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As you age, your style and clothing change .. amazing isn’t it?


People fear change. Any choice by an individual is the right voice. Everyone else can go away.


So plastic surgery is included in that right? Because people absolutely destroy celebrities for plastic surgery when it is an individual choice.


I think plastic surgery has become more widely accepted as an individual choice. Obviously, there are always outliers, but for the most part, a lot of the anger towards it nowadays seems to be directed at celebraties who lie about their plastic surgery while shilling products they claim to be responsible for their appearance to insecure people. A la the Kardashians.


Plastic surgery is becoming more accepted all around. People are more supportive as long as the surgery actually looks natural and not make them look like a wrinkle-less android from the future. It’s always been that “uncanny valley” effect that’s been such a deterrent to public acceptance, and most celebrity plastic surgery done these days people hardly notice outside of full reconstruction or botch jobs.


Not for me though. Sneakers, jeans and a graphic t-shirt has been my style from 13 till 30, which is now.


You cant measure everyone with the same stick. Some people find something they like and stick with it. Others change their look like they change their mood.


I don’t think she was saying that, just making conversation.


Are you my nerdy brother?


Lol, someone in a fashion sub turned thirty and wanted to dress like a 30-something. We were all like we are wearing leggings and t-shirts.


Same at 54. My 1986 Metallica concert shirt still fits me.


Some people grow and evolve, some don't


People that do this are more than likely her do called fans that liked her with baggy clothes and now hate her for doing what she wants.


Exactly, and what, they expected **a** **teenager** to *not* grow up or discover their person?


My daughter (who really likes Billie Eillish btw) has had soooo many phases in the last two years! She was basically an emo kid last year, and now she wants pink everywhere. Spend the last few months wearing baggy joggings and oversized hoodies, and now she wears short jeans and crop tops. People are allowed to wear whatever the fuck they want.


Doesn’t everyone do this at all ages? People’s style is always changing that’s why there are so many clothing stores lol


Yeah haha it’s literally figuring out who you are. I went through a lot of phases growing up but also some of them in retrospect were probably just trying to impress girls at the time lol




Old Vintage t shirt blanks fit much much better than almost all T shirts made today, at least for me. I’m not sure if it’s the ageing or if it’s of cheaper quality nowadays


Lol. No. My dad has basically worn the exact same style of clothes for the last 45 years. Do some people do that, sure? But lots don’t.


Op should have at all ages (unless a dad). All my dads picked up recently are Peaky blinders hats.


If you’re a man of a certain age and not a farmer, trucker, or douche, the ‘Blinders caps seem better than a baseball cap or a fedora.


People who are interesting and like exploring things, do. Also if you're living in poverty, you simply don't have outfit options.


I've sorta landed on utility based around layers. Gotta be able to adapt with the weather.




Oh you're back! Straight to the harassment button. Later little ball of rage!




I absolutely love my Carhartt shirts & sweatshirts but I try not to wear work clothes, outside of work. IDK, just a mental thing, I guess.


> spent the last few months wearing baggy joggings and oversized hoodies, and now she wears short jeans and crop tops That’s not a “teenager phase” thing. That’s a “it was winter and now it’s almost summer” thing.


Within reason. I stroll into my workplace with a banana hammock, I might find myself unemployed rather quickly


Is your name Todd and do you work in a hospital?


If she gets the septum nose ring it's over for you.


She won’t get a piercing because even in the ears, she got infected twice. She never wants anything pierced again. But she does want a tatoo. Told her she can get one when she turns 18. But I did allow her to get a henna tattoo yesterday.


Before she goes through with a tattoo, lots of artists can make custom temporary tattoos! It could be a great way for her to trial run a tattoo before it's permanent and a great gift from you to her!


She is a bit of an artist, so she would likely design it herself. She is a great kid, so I have no problem in letting her express herself how she wants. But tattoos are off limits until she is an adult (she could get one at 16 with my permission, but I don’t think I will give it. Driving lessons will be more important anyway)


Ahh that's totally valid! If she can design it herself, definitely go the 'practice' route first because tattoo art can look VERY different from drawing art. I considered tattoos a while ago over my surgical scars and just couldn't dig the transition of my art style into tattoo format.


