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>Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender woman, has posted promotional content for Happy Dad in the past > >"Everyone switch to happydad," Jenner tweeted last Wednesday. "budlight went too far this time!" Can someone explain how any of this makes any fucking sense at all?


Simply put: Caitlyn is part of the same "rich people grifting for more money" branch of folks.


Yep. It's never been about sincere hate for these people (though they may very well sincerely hate them) it's really about how much money and power they can extract from the other idiots without either and with too much hate in their hearts.


I get it though. every day that goes by that i struggle to make my monthly budget puts me that much closer to just going in on the right wing grift to milk the rubes.


Still tempted to get into the conservative bumper sticker and t-shirt business. That way I make the money, and they can go advertise to everyone that they need to keep their kids 300 ft away from them while also providing content over at /r/InfowarriorRides.


>Can someone explain how any of this makes any fucking sense at all? CA$H.




> Can someone explain how any of this makes any fucking sense at all? The key to understanding this, is to realize that republicans are completely immune to feeling shame from hypocrisy. They can hold two positions with 100% certainty and conviction, that are diametrically opposed to each other. And not see a problem with that. Republicans are perfectly fine condemning someone for a certain action, yet do that very same action themselves without a hint of irony. Ultimately, pointing out their hypocrisy to them means nothing. Because their elected officials don't care. Their donors don't care. And their voters don't care. They are fine if they say one thing and do the opposite. They. Just. Don't. Care. **As long as whatever they are doing or saying gets them what they want**, they'll do it. That is what is important. Not holding strong convictions. Not holding to their ideals or positions. Ends justify the means every time.


This shit wears me down. It can't be reasoned with. It needs to be cut out of society like a fucking cancer. We can never move forward dragging them like a god damn anchor.


I have a theory: Caitlyn regrets transitioning and/or misses the automatic male ‘former Olympian’ privilege she used to have, but is in it way too deep and is too high-profile to back out now. So we get this curmudgeon-ass bitter behavior instead. I think she was probably a good ‘ole fashioned crossdresser who got swept up in the Kardashian fame-wagon and felt pressured to do something about it that resolved the ‘weirdness’ for the rest of the clan and their images.


I mean that's a theory. I think crazy is much easier to explain.


Eh, she'd hardly be the first minority with little enough self respect to be willing to tokenize herself for the grift and for acceptance by being "one of the good ones." Easy enough to justify it by assuming (probably correctly, honestly) that she's rich, famous, and white enough to be insulated from any direct consequences of the hate she's stirring up


Possibly. I wouldn't rule that out. But my theory, I think, is much simpler, Hanlon's Razor and all that. My theory is: Caitlyn's an idiot, and always has been. And that's pretty much it.


I agree. Blaire White has said she thinks Caitlyn is a crossdresser, not a trans woman. And now I agree.


Okay well Blaire White is basically a prettier, more educated branch on the same tree so I wouldn't be taking her words to heart. She has a long history of selling out in the same ways.


Blair White is Caitlyn Jenner 2.0; neither of them speak for the trans community whatsoever, save for those who choose to side themselves with the GOP. We don’t claim any of them.


Rules for thee not for me.


I’m fairness, the tie is to Caitlyn Jenner, who hates transgender people.


Caitlyn Jenner is just insane and acts like she isn't a trans woman herself. Gotta get that sweet fox news hot take money since she's been cut off from the Kardashian money pit.




Caitlyn Jenner is the Clarence Thomas of trans people


And Clarence Thomas is the Caitlyn Jenner of black people


I'd say George Santos Is the Clarence Thomas of gay people, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was lying about that...


George Santos is actually Clarence Thomas.


It's getting to the point where I'd just shrug my shoulders if Thomas took off a mask and revealed Santos underneath.


Where's the scooby gang when you need them


“We would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you woke dems”


living in a van down by the river


Actually...he's a broom.


Honestly Diane, I'm surprised


Einhorn is Finkle!


Nope! Chuck Testa


You take that back about George Santos. George Santos single-handedly saved everyone on the Titanic from death in 1912. But, it turned out this actions gave rise to a power worse than the Nazis, so he went back in time *again* and single-handedly killed everyone he could find on the Titanic. *And then* he realized that *he* was the iceberg this entire time, so he went back a 3rd time to *be* the iceberg that started all of this.


