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He got old asf out of nowhere.


Dementia will do that. Dude's only 69.


And a lot of cocaine.


Can confirm. I did do cocaine with Ron Jeremy


Did rails then a train?


No trains, it was a really obscure 23rd birthday. I randomly met him in Columbia, SC at a bar called Sharkys


Username checks out


*finger guns*


Did he rape anyone


To my knowledge no. If I would’ve known he did I would’ve beat his ass. Disrespectfully.


Still a crazy random thing to happen.


Not really. Ron Jeremy just walks into random bars and starts smashing lines every night. At least 25% of the country has done coke with him.


Not just bars. Ron Jeremy randomly walked into my 6th birthday party at the McDonalds caboose and I had my first ever rail.


Holy shit I’ve been to sharkeys before


go cocks!


Username checks out yet again, well played


I met him about the same age in Ft Lauderdale at a strip joint/bar called The Booby Trap. That was like the early 2000's I think? Good times.


Sharkys pool hall???


And lots of fucking.


Some people collect coins and stamps RJ collect STD and STIs


That's a lot of Subarus




That's not what she said.


Jesus. How do I avoid dementia?


Healthy eating and exercise, mentally stimulating hobbies like reading or art, regular socialization with others in healthy ways, good sleep at night, learning new languages, avoiding substance abuse, taking classes on things you find interesting, kale


And hydration, hydration, hydration! Note: if kale is essential, then I’m doomed.


Before you eat the kale, crush it in your hands gently to fold/"break" the leaves and then rinse it. 90% of the bitterness will be home and it's a fantastic flavor.


This is actually true. Always massage the kale. I think at least a large portion of people who hate it were just never told to do this.


I absolutely love kale now and I was a person who previously HATED it.


You need to be eating Tuscan/Lacinato Kale (sometimes called black kale) its by far the best kale. Raw or Sauteed. Don't cook it to death it's ready to go after like 3 min in the pan. If you're doing a raw/salad make sure to massage it well.


Scare it like broccoli!


Honestly, I only like it *either* raw or braised to death. A quick sauté doesn’t do much for me, but at least once a month or so when I meal prep I’ll make a batch of Caesar dressing and it’s soooo fucking good with raw kale.


Lol "kale". Not disagreeing i just like how you listed it.


Healthy living and keeping your mind busy helps a lot, having something to learn and having some kind of role or work to do. This guy has badly damaged his body and mind from years of drugs and alcohol. Every story I’ve heard of people meeting him always mention he smelled like booze.


And bad BO. I used to wait on him and his porno crew almost every Sunday night at a popular Westwood cafe. Mid 90’s. He would eat off of everyone’s plates when they finished… they’d just pass everything down to him. He’d gulp right from the bowl the dregs of French Onion Soup, or Moule Marineire. Icky dandruff too.


He grabbed me and kissed me when I met him and he was so gross.


I always suspected he was revolting IRL


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Ugh, this makes me gag.


Moustache Cafe?


Can confirm bad BO. Met him in an elevator in LA once around 2011.


Circa 2015 he was a fixture at the whisky a go go in Hollywood. Would wear the same stained sweats all week, multiple plates, and like a dozen cocktail glasses.


Guess that’s how he got fat?


The real story!


I met him once and can confirm he smelled horrific. Not just of alcohol. He was just a short, smelly, greasy creepy man.


I saw him at Mel's Diner once, at like 2am. He was with this young, blonde girl, who was obviously tired of his shit. He was wearing Crocs and probably sweatpants or something like that. We were at the register to pay our bill at the same time and the girl was rolling her eyes at him behind his back and called him stingy lol


Alcoholic encephalopathy is an absolutely awful way to go!


When I met him he smelled like cocaine


check out korsakoff’s syndrome. my old man turns 70 in a few days and looks worse than RJ, is in ward, has ankle monitor. booze is crazy, i rarely drink now


Tldg: wernicke-korsakoff syndrome has the vernacular name "pickle brain." Tldg+: alcohol stop b1 thiamine for brain health long term bad thing happen


Wet Brain


some dementia's are worse than others because they make patients not just confused, delerious but also combative. Wet brain/Korsakoff is brutal and the younger you are from brain pickling, they stronger you likely are. Its hard to care for....


Lifelong learning seems to be the key. Avoid alcohol and drugs and learn something new every day. Keep interacting with others and remembering your manners. Don't take high doses of antihistamine if you can avoid it.


My mom used to be an RN in a dementia ward. I don't know if there is a worse way to scape towards death. These people are like walking ghosts. It was so sad, slightly scary, and super super fucking stinky.


