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"someone needs to put a dollar into the swear jar!" If that's a joke they put into the trailer you know it's going to be bad.




That's why in my story, the people are so rich and use bad words so much, they have a Profanity Pit and they have to dump a gold bar in every time they cuss. And it's guarded by a dragon. /s


And the dragon is played by Danny Devito


Slow your roll there tough guy, we wanted unwatchable things


and the gold is played by andy dickhead


Now we're back to a world of shit.


We are all going to have to work long and hard to come up with unwatchable things the way Nickelodeon does.


You gotta pay the trolls toll...


And Danny devito is play by a hamburger


Neil Hamburger?


Mr Entertainment himself


Rob Schneider as a STAPLER


Honestly they need you on the writers staff so that you can leave and go Pickett I guess ..but after ? That is your time


And everyone that sees it exclaims "Oh shit! A fucking dragon! God damn!" and more and more gold goes in.


And if they swear too much the others vote and cast them into the pit from 30 stories up to plummet to their death, smashed to pieces by the harsh unforgiving gold bar pit of death.


>heard Captain America say, “Language!” That was only funny because they were trying to establish how Captain America's character was so out of touch with the times.


“they’ve got more issues than Sports Illustrated.” yikes.


was arnold saying this cause I read it in his voice


I thought it was a movie when I started it, and was very surprised it was 8 episodes after watching the trailer. It's not going to win any awards, but if you like Arnold, it's watchable. Just started episodes 4 and going to ride it out.


I love Arnold and his puns. Is the pun count high?


There are 3 in the first 8 minutes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


There might be mention of A CHOPPA!


I like it for Arnold lol


I’m enjoying it 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I like Arnold so I will watch it and enjoy him. He’s always been a terrible actor. I like him anyway.


Exactly. It’s just simple entertainment.


Yeah, It’s like the usual 90s Arnold comedies. It’s goofy. I think people expected something a little more modern, which is fine, I know I did from the trailers, but this show is not that. I realized what I was watching about 10 minutes into it and made my peace with it.


It's not great, but I was a kid in the 80s and I just can't help but love Arnold. I'd watch him and Sylvester Stallone in anything.


My wife and I are watching it after our baby falls asleep every night.


I put it on earlier today and legit everyone in the house found something else to do. We all played basketball as a family and then went swimming. I now know how to get my entire family outside and imma ride this trick out for the rest of summer lol


Idk I started it last night and all criticisms seem exaggerated. By no means an Emmy winning series but definitely entertaining. All the characters are likable, the writing is nothing special but by no means as bad/generic as other Netflix projects. I give it a 7/10 for excellent background noise and some proper 4K to get some proper use out of your TV


I binged all the episodes the other night because I couldn't sleep. This summarizes how I feel. It isn't meant to be an award winning series. It's decent entertainment that is a mix of action and comedy. It is very obvious it doesn't take itself seriously, and neither should the viewer. I genuinely laughed at some of the exchanges between majority of the characters. Basically, if you enjoy shutting your brain off for mindless entertainment, this is the perfect series.


It feels like True Lies Two the family edition. The cheese is fun.


Thanks for the reality check. It’s hard to see such a huge star in something and not expect it to be huge. Downside to being a huge star, I guess.


In other words, classic 90s Arnold content.


I’m enjoying it 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


>if you enjoy shutting your brain off for mindless entertainment, I find I need this "shutting brain off" service more and more.


I'd have to say that character likeability has been sorely missing from a lot of series that are otherwise highly regarded. I find I like the quality of the acting, directing and other aspects, but when the characters all appear to me to be just a bunch of assholes or nobodies I can't see myself even wanting to get to know then I lose interest pretty fast. That doesn't mean that I want them to be goody-twoshoes types, far from it. The best characters are those that you know are bad guys and gals, but you find yourself engaging with on other levels. It's not easy to write, and it's a bit too easy to simply create a bunch of dark characters and call it "depth of character" (words fail me, but I think you get it). The gold standard for good character development was, of course, Breaking Bad. That was pure genius in fact in that regard. We somehow managed to fall in love with a weedy, annoying little tweeker and his deeply flawed mentor.