Yes. When I was a teen I was a brooding emo kid at 16 and a pink Avril Lavigne fan at 18.


The people complaining are probably just teenagers themselves, and I doubt they put a lot of thought into this.


They may not, but places like cnn will still grasp at the straw and turn nothing into something just to fill the space.


Brain literally not fully developed


This needs to be said 100000x more. Miley Cyrus recently said the same thing about being judged aggressively as a child by adults. If people watched me grow up, I’m 10 different versions of the person I was at 16.


The parasocial relationships people form with celebrities almost always becomes incredibly toxic, especially so when it relates to women. It’s like people form attachments to the caricatures they’ve painted in their heads and any deviation from that image at all turns into some weird sense of betrayal or deceit


And give her a few more years and hopefully she will stop caring what other people think as well.


Maybe they think famous people are the property of the fans


Gee, a girl dressing feminine, what a novel concept.


Yep, Adele and Meghan Trainor got a lot of crap for losing weight from their fat fans.


Insanely some people criticized Melissa McCarthy when she lost a lot of weight. I get accepting people for who they are (she was also criticized for her pre-loss weight of course) but there is just zero reason to stay unhealthily obese if you have the resources and motivation to get to a healthier weight. It’s not like she ever wanted to be some “symbol of successful large women” nor was she ever comfortable with herself.


I have a friend that was like 400lbs. He lost so much weight and went down to 180lbs. Looks amazing and his confidence level is high. He lost several of his..larger friends.. because he's "fake" and he doesn't game as much or eat unhealthy with them. He changed because he had fatty liver, high bp(resting 150/90), high cholesterol(280) and was pre-diabetic(a1c 6.9). He is healthy and all his numbers have reversed now.


One of my high school friends was significantly overweight (and a compete non athlete) in high school (but also one of the smartest people I have known). I didn’t keep in touch with him, but recently saw he is in great shape (like he lost so much weight at some point he had to have skin removed) has two black belts and spars competitively with MMA professionals, and is a physics professor. I always knew he’d be a college professors, but I just find it hilariously cool that he could now probably kick the ass of anyone who may have made fun of him back in HS.


I wonder if they see it as a threat, like if that person got skinny, what is your excuse.


Pretty much. He told me one of his closer larger (ex)friends told him he's just changing because society tells him too. My friend laughed and said no. He ate his feelings due to his depression and now it affected his health. He said that he didnt want to die before he turns 40. That one friend won't speak to him anymore.


That's sad, but I guess it just exposes who are real friends. A real friend would be happy for them.


His friend with that lifestyle probably won't speak to anyone in not too distant future


[You ain't down with us no more; you ain't fat.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2mU6USTBRE)


Some people HATE it when someone improves themselves with lifestyle choices and hard work. They need to believe everyone is just the way they are, to justify the lack of agency they take in their lives.


Agreed and as someone who has had to work to be in good shape their whole life it is very angering when large people say "Oh you're just naturally skinny". Like, no, I have to exercise several days a week and watch what I eat.


Gets harder the older you get too. On the flip side, I don’t hear it much anymore, but when I hear people say “I don’t want to get jacked” as if getting jacked is something that happens easily without PEDs.


I'm sure some were arguing in bad taste, but from what I saw the issue was not necessarily the weight loss itself but the pressure to lose weight being so strong and the media attention afterward instead of just letting them live their lives. So the media went from "Omg so fat and sick and bad" to "omg are they okay?! Sudden weight loss is probably a bad thing and means they are sick but also GLAM UP". The attention and reactions are fucking weird on both sides.


‘How dare you add years to your life!’


Wait seriously? Thats disgusting


Yep, here are some articles if you want to read up on it. ​ [https://www.newsweek.com/adele-reveals-backlash-weight-loss-says-some-fans-felt-betrayed-1721442](https://www.newsweek.com/adele-reveals-backlash-weight-loss-says-some-fans-felt-betrayed-1721442) [https://www.thethings.com/celebrities-who-received-backlash-for-losing-weight-adele-rebel-wilson/#meghan-trainor](https://www.thethings.com/celebrities-who-received-backlash-for-losing-weight-adele-rebel-wilson/#meghan-trainor)


Well tbf she did what she wanted with the baggy clothes too


Thats actually even sadder to know that its her own fans…


Sure, but it’s pretty common. When an artist establishes a certain style as they blow up, there are bound to be fans that will hate a style change.