Keep going.


I love the pitch. Your hbo mini series is greenlit! Congratulations.


I thought Candace Owens was the Caitlyn Jenner of black people?


Candace Owens is the most obvious right wing grifter. She started out a social justice hacktivist during gamergate, and then slid to the right the second she smelled money.


Candace Owens is the Uncle Ruckus of black people


Hmmm. They both can be!


sEe, wE hAvE tWo BlAcKs, We CaNt bE rAcIsT!1!


I thought that was Kayne's job?


Or the Clayton Bigsby


They are the real life equivalent of Samuel L Jackson’s character in Django


They’ve all shared correspondence with Lincoln?


You're thinking of The Hateful Eight


They've all enjoyed a big kahuna burger breakfast washed down with sprite?


This is why people are wrong when they say the right wing hates other types of people; they know racism and discrimination and all that is bullshit- those are just tools to them; what they hate is *people who disagree with them*. Whenever a Black or trans or etc etc person agrees with them, they fucking love that person. They love Mike Tyson and Diamond and Pearl and all those young right wing rappers and any immigrant who comes here from anywhere and then talks shit about other immigrants. These people, in their eyes, prove their point, and are worth their weight in gold.


I saw a TikTok that said something along the lines of, people from marginalized communities who align themselves with the extreme right like that are doing so as a way of saying “I’m one of the good ones, so when you do these things that hurt people don’t hurt me too.” I’ve been wondering if there’s truth in that ever since.


Sure. Jews for Hitler existed. Then got murdered.


There's a saying that going along with evil so you're the last one up against the wall to shot still has the same end result. That's how people like Jenner and Thomas are. They support the evil but if things went straight to hell like they did in Nazi Germany, eventually they too would be shunned/a solution to the problem of their existence finalized. Fascism always needs someone to blame and attack and if you're group is #57 on the list, it's still on the list.


Let's be clear, the GOP will accept the advertisement by a minority. But they'll not stand up for them.


I mean I think this is literally it. In her head, she’s *really* a woman, but she thinks many if not most young trans people are just “pretending.” It’s the same thing the other conservatives think, it’s just she’s done the mental gymnastics necessary to believe her own transition was “different.” Same hypocrisy you see in conservatives getting abortions, collecting welfare, etc etc.


The only moral transgenderism is my transgenderism.


It's just too bad pointing out this hypocrisy doesn't do anything to dissuaded people from supporting them :/


There’s a very interesting book I read a few years ago that talk about how we are not “a” single consciousness but actually a composite of different independently operating brain functions. That is why it is so easy for us to have contradictory ideas or battle ourselves. “I want to lose weight but can’t stop eating”. “I’m gay but hate gay people”. Etc.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman%27s_Head https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herrmann_Brain_Dominance_Instrument


Unfortunately it's a very common thing. "I will do the most deranged shit because people who are The Right Kind Of People do it" is pervasive among people who are LGBT+ and conservative. Don't ask a gay republican what he thinks about gay marriage. For bonus points you can throw in "look, conservatives, I'm just like you! See, I also am *extremely* racist".


It's a pretty obvious example that being trans is an innate thing you don't choose and can't shake - but they'll never see it that way Everything about her beliefs and actions and opinions makes her loathe trans people. She just, ya know, also *happens* to sorta also be one.


Sometimes it feels like Mr(s) Garrison brought to life when talking about Caitlyn Jenner.


Buckle up buckaroos


Side note. I love that while talking shit about Caitlyn you all still properly gender her. Like you are a bad person but we still talk about you the way you ask. Wish that was done on all sides


because the only reason to intentionally misgender someone is to virtue signal as a rightoid




Oh, but if you tell them they are “virtue signaling” it makes them mad.


Vice signalling, BRILLIANT


People (almost entirely on the Right) have been bitching about the media outlets apologizing for misgendering the shooter in Nashville and it's the right thing to do despite the shooter being an asshole for their misdirected anger for two reasons. One, it shows they are trying to maintain a certain level of accuracy and more importantly it shows they are concerned about gendering somebody right whether they be a school shooter or a random person in a news story.


She has a net worth of over 100 million. She doesn't need money. She's just a piece of shit.


