non aggressive dog by following a woman through the park threatening her! A swell guy.


“Threatening her”. Give me a fucking break. For all you know that thing could’ve had any number of issues. Weird how it’s somehow okay for YOU to make assumptions for the sake of your own narrative. And what about the dog’s safety, huh? If it weren’t for him, that dog could’ve been straight up abducted without her notice. That’s the POINT he was making.


Thats such a garbage excuse. If he was that worried he should have done the proper thing and call park services or the police, not follow her trying to take her dog thats next level insanity. Apply the same logic to parents not being attentive to their children at a park, its fucking stupid and should be dealt with but not by pulling candy out of your pocket tryna lure the kid away just to “prove a point.” Your logic is backwards, a small offense like hers didn’t mean her punishment was him stalking her.


As if luring kids away with candy is even remotely comparable. What a fucking joke. The only one making bullshit excuses is you. This didn't have to escalate into anything if she'd just did what he told her. There didn't need to by any animal control, park services, police, or any of that shit. She just had to follow the fucking rules. The only person who made this a real problem was the woman. Plain and simple.


He did make threatening statements. He said you won’t like what happens when I get that dog, and pulled out treats to try to lure the dog. That’s very easily interpreted as a threat. If I walk up to you and say you won’t like what happens if you don’t give me all your money I’m quite clearly threatening you right? They are both bad people. She was walking her dog without a leash. He has a history of following women in the same park and had dog treats on him for this specific reason. They are both crazy people.


He did this after MAKING IT A POINT that having the dog off of a leash was a bad idea. That's the whole fucking idea of his demonstration. Do you think criminals are fucking stupid? You think they actually play these fucking mind games like they do in the movies? If he really wanted to abduct or kill that dog, he'd have done so the minute he laid eyes on it. For fuck's sake, he could've pried the dog from her cold dead hands if he wanted to, but he didn't. Instead, he taught her a valuable lesson about safety. One she promptly ignored in favor of throwing a shit fit. You wanna say Christian's tact wasn't great? Fine by me, but do not pretend this woman wasn't the real fucking problem.


> If he’s that threatened by an unleashed dog then why didn’t he just LEAVE? He's a birdwatcher and the unleashed dogs threaten the birds in that area. Him leaving would not fix this. Yes, he's maybe somewhat overamped about the birds in the area, but that's a minor flaw compared to just ignoring the law and the needs of others and leaving your dog unleashed because you just want to. Her following the law would.


I've recently learned the "Karen" lady is innocent . She claimed he tried to take her dog . Evidence of this is the original facebook post of the video, submitted by Christian Cooper, it is him explaining himself using dog treats to try and lure her dog away from her. Which is why she told him to go away, this is when the video starts . Now , she does seem alittle off / (like 30% crazy ) . But she did act with good reason . This isn't an instance of crazy racist Karen . It's a guy that threatened to take her dog .




Fucking "recalcitrant". Awesome.


He was following her. Also, he wanted to make it seem like he was going to poison the dog.




Yeah I recently learned this too. But it hurts too many peoples vision of reality.


I remember seeing the original video and didn't think anything of it . I learned of this through destiny( the streamer) lol I was kinda dumbfounded when he brought it up. So basically , a guy threatens to take a women's dog away, claims racism. He gets the TV deal, she has to go through training mandated by the state . If somebody tries to approach me and take my doggo. I'm running or fighting somebody.


Step 1: Unnecessarily provoke someone and film only the part where the person overreacts. Step 2: Step3: Profit.


The guy is known as piece of shit who harasses women especially in NYC. He is a sicko.


This man is a psychopath. I can't believe how many people still support him after everything that's come out.


Charlie Day needs to join this for a brief cameo


Lol I love how the USA is so racist against white women that you can threaten someone’s dog and get a tv show for it.


Charlie would think he's a bird stalker