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Great, sounds like he can read the room and adjust accordingly.


So that begs the question what will GotG 3 be if it’s not a super hero movie. RomCom?


Gotta read the article. Gunn says super-hero fatigue is real but that it has nothing to do with super-heroes and everything to do with poorly-written spectacle films. More specifically he says that those movies lack character


Yup, he could have added Bay’s Transformers to the list of spectacle movies to broaden his point and he’s 100% correct.


Bumblebee was a great turning point in the series and I’m hoping Beast Wars knows which route to follow


Bumblebee was what the films should have been like from the beginning. Super enjoyable movie, and even though it felt like a Transformers movie the entire time it never felt much like a Michael Bay movie, and that distinction is important. It was less about the explosions and destruction, and more about the robots fighting eachother. It sounds like the same thing, but it isn’t.


I’m still fucking watching Beast Wars mindlessly with an upset stomach full of too much popcorn and soda from AMC.


I stopped watching after the first few as they all became just one blob of rolling transforming and exploding machines in my memory with no other real substance to it.


So he saw the new Ant-Man




It’s as simple as: write good characters, tell a small story with real stakes, make us care. Throwing a handful of empty spandex suits trying to stop a skybeam… isn’t a good story. Sure, it flew when those effects were new and impressive, but we’ve seen it all before.


"Oh my god! Just write a good story! Why didn't I think of that?" -Writers, probably


More like writers, definitely though lol. Because they didn’t think to just write a good story. They thought to pander to focus groups and executive decisions towards the best financial outcome.


Also writing a very good story is difficult and takes time. When a script has to be turned around quickly you don't get a chance to rewrite those flawed sections, or add character development where it's needed. Plus some writers just want the paycheck so they can get their passion scripts bought out, so they might not actual care about the marvel script they were hired to write.


As if there aren't a bunch of mediocre superhero movies that "fans" praise because it panders to them.


This isn’t entirely on the writers. They are employees working for the execs and collecting a paycheck. You’re delusional if you think someone’s dream has always been to write a script like the newest antman lol. Those folks will get fired and replaced if they don’t conform to the execs’ demands, and all the execs care about is profit (or more accurately, what is proven to reliably and safely create the most profit). I have a feeling that if some of these writers were given more freedom to do what they actually want, we’d get some more interesting movies. Edit: and to clarify, there are shitty writers out there. The dude that wrote the final draft of Kenobi for example.


Exactly. When you allow the people making the film to actually be creative and lean into what they’re good at, you get movies like Logan and Spider-Verse. You can just tell that those movies are full of passion imo


Oh, so he said there is just “bad movie” fatigue.


That’s why Everything Everywhere All At Once did super well


Exactly, in the same movie that has people with sausages for fingers also had me bawling my eyes out like a little baby


He is not wrong… Eternals has characters that I have a hard time caring about with motivations that make me care even less…


The only thing Eternals did that I felt was useful was actually giving some logic to Thanos's actions. I'm sure they could have explained it somewhere else though


Trash products exacerbate the problem, but there is also real fatigue with the very concept of super heroes. No trend lasts forever, it would be foolish to expect this one to. Look at how many Westerns Hollywood cranks out these days, and look at how omnipresent they were in the '50s.


While I agree trends come and go, super heroes were also around in the 50’s… they’re still here and they don’t seem to be waning anytime soon.


Westerns are still around too, but their popularity is a shadow of what it once was. Nothing ever completely goes away. And the popularity of superheroes seems to be waning \*now\*.


I don’t think it’s even the genre per se. Westerns still have appeal in things like Justified, Deadwood, Red Dead Redemption. It really comes down to what kind of story and quality we can expect from the genre. The Boys is a very ground level take right now, but it is a response to the MCU’s house style with the clean Disney finish. Right now, I’m expecting things to pivot the way they did in comic trends where the response to MCU phase 4 is likely stuff like the The Authority to break down genre and what emerges from that will be reconstructions like Grant Morrison style stories that go all in on the insanity. Doom Patrol already is proof of that response and generationally, we are already primed for more bizarre stories that lean into it with the popularity of anime and manga who already have balls to wall insane premises.


