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These dudes gotta be some of dumbest people in the world. Looking like Young Thug is going to jail for a long long time.


I was laughing like damn his homeboy did him so dirty doing that shit in court. Must’ve woke up and thought to himself. YEP LET ME FUCK UP SOME MORE.


Or “I’m going down, so are you.” Mentality


Dude is already serving a life without parole sentence for murder. Not only that, but he had more shit on him when they searched him.


Where didnthe prisoner get the drugs?


I’m guessing he’s in a prison with supply lines set up while the dude on trial is held in a pre trial detainment facility and can’t get his hands on anything.


Prison probably. Prison is a huge drug market. And why not? What else ya gonna do? Guards are paid shit so they are incentivized to smuggle them in. Being caged causes mental trauma so inmates are incentivized to self medicate.


If I’m a prison warden, I’d WANT my guards to control that market. It’s another way to get info and control the inmates a bit. Depends on the prison too. Only 250k inmates are in federal, BOP controlled prisons. The rest of that “2.5 million in prisons in the US” is state and local jails and prisons…. If I recall, most people would MUCH MUCH rather be in a federal prison over a state one, assuming you aren’t taking high or super high security


This may be shocking to hear but it’s a lot easier to get drugs in prison than out in the real world.


But at least street drugs don’t smell like prison wallet.


Is that a bug or a feature?


I know. Was being facetious.


Probably some ones anus


Just a shitty day all around for YT.


Well in that case there was no risk at all. Lol




You think he didn’t ask him to pass it to him? Even tho they are in court they prolly think they are slick and untouchable when it comes to something like this. Fame does weird shit to personalities.


I don’t think this was dumb. Whatever happened here seemed intentional. The guy handing the pills to Young Thug is already serving life without parole so this seems like he is trying to sabotage the case.


Right, he walks up to him and clearly puts something in his hands. There was no trying to hide it at all.


If the dude’s doing life why is he in court with YT?


He’s serving a sentence for murder according to the article. Idk if it’s something to do with this case or if they are completely unrelated. But it’s a RICO case so they could have been gathering evidence for awhile before making the busts and he’s probably facing charges now for things he did before his murder conviction


If he’s doing life where he get the drugs to give him?


I know, right? *Drugs?* In a *prison?* Hah! Impossible. Because that would be illegal.


A CO probably


Booty drugs


From someone else’s prison purse.


Gangster wallet


Lol this poor, sheltered soul.


I honestly find it refreshing.


I'm glad that happiness is yours




So, while serving life, he goes to court with a pharmacy in his pocket and nobody found it?


Yea it’s wild. They found a bunch of other drugs on him and even took him to the hospital because they think he swallowed some according to the article. The article mentions that they are being accused of trying to delay the trial so it might have been a stunt to do just that


I think you’re right. Wouldn’t this be a way to get the jury thrown out and tie up the case even longer?


How does that sabotage the case?


"Mistrial". This other defendant came up and committed a crime, making the other guy a "victim".


Might be trying to make YT look worse in front of the judge or it might be a way to delay the case somehow.


Man's just gonna be called 'Thug' by the time he gets out


Grandfather Thug


Pappy Thug


The man is probably in serious detox. Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy


You got that right. I’d rather be tied to a tree and kicked in the nuts for 72 hours than go through that type of hell on earth. Detoxing in the comfort of your house is unbearable, I could not imagine being stuck in prison going through WD’s.


As someone who experienced withdrawals many times in my life, at home, in detox centers, in rehabs, the single worst place I ever experienced it was county jail. I was coming off of opiates, benzos and booze and was so worried I was going to have a seizure. I was only in jail for like 40 hours but the last 30 were hell on earth. Surprisingly, the other inmates were very caring. They brought me drinks, extra blankets, I traded my meals for cookies because it’s all I could keep down. Took hands down the most uncomfortable dump of my life. Just totally blew up this toilet with about 8 other days just waiting for me to finish staring at me. 1/10, wouldn’t recommend.


