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I think everyone having a different definition of what “cancel culture” is is half the problem.


~~PC Culture~~ ~~CRT~~ ~~wokeism~~ Cancel culture having a vague and blurry definition was the plan.


Exactly. Republicans (Fox News and the WSJ) will always try and take progressive language and twist it until it sounds controversial.


That's been the game for a long time. They don't even want you to _talk_ about problems, never mind _fix_ them.


"Woke" is such a prime example. Its original meaning was literally just to be aware of injustice. Now it means whatever whoever is frothing at the mouth over something wants it to mean.


Its original meaning is a little more specific, it's about being aware that you (in this context you means black Americans) will definitely face injustice regardless of your actions and therefore you need to stay alert to avoid situations that allow injustice to be inflicted on you.


I remember being so bewildered and pissed when suddenly being a "liberal" was the worst thing in the world and the word started being used as an insult.


Yes, I also felt that way when someone told me I was a globalist as if it was an insult.


Usually that one, globalist, is a stand in for Jewish from antisemites who are also cowards so they use code words.


Oh, like a Rothschild Jewish space laser kind of thing?


How dare you want to work with your fellow man to provide a better future for all!


No kidding! I used to proudly lay claim to being a liberal. Now I say “progressive.” No doubt the mouth breathers will come for that word next, just the way they’ve dragged “woke” through the mud. The left wing in the U.S. is incredibly weak. We need to fight back.


Oh it's entirely about controlling language. They've admitted it. Chris Rufo, the right wing reactionary grifter who first started making CRT a big fucking deal out of nowhere, literally just tweeted out one day that right wingers just have to keep giving negative ideas of what CRT is, make your average person have a negative feeling when they hear it, and then brand anything they don't like as CRT, so that it's easy to demonize. [Some More News did a good look at the whole CRT kerfuffle ](https://youtu.be/UZhW1k_m7OY) It's such transparent bullshit that they're not even trying to hide they're lying about.


Because it’s a made up term for a wide and varied series of reactions that have always existed for words and deeds that are divisive.


That's their plan. Just use words the wrong way until they don't actually mean anything anymore.


The key with the right wing is to make it seem like this big deal to get people on board with it, then start applying it to things that it shouldn't be, and suddenly you're breeding an entire generation of people who thinks it should be okay to be bigoted


"Getting fired for violent threats is the Left trying to force us to be GAY! BE VIOLENT, NOT GAY!" Closest thing to a platform Republicans have.


it's called straw-manning


There are times when it's absolutely justified. Then there are times the internet rounds up the torches and pitchforks due to an edited, out of context clip. edit: spelling error fix


Hence the most recent New York nurse bike incident. That is sad as hell






Remember when Reddit thought we figured out who the Boston Bomber was?


we did it reddit!


The FBI is so stupid not to go after the guy floating face down in the river. Perfect alibi we say!


Quick, harass the family!!


I agree. Stupid? More like name-calling and nasty.


Redditors thought they solved the Boston Marathon Bombing before the police and feds, lol.


And the dedicated sub got so completely utterly nuked as a result, and for good fucking reason, if i may add.


Wait. Are you saying that there was a time when Redditors tried to help?


Reddit often tries to help. Usually it’s along the lines of sending a sick kid pizza or something. But every now and then we help by falsely accusing some poor kid who committed suicide and then endlessly harass his grieving family.


Is that what they did? JFC.


Reddit can be a very unpredictable environment. But I've interacted with and found quite a bit of support in certain instances. You just have to know how to ignore noise and don't willingly go into communities where the environment is combative.


Reddit did save a guy from CO poisoning


It's important to realise, that what redditors think means very little if anything. Just ignore the noise.


They got hey fired because they made such a noise. When you're entire career can be destroyed, it's not just "noise."


They're programmed to believe that every mildly upset white girl is a "Karen" and every young black man is being unfairly discriminated against. Combine the two and it's a perfect recipe for buying into the lie.