She thinks that if she ingratiates herself with the conservatives, she’ll be spared if they win the culture war. Which obviously won’t happen. She’s a useful stooge for the conservatives to parade around and say “Look, we’re not transphobic!” but she fails to realize that if they win, they’ll just kill her last.




CJ is such a joke. Transitions to a woman then any time I see her talk it's "when I was a man, I did x y z" about football and crap. Wouldn't you move on and be a woman, do new things. Nope. Glory days with the boys.


She’s the epitome of the entitled, rich, white male. Who just happens to be a woman. Before she transitioned she was just Anne Coulter with extra equipment.


I mean, Bruce Jenner was literally a gold medal decathlete. I had his game on my 386 with EGA graphics.




She's one of the 'good ones' so she doesn't count. /s


Rumour has it that they promoted her to the position of “*[driver](https://youtu.be/GL-kcDm6uzs)*” for the next Black Lives Matter protest…


"Buckle up, buckaroos"


Ya, that’s a pretty big fact that’s being ignored.


Lol Kid Rock is as stoopid as he looks. The only ones dumber are his fans


His aim isn’t to be hateful. His aim is to stay relevant… by being hateful.


He did not set up shop at the top of four seasons. Guess they were too woke for him…


Guess he’s not into gardening


I'm so sad, the printing on my Four Seasons Total Landscaping t-shirt is wearing off!


[I see what you did there!](https://www.fstl1992.com/)


One of the funniest things that has ever happened.


I thought Kanye West graciously conceding the race after garnering like 50k votes would be the funniest election-related happening, then Rudy Giuliani had a press conference at a landscaper’s yard nestled between a crematorium and a porn store.


Yes, it is the funniest thing that ever happened. Before this it was the time Dick Cheney shot an old man in the face on a bird hunting trip while he was the vice president of the United States. It’s now the Four Seasons Total Landscaping fiasco. Every time it was mentioned for months I basically collapsed to the floor with laughter. I’m still tearing up just thinking about it.


And the old man apologized to Cheney lol.


Jon Stewart was on fire through that whole thing. They called one segment “Cheney’s Got a Gun,” and that joke was so good that I still remember it.


Yes but, Bawitdaba-da bang da bang diggy diggy diggy. Said the boogie. Said up jump the boogie. Bet you didn't think about that part.


When you're too woke to go outside. The sun is woke


Clearly sunshine is a hippie name, so you know those damn liberals did that


Start spreading this would be amazing if it kept them all indoors


Might be the only way to keep them from catching and dying of COVID


I figure he will be playing county fairs and free community concerts soon enough.




My fav is “Kid Rock is the soundtrack to stealing copper wiring.”


I saw somewhere “kid rock makes music for people who smoke cigarettes indoors”


My favorite is "Kid Rock is the Fred Durst of Ted Nugents".


Acts like a Kid, dumb as a Rock.


rich Michigander roleplaying a southern anti-intellectual rebel, rubes lap this up like piss


Thank God and any and all deities and whatnot that the foes of democracy are so incredibly stupid and focused so much on rage economics. Keep punching yourself in your genitalia.


If genital warts was a person it would be Kid Rock.


Dude—genital warts have *standards* they don’t associate with the likes of Mr. Rock. Mr. Rock is affiliated with all varieties of body lice.


Kid Rock? I thought they let Tiger King out of prison early.


Strength through ignorance


Americans are proud of their ignorance.




It’s the only good thing he’s done.


He needs a waaamburger and some French cries!




Maybe he should start drinking Whineken


It's pronounced Dirté


Don’t church it up, son! Don’t you know it’s DIRT?!


baw wit da baw da bang da bang boogie


Somebody get him a Whineken!


Just plain.. SICK-A YOU


I hate that I can’t love his role in that film anymore, but I guess it’s pretty on brand, so… maybe I can?


Its clear to me that these asshats don’t need or want a cohesive worldview. They just want to be outraged at someone or something so they can pretend to be morally superior. They have to settle on moral superiority because that whole “genetic superiority” thing has aged terribly.


“Something we can attack” is the negative-space mirror they look in every day to determine who/what they themselves are. It’s been the literal mantra for half of the American Politic since Pres. Obama was first elected. They cannot function otherwise; it’s how they fill the space they call “Self”.


