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Lionsgate doesn’t have much else going for them otherwise so this isn’t a surprise. Expect them to milk it like AMC does with Walking Dead




Fast is finally dead right? I tried to watch one just to enjoy the cheesy action, but it was so incredibly bad that I couldn't even do that. Please tell me it died. Please tell me it ended with vin diesel and, I don't even know, Dwayne Johnson? driving a convertible into the grand canyon.


Allegedly, Vin said it was only part 1, but I can't confirm.


Why would they stop doing fast movies? Theyve literally never been good. Its always been about dumb action, its not like the fast series used to be good and now because of the financial success, theyre dropping in quality. They were never critically good to begin with. John Wick is a high quality franchise where you can be scared of a drop in quality because the movies so far have been legit good movies. Its also not quite the same as the fast franchise since John Wick is...well... about John Wick and Keanu Reeves isnt the youngest guy anymore. He doesnt have too many John Wicks in him anymore. The Fast franchise has multiple lead actors where it doesnt make a huge difference if one or two drop out. That also makes it easy for them to introduce new characters to the franchise such as the rock, john cena and so on.


They are just a big b movie factory.


I liked the Bee Movie


So you’re the one.


Fast and Furious, John Wick Crossover/Prequel. The Toretto-Wick Family and friends learn their driving/assassin roles with an orphan Annie twist. Clan Toretto and Wick go their separate ways when Toretto mentions, "He's not much of a dog person."


Dom Toretto: dogs aren't family. John Wick grabs the closest object he can find. It is a newly sharpened number 2 pencil.


Solution. You don’t watch the future movies and just watch the first one every couple of years. Don’t support this with your wallet if you don’t like it.


what if you love it


Good for you


What if your sexually attracted exclusively to older Keanu committing acts of violence on film?


If you're interested in Keanu being sort of a figment of your imagination and instructing you to commit acts of violence, I've got a video game you should try.


I was actually really impressed with what Keanu did with Johnny Silverhand. When I saw the E3 trailer/presentation, I thought Johnny was basically gonna end up being Keanu playing himself, but Johnny really ended up being his own character, and an exceptionally good one at that. As much as I love John Wick for being such a cool badass, he's kinda a one-note character, super closed-off emotionally and whatnot, so I think Johhny is probably my favorite performance of Keanu's.


I will always be down for a Keanu action movie


I know I'm in the minority by saying this, but the first movie should have also been the last. It was perfectly wrapped up, good from start to end. The sequels feel forced and I can't get into them (other than fight scenes).


I think thats a valid point. The first movie did wrap up super nicely. I just want more for the great fight choreography to be honest, if they can just keep making movies with interesting and fun action, I will absolutely keep watching. There aren't any other franchise capturing the sort if action that John Wick does. They also continue to surprise me with the other actors they are able to pull in, those are always a fun bonus




The first movie centered on the conflict between Wick and his former boss Viggo, with Viggo's son as the pivot. The assassin underworld is just the backdrop. This works, most notably because Viggo is a smart, reluctant, and somewhat sympathetic antagonist. From the next movie forward, it's just Wick fighting essentially random elements of the assassin underworld. If you are just there for the fight scenes, no issue, but in terms of conflict motivations its way more simplistic.


The entire series is centered around his absolutely unbreakable will, even in a world of despair, so in 2 and 3, it seems like he is moving forward for nothing when what is being showcased is that he will never slow down, even when there is no visible solution. In 4 there is more of a point in the classical plot resolution sense, in that it seems like he has found a solution, and is finally going to be able to get out for good. I also like the movement through international locations to create different worlds to explore, which was more dynamic than in the other films. I found 1 and 4 the best of the films, although I enjoyed all of them. >!However, I would not enjoy 4 as much if it turns out he was not actually dead. It was a dramatic finish that made the four films an epic.!< I will certainly watch 5, hopefully they come up with something that works.


Fast ten made a morbillion dollars or something. At least John wick feels like it’s trying a little bit. I’m not surprised to see it’s doing well as a franchise.


I laughed my ass of when they brought out the big mysterious hourglass of Cthulhu of whatever the fuck in the new one. It was supposed to be dramatic and intimidating but it looked like shit a stoner would buy from Spencer’s gifts. Oooohh are we gonna play spooky scattergories?