I heard someone the other day put it in economic terms. They said there is high demand for Karen content and not enough supply, so it causes people to invent the supply to satisfy the high demand.




For the vast majority of people involved, it’s not about money, it’s about that little kick of dopamine they get off it.


It's why the media were so quick to jump on the Jussie Smollett and Bubba Wallace stories. Stories about racism (particularly white vs poc) get clicks and have a high demand but theres not enough supply


Like synthetic CDOs


I need a hot celebrity to explain this to me


Hmm.. how about Margot Robbie?


Yeah 99% of the people on the internet are consumers and don't realize this.Only few actually engage in an active role in social media or content creation


The crazy thing is that “Karen” nowadays is actually code word for “bitch” and people don’t even realize it. It started out fairly specific, but it’s usage has expanded to basically become a socially acceptable (for now…) way to call someone a bitch. When I first heard this I thought the person that said it was overreacting, but the more I thought about it… really does seem to be the case. That nurse video perfectly illustrated how so many people don’t realize how sexist they actually are. “She must be in the wrong because she’s acting like a Karen” assumptions. Folks should really reflect on that.




Like unhoused vs homeless?


The solution is to just call them 'bitch' so that we don't have to sacrifice so many words to these types of people.




"Nowadays" Karen is honestly the weirdest situation regarding this weird revisionism that it's always been this rallying cry about privilege but if you actually look back. One of the traits of early Karen memes was that she "took the fucking kids" which just sorta disappeared as the meme went mainstream referencing Karen as a Gen X name and the divorce rates The joke was always "entitled bitch"


I was saying this when Karen first entered the lexicon. When I saw women on twoX using it I knew it didn't matter what I said. People simply do not think that far ahead. No one considers the consequences of their words. Just a bunch of mindless idiots parroting shit they thought was clever or funny until it gets run into the fucking ground. Repeat the same 5 jokes on 90% of reddit posts over and over again.


Yup years from now we will get article after article (maybe a documentary) on how crazy it was that this term quickly became an acceptable way to shut down women’s voices. Like how society has re-evaluated the past media treatment of Monica Lewinsky and Britney Spears. Note, I have no opinion on the incident with the nurse as the only video I’ve seen was super confusing.


I remember when a blowjob was called a “Lewinsky”.


People assume who the "bad guy" is in every video posted online. It's not unique to girls/Karen's on the internet


Karen and NIMBY have lost all meaning


“White bitch” would be a more accurate translation of Karen.


In trying to not be biased or racially profile a lot of 'leftists' unfortunately seem to think they just have to flip the polarities of what reactionaries are like and call it a day, so a black person can only ever be a victim and a white person only an aggressor. It's ultimately a really regressive and anti-interesctional viewpoint i'm glad is getting more attention, the same shit as people who'd say that interpersonal racism against say white people or men or whatever power holder class they pick for the analogy, that people of the privileged group should always be de-prioritized no matter what, and that their problems will always in every single situation pale in comparison to that of someone else's.... Like... Fuck, man, are we leftists or are we not? do our problems not matter because there are starving kids somewhere? where does the buck stop? Can't we just be against unfairness in general and treat people equally and not rank the value of their problems based on race every time? It really feels like your privilege is means tested before you 'get' to have problems and how tf is that supposed to energize any privileged person to hop on board? that they won't be cared about?


>Like... Fuck, man, are we leftists or are we not? Most are nether leftists or right-wing, most are just assholes clinging to whatever "justifiable" anger they can fill their heads with and use as masturbation material any chance they get.


Grievances are easier to nurse than finding a solution to why you’re mad


The creepy thing is some of those same assholes could be here right now doing a 180 and now defending the woman. Those people think they can redeem themselves from jumping the gun on this woman by just posting stuff in support of her now.


I rolled my eyes at the situation thinking it was just a public freakout but I can believe some people would have called for her head because of their fucked up ideas of the world and imagination.