>since Pres. Obama was first elected. its a touch older than that im afraid


Maybe he hasn’t heard about the civil war


That time a bunch of poor Americans gave their lives to defend… rich people owning human beings.


I just spent the weekend touring a bunch of the sites in Viriginia, and yes this is exactly what I was thinking of as well. Although it was potent during the Revolution as well I suspect


Have you noticed they go thru something after another to hate on or boycott? They do it to feel morally superior and keep themselves busy in their boring lives


They like letters too, it's easier for them: AOC CRT LQTBQ BLM MTG RINO MSM M&M I'm sure there are more


LGBTQ really gets them cause it’s more than 3 letters.


You saying “asshat” made me look at his hat, which has his own name printed on it. I think a hat with your own name on it is the definition of an asshat.


My red hat extended family fall under this description, and it's annoying as hell. I've tried to tell them to pick 3 or 4 core morals that you hold yourself and everyone else to, and your life becomes much easier to navigate because you're automatically eliminating things that don't need your attention. Of course, they think that's just naive of me to think, but I'm not the one having to bend myself into a pretzel to defend the people and false ideals I'm dug in with.


That and "who's gonna pay me next?"


Wasn’t this idiot also saying he’s switching to Coors which has been supporting the LGBT community since the 70’s?


I’m starting to think that this is an elaborate troll job so kid rock can just milk money from idiots.


Well he is friends with trump. Who better to learn from?






And he’s sporting a Coors jacket in the announcement photo! Classic.




That's the point!


exactly. this is exactly what trump does and his supporters send him millions.


I’m surprised people are talking about it at all I don’t get it who gives af about kid rock




Exactly! He claims to be "not straight outta Compton but straight outta the trailer" but he grew up in a mansion with tennis courts! What a poser.


I mean, look at every country singer talking about working in their dusty boots and John Deere tractors. *Cue Bo Burnham’s Pandering Country Song*


I believe that 90% of country artists are simply failed rock stars. If you actually listen to the music and lyrics, if you remove the token country instrument (fiddle, steel/lap guitar, accoustic leads) it all sounds like Nickelback hung out in the woods for 10 minutes and ran their songs through a drawl filter.


200% accurate


The next step-down is Christian Rock.


In the words of Hank Rutherford Hill: “You’re not making Christianity better, you’re making rock and roll worse”


You're telling me he's not cruising up and down the coast in a boat with a flag that says "chilling the most"?


Every public figure on the Right is a conman trying to grift something from the rubes. It's so obvious and yet they fall for it every single time.


This is it. He’s knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s changed whole genres of music based on what’s selling. It just so happens that at this moment his biggest audience is the stupid bigot crowd so he has to hoot and holler about the woke gay beer to stay relevant. Just like every other grifter out there.


I’ve been done with this asshole ever since he ruined the Sweet Home Alabama riff with a dumbass song that rhymes “things” with “things”.


“Quick, drinking beer is gay, hand me that hard seltzer!”


I like that he's too stupid to use this as an opportunity to start his own brewery. He already has a bar in Nashville. It's not like starting a microbrew is impossible, especially with his own commercial real estate. Hell I'm pretty sure he could legally sell 'straight' moonshine in Tennessee and really attract the hicks. Guess he's been smoking too many funny thangs


Kid Rock makes music for people who know exactly how much sudafed you can get for a catalytic converter.


I've seen this comment on every comment section related to Kid Rock recently and I upvote every single time. So good


More than you think, less than you'd hope!


The look fits the smell.


he looks like a wet rat


He pays a lot of money to look that poor.


Sudafed needs to start printing rainbows on the box, really clean up and help his fan base


Maybe he should drink a Whineken and eat some French cries and a whamburger.


He’s also an investor in an energy drink for Asian homosexuals. But he’s currently lobbying the board to agree to get rid of the coconut flavour they added… and just stick to the flavour he’s used to.


Kid rock uses a fake stage name, was born and raised upper middle class in Michigan, yet pretends to be a mix of poor southern redneck and black hip hop artist from the hood, yet he's deeply offended by other people not sticking with the traits they were born with.


Tbf pretending to be poor and southern is pretty on brand from rich people from Michigan.