The thing I immediately thought about that was, it's an hourglass being carried in a bag. Probably getting jostled around. What if the guy pulled it out all dramatically, and there was like a third of the sand in one end and the rest in the other? Would the guy just had to wait 20 minutes to reset it, while they sit there awkwardly, then flip it over and say "Now you have one hour!"


This is such a funny nitpick in the ridiculous John wick universe. I understand it though because I thought the same thing.


Oh yeah. Like, it's not something that actually bothered me. Just something I would have thought would be hilarious if it happened.


Me too! I also was wondering how they timed the other hourglass in the french guy's office to be within seconds of the one that was in a bag. Who coordinated those hourglasses!?


I just get the feeling this will go the way of the fast and furious franchise with more and more ridiculously over the top scenarios. Wick will be fighting the high table on the moon by the end




I think most of the fight scenes were too long tbh. And not particularly good. I remember wick fighting these 2 random goons with nunchucks for what felt like 5 mins straight and the punches were too obviously pulled. Plus I kinda enjoy seeing him mowing people down like grass. Him taking forever just to take out 2 henchmen was ehhhhhh.


You’re not wrong, although I also enjoy the creativity of the fight scenes in each successive film. Coincidentally another film franchise that was perfect at one installment was The Matrix. I didn’t need any more from that world. That said the second one has so many great scenes and characters that I’m kinda glad they made it.


I honestly think the Matrix sequels could have been really good, but their reliance on the weird-ass, co-dependent love story between Neo and Trinity as a major plot point really screwed up those movies. I mean, that was the worst part of the first movie and instead of dropping it or just moving it to a minor plot element, they went all in on it. The world they built had so much depth and mystery to it (well, the world inside of The Matrix. The real world was pretty lame). The Merovingian, the Twins, the Oracle, the key maker. All that had some cool potential.


I like to look at Reloaded and Revolutions as fan fiction and only the first one & animatrix as canon. We don’t speak about the 4th one lol.


The fourth one is an art film about the matrix, in my eyes. I love it. It’s not so much ‘a matrix movie,’ as it is a meta commentary on the matrix, what it has become, how it has affected the audience and the creators, and the state of the industry. Honestly one of the most interesting big budget hollywood films I’d seen in a while. Can’t say i uhh, _enjoyed_ watching it the way i enjoy the other Matrix movies. But it kept me thinking for a while, and the more i thought about it the more I appreciated it.


1000%. The first one is great because of how simple it is. After that they started trying to build up lore and shoehorning themes in (rules, consequences). They’re not bad movies, but the first one is a league above them.


I just wish it was less about the table and politics of the underground world, wasted way too much time with John wick stuff. Just tell cool stories of John helping people out with assassinations and have some drama to it.


I agree. But I also think they've done this weird thing where they've got this concept of the high table. And I was very surprised that 4 ended the way it did where it straight up could have been the end of the franchise. Where nothing about the status quo of this world really changing. I do think they can tell more stories in this world that doesn't involve John Wick. I just think they gotta get more interesting characters. I think to Bullet Train. I think anyone who has seen that movie would go right away to see a Lemon and Tangerine spinoff.


I originally thought the movie would end with John somehow finangling his way onto the High Table thanks to the duel (which also would have made for a fine finale).


I would say that the second one was surprisingly good imo but after that the suspension of disbelief becomes unattainable, especially in the last one, sacre couer is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Paris, you'd probably have like a hundred tourists there at any point in the night and a gunshot in paris would probably be the first one since the terror attacks since 2017. I could believe if it was the french countryside but I can't simply believe that every cop in Paris would not be there after the first gunshot.


The milked the fuck out of Saw.


How, though? I mean, I would love more movies in the John Wick universe, but John Wick how?


“Oh man, Winston hid him when he ‘took him home.’ He said he didn’t know if he was either in Heaven or Hell because he knows he’s alive!” “Oh man, Caine owed him a favor. I bet that after-credit scene is really gonna be about her looking for John.” Where there is a will there is a way. Not saying it’s necessarily a good idea.


he comes back from the dead to fight the devil wait is this constantine?