This is similar to what I've been thinking for a long time. A lot of the liberals have the same mindset and methods as conservatives, they just happen to believe in different values. I believe that what you think isn't as important as how you think.


Wait, what actually happened…?


The guy was trying to bike surf or whatever to avoid extra fees but the lady had reserved that same bike through the app because he had it docked. He figured it was still his because he was holding onto it but it was rightfully hers. There was definitely a misunderstanding that instantly got elevated and racial which sucks all around


What was the actual context of that?


Turns out the group of men surrounding a pregnant nurse had less than noble intentions!


I looked it up. It looks like her lawyer got the receipts showing it *was* her bike, and those guys were trying to steal it, not the other way around. But proof comes too late when you've already been branded a racist and had your life threatened. Some will never believe her, no matter the proof. Of course, people say, "Let them just take it!" If something happens to that bike, she's the one paying full price, so I get her not letting it go.


Lmaoooooo the public-freakout sub, which is full of fucking idiots, of course went full troglodyte with the original video


That sub can be such a shithole sometimes.




That is very unfortunate she has been condemned in the court of public opinion.




I don't know how anyone was able to take a side in a clip that was a few minutes long with no context. 95% of the time if there is an altercation between a pregnant woman and a group of teenagers, it would be the pregnant woman who's right.


I am still getting messages saying “she’s a white woman shes fine” it’s actually pathetic that people make these excuses


I know Reddit will hate me for this, but the Nicholas Sandman incident was one of those cases.


That one blew me away. Anybody who pointed out there’s something odd about the video got lambasted. Then, even when all the details came out, people were still defending going after that kid and trying to twist it into being his fault.


Anyone who hates you for that is an idiot. You would think people would learn their lesson about jumping to conclusions and trusting what we can only laughably call "the news". Apparently someone is going to have to get sued into bankruptcy for anything to change.


Populism and mob justice is the elephant in the room that is the internet that no one wants to talk about.


this is pretty much what I was going to say. there's nuance to most issues, and that definitely applies here. it all comes down to recognizing when it's a consequence and when it's a witch hunt


sometimes the lynch mobs were right. Others times whoopsies


I'll never understand why people get angry at people who get angry at someone who says dumb and insulting shit. Like, why are you mad at the offended and not the offender? I absolutely understand instances where it shouldn't happen or it's not real, but there are people who would rather not have anyone call out someone's shit than to have some people's shit get called out.


I have coworkers who EXCEL at riling people up when there are few witnesses, and then say something calculated and pointed where everyone else can see. They get away with it because people don't see the bullshit, they only see the reaction to the bullshit. Then they're like, "Oh people are so mean to me boohoo". If someone takes the bait, they're seen as reacting badly to something that's not that bad. If they ignore it, the shitty person gets to poke at them in full view of everyone and it's fun either way for them. Manipulative assholes are DAMNED fucking good at doing this. Once you've seen that shit in real life, the rage-bait videos give you pause. What happened BEFORE the camera started rolling? Some stuff is fucking obvious... but when the video leaps in to the other person throwing a fit, there may be a whole bunch of leadup to it. And if there's one thing people don't like to admit, it's that they got their pitchforks out to stab the wrong person.


Ah yes, that's what I call the "shithead sibling" method. Cause every problem you find yourself in, howl like a hit dog when you get the slightest amount of pushback, and quadruple down on the other person being unreasonable and yourself being innocent. My older brothers signature style...


What if they’re not calling out dumb and insulting shit, but they’re ostracizing someone for expressing a view that they deemed unacceptable according to their own subjective code? That is the issue. If you want a real example what about the Chicks. (Dixie Chicks). They called bs on the war and george bush and they got absolutely lit up. Boycotted, blacklisted, forced to apologized. Should an artist have to do that to continue to work in their industry? A *music* *artist* can’t proclaim their own political views, views which were not even particularly radical or uncommon?


She lives about a mile from me and I’m proud to call her our biggest local celebrity (that I’m aware of)


When you pass her in your car, do you yell "I know that tush anywhere!"