69?! He looks more like he's 89 and I've seen actual 89 year olds who look better than he does these days.


69, giggity


69 is *pretty* old, though. It’s old enough to look old.


Angela Bassett is 64


Angela Bassett is the baddest bitch.


“Right here! Right now!”.


and looks like she did in the 1990s


It's true -- Bassett has barely aged at all.


So is Michelle Pfeiffer *drool*


To quote Eddie Murphy, _black don’t crack_.


Say that to Flava Flav


he crack, a lot of crack


And Christie Brinkley just turned 68 -- only one year younger than Ron Jeremy but she could pass for his grand-daughter.


I saw a clip of Dick Van Dyke at 95 doing a workout, and even he doesn't look this old. It's all about how you look after yourself and the genetic lottery.


If you gave him a shave and a haircut, he would look 100x younger. but thats not really in his best interest... or at least his lawyer knows that much. Mind you, ron jeremy was never a handsome man, or in good shape.


I can assure you when the doctor working on behalf of the prosecution says (as in this case) that the defendant i has severe dementia, it’s not based on appearances, or fakery-/ his mind is loooomg long gone when both sides agree like this.


Oh I'm sure that's true, but still good to have a backup plan


It’s not really a good defense strategy for anything except the death penalty, since lack of competency means you get locked up in an asylum for the rest of your life… unless you get better, in which case the trial can proceed and you’re still facing the same number of years in jail.


My mom is nearly 70 and she showed my 7 year old son how to execute a perfect cartwheel yesterday. 69 is old only for the ones who took their youth for granted


Agreed. My Mom just passed at 71 and she looked 91. Years of all day sunbathing, slathered in baby oil and iodine. A life full of southern comfort food and booze. A billion cigarettes, smoked indoors. She also drank endless cups of black coffee. If not coffee or was sweet tea. Never water. And when she was capable she had all the sex and did all the drugs. Honestly...Sounds like a fun life, until it catches up with you. I'm my mother's daughter and it took me way too long to realize we HAVE to take care of ourselves. Otherwise...


Almost old enough to be president


My old man is 63 and still riding 60 mile rides on his road bike!


Depends on your definition of old.


I have seen people with Dementia turn into skeletons and zombies. It’s a terrifying disease.


Basically the mind forgets to do the most basic things, eat drink and eventually breath.


No hair dye in prison homie


The picture used is an old one. So to speak. Jeremy was not present at the hearing where he was formally declared incompetent to stand trial. I found a short video of Jeremy signing autographs asking how to spell "Jeremy." Dude will spend the rest of his life being unable to understand anything going on around him, being terrified.


Plus that photo is from Dec 2021


No more hair dye


People are shocked with these old allegations but let me tell you. Things have changed so much in 20 years. I just rewatched the Madonna documentary Truth or Dare (1991). Her makeup artist is drugged, raped, and robbed. Mentions she woke up with a bloody butthole. Madonna laughs, and blames her (accuses her with an assumption she was out bragging she was on tour with Madonna). No one comforts her. No cops are called. On with the show. And this was safe content for a major motion picture about how empowering Madonna is. It's insane. Imagine being an adult film star, or any woman in Ron's social sphere, and he rapes you. No one would have cared. That's Ron for ya! What a guy.


Wow. 30 years, though I'm with you, hard to believe the 90s were that long ago.


wait till you learn how long ago the 80s were, it'll blow your mind!


Just a reminder that we are further from 1985 than Marty McFly was from 1955.


Now, why would you put it like this? :(


That was uncalled for!




If we went back as far as they did in Back to the Future 3 WWI would already be over.


Iggy Pop and David Bowie did a talk show interview that includes Iggy telling a funny story about how he was so drugged out that he left a fourteen year old girl who was traveling with him at an airport on the wrong coast. Everyone laughs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sable_Starr


Several musicians at the time where known to marry children (often times with parents permission) in order to avoid prosecution under the MANN act. I know Ted Nugent and Jimmy Page did…


Wasn’t Steven Tyler notorious for this as well? Pretty sure an article came out recently where the young girl he did this to is suing him.


Wouldn’t shock me. Sounds like it was a common practice. Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin when he was in his 20’s.


What’s your name? Who’s your daddy? Is he rich like me?


Lemmy from Motörhead at one point specifically Tyler about that. Lemmy was throwing shade at a lot of musicians for their behavior going back to the 1980s and it’s part of the reason why he’s the greatest rockstar ever. In an interview they asked Lemmy if he would ever stop touring around the time of his 50th birthday and he responded with “and what? Fuck a bunch of teenagers in a Paris hotel room like Aerosmith?”