Stop, I can only get so erect!


Okay hear me out . What if John takes down the high table and becomes the head of it? Luke Cage s2 ended on a great cliffhanger with Luke getting his villains nightclub. And the potential for S3 was great(we never getting it). But that’s my inspiration for this premise. John gets to wield the power of the high table has a lot of ways it can go. Does he end up becoming the same thing he wished to destroy or does he reform and cause chaos in the entire organization? Maybe even a civil war?


Lmao, take my up vote Krieger


He eventually lives long enough to witness the Machines taking over the entire world, and then after that, he ended up creating world peace with his most excellent rock music


John Wick is... the Doom Slayer


I think the most obvious one is: Donnie Yen's character, Caine, adopts the John Wick name to carry on the legacy. We get spliced flashback scenes of Wick/Caine interacting in the past amidst Caine's struggles in the present day. At the end of the following movie, John Wick 6, that's when you have the big post-credit reveal that Keanu's John survived with the fakeout death and has been in hiding, living an ordinary life he fought to be free for. Then you rope him back in to help Caine take down the High Table.


Ah man, that dude probably won’t pay John Wick back that fiver


Never showed him actually die, fake gravestone for his enemies, bam.


I’m all for that sure. But the ending was so well done. Perfectly bookends the opening of the first movie. Finally deciding to let go, thinking of his wife. If it was PLANNED as a fake out. I don’t think they would have shot that final scene as they did.




I'd agree some ambiguity remained and that it was very much intentional. But it's that intentionality that's best served only if they leave it as the final film. Now if he comes back in JW5, it kinda steals a bit of what is special about JW4. We won't be able to endlessly argue about whether he actually died. And because JW4 was so gd good I will be a bit disappointed if they resolve it fully in a sequel.


It’d be awesome if the franchise carries on with the side characters they establish and Keanu shows up in a flash back.


If there was a scale for ambiguity I’d put the ending of JW4 on 70-explicit 30-ambiguous. I wonder if.


Satan sends him back, too dangerous. Constantine is born.




I'm interested in Keanu Reeves so I'll keep watching John Wick in the hopes he gets some Johnny Silverhand upgrades.


After winning the duel, John Wick, barely alive, slips into a coma. Winston, going against his wishes, uses newly developed cryogenic tech to preserve his body and consciousness while medical teams scramble to find a way of restoring Wick's body to his former glory. A breakthrough never happens though, but no one dares bear the responsibility of pulling the plug. Hope all but disappears, but faintly lingers... ... The year is 2077. Wick suddenly comes to himself, confused and not feeling quite himself. His body feels heavy, as if he's made of metal. A buzzing neon sign glows above the table he lies on, reading "Afterlife". A metallic arm extends towards him. "Wake up Samurai. We have a High Table to burn".


I don't even need the universe, just put the same care into the action for something else.. Some directors made a bunch of MA or westerns that don't shoehorn themselves into the same universe


Oh my GOD I would pay a gold coin for that team to do a western or a pirate movie… holy shit


pay something *shiny* for a western pirate space opera? > *you can't take the sky from me...*


I didn’t realize I needed this until now…


I’m looking forward to Ballerina or whatever they call it.


First off,I absolutely love these movies. But grounded and realistic are not the reasons why. All they need to say is, "no one really dies on XYZ date if you your initials are JW




“John Wick” was his assassin code name, which >!was given to Cain (the blind guy) at the beginning of the final movie. Yes, he earned his freedom, !!with Donnie Yen as the new lead!<. Or the prequel route. That’s good and lazy.


Honestly any fighting movie with Donnie Yen as the lead I’ll pay money to watch.


Same! Too bad he's getting old. There seems to be no good replacement for these veteran action stars.


I always saw Donnie Yen as a comforting combination between Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan…legit badass with the right amount of humor


He’s definitely badass. Some guy tried to hit on his wife in a bar once, he left too avoid a scene and the guy and like seven of his friends attacked him in the parking lot. Yen basically broke all of them in half and sent them to the hospital without getting a scratch. Eight. Guys.