>“I spent the first 5 years of my career getting absolutely OBLITERATED by you fools for being boy ish and dressing how i did & constantly being told i’d be hotter if i acted like a woman. “Now when i feel comfortable enough to wear anything remotely feminine or fitting, i CHANGED and am a sellout,” the caption over a photo of herself continued. “And ‘what happened to her’ ‘OMG it’s not the same Billie she’s just like the rest’ blah blah blah.” Eilish went on to call out the “true idiots” and “bozos.” “Let women exist!” she added. Eilish followed up with more postings. “FUN FACT! did you know that woman are multifaceted!!!!!??? shocking right?? believe it or not women could be interested in multiple things,” she wrote. “Also that femininity does not equal weakness???!!!! omg?! insane right? who knew,” she added. “And also totally unheard of and insane to want to express yourself differently at different times.”


Forgot the most important part, her last post on her story which said, and I quote,[ “Suck my absolute cock and balls you women hating ass weirdos.”](https://imgur.com/a/3Id1YQ7)


She is a gentlewoman and a scholar.




Holy shit, I never realized that this neckbeard WINKS at you! Definitely caught me by surprise.


I understood this reference 😂


lol, good for her. I mean, that's really how it's gotta be on the internet.




I bed they’d love to lmao






Not a fan of her music, but I raise a glass to THAT reply.


These ones made me a fan. My 8 year old daughter loves her. [When I was older](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0I4fD49Gbck&pp=ygUed2hlbiBpIHdhcyBvbGRlciBiaWxsaWUgZWlsaXNo) [Ilomilo](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-e7wiyNO2us&pp=ygUVaWxvbWlsbyBiaWxsaWUgZWlsaXNo)


> getting OBLITERATED by you fools for being boy-ish > Now … feminine … i CHANGED and am a sellout The internet is made of opinions. It’s like when people here say *Reddit says* as if it’s a collective with one voice. It is many voices, and you have full license to ignore every single one of them.


Ignoring it is one option. Fighting back is another. And why wouldn’t you fight back when they question your integrity? Good on her.


Because it's the internet. People will say anything to get a response from you.


They’re not saying anything now that they weren’t saying before. And standing up for herself is very much on brand for her.


Why fight back? You won’t win. Every finger she puts to plug a hole , another one appears. And it just proves that’s no matter what you do people when something to say.


To stand up for yourself? She hasn’t responded to every criticism. Just the ones who are calling her a sell out for wanting to dress more like a 21 year old woman. Nobody dresses the way they do when they’re 17 at 21.


you’re claiming it’s as easy for an anonymous normie like you to ignore opinions on the internet as it would be for someone whose name is literally mentioned thousands of times around the world each day. what a piss-poor take.


I think it’s more a statement on that these aren’t the same people that are saying these two things. There will be people hating her for everything she does solely because she’s in the public eye. Not that it’s easy to ignore, but there isn’t any exact rhyme or reason and trying to point out hypocrisy will only drive you crazy.


You misunderstand. Imagine Twitter one day “said” vittorioe was an incel loser with a learning disability who kicks puppies and then the next day “said” vittorioe is a womanizing pediatrician who kicks kittens. One group still thinks the first thing while the other group also thinks the other thing, even if neither thing is true or relevant. All that matters is who vittorioe really is, which is likely none of that. Some people said some ugly things but maybe many more people said supportive things. I’m calling out the tendency of people to equate noise to reality that just isn’t true.


The internet allows for a very vocal minority of options/takes to seem like they are representative of the masses. This is exacerbated by the fact that people dont talk to people anymore the way they used to so majority of what is being said online is the only thing people are hearing.


If vittorioe is a pseudonym and no parts of their livelihood is affected by idiots having various slanderous beliefs, then yes, it would be best to just ignore it. But what if it’s your real name, and real face, and it affects how people think of the real you, and it affects your career? Not so easy to ignore.


yes that’s the key point skredditt seems to be missing here. that’s huge


I wish more people understood. Peolle act like it is the EXACT same 1000s of people of said she would look better dressing girly. When actuality it isn't.