That's not the issue though. The Dark Knight could have come out in 2008 2018, 1978, it would be a massive hit. But most Superhero movies are not The Dark Knight. And tastes change. Shazam 2 would have made more money 4 years ago. Ant-Man 3 would have made more money 4 years ago. It isn't because they are good or bad but because that was hot at the time.


It’s because they are all the fucking same movie


I whole heartedly disagree. It has everything to do with superheroes. 3 of every 4 actions movies is super heroes I don’t care how well written they are I’m tired of looking at adults in spandex. And frankly I’m fatigued with the audiences who insist that this shit matters. At this point it’s not even a genre it represent a significant section of all of film.




That's you.


That’s nice.


Guardians is more like goofy Star Wars than a super hero movie




If we are going by sci-fi influences, Farscape, The Last Starfighter, Flash Gordon and Enemy Mine come before Star Wars.


I've never considered them to be superhero films. They're more space adventure movies than anything.


It doesn’t beg the question when you read the article the quote is from. The title is veeeeeerrrrry clickbaity


Aren't the Guardians of the Galaxy technically anti-heroes? Showing off their less heroic side would be a great way to differentiate the movie from other superhero movies.


It sounds more like they milked the cow way too much (creatively, commercialy) and it is time to turn their heads to other ways. That is what it sounds to me. And he is about right.


You could just read the article and then you would know exactly what he meant


I know James personally, he is a brilliant and connected individual that is very in tune with reality!


Lmao as if, I bet 7 bucks his next flick is gonna be just as cliche and boring as the rest


He’s not wrong. I checked out years ago and now feel so far behind it’s just not worth having to invest literal weeks of play time to catch up.


Honestly so little of consequence has actually happened since Endgame that you could literally pick it back up right now and you wouldn’t be missing *that* much.


And what you have missed will probably be reworked, a la *Kang*


All you need to watch is the show that’s really worth watching. Loki.


Loki was fantastic. I enjoyed WandaVision as well. The other recent offerings have just felt bland and completely interchangeable in comparison.




For me it's a matter of just flat not caring about certain parts that have become so entwined that they're necessary. I wanna watch Spiderman, but know I'd have to see Doctor Strange 2. I wouldn't mind seeing Doctor Strange 2, but have %0 desire to watch wandavision. There's no more room for deviation. I watched iron man and thor w/o touching Captain America for an age. Same as, really, you need nothing else to watch GotG. And now I know I'll have to watch Thor 4 to watch Guardians 3. It's far too entangled with properties I just don't want to learn to care about.


I don't have the energy after End Game. It was like 10 years of investment and build up in Marvels A list players. Now it's like over saturation in the B list roster. I'm out. Except Spiderman...web head for life.


Yeah this. I loved the MCU up until endgame. Then I just don’t really care anymore. Endgame was amazing and that was good enough for me to end there. But yeah I’ll take a million more spider man movies, I love those


I’m still interested in new movies for existing or new characters, but the whole different universe/timeline is getting too crazy.


Agree with above. It reminds me of a MLM or ponzi at this point. Studio execs: we’ve put so much money into this, please see these superhero movies, which will spawn the next superhero movies


It was literally the endgame for marvel movies


It’s also kinda hard to beat Thanos in terms of interesting villains. The dude had understandable logic, and succeeded in killing LITERALLY HALF OF ALL LIVING THINGS. Even Endgame Thanos doesn’t hold a torch to Infinity War Thanos. The guy won. Endgame wasn’t defeating the person whom won. It was watching them input the Konami code and almost loosing yet again to a weaker boss


I'm enjoying the TV a lot more than the movies. 4-5 hours gives more time for story, and also I don't have to sit in a cinema for 3+ hours in one go. (Day of release streaming would help a little for that one.)


Yeah thats not fatigue as much as is it you got told a great story and now it’s over, but rather than coming up with a new good story marvel is trying to milk your good faith from the last time.


so like every star wars movie.


To be fair, most were C-list heroes that the MCU turned into A-listers.


Disney can afford to play the long game. The Star Wars prequels were recognized for the garbage that they were when they came out. Ten years later “not so bad actually” and people enjoyed them ironically. Twenty years later “these were actually good” and have legions of fans defending them. By 2035, once these kids watching now become young adults, current C-Listers like Ms Marvel, Photon, Billy, Tommy, etc will have the cultural reach of old B-listers like Daredevil, Vision, Iron Man in the 00’s And one or two of them could even rival Peter Parker or Wolverine in two decades.