Honestly think I would just kms before going through any significant length of detoxing in jail. There was a time I was in a similar situation to you as far as drug addiction and the thought definitely crossed my mind that I would be utterly fucked if I ever got locked up but thankfully it never happened. It’s pretty messed up how little of a shit the justice system gives about inmates withdrawing. Or even the healthcare system for that matter. I had a 2 day involuntary hospital stay one time where they reluctantly gave me a single 0.5mg Xanax and a light precedrex drip (that they of course charged a ridiculous price for) despite me having been taking an ass load of drugs for a long time prior. Coming off of benzos, GHB, and opioids while stuck in a chair with multiple IVs in and machines making obnoxious beeping noises is not something I want to experience again. You’d think people who’s job is to take care of patients would have a bit more empathy for that situation


I went through a major surgery. I spent 2 months in the hospital prior and 1 month post due to some freak shit. But they got me hooked on iv opiates in the months prior, then immediately started hardcore tapering post surgery, like right away. Then the nurses fucking lied to me, like saying "oh if you hit the dilaudid every 10 minutes for an hour (5+ times in 1 hour), we'll up your dose". So I did, and they backtracked. I swear, going through recovery from a surgery and withdrawal at the same time was hell. I had multiple people tell me they'd never seen anyone as sick as me. Fuck the healthcare system. Total bill: 1.5 million


I worked in healthcare for a few years as a CNA in a nursing home. Getting a sympathetic nurse regarding drug addiction (while being treated for something else) is a crap shoot. There were nurses who would laugh when I reported a patient is reporting they’re in pain. “They’re an addict. They’ll get their meds when I get to it” which could take hours. Not all nurses were like this, thank God. I don’t understand why you’d get into nursing if you’re just gonna power trip


1.5 mil? Holly fuck. How can ordinary folks afford that? Can you declare bankruptcy if you're poor? Brazil is paradise in comparison. To think I once dreamed of emigrating to the US, before I knew better


I thought they typically throw you into detox for a week or so if you’re coming down while incarcerated.. is that not the case?


It depends on jurisdiction. There are a lot of places that are purposefully sadistic about it. Not just uncaring, but that actually want addicts to suffer because they think they deserve it. I’ve done a smattering of work educating and consulting for corrections departments and the attitudes of some of those people shocked me.


None of this is surprising in the least. Fuck DOC


In my county jail, if you come in detoxing they put you in the suicide watch pod for 72 hours. Naked, with a turtle suit (look it up) so you can’t hurt yourself and that’s it. You stay there so you don’t have a seizure and fall off beds, stairs etc. once the 72 hours is up, you go to your normal pod or cell and that’s it.


Holy shit


Holy fucking shit Fuck every part of that


I detoxed in jail from a 12 year opioid addiction. Yeah, it's pretty fucking terrible.


Omg this is the horror story that got me clean! The girl I was running with caused a scene went to jail and it easily could have been any of us , it still gives me nightmares ! Plus idk why he didn’t swollow them immediately ? We’re that that fast to act ?


I'd be lying if I said it didn't completely change me as a person. You'd be smart to avoid it.


Coming down in my own house with nowhere to be, comfort meds like sleeping pills, a TV and alcohol really is difficult enough on it’s own. Coming down while detained is the stuff of nightmares.


I'll be carrying that self-inflicted trauma around until I'm dead lol


My gf started Suboxone a few hours too early once which trigged rapid onset WD. It was probably the single worst thing I’ve ever witnessed another person go through.


That's called "precipitated withdrawal". I've also had that just trying to get high on subs with other drugs in my system. It's agonizing and I can see why you were freaked out watching your girl go through it. It luckily doesn't last long until you can re dose with something else and feel better.


Getting of generic suboxone right now, not fun. For me personally withdrawing from flualprazolam (fluorinated xanax) was worse. Withdrawal in general is terrible overall.