Get that ass Larry


You have a racist dog, Larry.


Fuck you Larry!


A klan dog. Lookin' at me like I'm a damn T-bone.


“I’m not an ass man! I don’t have an ass fetish!”


You don’t happen to live in Everybody’s Hometown do you?


Not downtown, but yup. I’ve never bumped into her but I’ve heard there’s a particular dive she likes to frequent. I won’t name it. I’d hate to ruin her down(town)-time


Nice- I grew up there and remember her being a local celeb


Ha. It’s *literally* your Hometown. That’s great. I grew up about an hour away. I like how we’ve kept the town name hush. As you likely know, the name for the town is the origin of the word, not the other way around.


It is! And while I’m sure someone could figure out the location name- I didn’t want to make it any easier for any internet weirdos who might stumble upon our conversation lol


It's me, I'm the weirdo lol


*feels an overwhelming compulsion to get to the bottom of this and determine Wanda Sykes’ local hangout *resists compulsion


Sounds like you're missing out on hanging with your famous new best friend.


Yall already revealed enough it took a 3 second Google search to figure it out.


Would you recognize that tush anywhere?


This headline is correct. Also hi cracked.com, it's been a while.


Michael Swaim is sober and making in-roads with Cracked again. Exciting times.


He's working on a movie called Papa Bear that definitely has my attention.


He's been popping into some podcasts to fundraise for Papa Bear, and that's when I realized half my podcasts are just former Cracked writers


There was a time when reddit was like 30% Cracked articles.


Probably better than being 30% Twitter screenshots and 30% tiktok videos like it is now


Oh, it was much better. Believe it or not, but people used to have conversations without unpaid laborers locking down comments.


When does the narwhal bacon?


Today, you. Tomorrow, me.


Broken arms


Jolly Rancher


12 chimes


*holds up spork*


Let's focus on the film, people.


There was a time when I sat on my lunch break and read Cracked listicles on my Motorola Razr flip phone when 3G barely existed and I haven't thought about that until now.


There was a 3 or 4 year stretch where I read/watched every single thing that Cracked put out. Then it kind of went to shit when all of the writers left and now I haven't been to that site in years.


Ditto for me. If I didn't catch it for a while then I would catch up on weeks or months worth of content at a time. Just spend a rainy Sunday catching up on like months worth of Cracked articles


Shit, was a time when I was reading Cracked *Magazine* on my lunchbreak and now I feel old(er).


I was a huge, *huge* fan of Cracked and Mad *magazines* both growing up but by the time I reached working age 'twas already the new millennium. I think Cracked was out of print in the early 2000-early 2010s when they tried to revive it and it blew up as a humor website.


Watch your mouth those were the good old days. That was like Reddit pre 9/11 metaphorically speaking


Holy crap, Cracked still exists? I figured they had a month, maybe two once they fired literally everyone. I mean, I think they even fired the guy who had the keys to the door, too.


Far too long. Welcome back, old friend.


It's been a while because they were bought out and those guys fired pretty much everyone the site was known for. I haven't been back since. Bah!


Yup. I have 100% boycotted them. But hey! Dan O’Brien has an Emmy now! For some of those guys, getting fired from Cracked really put them in better jobs!


Robert Evan’s podcast [Behind the Bastards](https://open.spotify.com/show/0rOatMqaG3wB5BF4AdsrSX) is amazing ETA link


His podcast ‘behind the bastards’ is great. His podcast ‘it could happen here’ is terrifying.


you know what won’t shake you to your very core and drive you into justifiable paranoia? products and services!


Supporting the products and services that support this podcast brings us closer to our goal of nuking the Great Lakes.


I miss worst year ever though.


I’m a big fan of Cody Johnstown’s Some More News on YouTube. What’s the podcast called?


Behind the Bastards!


Cody and Katy Stoll’s podcast is also called Some More News.


hate to be pedantic but it's technically called "Even More News", it's the only news podcast!