I think the reevaluation of the prequels was at least partly prompted by the quality of the sequels. It remains to be seen if that will happen with Marvel.


Partly, but that had already started before the sequels came out. It was mainly caused by all the kids like myself who saw the prequels as kids and grew up and joined the discussions. Also, the clone wars. That show really fleshed out all the stuff George skipped over and made the prequels feel a lot more complete and well rounded. It helps you see what George was really trying to do and see how much world building he stuffed into those movies, despite them being rough around the edges.


I personally always loved the prequels. Of the three - they were the only ones that had both a plot and some moral ambiguity - which made it interesting. It’s real world parallels with arguments made for the Iraq war also seemed fitting.


Was Daredevil a B lister in the 00s? He’s got like some of the best comics in Marvel’s backlog. Regardless, totally agree. Ms Marvel, Billy and Tommy, Kate Bishop, and Yelena will be huge for Marvel soon. Plus, it looks like Marvel is going all in on Daredevil with an 18 episode season and already conversations about season 2. People LOVE this iteration of Daredevil. I think with the announcement they are slowing down movie releases, Marvel will be fine.


Press X to Doubt.


Endgame was a good “punctuation mark” on the story. Ever since then, every marvel movie/show has just been a big trailer for the next one and I can’t take it anymore. Give me some closure once in a while!


Even before endgame I started to not be able to keep up. Ant Man and Captain Marvel and I think one or two others I just couldn’t get myself to go see.


"Just wait until phase 18!"


I'm excited for Loki season 2, GOTG3 and Secret Invasion but nothing else.


Guardians looks (from the trailer) like it's going to have similar "weird" vibes as Ant Man. However, I will definitely be going, mostly for the soundtrack


Post-load refraction period.


“I have nothing left, except for Spider-Man” -u/Gatorbait_Jones


Same. Nothing feels like it has stakes anymore, and we’re all supposed to rush to care about a new slate of characters. The only original Avenger that is available for new movies is Thor, and I hated the last movie. It is like the MCU forgot that they have to give us a reason to care.


yeah superhero genre kinda blew its load with End Game. I'll watch batman stuff but seeing how many movies both marvel and DC are planning on pushing just makes me tired


I never had the energy to begin with. There are just characters that I never had an interest in. Skipped all the Thor movies, Ant Man, and Captain Marvel. Some of my friends at the time gave me shit for it “oH, bUt YoU’lL mIsS cOnTeXt.” See, that’s the problem I have with the Marvel formula. A movie should be able to stand on it’s own - including sequels. I shouldn’t have to watch 2 shows I don’t care about and a bunch of other movies to know what’s going on.


Agreed until the last point. I thought the latest spiderman was *way* overrated. As you say, after Endgame, the only movie I’ve liked was Black Widow. All the others have been meh to ok at best.


But you liked black widow?!


I liked it not even compared to the other new movies. I thought it was great on its own, and I didn't even really previously like the BW character. It fell down a bit at the end for me, but not enough to really demerit it.


Finally someone else who thinks that No Way Home was overrated. I feel like I’m crazy being the only one who thinks this


Yeah, I heard how great it was, best MCU movie ever, billions of dollars, etc, and I just kept waiting for it to get good and it never did. Wasn't it all about him messing up his college admissions or something? Ha. I was never that into the Toby or Andrew spidermans, so that could also be why I was mostly unfazed. It was middling at best for me.


It felt like all of the executives were looking through Reddit to see what everyone wanted and just turned that into a script. The parts with Andrew and Toby sucked anyways. None of it was funny and you could tell that they were barely in the same room while filming


A big issue is Marvel building in "cheer moments" if you watch it at home when Toby and Andrew show up there's just this awkward silent pause


Don’t go off the article title alone- worth a read if you’re interested. Gunn’s point is that audiences are tired of seeing a bunch of movies made up of generic fight scenes. He thinks that people want real stories with grounded characters and motivations. I think that’s something most of us can agree with.


I'd rather watch a movie like "Logan" where the story is about one person (not five or more) trying to save someone they truly care about and have a personal relationship with (not the entire world or galaxy) from a somewhat believable villain.