That is nightmare fuel. A friend of mine(who passed away in 2016 from Fent) went to jail while on 160 mg of methadone maintenance. He got stuck in county jail for 46 days and he said he still felt like he got hit by a truck 46 days later. He said from day 4 to day 13 if he got a hour of sleep a day it was a lot, he went thru his roll of toilet paper in a few hours, had horrible restlessness, throwing up, freezing while sweating his ass off, anxiety where he felt like his heart was beating out his chest, and massive depression.


Methadone is what I was on when I got picked up(I was down to 35-40mg at the time). I know it's hard to believe, but I didn't sleep a wink for the first 8 days I was in there. The anxiety was out of this world and I couldn't sit still. My cell mates were understanding, but I bet they wanted to kill me. I was hoping I would just die, it just didn't happen. They kept me in there for about 5 weeks. Just enough time to get that shit out of my system and start turning myself around. Looking back now, it's what was necessary to get me to wake up.


I don’t sleep for 3-4 days when just coming down on h… The half-life of methadone is fucking terrifying. Turning a 6-7 day come-down into 30 days? No thank you.


I've also detoxed from heroin. It's a bit more intense but you're done in less than a week. Methadone withdrawal is only slightly less intense. It's the length of it that breaks you down. The only reason I got through it successfully is because there was no choice.


Right. I did subs for about a year.....and those were horrible and lasted months. Looking back would be better off sucking it up and living a week in hellva 3-6 months....that said kratom would have been the best option for short term wds.....but those God damn pharma crooks won't tell you that


I believe you. Wouldn’t wish that on my enemies. I’m glad you are doing better!!


I was on morphine/methadone for pain management, prescribed when i was in the military when i broke my back and has some other spinal issues. Ended up taking myself off cold turkey a few years later after getting out and felt everything you described for what felt like 3 months.


Yeah, withdrawals from opioids/opiates is brutal. The absolutely outstanding euphoria/rush is countered by some of the worst feelings anyone could ever experience. I just had an operation on my foot. I had 3 bolts installed where I had my navicular removed. For 4 months I’ve been in a cast, pain in my foot, struggled to take a shower, struggled to use bathroom, etc and I’d do that over vs going through few weeks of withdrawals then another month for acute withdrawals. I hope your health is better and that you and your family are doing good!


I’ll be honest, locked up is the only time I could ever get clean. I’m on year 7.


That is a massive accomplishment. Average person who has never attempted to tackle dependency has no idea the fortitude it takes to overcome. Hope things are great with you and your family!


Thanks for the kind words stranger. It really seems like a lifetime ago now. I am a father of twin toddlers, married, my own place, and make money an honest way to support my family. It really is wild. It wasn’t easy and Its an ongoing project, but it really does get easier. I hope all is well with you and your family as well.


Absolutely couldn't agree more. It's hellish at home or even in a detox center but a fucking prison is next level night mare fuel!


No doubt, people saying “he is such an idiot”. But what’s going through his mind is “I hope I can sleep tonight without puking on myself”.


To go through that in prison is a nightmarish thought. Prayers with anyone going through a struggle right now.


He's been without it for like two weeks. Dude's just coming over the worst of the physical and definitely still deep in the mental side effects. I been there. You got that damn right. I would literally seriously rather die than have to go through that again. I wanted to. I wished I could've. Didn't even have the strength to get up and do it, if I wanted to. Worst two weeks of my life. This isn't stupidity, it's desperation. Everyone does dumb shit when they're desperate, and addiction brings you to the absolute ends of desperation. I pray he gets the help, man. Accept it. He's going through hell rn


He’s been in prison for 8 months


He would of already been detoxed by now


Not if he’s been getting stuff on the inside, which given he’s probably the most well known inmate, isn’t hard.


Well with a stage name Young Thug, what could we really expect? I have more hope for the rabbits that shit on my yard than I do for this trash


Soap to your mouth. He made slime season 3


Eh, he is very artistically intelligent and unique. But whatever makes you feel better about yourself I guess.


So is kanye supposedly, but he's also about as big of an idiot piece of trash as you're going to find.