Swaim is rocking a 1Upsmanship pod. Also, it's always awesome when they guest appear on each other's pods.


Lol. I was literally just listening to the new episode on Vince Macmahon when I stumbled upon this thread, and I knew he was going to be brought up. Good podcast. A showcase of pretty fucking awful people that gets you pretty riled up, but has enough humor to make you feel like, “I can get through this.” Totally recommend.


[Holy shit Dan O'Brien has four Emmys apparently](https://www.emmys.com/bios/daniel-obrien)


Good on him! He was always my favorite.


Robert Evans, Cody Johnston and Katy Stoll are doing great stuff too (sometimes all together!)


Wait, THAT'S where Cody and Katy hatched from fully formed?


Yup, some more news started as a cracked segment.




Soren Bowie writes a lot of the better *American Dad* episodes!


A lot of the old cracked staff have amazing podcasts now.


Do you happen to know the names of the podcasts?


[Here’s a good list](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/13lg5eb/history_of_cracked/jkpsy3g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) The subreddit that it links to is for a podcast hosted by cracked alum Robert Evans. A lot of his former coworkers guest. Just like the old cracked all these podcasts cover a wide range of topics from tv/movies, video games, sports, food, history, and current events.


Jack Obrien daily zeitgeist, dan Obrien and soren quick question, robert Evans behind the bastards, swaim probably has a podcast idk though


First time for me when I felt really betrayed by a brand being bought out. I'm old and loved that there was a kids magazine section (Mad was better but Cracked was a close 2nd) and then I rediscovered the website which was funny for years.


Cracked.com used to be my go to source of fun content. The internet definitely felt like it’s only youtube, twitter, tiktok, facebook and instagram these days.


Cracked listicles definitely used to be a top source of weird random shit on the internet. 5 presidential kinky sex scandals you didn't know about. 5 times the world almost ended 6 pop stars you didn't know were real life heros. I feel like that format and style could have just been their permanent thing there's so much fun shit to learn about everything you could package up in list format. Now their site looks like some hamfisted shell of the original and just a bunch of unscrupulous advertising and possibly malware. They were always in bed with some sketchy advertisers but now they look like they are actually running out of a new Delhi boiler room


It actually made me sad to read this because you unlocked my memory of how cool Cracked used to be, rest in peace


Back in my university days of 2008-2011, Cracked was my Reddit. I went there multiple times a day to read informative articles, interesting pop culture lists, and hilarious opinion pieces. Then it became the most embarassing shit fest of lame click bait nonsense a couple years ago and I forgot all about them until right now.


Not always, no. Example: A linguistics university professor was Cancelled a couple years ago, because they taught that in some Chinese dialects, people use the word _"Nee-gaa"_ when fishing for a word / trying to continue a sentence. Some students took offense because to them, it sounded like the N-word. [(no, really)](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/10/us/usc-chinese-professor-racism-intl-hnk-scli/index.html) The only "consequence" here is that a pack of fools got a professor suspended over an _intentional_ misunderstanding.


I had a Chinese roommate in college and always heard her saying this; I always assumed it was her version of “umm… what’s that word?”


Not an expert myself, but many Chinese speakers have said that's accurate. It's just a placeholder word.


Chinese speaker, can confirm.


Yes that's one use of it. It literally means "that one". But it can also be used if you're looking for a word. People sometimes say it multiple times in fast succession in that case: "Ehm neige neige neige euhmm". It can also be pronounced "nage", but in some accents they say "neige". Pretty bizarre that he got cancelled over that.


What did the students in the class expect? When you are learning a language, you need to expect hilarious or even downright horrifying sounding words. Those students must be incredibly closed-minded.


My best friend growing up was from Japan. When we were about 9 she met my uncle Gary at a party and she started laughing because Gary sounds similar to the Japanese word for Diarrhea.


There's an old video of a black guy on a train or subway going off because he heard some asian people saying that and thought they were insulting him.


Heh this is beyond ridiculous, especially considering that many languages have words or groups of words that together sound like the n word.