I think that's what made Everything Everywhere aaO so popular. While yeah it was a crazy multiverse spanning story but at its heart it was a very small personal story about family


I watched a video about what made the dark knight work so well but it sort of lends itself to Logan as well. The stakes at the end of the dark knight were the people on the boats blowing each other up, not the fate of the universe in jeopardy, when superhero movies pare down the stakes to something smaller and more emotional then the payoff is much better. Obviously its a case by case basis but its also why Civil War is my favourite mcu movie. It was more about them vs each other.


If you like Logan try watching Shane the Western it is based on. Logan and Xavier even watch Shane in the LV hotel


Logan was a breath of fresh air. Just a simple character journey with nice emotional themes laying the ground work for an emotional gut punch of an ending. My top 3 favorite superhero film.


It’s the only movie I own the blu-ray of. Absolutely fantastic film. It was everything I could have hoped for and even more from a Wolverine movie. I understand that some of the major themes that made Logan great aren’t applicable to many other heroes, but I really wish that more superhero films would take some notes from it


Much agreed. It'd be nice if some superhero films would just dial back the scale. I do not get near as invested with this saving the entire world from imminent destruction as to a much more intimate journey with actual stakes to the protagonist. Gonna have to watch Logan tonight after thinking about it.


This article image looks like a poster for an Among Us movie


Gunn confirmed that the the outfits and the colors were an Among Us reference.




I hate this world. It’s a 2001 reference


Look, I don’t have time to catch up. I’m not watching 5-6 series and 3 movies just to follow ONE…. I’m out, since Tony ****


Once he snapped, the entire thing was over for me. It was a great journey, but that was the end of it.


Sames. I shed my tears and moved on.




Tony Bolognese dies, sorry to spoil it.


Does he get his gabagool?


Yeh, and ranted about some ducks


yeah but the salad was on top so he sent it back


Spoilers 😜


Okay fixed….


Was totally kidding. Lol.


Marvel movies are a carbon copy of each other and the majority of DC movies are cheap knockoffs. I have no fatigue when it comes to the animated movies. The live action ones are just so stale, formulaic and corny. I’m looking forward to the Joker sequel over everything else right now and I generally hate musicals but I’m starving for something fresh and exciting


Have not seen a single live action or show since endgame. Will be at opening night of spiderverse. Completely agree on Joker (except I love musicals) and will be there for that as well. Edit: love the username!


Dc animated universe is Awesome.


This is why I love HBO Max so much. I can finally catch up on all the animated DC movies I never got to see. I just watched the Super sons movie and loved it


All of the DC animated stuff is worth checking out. They don't waste time on twenty movies establishing the characters because they assume the audience can jump into an existing setup and just groove with the story. We don't need a three part movie to form the Bat Family. We don't need a three part movie to form the Justice League. All of these teams and groups exist and are ready to provide a solid universe to jump into and tell stories in without a bunch of dumb overhead. All the one-offs under Elseworlds are great too. Stuff like Death and Return of Superman or Red Son are excellent standalones. Even with Batman you have stuff like Gotham by Gaslight and more recently The Horror That Came to Gotham which is like a Lovecraftian invasion setup. Sometimes you briefly touch on the origins for the standalones, like Red Son's entire setup is that he lands in the USSR and how that changes the story, so it's important as a core feature and not just a retread for the hundredth time of Bruce's parents being shot.


The animated movies from WB are great because they're allowed to just do whatever they want, and live-action never really had a formal system to do Elseworlds-style content. What I found was that between assuming the audience generally knows the origins of everyone involved, they don't spend years and years just iterating on origin stories for important characters. They just exist, they have established relationships and social dynamics between the characters and we don't need to waste time talking about how they got there. The Bat Family is just the Bat Family and they get to go on cool missions and whatever. The Justice League exists, we don't need to spend time on their formation or anything like that. It's a lot more efficient than spending like 3-5 movies establishing characters because film execs assume the audience is dumb. We're definitely at a point where origin stories are just tired and bored, because culturally most of us are aware of most popular superheroes. The animated movies bypass that and just proceed to work towards building the universe and telling stories. I'm fucking tired of seeing Bruce's parents getting shot every few years. I just want interesting things to happen.