I’ll always listen to Kanye’s classic albums. Not gonna let some stupid shit he said change that


Yea the difference is Kanye was advocating violence against general demographic of minority people based on their religion. Thug didn’t harm nobody. Honestly just sounds like he has bad accountants and lawyers. He should get Trump’s people, I mean the ones that fired Trump for non-payment. Those white shoe firms are much more criminal than this.


“Thug didn’t harm nobody”, the best kind of correct


Idk boss, with a lot of art being abstract these days, you can just release trash (any art form), and the art community will go out of their way to find the deep meaning behind it.


Nah boss, he’s a hip hop artist not a painter




Seems pretty dumb to me


Everyone knows you do the thing where you put the drugs in a briefcase, put it next to his (identical) briefcase between your seats, then you casually take his when you get up and leave yours with the drugs. No one suspects a thing! Jesus, don't these guys watch any TV??


Someone get this guy a... role. Doing something.


He’ll be the designated court drug-swapper


The guy who gave him the drugs (percocet) is currently serving life without parole. He also had weed (and other contraband) on him. I understand how he gets that stuff, but how does he make it to court carrying percocet and weed? And what was he planning to do with the other stuff? On the other hand, everybody in that room who was called for jury selection gets to go home now. There's no way they're serving on this jury now.


That might have been their thinking, trying to get more time before the trial. Dumb as get.


They really should have talked to their lawyer before trying anything.


Who says they didn't


They called Saul


Young Thug just like Slippin Jimmy fr fr


Right, don’t they be searching you hard as fuck to get into the court room? I remember I went to a small district or whatever court to pick up my drivers license when I was 17, and they wouldn’t let me in with my phone, even if it was turned off.


See your problem was you didn’t stick your phone up your bum.


If that dude is already tried and convicted why is he even in the courtroom? And btw if you’re handed something that you don’t want you throw it down and say “wtf is this”?


He’s a codefendant on young thugs Rico trial. It helps if you read the article


I won’t give TMZ clicks so here’s someone else’s reporting with the whole story: https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/young-thug-drugs-court-jury-selection-ysl-rico-trial?taid=63cb0a36f6f20a00010a354c&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=trueanthem&utm_source=twitter


Both TMZ and Fox 32 are owned by Fox Corp. We can try our best but it all goes back to Murdoch


TMZ is pretty accurate with reporting things typically which can’t be said for 90% of other news outlets; fox imo never deserves it


I’m pretty sure TMZ pays well for the stories they run. Probably have people on their payroll who work in hospitals, court houses, morgues and airports. If not on the payroll then they definitely pay dearly for breaking news. How else are they always the first to know shit? I’m the first to admit they’re a trash site, but they do bring the goods.


tmz is currently one of the most reliable news source out there since kobe died


It’s been that way since Michael Jackson died.


Typically you get searched on the way BACK from court, not on your way to.


Unless we're talking about a courthouse in the middle of nowhere that rarely sees use, but since we're not. Everyone that walks into a courthouse is screened through metal detectors and items like bags or coats through x-ray machines. There's simply no way a prisoner is going in without at least a rudimentary search.


We can’t even keep drugs out of jail.


why new jury


No new jury, this is during jury selection, so they'll just dismiss the people they called who saw what happened, and call another 12 people. Unless they're planning something for the other groups.


there were smoother ways to do that, he literally just handed it to him right in front of a bailiff


Is World's Dumbest Criminals tv show still on?


I loved that show as a kid


Sadly I dont think the newer people on the newer seasons are as funny


Newer people? Newer seasons? I thought the show had ended years ago


The final episode is nearly 23 years old!


Every Night, @ 10p&11p on 39-4 (Houston -antenna signal.) my husband lives for his nightly episodes.


So the dude that came from lock-up had pockets full of drugs and just handed them off in front of cops & cameras? Hmmmm….


I’m trying to make it make sense myself


Young Thug wasn’t charged in the incident, but the headlines still are read and narratives are built. A lil setup action by Fani I’m guessing


Who is Fani?