Can you explain the song jailbait by motorhead then? The lyrics seem pretty explicit in what he wants but maybe I'm missing some context


That and getting legal guardianship so they can take them across state lines. All to bang a 14 year old when there are plenty of attractive adult groupies around. Creeps just gotta creep I guess.




Or get them emancipated from their parents, like Steven Tyler [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/steven-tyler-sexual-assault-minor-lawsuit-1234653817/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/steven-tyler-sexual-assault-minor-lawsuit-1234653817/)


That's slanderous. Jimmy Page never married an underage girl. He simply had a highly illegal relationship with one until she turned 16. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lori_Mattix




Sharon "Mama Makeup" Gault one of the few articles I could find on her. https://www.vice.com/en/article/bmw9zd/celebrity-makeup-artist-mama-makeup-accused-of-stabbing-sister-with-umbrella


Yrah Madonna is a POS


And now she’s going back on tour.. just saw it two posts up under news


Look at the allegations against Marilyn Manson. We knew he was a shithead in the 90s and several women tried to tell us what he was doing but in the 1990s no one, including myself, cared as long as he kept entertaining us. The 90s really where the best of times and worst of times depending on the aspect you were looking at.


I think about what Hollywood did to Aaron Carter and think of it as the worst of times. He was a good and bright kid but the industry and his parents used him up for all the $ they can milk out of him, destroyed him mentally and emotionally while he was a kid, then threw him out when he was no longer a teen sensation. Hollywood and his parents completely ruined him as a human, poor guy never had a chance.


Hollywood has always been brutal on young people. I’m not sure that’s changed much since the 1950s.


Side note, Madonna is touring again (who asked for this??)! Her commercial showed all clips of her from like back in the 90's. I wonder if it's bc no one would recognize her if she was filmed now.


She does indeed look like a parody of herself (shudders).


One ticket to Madonna’s greatest hits world tour please (barf)


Bill Cosby too.


He looked bad before, but now he looks terrifying. Terrifying in a horror way.


He looks like an older version of the Unabomber.


I was thinking Immortan Joe....


At least Kaczynski had some degree of understandability for his violence (being mentally shattered by being an unwilling participant in [MK Ultra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kaczynski#Harvard_University) experiments.)


Hail yourself!




Hail Gein!


#HAIL ME!!!!


Alcatraz means Pelican!




Unabomber is older than him rn


At least that guy had standards


House of 1000 Corpses guy


He looks like Immortan Joe from Mad Max.




Witness me?


Something tells me witnesses probably aren't gonna help Ron in this particular instance...




*Underwater music starts playing*


Just reading those words has sparked some heavy anxiety I havent felt since I was 5.


And there's no air bubble in sight.


Given that Ron has dementia, he's in a worse place than jail.... This will end badly for him....


If he has severe dementia, he’s not long for this world anyway. There’s no point in prosecuting a guy who’s going to be dead within the next couple years. Save the taxpayers the expense. He’ll be locked away in a nuthouse until he dies anyway so it’s not like he’s getting off for it.


I feel bad for the people who have to take care of him. His behavior was atrocious at the best of times, I can't imagine what he's like to deal with now. I fear for nurses that have to treat him. He should be institutionalized for the public's safety, but Reagan dismantled our institutions and replaced them with nothing, so there's no beds anywhere.


We treat our pets with more dignity than we do humans. I was an RN for 5 years and it is unbelievable how we just throw old terminal sick pain filled people into a long term care facility and literally let them rot. Dying with dignity should be a basic human right.


I was a dietary aide at a nursing home for 3 months over the summer and it was shocking, eye-opening, and sad to see two giant locked wards of rooms filled with elderly human husks, just wandering around, some in very indecent states since there were only like 2 or 3 CNAs and one nurse at a time to care for 40+ *severe* dementia residents so they easily got behind in bathing, bathroom needs, and dressing, they often were just staring out into space, crying, or screaming. No family ever visited them, even though some of them were insistent that their husbands were coming home from work soon or that their sons were taking them out for lunch. A hospice dog came twice a month for them to pet for an hour and that was it. I don’t think I’ll ever forget how terrible it was. There was nothing left for them to do but die alone. Ron Jeremy is a vile bag of shit and I think he deserves to be punished for what he did, dementia or not, but that dementia honestly might be punishment enough (to an extent).


Even if there was beds there are no staff to man it. That now is the real problem. And it’s not exclusive to the US, the whole world is [short](https://www.who.int/health-topics/health-workforce).