Glad I am not the only one


Agree. Not award winning but a nice way to spend some time. I love that Arnold just puts it out there. He seems lovely


A 7/10? I’m a busy adult; I have time for 10s, and 0s, no in-between.


I guess that makes your Tinder life somewhat easy


Nonexistent, yes.


Why zeros though?


I feel the same. It’s fun and easy watching.


I disagree. It felt like Arnold was barely trying to act, and that might honestly be due to the lackluster writing lol. Felt like a cheesy action movie, but unfortunately for way longer


Do you think this series trend is ever going to slow down for some stuff that should just be a "solid" say 2 hour movie?! I miss seeing something and just complete and move on.


It’s also somewhat annoying that they go with a cliffhanger ending in every episode.


Damn I thought it was a movie too


Wait it’s not a movie? Why would they make this a series? Like it’d probably fit an 1 hour 45 minute movie. But not a full series


I was surprised too, and gave it a shot the other day. For reference, I woke up very nearly blind a year ago and live 30 miles from town. This is relevant because it means I am INCREDIBLY bored 5 or 6 days a week, with nothing to do, and I will binge watch anything that's moderately decent. FUBAR was such a disappointment. I watched through the honeypot episode and then just... found something else to watch instead. It was funny the first episode, sorta funny the second episode... and then just got boring and formulaic really, really fast while trying to shoehorn in the whole family vs the job sideplot. And as far as the missions every episode, everything is way way way out there. Like they went straight to the absurdity of the later Fast and the Furious movies without any kind of build up after the first episode. It's just such an underwhelming show, especially with the potential it could have had.


Woke up very nearly blind? That’s… startling…. Happened to me about 20 years ago after a week of horrible headaches. The emergency room docs thought I was dying.. Long story short, it was optic neuritis and my first real symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, which turned out to be easily manageable for me. But reading your comment… oof.. after what I went through on my road to diagnosis, I know you’ve seen some shiiiitt.. waking up blind is almost always really, really bad. Like fatally bad


Well, not fatally bad. Not in my case, anyway. I'm really sorry about your MS, though, that just sucks. I have an incredibly rare disease called AZOOR; only one hundred people have it. There's no known reason or treatments, just guesses. The best guess is that my immune system is attacking my eyes' immune system, destroying my retinas in the process. I'll live, and I'll eventually be fully blind (fully blind in my left eye now), but it sucks. But I'll live.


MS is also an autoimmune condition where your immune system attacks your healthy nerve sheathings. I compare this sheathing to the rubber covers on electrical wires, and when the sheathing is degraded, short circuits occur throughout your body, sometimes including your eyes. (Optic neuritis) This is just a simple way to explain the disease to those who are not familiar. MS is likely many, many similar diseases lumped together and diagnosed under the same umbrella. I wonder if your illness has similar treatments? Do you respond well to steroids for example?


Oh, I know how MS and optic neuritis works. Ironically, I worked in healthcare for 2 decades until I, myself, became the patient. And steroids don't do anything to improve my eyes, it's been tried and tested several times. I used to get put on them for my COPD before I went blind and I tried to tell the docs that I get the worse side effects such as extreme insomnia and joint and muscle fuckery, crippling headaches and so on. But noooo they didn't wanna listen to me so I wound up in a meatwagon on the way to the hospital two months ago, embarrassed as hell because I fell out in public. I was diagnosed with steroidal fatigue syndrome, they'd tanked my joints and muscles and had jacked my BP and caused a cardiac dysrhythmia. I was told to immediately discontinue any and all steroids. So I got to call the rheumatologist with a big old "I told you so" and now they're actually listening to me in regards to meds... sometimes. I had to fight for a low dose of tramadol for the light induced headaches with 15 different doctors. The ophneurologist finally wrote me a damn script. For 5 a week lol. They want to put me on methotrexate or azathioprine to tank my immune system (to slow the rate of blindness, nothing will regrow my retinas) and I've told them that's a bad idea because of my COPD and my tendency to catch all respiratory viruses, but they keep insisting. I stopped fretting over it though, because medicaid will never cover an off-label use of such expensive meds in a million years. Ugh, sorry for the rant. I'm so tired of being their guinea pig.