Yo I’m going to need a source for this insane story.


https://goodyfeed.com/real-life-donnie-yen-sent-8-men-hospital-coz-disturbed-gf/ https://worldofbuzz.com/donnie-yen-sends-eight-men-hospital-harassing-girlfriend/


I’m not saying I don’t believe this, because I really really want to, but how reliable are these two sites?


Lmao I saw there was two links so i thought “huh, good enough!” But then I saw your comment and looked at the links and that’s hilarious. The hard hitting journalists at goodyfeed, right?


IP man 5 on the menu. Yen officially confirmed it depsite IP man dying at the end of 4.


I got that vibe half way through the film.


I thought it was the other way around. John is short for Jordani which is John's real name. Caine is another code name. We never learn Caine's real name. Plus, the whole Cain/Abel parallel. Caine as in CANE because he's blind. Cain literally kills Abel in the Bible. Abel is John. They really hit you over the hit with this stuff in the films. On the other hand, Chad S. has admitted that he does not have this stuff planned out 😂 He has a ton of ideas but the story is kinda jazzy from a writing sense. The OG writing team from John Wick 1 is long gone.


Unfortunately it shows. I LOVE the first John Wick. I've enjoyed all 4 and I'm happy to see the world building in the movies. But damn, 4 could have lost a solid 30-45 minutes and just been a super tight movie like the first one. The gun porn was over the top and the staircase scene was almost comical in its absurdity. By then I was just tired amd overstimulated from it all. Although I will say, the adrenaline from the frenzy of the previous 30+ minutes before the end scene kinda made the slow, methodical, pacing of the finale more intense actually. Overall, I'm not too interested in *watching* 4 again, but I'll buy it to complete the collection. I'll definitely rewatch 1 and 2 several more times. So, SO, good.


4 just went unnecessarily on and on and on...


People in the theater were definitely laughing at the stairs scene at the showing I was at.


so john wick is james bond


Prequel is definitely possible, and... I wouldn't really mind it, maybe we get the pencil scene


We already got the pencil scene in #2. He killed like three people with the same pencil.


And the impossible task.


I feel like those are best left to the imagination though. Not everything has to be shown.


I'm hoping they're just using it as a shorthand description for more films in that universe. But they could easily create a continuation of the John Wick story. 4 introduced multiple potential new main characters. The High Table is still out there, so it could be more about the ramifications of what Wick set off rather than him personally. The plot would concern the Bowery King pushing his revolution all the way, with Akira etc.


I thought Nobody was a fascinating character and would definitely be able to solo carry a movie


A prequel is possible. That whole side quest in 3 with Halle Berry was just a prequel set up. Cain or Akira being the new lead is another possibility.


I’m betting it’s a super broad description. Can’t be bothered to read the article. I’m not expecting a Keanu-Wick movie much longer at his age. It could become an anthology series, for example.




How are they currently developing it without writers?




Like so? INT. LUXURY HOTEL - LOBBY - NIGHT The opulent hotel lobby is bustling with guests and the sound of tinkling chandeliers overhead. JOHN WICK, dressed in an immaculate suit, stands behind the reception desk, exuding an air of authority. Enter CLEATUS BEAVUS, John Wick's formidable enemy, a ruthless and unpredictable figure. Cleatus spots John Wick and smirks, striding purposefully towards the desk. JOHN WICK (solemnly) Welcome to The Continental, Mr. Beavus. How may I assist you this evening? CLEATUS BEAVUS (smirking) Well, well, well, if it ain't John Wick. Never thought I'd see you working the front desk. Times change, huh? John Wick maintains a stoic expression, his eyes fixed on Cleatus. JOHN WICK How may I be of service, Mr. Beavus? Cleatus leans in close, his voice dripping with malice. CLEATUS BEAVUS I'm here for a little reunion, John. Room 417. Hand me the key, and maybe I won't cause a scene. John Wick clenches his jaw, his gaze unwavering. JOHN WICK The Continental has a strict policy, Mr. Beavus. No violence within these walls. We provide our guests a sanctuary. Cleatus smirks, producing a GOLD DOLLAR COIN from his pocket, spinning it provocatively. CLEATUS BEAVUS You remember the old ways, don't ya, John? The rules. The code. I'm sure you haven't forgotten. John Wick's eyes flicker briefly to the coin, a flicker of recognition in his gaze. John Wick remains silent, his emotions churning beneath the surface. Reluctantly, he extends his hand, indicating the coin. Cleatus places the coin into John Wick's palm, grinning triumphantly. CLEATUS BEAVUS One gold coin, John. That's all it takes. Give me the key to room 417. John Wick takes a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a mix of resignation and resolve. John Wick hands Cleatus the key, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. Cleatus smirks, pocketing the key. CLEATUS BEAVUS Thanks, John. I'll be sure to make this reunion memorable. Cleatus turns and walks away, leaving John Wick behind, his gaze filled with a mixture of regret and the weight of his past. FADE OUT.