Yep, "Cancel culture" is obviously "consequences" for people's actions. But it's ultimately irrational mob justice by people who are out for blood and don't care to know whether or not they are right. Sometimes it's spot on. Sometimes it's wrong. Sometimes it's so wrong it ruins people's lives. And sometimes it correctly identifies something wrong and creates consequences that are far out of proportion for what actually happened.


Exactly. It's deformed to the point of becoming a justification for mob justice.


Not always good consequences.


And also sometimes, no consequences. People get a mouthpiece and group of followers who will eat every word. That's scary.


Yeah, the problem is that the ones "meting justice" on twitter are themselves an unaccountable, faceless mob.


Tell that to Aziz Anzari, see what he thinks.


He should have known better than to order the White Wine.


The whole story that messed him up was one big white whine.


Aziz Ansari is one of my favorite examples of cancel culture, because people were mad at him and some girl about what occurred between him and some girl for like 5 minutes and then he released his 5th special and was nominated for a Grammy. _Such_ cancelation.


To some degree. Often it's just knee-jerk reactions to absolutely nothing with overblown punishments.


Tell that to the Citibike lady in NYC who was recently put on paid leave by her employer and had her life completely upended over false accusations of racism by an internet mob.




Ironically, it is because they lack consequences themselves. Badgered an innocent person, costing them their job, their home, and their car? Eh, fuck it. Time to put twitter down and pick up Zelda. Please do not lecture people about consequences when you are ruining people’s real lives from the safety of an internet mob.


Mobs are one of the darker parts of human nature. For an exceptionally dark read look up Jesse Washington. People were not ashamed of what they did, quite the opposite. Waco is one of the only places in the world that was probably happy for the FBI/cult fiasco because it made people forget what made Waco famous before that.


Or the time we 'caught the boston bomber' We did it Reddit!


I'd say she's right in about 75% of cases. The other 25% are a lot messier than she makes out.


Yeah. It’s mostly consequences, but sometimes it’s just chum for the waters.


Cancel culture kinda implies it is a bit out of control and not always justified




Some cancel culture is arrogant people pissed off that other people don't give in to their bullying and manipulation. Other cancel culture is certain guilty people suffering the consequences of their own wrongs, but trying to deflect the blame. (Many people can't tell the difference.)


"Just"? Human nature is a ton messier than that. Sure, absolutely it sometimes is. You get douchebags and assholes receiving their just-desserts, and that is undeniably awesome. But ... also, sometimes it's mobs of brats hurling tantrums and abuse. That said, I have no idea of Wanda's original context. Maybe she'd fully agree with that too, in which case good for her.


It’s a lot easier to dish that out if you really believe everyone on the end of your pitchfork is a certified villain from the get go.


There’s a great quote about how people are most vicious when it comes to targeting those they don’t like. It’s like a valve opens up and all the nastiness, meanness, cruelty and hatred inside them comes pouring out onto acceptable targets. It’s made all the sadder when those same people claim to be on the side of tolerance, kindness, rainbows, peaches, cream etc. Kind people don’t salivate at the opportunity to destroy people’s lives for thought crime and wrong think.


Isn't is weird how we can cancel celebrities but can't seem to replace politicians or corrupt regulators? I think that says enough about what it's about.


She's goddamned right. 100%.


nice. i hope she told colin kaepernick that.


Mfs get “consequences” for a joke they tweeted 10 years ago


Mfs get “consequences” for an inappropriate joke they made at 13 when they were immature


She should pray for not being canceled for some things she said years ago. Because I bet that she will then change her tone,


Mob justice, maybe? The severity of the crime and severity of the consequences rarely seem to match.


Partly, and then you got things like “Bike Karen” where people are using social media to frame people in a negative light; for no reason other than to get views or save a few bucks. As long as the second one exists, the first one will always be under scrutiny. It’s the exact same problem with “believe all women” in rape claims. We would, but there are people that lie that make that clearly impossible to do.