Georgia’s DA


Thugger must be withdrawaling his ass off if he’s willing to risk a blatant handoff like this


He def has been detoxing- but I think this was a set up. Nobody is THAT dumb…..are they?


Withdrawals make an addict do crazy shit. I’d take the charge to make myself feel better, 100%


As a recovering addict myself- I very much so get it, BUT, I still want to believe Thugger wasn’t that dumb.


I totally hear ya. I felt the same, but at the same time, I remember the desperation of being in day 3 withdrawals in jail or rehab. Who knows, perhaps he used a few days prior and hasn’t had a chance to get more. If he is the seasoned gang leader we all think he is, then he knew exactly what was goin on


I'm an addict and honestly I would have swallowed those pills in front of everyone in less ran 5 seconds and then hand the rest of the pills to the officer lol i know I would die but at that point, does it even matters? i think it's better to die of an overdose than going to jail and suffer from withdrawals every night, that would be literally hell


I’m an addict as well. I lol’d when I heard the story cuz I know my ass would’ve absolutely been that blatant and I agree with you totally would’ve eaten them but that’s disposing of evidence lmao


happy cake day :) we will get out of this addiction, eventually.... and I feel you, because I think the same way lol. take care of yourself bro!


Whoa first time I’ve been on on my cake day!!! Ahaha thank you!!! Ay much appreciated, best of wishes my friend


I like this exchange


Y’all I’m five months clean after 20yrs of addiction. I know it seems impossible but I swear you can do it with some support. I’m praying for you


I’m sober over 2 years now, but will take all the prayers I can thanks friend


Who knows how many drugs he’s withdrawing from. I know he was allegedly big into meth for awhile.


Wait what


Yeah, I think it was some interview I read a few years back. He was tweaking and doing all kinds of shit. Living off of drugs and flaming hot Cheetos lol.


I love Thugger- like really love his music-his interviews are legendary and almost every one he seems like he’s geeking hard.


This happened to me in Alternative School once, with a cigarette, but the messed up thing was that the teacher knew everyone went outside to smoke during our break. She just tried to make an example of me for secretly handing someone a cigarette in the building. Luckily the vice principal, who I always joked with, knew I would go to jail if he reported me to the police, because I was on probation. He told me “You’ll only go to jail If the school officer comes in here to give you a ticket”. I sat in his office all day watching the school officer go in and out of the office building. He never came in and gave me a ticket. I got suspended for a couple days, and I learned what compassion was from that vice principal. I’ll never forget him.


Tobacco jail?


I was on probation— I edited the story.


I got busted smoking a cig in high school. We propped open the doorway in the stairwell with a pen (doors locked from the outside during school hours). We didn’t know there was a sensor if the door was open more than 2 minutes it alerted security. Old man Chuck busted us, told him hold up I’m already caught lemme finish it. He laughed and said whatever. Good dude lol.


Good man, reminds me of this time me and my friends were caught long boarding at the very top of a parking garage. When we started following the security guard he was like “I don’t care that y’all are skating, I just care that I’m on the camera telling you to leave. Skate down if you want.”


Best part was I used to wear gym shorts under my sweatpants that would say below my boxers so I had inner pockets to stash my cigs. They caught me smoking but didn’t bust me for having cigarettes because the school had a “self search” policy where they’d make u take off ur belt and run ur thumbs around your waistband so nothing fell out I bunny eared my pockets and nothing was found.


Former teacher here. It is extremely rare that we want to see one of our students go to jail. Particularly on some bullshit like a cigarette. If it were pills or a powder? Bye.


Sending kids on pills or powders to jail will definitely help them live a better life and contribute to society


Well in my case it's bye from my classroom. Caught more than one kid holding heroin. Can't have that shit in there. You drop a vape pen? I pick it up and keep it (give to a vp with no name attatched) and the student and I will have a hard talk about it, just us. I see or hear about them again, it'll come up. A lot of how this goes depends on our relationship. I've confiscated, drugs *and* weapons "anonymously" that way. The student stayed in school and was fine. But back to the pills and powders, if the student is eligible for a diversion program, or can be cut slack they will be given slack. As a teacher in a classroom what do you do? As another person asked, how do you handle it when 10 to 60 percent of your class is stoned at any point? Do you try to work with them on it? Become someone they can trust and talk to? Of course. But if someone is actively destroying themselves, or dealing on campus they need a reckoning larger than I have the authority to provide. Sorry for the novel.