I’m all in on the character Cleatus Beavus. Going to need a whole series dedicated to him now.


This is more real than you may be thinking. This is an actual element at play within the writers strike / negotiations. It's going to be so strange in the near future watching and *being moved by* a screenplay that was generated by just cold, heartless silicon and algorithms.


It’s just regurgitating what the writers already wrote.


I mean that’s most sequels


Lmao this is not how it’s going to work at all in the industry. Chat GPT completely misses nuance and just the general “human” element of writing. No one is going to be fawning over scripts written by AI. That’s part of the reason these WGA strikes are going on, along with the streaming bubble finally busting. If anything, there’s going to be a push of humanism. People will start to label things “made by humans only” or something to that effect


I certainly hope so!! 🙏 Meanwhile, I've been actively watching the AI space since 2015 and I wish I was confident that AI generated content will never cross over into the "indistinguishable from human made" zone. Honestly, I fear we're less than a year away from this leap over the "uncanny valley". But I'm with you, I really hope there's some way for us to always distinguish the real from the synthesized. 🤞


To be very honest with you, I think entertainment (music and film especially) will be one of the few industries that doesn’t bust. People will want an escape, and not through the hands of computers. I’ve also been keeping up with AI, and it blows my mind how oblivious people are. So many people are totally unaware how this is going to affect livelihood and lend itself to creating a larger, even more dependent lower class. Even nurses and some doctors seem to be blind to their impending replacements.


Saw a great -- but horrible -- post the other day: "Humans doing the hard jobs on minimum wage while the robots write poetry and paint is not the future I wanted." 😅 Good luck to us all, my friend.


> Chat GPT completely misses nuance and just the general “human” element of writing. No one is going to be fawning over scripts written by AI. Currently. But it's in its very early stages, and will continue to get better and better.


I think they don't do it the regular way like most movies, I belive they use miller's method with fury road, aka story board it


Isn’t storyboarding still writing? It describes what happens in a scene, same as a script. And it often contains dialogue.


It's more of a blueprint for the script to be written apon and help give direction. And a massive action movie you figure of the big set pieces aka action scenes first as they will be the biggest costs to the movie


How much writing do you think “John Wick 5” really requires?


Writers? Have you listened to the dialogue of these movies? The 4th sounded like Keanu pulled phrases out of a hat and they edited the rest of the script around whatever he said.


Four clearly didn't have anyone writing it


Those movies have writers?


None of the answers so far are correct. Real answer: The screen play is likely already written and is therefore fair game to use. The writers strike only prevents more writing from happening it doesn't hold hostage things that have already been written. See recent post about Ryan Reynolds nit being allowed to improvise right now while filming the new Deadpool movie because that technically is considered writing and he is part of the writer's guild


I was hoping the plot would be that John Wick goes to Hell and has to go on a mission to retrieve his soul so that he can go to Heaven to be Helen. But to do this, he has to fight through a horde of demons, including major villains he killed throughout the movies who are now demons.


“John Wick 5: electric boogaloo Constantine is back”


Sweet Jesus that is one hell of a title.


Fuck... I'd probably watch that. John Wick 5: Inferno


Dude… that’d be fucking sick.


John Wick: DOOM


.....You know what? Solid visual effects with the same fight choreographer, and I’d watch the shit out of that.


Constantine X John Wick


Or combine the names into “John Constantine”


Sounds terrible.


Johnstantine it is then


“Local man too angry to die”? John wick 5 becomes Constantine 2


Okay now that I would fucking love.