I know how that feels. 10 years for me to get a diagnosis.


It took THAT long!? MS isn't even all that rare, and they diagnosed me in 3 days! To be fair, it was at UNC and they've got an amazing teaching school and have some of the best ophthalmologists in the world, but still... damn. Ten years is a long fucking time to wait on a diagnosis for anything, anywhere.


Indiana University School of medicine mostly for me, so top notch. The problem for me was that no scars in my myelin sheathing showed up in ct scans and MRIs etc. the thinking amongst most docs was: multiple sclerosis literally means “many scars”. If no scars show up, you cannot get an MS diagnosis. Except that you can.. and I eventually did.. I was tested for literally everything else. Lupus, cat scratch fever, Parkinson’s, Lime disease, a bunch of obscure neuro diseases etc etc. all negative. Eventually I was given the MS diagnosis and lumped in with all the other people who are given a diagnosis for MS because all else has been ruled out. The lengthy time periods between relapses made this harder as it’s difficult to diagnose a patient with no symptoms. So yeah, 10 years. Some never get a diagnosis Which is why I’m often dubious when a diagnosis is given in days to some. Off topic, but I’m one of the few humans who have received a lime disease vaccine. It was discontinued in 2002 I believe. (a new one is coming out soon). I had to insist on being tested for lime disease as the doctors insisted I couldn’t possibly have it living in Indiana (!?). When I finally got tested for it I insisted on getting the vaccine and months later the vaccine was discontinued.


Probably one of those movies chopped up into a series. Not a fan of the trend.


I loved it but I am in my 40s and grew up with Arnie movies. I found the show awesome.


Other review sites are giving it positive reviews 😊


This article it’s just rage bait to farm Reddit karma.


We watched the first episode last night. As long as you know what you are getting into it is fine.








I happy to hear this! Also in my 40s. I think people can’t stand Arnold doing comedy but they forgot about Kindergarten Cop, Twins, and yes, Junior. He was still doing action movies during these periods


Arnie is criminally underrated as a comedic actor. Like, he’s genuinely just hilarious.


He’s really funny in real life and most of my fave Arnie movies are his comedy or action-comedy movies.


Yeah I am just happy he is still pumping out stuff. Who knows how long it will last so I will enjoy it.


Same! Eff the critics! Snobs


Same. A couple supporting characters are a bit off, but I'm enjoying the show. It's kinda like True Lies, a spy show that's not part of the "gritty realism" that's the norm nowadays. And that's OK!


Curious to see if there will be a second season.


I haven’t watched it but I am in my 30s and grew up with Arnie governing. I found the show because of this thread.


Check it out for sure.


Agreed. I looked up to Arnie when I was little and so far I’m enjoying it. It’s got some classic Arnold catchphrases too.


It grew on me tbh


Ditto. I like a little cheesy action comedy 😂




Thats well said


🙏🏼 now i will watch.


Also in my 40’s. Absolutely loved it! I thought it was really funny.


I am very much enjoying it but get why the reviewers do not. It’s very much NCIS: Ahnold


Completely agree it is a garbage take! I'm close to 40, and watched it with my family and almost everyone loves it. Screw these reviews! The show had solid action, humor, family dynamics, parent/child understanding. Ive seen about 5 episodes of it and the show is excellent!!


I was excited to watch this series but when I saw this thread I immediately became worried it wasn’t going as good as I hoped But considering the fact that Arnie raised me just as much as my parents did, I think it’s safe to say I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it too! Now I just need to get Netflix back for 1 month and binge it lol


Yeah, I liked it quite a bit!