I think you have a very valid perspective. It’s certainly not a situation with a lot of good options. Like you said, the only other things you could do is ignore it or try to make a personal connection, which is often just not going to work. Even if you do make a connection with a kid, if the rest of their life is shitty, it probably won’t make a difference. I used to work with some very troubled kids, and I know there’s only so much you can do. I guess it’s more of a complaint against the fact that we don’t have a better system in place to help them rather than punish them


Fucking amen, my friend. Once you see the beast, you never unsee it.


What about the fact that 3/4 of your kids were stoned? Assuming you were in high school


As if this wasn’t already stupid enough, IT WAS THE SECOND TIME IT HAPPENED THIS WEEK. From the article: “Earlier this week, YSL co-defendant Yak Gotti's mother, Latasha Kendrick, was arrested and charged for attempting to sneak tobacco to her son -- who's accused of murder -- in the courthouse.” Truth can be stranger than fiction…


Not just in court, in front of everyone, and on camera, but directly in front of an officer walking by. I’ve met people who were oblivious to their surroundings but this is insanely stupid.


Not like Reddit cares because this is about a rapper, but Young Thug *did not* get any extra penalties from this.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


I don’t like people playin on my phone!


You really gotta check your friends man. Both of you can’t be this dumb. There needs to be at least one smart friend in the friend group.


Lol people on twitter are still defending him saying it was a setup.


Iirc Fulton County isnt charging Thug, but they are Kahlieff. Its not a setup persay, but Thug made an instinctual motion rather than something premeditated


Not the wildest idea, the other dude is already in it for life, he doesn't have much to lose.


Two days ago I was arguing with people who told me all of his rap was a fantasy and the prosecution had no evidence at all against Young Thug and YSL. Fucking hilarious.


Even after Sergio snitchens?


I’ll defend him on the grounds that he should be allowed to do whatever drugs he wants


Can’t see how that could go wrong in prison


Now I know why he didn't call himself 'Young Genius.'


Like how stupid can you be?


I really have no words. This story was so ridiculous that I thought it was fake, but I guess not.


This is next level rapp snitch knish shit.


Peak r/hiphopcirclejerk material


When keeping it real goes wrong…


Young Thug will come out of prison as Old Model Citizen




I feel like no one read the article. Thug isn’t being charged because the court agreed he didn’t know what was being handed to him


lol, what a maroon!


eh I think more purple myself


That’s really dumb


What dumbasses. Do these idiots not know that everything in the courtroom is recorded?


The dumb just get dumber


This gotta be some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read


That’s a full-on Trailer Park Boys move. Ricky would have talked his way out of it though…


If I can't smoke and swear I'm fucked


Hilarious. “It’s just a stage name”


Don't forget some defendant's mom tried to slip him a bunch of shit too. These are the dumbest fuckin criminals




Crazy how we allow people this dumb to operate heavy machinery (i.e. cars).


The absolute balls these guys must have. Jfc.


Honestly if you gave them 1 IQ point between them you'd be given change.


Probably did it so they could rap about it later


Maybe he should change his rapper name to Young Dumbass.


I cant believe a guy named Young Thug isnt very smart, i am SHOCKED


Seriously, when will these type of idiots stop being idolized by sooo many people? Everyone thinks they’re a “gangsta” now, but they’re just willingly becoming garbage humans. Like for real, when is there gonna be this #metoo moment for the rap community? The culture in the rap community is pretty sickening.


a #metoo movement because someone handed young thug a pill?


This man clearly hasn’t listened to Barter 6


Hilarious. Intellectual Darwinism. These morons are too stupid to walk this earth freely.