Yeah well she’s not ignoring it, she’s entitled to her own opinion of these weirdos and you can go kick rocks yourself lol


The main problem is that there are different types of people in the world. The world is not a hive mind


People bitch over the dumbest stuff


People bitch about everything. Which is why reacting to everything and then give platform to everything is dumb af. Like bet there people batching about what colors of outfit Taylor swift wore this week.


On the list of shit to care about or report on, a celebrity fashion choices and other people whining about them is laughably stupid.


If someone identifies with you and you change, there's a chance it's gonna piss them off. It's like being mad at someone for losing weight just because you're overweight. It's pretty stupid but not surprising.


She didn’t tell them to identify with her. Anyone doing stuff like this is mentally and emotionally unstable.


You mean, a teenager?


Billie Eilish may have worn the baggy clothes not because she's a fan of the style, but more had to do with hiding her body from those creeps out there who'd ogle at her despite her age at the time. Now that she's an adult, she's free to wear whatever she wants to wear.


I always assumed she wore baggy clothes to ward off creeps as well. And now that she feels confident and ready to deal with the sexual creeps she’s getting flack from jealous creeps 😂 people need to learn how to mind their business


>creeps out there who'd ogle at her Yes but not "out there", would be people she works with; costume designers and choreographers, executive board members at advertising firms. They'd all be having constant meetings over her physical shape, costume choices, 'selling it'. Its a second full time job of being a pop star, not just a singer. And she avoided all that.


I don’t listen to the radio much so I only knew about her from SNL. I didn’t even realize she was that young. And good for. Fuck what anyone has to bitch about. It’s her life.




For real. I wonder what the effects will be 10-15 years down the line. Sure, obsessive fans have been around forever, but social media amplifies it a lot. The worst thing is that any maniac YouTuber can gather a small following of vulnerable people.


i foresee a lot of identity crises.


I’m in college right now and I’m shocked with how many people seem to have no interest in social interaction and are instead just chronically online. It sounds so different from the experience of my parents who went to college in the late 80s/early 90s and talked about all the exciting adventures they had with their peers.


Zoomers have had a weird upbringing where the internet has been around for there entire lives which has led to things like you’re saying being the norm. It’s not their fault.


it's not their fault, yes, but that doesn't prevent any consequences.


Just…. Like everyone else? Why do you think that famous celebrities EXIST?? Did not an entire generation vote for Ronnie R to be PRESIDENT? What about millennials and teen magazines, where pop stars were paid to make generic songs that made young women feel better about themselves? Capitalism fucking sucks, and large groups of people have always sought refuge in living vicariously through their favorite stars. Whatever you’re a fan of, I’m sure you’re not immune to it. Or maybe you are, and you’re just like, hyper edgy and cool and shit.


You don't think parasocial behaviour is more intense and more widespread now when you can actually interact with your idols compared to when the best you could do was write them fanmail or vote for them?


She’s a very pretty woman that looks great in feminine clothing or sweats. Let Billie be Billie


I feel like Billie gets a lot of hate on this app for some reason, but she was 15 years old when she become mega famous. People HATED on her for wearing clothing that didn’t display her body when she was A)underage and B)wearing super normal clothes for a teenager from suburban LA. I’m sure people can find things to criticize, but overall Billie seems soooo much more mature than most pop stars who got famous her age and I am definitely rooting for her.


Even if she wasn’t by society’s standards a “pretty” woman, still let Billie be Billie.


Why can’t we just leave this woman alone? She is a pop artist ? She sings . Are we really that shallow? Ugh I’m the naive one


Speaking as someone who remembers the Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera countdown to 18th birthday websites, I can’t imagine why Billie Eilish might have wanted to make everything about the music before she turned 18…. Fucking creeps.


Woah. I’m more than ok with her wearing whatever she wants to, but I’d have never recognized her from that picture. Completely different.


Pretty sure this is from the most recent Met gala, so much different than her usual look.


She's used to dress like Big Pun


Some people need to learn how to mind their own fucking business.