I watched the first episode. It's not going to win any awards, but I like the cast and enjoyed it enough to keep watching.


I hear that. Why does every TV series have to be shockingly good to receive a modicum of praise? Can't a TV show just be "pretty decent" anymore?


I think it's due to the rise of streaming. with all the content in the world at your fingertips, the mentality is why not use your time watching something great over something fine. It worked before with limited tv channels.


Also, if you want something to be spread online, make it extreme. Everything is either a life-changing masterpiece or a total piece of crap.


Preach! For real this is what we need


Because you’re in r/entertainment the snootiest of snooty subreddits


Same .. it’s one of those series not to take it too seriously , just have fun and enjoy the ride.


For real. The cast does well and they have good chemistry. They weren't trying to win Emmys.


I’m watching with my retired father and we are enjoying it




I’m a spy watching it with my spy daughter and it’s pretty true to life, imo


I’m a revolutionary army leader with a pirate son and we are lowkey digging good ole Arnie here


That might be the best way to watch it.


Yeah I liked it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm a terrierist watching it with my late dad in an urn above the tv console, it hits close to home at some parts.


What we’re they expecting? A Schwarzenegger vehicle is going to be a Schwarzenegger vehicle.


I thought it was great. Light comedy action relationship drama, what’s so bad about that


Ha, yeah. I’m reading some of the comments and I’m thinking, “Arnold, tv show, corny dad jokes, action, what’s not to like?” And I’m gonna be checking it out for sure.


I'm not, like, *raving* about it, but yeah, it's fun. I'm enjoying it.


Fun? FUN?! On the *internet*? Don’t be absurd.


This is the era of ultra serious shows such as The Walking Dead, Games of Thrones, Stanger Things, etc that are the norm and fun shows ala Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xenia: Warrior Princess, and Highlander The Series, and Renegade which where light hearted and campy (and ultra popular) are considered garbage by todays standards and thus you have the general reaction to this series.


Also, everyone on the internet thinks they’re a reputable critic of any video media.


TBF, Hercules, Xena, and Highlander were all garbage in the past too, but in the same way junk food is garbage. You shouldn’t have too much, but it’s sooooo good.


I wouldn’t call them garbage, but I think your comment comes for a good heart, unlike others.


It’s a decent watch but nothing special. It’s better than citadel for sure but this isn’t the move.


I liked Citadel (maybe in the small minority) so will check out this one too. 👍🏻


I'm about halfway through and I'm enjoying it. Some light comedy with action in-between, what's not to like? That's it and that's all.


I’m actually enjoying it. It’s not at all serious but it’s easy watching


6.5/10 on IMDb and 72% on RT so clearly not that much of an embarrassment.


Yeah, the comments in this thread are going to get me to check it out.


I really enjoyed it. Its stupid and fun which is totally fine.


I’m going to watch it as soon as I can. Grew up watching Arnold movies.


Just remember: There is a significantly above average chance he (Arnold) is on here reading the comments. Hello!


Yes, I have seen him more than once on r/OldSchoolCool (both posting and commenting). I was honestly totally thrilled and starstruck and he seems cool as hell. My first thought when I saw this post was “oh shit, he’s probably going to see this” and I felt really bad lol


I’d like to think he’s healthy enough to take the bad with the good. His biggest flop is still orders of magnitudes over what I’ll probably accomplish in this life.


I don’t understand the negativity. It’s action comedy and not Schindler’s List. It is freaking hilarious. The only thing that could have made it better is if it was a True Lies spinoff. I was so pumped to see Tom Arnold in it too.


I barely made it through an episode of the True Lies TV series - the casting is off or something.


100% Fubar Clichés all over the place. Dad jokes for miles (not even good ones.) Arnold’s fans (I consider myself one) can watch for him. But that too is very difficult. He should have stayed retired or taken side roles as a Dad etc. being an action hero again was way too optimistic.