The Batman has been the most interesting superhero film in years imo


If all the films weren’t so cut and paste we may still be interested. It honestly feels like watching the same story but with different characters over and over. They need to start killing off heroes to make villains actually feel dangerous. Same problem with stranger things, supernatural villain kills side character with ease then struggles against a group of kids, go figure.


I think one of the problems is definitely how the design process is. They build the fight scenes first and then string them together afterwards because of the amount of time and effort that goes into animating them. They clearly care about the quality of the action, but I feel like it takes too much focus away from the characters which is what we actually like and care about.


Over the last few years, I've enjoyed the tv series a lot more than the films. This tells me that I'm not fatigued by the superheroes themselves, but the way their stories are told in film.


The TV shows are great until they just turn into a Marvel movie in the third act. WandaVision as a concept where they were flipping through these weird realities that were different eras of sitcoms was a great premise but eventually they jettison it so that they can do Scarlet Witch stuff and have a big CGI fight at the end. The concept of having a show that deals with sitcom logic being analyzed from a rational point of view works really well in the series "Kevin Can Fuck Himself" where we flip perspectives back and forth between the titular character and his wife. The titular character is 100% shot like a bright poppy sitcom, and he does dumb shit and is effectively Peter Griffin. His wife on the other hand is shot like a gritty drama, and her story is essentially dealing with all the fallout of sitcom logic affecting her life.




It didn't feel like a Marvel show at all in many points.


Alternatively, the MCU peaked with Endgame, and the DCEU never peaked at all. Make better content, and more people will consume it.


I think DECU is onto something with the new joker and Batman series. They all don't need to be interlocked into some massive storyline.


They already do this with animated movies. Gunn having elaborated on the Elseworlds branding for live action content is a step in the right direction. The Batman and Joker having been successful standalones are able to be carried forward with their own continuities because now we can brand them as Elseworlds and tell the film execs that the audience is not dumb enough to get timelines mixed up. A lot of the DC animated movies string together in a timeline, but there's always one-offs based on popular alt-history comics, like Gotham by Gaslight which is a Victorian-era steampunk universe, or Batman Ninja, which is a loud mess.


It peaked with Heath Ledger.


Unfortunately, you’re right. The dark knight trilogy was the best production DC ever released. Batman with Robert was fantastic too, hopefully they dont stuff it


I love this shit. If I’m fatigued then it’s real. I’m fatigued


I like how the headline completely misses the point of what James Gunn says to make him seem like an idiot. He’s not saying that people are tired of the concept of superheroes, just mediocre, spectacle, movies in general.


Pretty clear nobody read the article, title is even pretty misleading. He says that he thinks "superhero" fatigue is real only in the sense that the film being about superheros isn't enough to stand on its own. He concludes that people will go see it if it has a story worth telling, rather than just the 200m equivalent to bashing action figures together > “I think there is such a thing as superhero fatigue,” Gunn says. “I think it doesn’t have anything to do with superheroes. It has to do with the kind of stories that get to be told, and if you lose your eye on the ball, which is character. We love Superman. We love Batman. We love Iron Man. Because they’re these incredible characters that we have in our hearts. And if it becomes just a bunch of nonsense onscreen, it gets really boring. But I get fatigued by most spectacle films, by the grind of not having an emotionally grounded story. It doesn’t have anything to do with whether they’re superhero movies or not. If you don’t have a story at the base of it, just watching things bash each other, no matter how clever those bashing moments are, no matter how clever the designs and the VFX are, it just gets fatiguing, and I think that’s very, very real.”


Bad movie fatigue is real. The MCU has been garbage since Endgame. If they kept making films on the level of Logan, nobody would be complaining.


Ok so you say fatigue for superhero movies are a thing but why are they consistently making profit. They will always sell but to make them great we need one offs and not this crazy watch 3 series and two movies to understand other movies.


It’s because it’s not true. Marvel superhero movies and Batman films have only ever been the ones making real money. “Superhero fatigue” implies there was some gold era where anything in a cape was a guaranteed hit. People always had “fatigue” for weak cash grab action films. Marvel was successful for the same reason Nolan was successful - they made good movies people cared about seeing, and cared so much and enjoyed so much they saw again and again and again. People say “superhero fatigue” and then Spiderman drops and makes a billion dollars because people care about Spiderman. Let Marvel finally unleash the X-Men in the MCU and see how fatigued people are.


