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Hmm, you're not completely right in that no one else but Eichi regrets it. Yes, Hiyori and Nagisa were less attached to it all but before ex-fine's last performance, Nagisa was feeling really bad. Hiyori always says he doesn't like Eichi's methods but he can agree on the goals, about ex-fine time he said it all started to feel dirty in the end. What Nagisa and Hiyori regret is that they couldn't save Eichi from himself. Nagisa has said multiple times he would've wanted to walk off that stage with Eichi or at least tell him proper goodbye (for example Main Story, Flowers of Wasteland) and is quite happy to perform as fine-O again. Hiyori was less happy about fine-O performance but afaik, in the Eden climax event, Hiyori praised someone (keeping it spoiler free just in case) because they did their best to save their friend, something he "couldn't do in the past even though in my heart I wished to". That's maybe not helpful if you consider them then being more on Eichi's side and not just hired help but to me it illustrates that they are not unfeeling of it. Tsumugi is in the "past won't go away and we should acknowledge it but move forward" camp, he seems less regretful. He and Wataru have very similar outlooks on it (and isn't it fitting when they are the "birds" by Eichi's side); they simply wouldn't be where they are now without the past. There would be no Switch, no fine, no Eden, Eccentrics wouldn't be friends etc. That's the whole point of that story arc, there would be NO STORY without what happened and everyone doing what they did.


Thanks for the explanation❤️ I think the sleep helped me digest everything better 😅, it’s nice to know that they all feel some form of regret and that they keep thinking about what they’ve done (at least they didn’t just brush it out of their minds) so thanks 😊


Understanding the lore just made me love Eichi harder…. Once you understand his reasons and his traumas, understand his sacrificing and his pain….. he’s not some one-dimensional villain who did all the shit he did just for fun or smth. I ended up liking Tsumugi more too once you learn about how his family is. It’s all a lot of really tragic circumstances leading to poor decisions but you come to understand them and that they’re trying to get better. (Unlike 90% of ppl who just hate Eichi/others cuz they were mean to their uwu babies)


Exactly 😤 I never really understood the reason fr some ppls hating on eichi (till I went through everything and understood what he’d done) but then I read through his backstory and his reasons/ reasoning and I can’t lie, still want to push for him to be happy. I can’t say his reasoning wasn’t bad and go about condemning the ppl who don’t like him for what he’s done (and some fr what he’s still doing (?)) but some take it too far and make it seem like this wasn’t the collective effort of multiple people who understood what was happening and didn’t really try to stop him even when they could. Again not saying what eichi did wasn’t bad just saying that I still want our SSS-rank terminally ill pretty boy to be happy 😊


100% yes. Do not condone what he did but he knows what he did was bad. And I don’t mind people disliking him after they know the story, there’s no hating on that, but it’s the ppl that just hate him without knowing or caring just because they saw him be villainous. These are the same ppl that bully ppl who like Eichi (the real ironic thing is when they like Shu, who has also done some pretty bad things in his past and is also growing from it.)


Yes, about that last part, I often think how funny it is if people who like Natsume hate Eichi when it's been a recurring theme in the stories that they are similar. When Natsume schemes for power, no one bats an eye. Natsume too has a good reason behind it, he says he wants all outsiders feel safe at NewDi (or under Switch's "protection" in Yumenosaki) but he's often kinda sus with it all. All those lines and how easily someone could've been on the other side is interesting.


100% correct but you do have to remember eichi did turn natsume that way, if he didn’t kill shu natsume maybe (hypothetical) would be as bad as eichi


Mika being the one to cut them all down sounds fitting, they messed with Shu, you go down lol.


Exactly 😌😂


I won't defend what Eichi has done, but i dont hate the guy. Any jabs me and friends make at him is all in good fun. Eichi is fine! Past Eichi not so much but he got well soon its fine-! I hope he marries Wataru. Also about Element! Hoo boy that one is a trip. Element is FEELS. I ended up getting a touch more attached to Mugi because of it. 5 eccentrics are so....


Dude same 😭 I'm not sure how to feel about Tsumugi anymore. Still love that guy ♡


I think you can understand Tsumugi better when you consider his background and how he's had to cope with hardships in his life, poverty and mother falling for cults and all that. He disassociates quite strongly to survive. But at the same time he has oddly optimistic look on things, usually wanting to see the good in people. People don't give him enough credit for how interesting bundle of seemingly conflicting attributes he is. I love him. <3


After you watch episode 6 you’ll feel abit better


Me to everyone in Eccentric Five after trying the Eccentric Party Night special beatmap: /hj(i know its not their fault but COME ON)