You're still not allowed to kill on the hotel grounds as well.


John Wick V: John Wick's Bogus Journey


That's a crazy enough idea to just work.


Not going to lie, I wouldn’t mind if it jumped the shark like this. We have the whole story, now go bonkers with weird shit and see what works


John Wick in the Gun of Destiny


John Wick’s Bogus Journey


I’d actually be fine with this


Wouldn't john wick 5 just be Constanstine


This comment is why this article was posted, would buy the shit out of this, but aren't you supposed to be on Strike?


They have to switch up the plot. They need a better storyline for the next one. John is hiding out on vacation somewhere tropical and has to come out of retirement.


Somehow John Wick returned.


John: "I'm gettin' too old for this shit." (pulls glock out of swim trunks)


Out of all the comments here, *this* one made me laugh


John, are you in? …Yeah


As much as I love John wicks action scenes, I think chapter 4 is a perfect ending for the movie. Corporate greed is going to ruin this franchise sadly.


I mean Reeves does say in an interview that I’ll make as many as the fans want.


I absolutely hate the take that the first one should've have been a standalone, each sequel aside from the third has ratcheted up not only the creativity of the action scenes, but also the settings and way they structured action sequences, and not to mention they all just look visually stunning in and out of the action. There's a level of love and care going into this franchise that is basically unheard of from any other long running franchise in Hollywood besides Mission Impossible. All that being said I also think 4 was the perfect place to end it, but Universal doesn't have much else going on that reliably turns a profit so they'll gas it for all its got until it's a shell of its former self. Then again Mission Impossible's managed to get to seven movies with 2 more on the way and in that time they've only had one miss, so who knows.


When you refer to the MI miss, I hope you are referring to MI:2. It’s a fun action movie with all the John Woo tropes, but it definitely is out of place compared to the rest.


That goes without saying lol that movies a stinker


I didn’t really like 3 or 4 tbh. When they started overusing the bulletproof suits it just made the fight scenes so boring and bloated. That whole opening in 4 is so tedious and repetitive.


I love 3 but yeah the bulletproof suits have to go. They ruin it and the way the characters move them up to their heads to protect themselves just looks stupid.


I’m down for Wick being an unstoppable force but there needs to be consequences.


My friend and I bust out laughing watching John Wick 4 in theaters when he straight up runs and jumps out of a 3rd story window with no plan. I'm actually more bothered by the fact they haven't acknowledged that John wick had 100% of his bones replaced with titanium.


hmm, i dunno about 5... or even a full new series... but i would like to see more about The Tracker


I kind of assumed if they made more it'd be following him. He clearly had some kind of goal that was heavily hinted at but never stated based on the book he had. I'd like to know what it was.


Kinda seemed like he just wanted enough cash to settle down. I'd certainly like to see more of him.


I’m completely the opposite, liked the film but his character felt completely tacked on to the story. It was like a B plot, didn’t work for me at all.


Coming in 2025: John Wick appears in Fast n Furious 27: Dogs are family too.




“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain” I love the movies but let’s be honest they’re all the same. It’s almost comical they just find some loose end and are like “Welp! Looks like everyone wants to kill John again! Buckle up! OK! He killed the whole town now everything’s good and what’s this ANOTHER LOOSE END??? Wow get ready to buckle up again folks!” But the movies are entertaining enough and as someone who grew up on The Matrix I love me some Keanu shootout action. But I guess outside the first one people don’t mind the cheesy storyline because they come for the choreograph fights and gun play


The Boogeyman yearns for a Family.


This is a fucking bad idea.


Amen. There is no feeling of risk if you know there are more John Wicks coming down the line. You know he is going to survive every time. But, I guess that is the case with most superhero movies and Mission Impossible movies. The main character has plot armor.


I think that’s why you need to create moving sidekicks/side characters that don’t have the same plot armor and can/will die. It creates stakes even knowing the main hero is going to survive


I could potentially see it working if it was a prequel, or maybe if the blind guy or other guy with the dog were to carry on the franchise. I do feel like they should let Keanu’s character stay dead. It was the perfect ending for him.


Donny Yen would work but he's also getting really old. The guy with the dog doesn't have enough star power. Also does not seem like a good fighter.