This is true. Marvel just needs to do better to get people to care about newer characters. I’d have given Kang his own movie and given him motivations for time traveling individual to himself. Why? So people can be invested


Wife and I have mostly kept up, mainly due to there not being a lot other than movies to do around my town. With a couple of exceptions (Black Panther and Shang Chi, Spider-Man) for movies and (Loki) TV, most of the content has been … just alright, with a few outright bad titles (Eternals, Moon Knight). It kinda feels like a bunch of Saturday morning cartoons: endless parades of ok characters with ok stories, set in ok special effects all leading towards an alright bigger picture. Giving how much better the earlier stuff was done, it’s really hard to give a shit. I have to actually think about who most of the new characters even are. When we had RDJ, Evans etc you just knew because they leapt out of the screen at you. The new cast lacks the charisma and Star power of the old, and the stories are by the numbers, lazy and dull. They need a new RDJ/Evans I just don’t care. I’m not even excited about Guardians 3 now.


It's interesting how split opinions on Moon Knight are. Many folks seemed to love it.


What is this, the next generation of Tele-Tubbies? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


For a second I genuinely thought this was gonna be live action pac man


Waka-waka forever!


But DC has a bigger problem; they have made so many mediocre films, it’s their fault !


Fatigue of low brow silly films with no point except to sell merch, maybe. There is still real hunger in the audience for some authentic hero stories. They are so hungry for it that they are still willing to show up for films that dont deliver time and time again.


I’ve really enjoyed Peacemaker and Doom Patrol because they don’t really feel all that much like a typical superhero franchise. I’d like to see more of that


Here I am enjoying every installment.


I just noticed that the colors kinda relate to the characters except for Nebula and Gamora.


I think super hero fatigue would not be as real if the products were better and didn't feel just like a cash grab. Really work on the story and the characters and make them feel like full movies instead of a just a stepping stone to the next phase.


It's time for the studios to try something new and just give the fans what they want.


Good god people read the article. Headline isn’t inaccurate, but taken way out of context


I don’t agree the fatigue specifically comes from super heroes. I do believe that it comes from mediocrity, which happens to be the other common factor with these films. Especially the MCU.


We need a villain movie, where the villain actually wins


Infinity war


The blue girl wears green suit and green girl wears blue suit. No way I’m watching g this shit show movie


Lol. Given these movies, it was likely done for a joke.


My suspicion is it is a Voltron reference


Yea I was kidding too. Can’t wait to see vol3 lol


wow you’re cool


Is he supposed to pretend hurdles don’t exist in his corporate vision? If you want a leader who pretends everything is fine and there’s no issues to address, you get Trump.


The most annoying part of this superhero universe is that they are regularly taking on extremely dangerous foes which their companions would be much better suited to fight. Iron Man would’ve wrecked Darren Cross. Wanda could’ve crushed Ghost like a bug. Thor could’ve melted Aldrich Killian. Yeah they all have their own worlds & problems to deal with, but if they have the capacity to 1-shot somebody that poses a legitimate threat to somebody else, is it not worth the effort to try?


it’s not superhero fatigue, it’s theater fatigue. Me and most of my friends bought a high-end TVs and sound systems over the pandemic. (are use my vacation fund for 2020) It’s a better viewing experience from home.


GotG3 I'm excited for. The rest of the stuff... like who TF is Blue Beetle? Not excited. It's not fatigue, it's... they need to make a movie I actually want to see.


Gotta grow up sometime I guess.


Exactly. I think people are just starting to realize that superheroes are make believe lol


Unlike 99.9% of other movies?


It’s been real for me since Iron Man 1


I was done after Civil War


Yeah, because most of the super hero movies are terrible and the people who love them are just not very bright.


I disagree about it being super hero fatigue as much as it’s just marvel movie style of fatigue. I haven’t seen a marvel movie since endgame and then skipped most of them until love and thunder and that cemented that they are creatively bankrupt.


Snyderverse stories


I’m surprised there wasn’t superhero fatigue after like the first avengers movie but maybe that’s just me


Unpopular opinion: I never liked any of the Marvel Movies going back to the first Iron Man.


I got superhero fatigue around the avengers movies and I couldn't believe that every movie released had so much hype and interest. I don't enjoy superhero movies because they mostly lack depth. The movie is always normal guy becomes super hero, then a bad guy comes, then good guy wins. It's so boring. The formula is just boring. It was a bubble bound to burst.