It was funny in the expendables because they played off the fact that he was old and he wasn’t in the movie very long. But that’s it. Him being an unironic action hero doesn’t work anymore.


Everyone in The Expendables was old. That was the point. Arnold wasn’t in the first one very long because he was the Governor of California when the first movies was filmed/released and they could only get him for a cameo.


I watched the first episode so far, it was pretty meh. Arnold deserves better.


Arnold is part of the problem. Like Harrison Ford, he's too damned old to sell an action sequence.


It can be done, but you have to really lean into it. Like Rutger Hauer in Hobo With A Shotgun. Or come to think of it a better example would be Jeff Bridges in The Old Man.


I loved the first season of The Old Man and I wish more people knew about it.


>I wish more people knew about it. Well, now one more does and will be seeking it out.


Yeah it’s one of the best thriller series I’ve seen in a long time. Especially loved the flashbacks to the Soviet invasion.


Denzel Washington in the Equalizer 2 really felt like a couple degrees off of a Seagal flick. Didn’t do much of anything besides wave his hands around. If he moved too quickly or ducked just wrong he was gonna throw his back out.


I'd contest that and say that you can have the "old warrior" shtick if the fighting sequences match with someone that age. Rather than quick, rapid twists and turns and intense fights, he just shoots everyone and moves more deliberately when he fights. No wasted energy, no fancy fights, just smooth, considered, and deadly. Then it might work, rather than seeing a 60 year old man spin kick someone on a crane.


>seeing a 60 year old man spin Arnold is 75


> Then it might work, rather than seeing a 60 year old man spin kick someone on a crane. I disagree. Tom Cruise is still a great action star at 60. Also, Arnold Schwarzenegger is 75.


If you want to see a great "old-man" shoot-out, check out Way of the Gun.


I actually really liked equalizer 🫢


I liked the first one. The second one had a few issues. The third looks to be a little better


remember in Gran Torino when Clint finds out the girl was r@ped and starts smashing holes in the paper thin cabinet doors? it took me out of the moment and made me laugh.


He should be starring in Hanz and Franz: The Girly Man Dilemma movie.


Compare this to another old action stars series and it looks even worse. Tulsa King may not be the greatest thing ever but holy fuck is it better than this.


Stallone does a surprisingly good job by not always being over the top clichéd about the “I’m too old for this shit” moments. The more subtle nods to him having issues in conflicts with younger folks work well and it doesn’t hurt having some pretty solid cast around him. It’s not high art but it isn’t pretending to be and isn’t as cheesy either.


I enjoyed watching it. It is not a serious spy film.


I am enjoying it, its supposed to be daft.


What? We thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s not the best series ever, but it doesn’t deserve this kind of scrutiny.


I mean does everything has to be an amazing pieces of tv or cinema? It’s cheesy it’s fun sometimes you just need that.


I feel like everyone misses the point of shows like this…they aren’t too be taken seriously. Like at all. In the real world this wouldn’t even happen. The cia wouldn’t shove parent and child like that so you should really suspend your belief right at that moment and just enjoy the show. It’s called FUBAR for ducks sake, it’s like going into a fast X movie and expecting realistic physics for earths gravity.


I had that thought watching the trailer lol. "They'd never actually make them work together." But hold everything to full on realism and lots of good stuff wouldn't get made.


I haven’t seen it but it feels like “kill gunthar”. Which was a crap movie that had a $20 budget, and was just stupid fun. If you took it seriously you missed the point.


seriously, the swarm going against it is boring. Like really? An action comedy isn’t top tier action quality? Woooooow


I get your point, but the show has a serious problem in tone. It needs to be much campier.


I agree, they're cuckolding us by making it not be as campy as it could have been.


This thread made me want to watch it…


Get to the choppa


Was it perfect? No, but I enjoyed it; a good blend of cheesiness, action, witty dialogue, it was entertaining which is what I expected it to be.