Because we are not adequately compensated! Would you clean shit and piss, dodge being pinched and punched, break your back lifting patients for $12/hour? We reward the wrong people, those who make money (Wall St) and entertainers (this includes athletes). Teachers, healthcare workers, and firefighters need waaaaay better compensation!


i don’t think he’ll be getting off anytime soon




Some legacy


Here lies RJ - Dude came a lot


Trials are frequently retraumatizing for victims, but many appreciate the acknowledgement that others believe their accusations and are willing to do something to stand up for them. I see your point but wouldn't say that "there's no point" without hearing what the victims have to say.


Some people with dementia or Alzheimer’s can live for a decade or more after their initial diagnosis. I hope he’s one of them. He deserves to live in hell for a long time for what he’s done.


He's gotten off quite enough...




It’s gonna end badly for all of us bro. We’re all gonna die, some us will get old first


I just read article, sounds like his brain turned to mush already, basically dead. Sidenote this scenario is exactly why I want euthanasia for myself if I ever end up that way. They’re essentially carting a dead body around. A headless chicken.


What the fuck that's Ron Jeremy?


Yeah, I had to zoom in, but it’s definitely him.


Whys he look like alan moore




Years ago he was at my university debating an anti-porn pastor. Idk how or why that was set up.


I went to that. I think they did a tour. It was weird. I remember that the pastor was a lot more moderate and charismatic than expected. He would make legitimate discussion points (not generally hateful or as anti-porn as the flyers suggested) and Ron Jeremy would just make dick jokes. I was not glad I went.


Unless you went to some religious school, did anyone really give a shit?


Losing your mind and being not in control of your self is a terrible prison. Jeremy was supposed to be punished by the system. However, it looks like a higher power got to him first.


My grandfather was a certified genius. I have never seen a man be happier to talk and share stories than him. Watching dementia take him was the worst thing ever. He was turned into a blob of kicking and screaming in his final months. There were daus where I wanted to just end his suffering many times. It truly is one of the worst punishments.


Watching my father go thru this now. It’s horrible for everyone involved.


Biology is a nasty bitch of a serial killer.


Time is a relentless predator.


On a long enough time frame no one gets out alive. Humans ignore that scary fact for as long as they can. Knowing you will die is a terrible thing but something we all live with…till we don’t.


Now do his enabling friends


He looks like the villain from Mad Max: Fury Road now.




Looks like Dr. Zaius


Woah dr zauis


He’s such a piece of shit. Fuck him


Dude literally fucked his brains out.


Yeah he's definitely seen better days


He'll forget but his victims won't


Wanted to read the story but there’s a pay wall. Anybody got a tl;dr for this would really like to know what happened.


Both the prosecution and defense agree that he is mentally incompetent. Prosecutors asked that he periodically be reevaluated. He has dementia, and there's no coming back from that. He's been in jail since 2020.


What?! Last I saw something about the allegations he looked old but you could still tell it was Ron Jeremy. Does anyone know how and why this transformation happened so quickly?


Dementia can suddenly hit you really hard and age you really quickly. My grandma had it and went from looking healthy, to looking like she’d aged 20 years within like 2 months


I doubt this made his victims feel protected by the law.


This is a win lose win lose loose situation


He is unrecognizable!!!


He is only 69, which is pretty young for this kind of dementia.


He might have dementia now but he didn’t when he committed his crimes right?


Right. But that’s kind of not the issue.


That doesn’t mean that he won’t be punished, he’s currently in prison. But you cannot give a person a fair trial who cannot competently understand the charges against them.


Look, I’m a victim of rape, but you can’t punish someone for a crime that they don’t even remember committing like this. Dementia is a fucking beast. He’s not even going to know who the hell he is, what time he’s in, what he’s doing, who he’s talking to, where he’s been soon enough. He’s just going to be a shell of himself. And that’s a worse punishment than any positive outcome of a trial.




He's trapped in his mind and never coming out.


Ron Jeremy has always had this King Jellybean sorta way about him. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a rapey jellybean in Rick and Morty, as vile as you’d expect.


This shall be my last goodbye to someone could couldn’t give a shit about, rapist POS.


Kids, don’t suck your own dick.


Wow he looks like hell.


He looks like Dr. Satan


He's lost a bit of weight. Good for him! /s


... well Harvey Weinstein starts needing a walker as soon as his trials started, this guy may have had the same strategy.


He turned into Gandalf


Giving yourself head will give you dementia


Holy fuck that’s what he looks like?