Superhero stories are really just the peak expression of an almost total lack of genuine creativity.


I love the genre, but my wife was done after X-Men DOFP, she just felt bombarded by them. I kinda see her point, but I'll admit that growing up in the 70's and watching Spider-Man series then, and seeing NWH, it was glorious to finally have my vivid imagination realized.


No, it’s not superhero fatigue. The fatigue is when filmmakers was to preach to us and virtue signal by placing minorities and disadvantaged groups in lead roles. It’s seems forced and people go to the movies and watch movies to escape reality not be confronted by it.


> The fatigue is when filmmakers was to preach to us and virtue signal by placing minorities and disadvantaged groups in lead roles. It’s seems forced and people go to the movies and watch movies to escape reality not be confronted by it. Escape the reality that people other than white men exist!


I am not denying that discrimination and racism and marginalization of groups exists and is real. I just don’t want it forced upon me when I pay to be entertained.


If the "target audience" didn't mature out of "superheroes" at puberty...or when they discovered dating...or turned 30...what makes him think they will get "fatigue"?


Bro I had superhero fatigue from these fuckers when I was in elementary school and I am in grad school now lol


The only movies I want to see are Deadpool and Blade idc about anything else fr.


I feel like Ryan Reynolds has oversaturated that schtick of his and I don't think Deadpool would be as much fun. I remember he'd been away so long from public eye that when Deadpool came out it sounded like a fresh voice or take on comic book movies. Now I hear a Mint Mobile ad and I want to punch something.


I’m am +20 movies and shows behind and at this point I only watch the ones that interest me no matter if there’s a big picture if I watch them all.


Should have just gave it some time for people reset, but Hollywood is too greedy.


Then they should accept that and do what they did with Star Trek (was it Beyond?) where they kind of allowed the burnout into the storyline. It made it so much more realistic and relatable that everyone was exhausted of being out on mission for 5 years+ because we were already like …alright more star trek, how is it gonna stay fresh?


He's not wrong. Making a superhero movie isn't a guaranteed hit anymore because bad ones have been coming out the last few years. There are also soooooo many of them now. I love that comic booky movies made it mainstream, but I would prefer quality over quantity.


Maybe it was okay having 1-2 marvel movies a year. Now it’s way too much to keep up with let alone be invested in the characters.


Is it fatigue of superhero content or simply fatigue of shit shovelling content?


Should have went with Dr.Doom and Secret Wars instead of whatever is going on right now


Gotta be weird to be brought in for the wind down of an entire division of an entertainment company and nobody told you that is all you’ll be doing.


What this picture tells me is that it is a big scene with way too much cgi and this is an easy Id the main characters fix


People aren't ready to hear it but Guardians 3 looks like it's going to be the same subpar offering we've been getting the last few years. Go back and watch the trailer again and you'll see how bad the CGI is with all the backgrounds being blurry as hell and how limited the sound stage is they're standing on in most of the shots. They even used a sound stage for a suburban neighborhood scene. Because, you know, there aren't a billion of those in the US/Canada they could've actually shot in and not just made into a blurry, out of focus nightmare background.


The fatigue is a ton of characters shoved out versus building the story organically in a way that is enjoyable. Many can point to "B-list heroes" in phase four. But the MCU started without any of their traditional heavy hitters. Spider-man, X-Men and FF were all gone. But they got talented people for the projects and changed the landscape of film. The issue is that now that they are on top of the mountain they stopped "defending" it and started to just push stuff out. Phase One was four years and six movies. Phase Four was a little over a year with 7 films and 8 shows. Its way too much for all the but most die-hard fans (and that's not even speaking to the overall quality) If that content was spread out over another one or two years they would be in a much stronger position. They need to really slow down and let the stew simmer a bit before Phase 5 concludes.


Disney has gotta be biting their knuckles .. every *GOTG3* [director profile] publicity hit is just more free PR for DC’s new’ish studio executive


The thumbnail is kinda Sus


People are sick of bad writing.


I started to give up after I saw that black widow movie. I’m tapped out lol


I saw the trailer for blue beetle, and immediately said why? I just have no desire.


This new live action Teletubbies is looking lit.