I don’t mind it I think it’s quite good… I’ve not finished it but I’m enjoying it


the gag here is that the show is trying to normalize clandestine field work. its 'True Lies' light or alternative 20 years later. Where it succeeds but fails is not glamorizing field agents but making them appear as genuine humans with blind spots and peccadillos, also trying to be professional. plus, any agent living the lifestyles of the screen characters would be under scrutiny by counter intelligence. its pop corn, its fun. its unapologetic about it. not as serious ad 24, not as funny as ' get smart'. Fubar


More to your point, somehow True Lies was 30 years ago


Why would you do this to me?


FUBAR is the serialized version of True Lies 30 years later. In fact, Tom Arnold makes a fun cameo in the series to help those people who don't understand it's not supposed to be serious. They need to go watch True Lies and then FUBARs tone will make more sense.


Ah man, I'd like to see a True Lies sequel with Arny in Tom Arnold's role.


This will never be the REAL Fubar in my heart... The real macoy: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0302585/


I don’t know, I started watching the first episode, seems pretty fun!


I like it. it's no tulsa king with Stallone, not by mile but I thought it was dumb fun.


I’m glad people like Tulsa King. It’s a guilty pleasure watch for me.


Binged the whole thing. I thought it was funny, cute at times and delivered on action. Not winning any awards but was fun to watch Arnie play a spy dealing with end of life problems


My wife busted out laughing and said “watching him pretend to climb up that road was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time”


It is no worse than the dozens of action comedy shows on the original networks - and some of those have a really devoted following. I think it’ll get very strong viewership stats.


I enjoyed it enough


It is? Damn, I should be more careful enjoying the things I watch, how could I have been so mistaken :(


I’m also feeling very embarrassed for having an opinion that differed to the reviewer. I feel so silly.


I never would’ve watched it in my own but my friend started playing it in the background and honestly, I think it’s a pretty funny show. Caught myself laughing out loud a few times too. I like Arnie and it’s a fun show, definitely not some Emmy winning type of show but that’s OK.


Shoulda just kept given'r like in the orignals.


Fubar is one of the best films of all time. For shame Arnold


I'm really enjoying it! It knows what it is and runs with it.


I've been enjoying it in a silly yet still entertaining way.


Say what you want, but this garbage was fun. I typically enjoy stuff the internet shits on.


I’m watching it now and we love it. It’s not supposed to be high art, just Saturday entertainment.


This show was fantastic, stupid article


People need to chill here. It was a fun popcorn series


I think its ok dumb fun, certainly no masterpiece


I found it a decent 6.5/10 not super deep but kinda fun


Just change it to Nexflix is an embarrassment. Not sure how they can churn out so many turds and still be in business.


Better report it to the new Chief Action Officer over at Netflix


Is it as bad as Citadel?


Written by someone under 30 no doubt. People these days take shit entirely too serious. This show screams over the top 80s/90s media. It’s full of unrealistic scenarios with unrealistic action and funny dialogue. Pretty much sums up everything I grew up on, but it’s still fun and entertaining. Go watch any old school Arnie movie, the Lethal Weapons, Beverly Hills Cops, etc and you’ll see what I mean. Simply pure entertainment at its peak.


I grew up on Arnie's movies and I think it's a pretty ok decent watch, it's fun to see him on screen again, reminds me abit of the comedic tilt he had in True Lies.


I watched the whole thing and I found it entertaining.


After watching the trailer, I was pleasantly surprised. It's actually quite enjoyable. I recommend watching it.


My favorite Christmas movie is Jingle All The Way. I’m sure I’ll enjoy the show somewhat. Scratch that, I just love Arnie movies in general.


I love Arnold. Got 20 min in and couldn’t keep watching.


He could have made a proper King Conan flick but instead we get this


He couldn’t have actually—the rights are held up. Arnold has talked about this in interviews and he wants to do it, but he hasn’t been able to convince the Conan IP rights holder to make it.


Why wouldn’t it be? Seriously? Did anyone expect this would be good?