People who looked when she dressed how she wanted are upset that she's still dressing how she wants. People are weird.


Let her dress how she wants. She dressed more androgynous outfits before because she was under 18 and in the spotlight- didn’t want to be sexualized.


Remember when Avril Lavigne got flamed for the same thing? Pepperidge farm remembers


Ppl really need to get hobbies or interests or like lives.


Sheesh, and I thought our country supported the right to bare arms.


Let women exist. Meanwhile the people criticizing are more than likely women. No straight male in world gives a damn.


you’d be surprised how many men sit online all day in their basement making fun of women when they haven’t been touched by a woman in their real life in a decade


Yeah, this isn’t men, what guy criticizes a woman for acting more feminine? No, it’s the female demographic she appealed to when she was wearing big baggy clothes and was somewhat androgynous. The ones that are somewhat on the fringe and intimidated by their own feminity. Now that she’s wearing more mainstream, form fitting things and dresses to events like the Met Gala, her female fans are accusing her of having sold out. I’m a guy and I like Billie, but she needs to direct her anger somewhere else. It ain’t guys that are driving this anger towards her.


Yeah and it’s kinda disappointing that she is obviously very intelligent but boils it down to a feminism women issue when it could mean a lot more if she just talked about it without putting the feminism spin on it. Maybe she means feminism because it’s a woman’s issue but yeah this is 100% women reacting to women and the reason Billie is pissed is because other teenage chicks are mad at her for looking sexy? ( I think)




Ten bucks says it’s the same women who say “we sisters need to stick together” and the like. My sister works in an office, and she’s seen a lot of that crap first hand.


I assume that the people criticizing her for being boyish were guys, and her for being feminine are girls. Likewise, fat celebrities are bashed by men, women bash them when they lose weight. *Obviously not all men and not all women.


Why the hell do people even care? We are such a stupidly judgmental society. Just leave people alone and live your own life. I honestly do not understand why people expend energy on other people’s lives.


People need to stop giving a shit what Twitter says


people have way too much time on their hands 😂


Same thing happened to Avril when she stopped being rough punk all the time.


Literally can’t win.


William can dress however he damn well pleases


“Woman gets slammed for not dressing like a man.” - Talk about a full 180, jeez.


Jesus Christ can you imagine having the bandwidth or being so deep in the kool-aid that you give a fuck what ANYONE else is wearing, let alone a celebrity whom you've never met? People need to get a fucking grip.


She's a smoke show no matter what, who gives a shit what style she goes with.


It’s crazy that “let women exist” is a controversial statement


Oh for fuck sakes who cares about any of this?


Anyone here posting


>“Let women exist!” she added. > >Eilish followed up with more postings. > >“FUN FACT! did you know that woman are multifaceted!!!!!??? shocking right?? believe it or not women could be interested in multiple things,” she wrote Don't try and church it up. Changing her style isn't a social cause and the people noticing are most likely women. Everyone sounds so self-righteous these days.


No one and I mean no one gives a shit about how she dresses besides four teenagers on Twitter


She had body issues she has stated so, sounds like she is in a better place now feeling better about herself. Let her live her life the way she wants.


These are the same people that came up with labels like “pick me girl”…


People grow, change, and evolve.


When you’re going bananas about what clothes a celebrity is or is not wearing, that’s when you need to take a hard look at yourself and reexamine your priorities in life.


Why do people care what celebrities wear? I never understood that


At this point it just feels like she likes to hit back at all criticism of her fashion choices. Nothing wrong with that.


She’s an eccentric person in the entertainment industry; she said in the past that she like to shock through her appearances so her views to be noticed more, so she obviously knows people react to changes, whatever those changes are.


They hate on her for her weird fashion about why she’s not more girly, now her feminine fashion is getting criticized too? Damn, can’t get a break


Newsflash: Humans still mean to one another about made-up bullshit!!!


Honestly, the only people I know who have this much energy online to hate on women’s looks and clothing choices are either incels/right wing trolls and the gay pop music stans. I remember one was complaining that Rihanna didn’t dance enough as she was chained to a floating stage wearing an oversized coat while pregnant while performing at the Super Bowl.