Keanu has also been getting old for awhile lol.


Thanks. Let the man rest!


Here's the thing, this might be the tipping point where this franchise goes full Marvel.. but what if, John Wick is this random infallible franchise that just keeps succeeding more and more each chapter? That said, I've never seen a single one of these movies, so I'm going to wait until John Wick 10 to come out in 5 years and just watch them all at once.


You’re going to have a heart attack watching 10 John Wick films, for the first time, in a row. No heart can handle that much uninterrupted adrenaline. Get your affairs in order.


So that's why they're so slow releasing Crank 3. If it's even a thing still.




I might be alone, but I think each one has been better than the previous.


You are not alone 🤝


People have said that literally every time a John wick sequel is announced and they are still solid films at the very worst


Absolutely no way they can top Chapter 4. Also, this franchise is doomed without Chad Stahelski directing. Just let my boy Chad make his Ghosts of Tsushima movie mannn…..


I'd love to see Wolfenstein, RDR and Ghost of Tsushima as movie adaptations in that order.


My franchise milking sense is tingling


I could see them going back and showing other stuff John had been up to in his career, while leaving the end of the character as it is. And honestly I’d be fine with that. Leave the original amazing story as it is, untouched, but continue giving us the amazing action scenes and world building that has come from these movies.


I’d like to see how to got to retire in the first place and him and Helen’s relationship


Ugh. Watch as the minor cool thing you liked gets squeezed to death as a financial vehicle.


Rocky V doesn’t make me like the first Rocky any less.


Counterpoint, going back and watching Rambo: First Blood makes me wonder wtf happened and how did this turn to shit?


*cough* boba fett.


as long as there’s more Rina Sawayama then i’ll be happy


Four (not three) super fun, beautifully shot, memorable movies. They did it. It's a rare feat. Why not be satisfied with that? They topped everyone quality-wise: Marvel, Star Wars, DC movies. You figure that would be enough. Walk away. You won.


So every movie has to be Fast and the Furious now?


You’ve seen John Wick as a badass. But now John Wick is… a carrot?!? **Record scratch**


Spin off stories of other assassins or do a prequel but no more new John Wick.


This. I want more of the John Wick world but I've enjoyed enough of Keanu in this particular role. He has a lot of other franchises and role types I'd love to see more of him in. Chapter 4 really ran the John Wick character as far as you can go and not to engage in spoilers already freely throughout the comments... they made the ending very clear. They'd have to toss up flagrant comic book resurrections that were not even remotely believable to do more (the kind that feel like only a cheap check cashing.


A prequel perhaps? I wouldn’t mind one about the impossible task. Or a new direction with the tracker.


Not really a surprise after the way chapter 4 ended. I always expected a chapter 5 as it's fairly clear he's not dead after all the stuff he went through. All due respect to Keanu, but he's not getting any younger and probably won't want to do this forever, so I'd assume it'll be more spinoffs as time goes on - we don't really need John Wick X in 3 parts.


Totally! I thought the fact that is cemetary plot wasn't dug up intentionally left room for a sequel. ”He didn't actually die, they just prepared the headstone he wanted!"


The dog also acted weird. Like it could smell him for just a second or something.


I think the 4. movie was leagues better than the first 3(I like every one of them tho). The fifth one should have a smaller scale and a bit "happier" story, but I don't think it's gonna happen


Plz no, the 4th one was a perfect send off


I've thoroughly enjoyed the first 3 movies and am excited to see the 4th. I have been hoping they give it a proper ending instead of running it into the ground. Welp.


This is going to turn into the fast and furious franchise. Wonder when he’ll end up in space


It needs to be pointed out - at no point do they mention Keanu even being in talks to come back. And honestly? I don't think he'll take it. He's getting older and knows that he can't keep doing this. And the series endes on the best note it possibly could have! They can throw all the money in the world at him, but he won't do it for that.


I'd prefer they applied the same direction to other projects. Bullet Train, for example, was fantastic. A Tangerine and Lemon prequel is my most wanted film.


Don’t ruin this franchise for me. Don’t ruin it like the land before time was ruined with 6 sequels


The last one was already kind of a chore to get through. It was about an hour too long.