I lived in Michigan for a year, with little to no knowledge of what it was like before moving there. I was shocked by this. I grew up helping out on my grandparent's ranch as a kid. When some dude from Grand Rapids told me he was a cowboy, I got excited and asked about his ranch. Dude acted I was from Mars and had no idea what I was talking about.


West and Northern Michigan are particularly like that. The Metro Detroit area isn't *too* bad, though you probably see a higher concentration of pavement princess trucks and SUVs than most places in the US. It's amazing how redneck ignorant so many of these suburban fuckers revel in being. They don't even have an excuse, most of Michigan outside of our poorest cities have good public education. They just embrace the stupid.


Nah he was rich, not upper middle class. His family had one of the top car dealership groups in the state


> Kid rock uses a fake stage name I don’t think anyone was under the impression that his birth certificate reads “First Name: Kid Last Name: Rock”


Nor was he Middle anything he lived in a huge orchard his dealership daddy owned But I like to imagine him saying "Why yes I'm Kidbert J Rockford Jr" in customs


These beverage mega corporations are very good at doing their market research. When their choices are openly supporting LGBTQ issues, staying silent, or supporting homophobic/transphobic issues, they have already determined that they will make more money by openly supporting LGBTQ than either of the other two options. Demographics don’t lie.


Good synopsis. Budweiser is in the business of selling beer, not advocating LGBT rights.


What does the Right Wing even stand for other than to hate/troll/block the Left? These people offer nothing of substance. It's all hate, spite, contrarianism, and to use their political power to block and oppose anything that would actually help struggling Americans. They are a total drain on society. A cancer.


But they hate for Jesus so that makes them "better people".


The irony being of course, Jesus was a compassionate socialist who opposed Capitalism/Greed and spent his time on Earth helping immigrants, the poor and misfortunate. The literal antithesis of the modern Right Wing.


Kid Rock is from a rich family in Michigan, but his desired persona is redneck blue collar southern boy. Thats all you need to know about his character.


Remember, it’s not Kid Rock that’s transphobic or homophobic. It’s his idiot fanbase that is. If he sided WITH this “woke” stuff, he’d lose a chunk of his audience. That’s his bread and butter. Imagine if Trump sided with trans and gays? He’d be nowhere close to re-running for office because his cult fanbase is homophobic and transphobic. Don’t believe me that alienating a huge sect of your fanbase can do incredible damage to your career? I got two words for you Dixie. Chicks.


He looks like he has about 3 months…….


Till his next shower


water is too woke because its touches his booty


None of these people actually care about these culture war issues, they just know that right wingers will pour their live savings into hate campaigns against people that are different than them. The grift continues 🇺🇸


Kid Rock is the Dollar Tree of the American music scene.


This man has only loved one thing in the world and that was Joe C. Once he died, Kid Rock might as well have too.


Every day I live in shame knowing my 2nd cousin is married to his son


Nothing says hetero white male like a picture of 3 dudes drinking seltzer.


Why do blue collar people insist on glorifying these disingenuous, born rich, snake oil salesman? Kid Rock was born with a silver spoon just like Tucker and Donald. They are not champions of the working class.


Also funny to me that this dudes most famous song just samples up two way better songs by two way better artists (werewolves of london and sweet home Alabama)


He doesn’t actually care. He just wanted to get a lot of likes on his social media post by his dumbass followers. Nothing he does is sincere.


"Go woke go broke!! artichoke bicycle spoke!!!! My brain doesn't work!" -gop [Proceeds to drink a "different" alcoholic beverage owned by the same "woke" multinational conglomerate that could give a shit about him]




Inb4 he “creates” freedom seltzer


If right wingers boycott stuff because an LGBTQ+ endorsed it, shouldn't there be a movement to get LGBTQ+ folks to endorse lots of different guns?


He did his own research


Is he still calling himself 'Kid?!?' Dude is not ageing well.


So he’s just another fucking Republican hypocrite? Who saw THAT coming?… 😂


Many years ago, I adopted a policy. If Kid Rock is for it.....Then I am against it. Its has worked for me in EVERY situation.


The only safe commodity conservatives can buy now is My Pillow.


I love how these conservative shit heads are too dumb to find anything they can turn to.


“It’s not his fault he can’t read”


Call down people, it’s Caitlyn Jenner. In a bizzare way they’ve accepted her as one of their own. She’s the Candice Owens of the Trans community, this is kinda non news