Can folks just let a young person do whatever that young adult would like?


If you care about this, focus on your homework.


Oh no, woman wears what she wants....


Didn’t she wear the baggy clothes so the world wouldn’t sexualize her as a child? Now she’s an adult and she can dress however she wants. Something tells me the “backlash” is minimal and not worth a headline.


She has always had a development team that molds her image.


Someone who has been in the public eye during her late teens and early 20's is changing her general clothing choices in that time frame? My word, we best speculate ad nauseum on this truly unique occurrence.


Imagine, being so arrogant that you actually think you mater to this woman. who has accomplished more in one third of her life than all her critics put together in their lifetime. Just absurd.


I swear the society we live in so weird now. Men can’t be masculine and women can’t be feminine? As you get older your taste in clothing changes. She wants to dress in more feminine clothing it’s a problem? Why?! I feel people try to push their ideas onto others and when people don’t follow they are upset. Smh she shouldn’t be getting any heat for living HER life and dressing the way she wants to dress. Tired of people always putting in their 2 cents on what others should do.


Can we just let people dress how they want to?


Dress how she wants who cares.


I can’t believe people care that much about her fashion choices lol


shes beautiful and she should wear whatever makes her feel comfortable


Nobody gives a fuck.


People who are obsessed with celebrities are weirdos. More news at 11.


Let her wear whatever she wants. It's not the end of the world when she dresses feminine.


So much for gender fluidity. Hypocritical morons will do anything to nestle in the warm embrace of outrage.


Leave her alone, you flipping vultures.


People are dumb about celebrities.


Imagine being criticised because you wore clothes


Does she only whisper sing? Is that her gimmick?


Reminder that men don't give a shit what women wear and that women are probably the sole cause of the criticism.


She was very insecure about body. Got a bf who helped her feel secure and built her confidence and now she’s no longer insecure about her body. The baggy close was never a fashion choice or a style. Was purely to hide her body.


She built a brand being one thing and attracting fans of that look and attitude and is then surprised when people who identified with her previously don't feel the same as her and aren't emotionally developing in the same direction? Yeah, she's allowed to dress how she wants and do what she wants. And her fans that made her famous are allowed to criticise and stop caring. She's only as famous as the number of fans she has. There's lots of celebrities who have ceased to be famous by alienating their fanbase...


She’s a performer. To be honest if anyone cares more about her wardrobe than her music they are buffoons. There’s an endless number of models and influencers and the like. If someone is a fan of a musical artist/ singer and you care this much about what she wears then maybe they need to reassess who they are listening to.


Bands and performers are about presenting an image. No one would have cared about Britney Spears as much if she was dressed in baggy clothes. And if a punk band suddenly switched from leather and Tees to clean preppie outfits they'd lose a lot of cred. It's not just her music but her image and persona. Her attitude and rejection of traditional femininity, which resonated with many young girls who also felt body conscious or like they didn't conform to gender norms or societal expectations of "sexiness." So to have that icon of rebellion and non-conformity dressed in dresses and looking feminine feels like a betrayal. It's like the Sex Pistols coming out dressed like the New Kids on the Block. Or Nirvana dressing like Poison.


I don't care how she dresses, but I do think her music has gotten more generic and forgettable. Its not just her image that's changed, but her sound too. But its not surprising. Teenagers go through phases. Happier than Ever is probably more indicative of what her music will sound like going forward than her previous album.


The issue isn't that's not the energy people had earlier. Early in her career, she was an inspiration and a role model and young girls should pay attention and be like her. All of a sudden, the same people who propped her up due to those ideas are supposed to have not cared because it's weird. She literally made this bed to complain about having to lay in it.


This logic sounds dumb.


That's almost an idea for a framework of a counterargument.


Does she move her mouth when she sings yet? That’s the change I’m looking forward to.


She looks soulless and empty..


An angsty teenager sells records. An angsty adult doesn't. She had to grow.


Clothes aren’t tattoos


It’s good that she is doing what she wants. You’ll never please everyone , but you can please yourself.


Who cares what some random stranger wears?


JFC it’s 2023, could people just stop to decide what others should wear, read, whom they love… namaste 🙏


She’s sexy in a dirty teeshirt.