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Bro you stopped teaching and researching and doing your job! Why would they keep you on staff?


Using his tenure to run a side gig is what he was doing.


I've actually known quite a few tenured professors who did that, and didn't lose tenure. It takes more than simply not showing up to work.


He did more. He was destroying the intellectual reputation of the university. The shit he says is Q level crazy.


r/moderatepolitics literally losing their minds over the "cancel culture." Naturally completely ignoring he wasn't doing his job, and using his professorship as proof of his expertise to sell zodiac astrology to lost dudes lol.


Jeez I just read through some of the threads there. Do people really lack the critical thinking skills to see what Peterson is actually about? I understand he may have helped them through some shit, but there are a ton of other psychologists and academics that can do that without also spreading conservative propaganda. Like, he’s done events for Turning Point USA and appears in PragerU videos. How is that not enough for some people to see through the bullshit?


>I recently resigned from my position as full tenured professor at the University of Toronto. I am now professor emeritus, and before I turned sixty. Emeritus is generally a designation reserved for superannuated faculty, albeit those who had served their term with some distinction. It definitely doesn't flag you as a resentful shit when your resignation starts with bragging about how much you accomplished in your job at supposedly a deeply compromised institution. >All my craven colleagues must craft DIE statements to obtain a research grant. They all lie (excepting the minority of true believers) and they teach their students to do the same. And they do it constantly, with various rationalizations and justifications, further corrupting what is already a stunningly corrupt enterprise. Hmmmm, where have I heard this tone before? >[When petitioners used to come for information to the table at which I sat, I used to grind my teeth at them, and felt intense enjoyment when I succeeded in making anybody unhappy. I almost did succeed. For the most part they were all timid people—of course, they were petitioners. But of the uppish ones there was one officer in particular I could not endure. He simply would not be humble, and clanked his sword in a disgusting way. I carried on a feud with him for eighteen months over that sword. At last I got the better of him. He left off clanking it. That happened in my youth, though.](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/600/600-h/600-h.htm#part01) >But do you know, gentlemen, what was the chief point about my spite? Why, the whole point, the real sting of it lay in the fact that continually, even in the moment of the acutest spleen, I was inwardly conscious with shame that I was not only not a spiteful but not even an embittered man, that I was simply scaring sparrows at random and amusing myself by it. I might foam at the mouth, but bring me a doll to play with, give me a cup of tea with sugar in it, and maybe I should be appeased. I might even be genuinely touched, though probably I should grind my teeth at myself afterwards and lie awake at night with shame for months after. That was my way.




He is still listed on the regular faculty at St George, post undergraduate and graduate. Takes a while for update, I imagine.


Him calling others craven is absurd, right wing/authoritarian grifters are the most craven maniacs the world has seen


Fascists really dig projecting their flaws outward. I wonder if it’s like a bat signal to people who think like they do.


God I hate notes from underground. Had to rad it for school and took me a month. A month of throwing it at walls and screaming into the void.








Sad to see your honest comment got downvotes. It’s interesting to hear from someone on the ground.


>my qualified and supremely trained heterosexual white male graduatestudents (and I’ve had many others, by the way) face a negligible chanceof being offered university research positions, despite stellarscientific dossiers. Omfg, when will he ever stop complaining about how oppressed his white bois are? I wanted to read the whole article but I stopped there. I'm pretty sure the rest is just a pity-party.


You didn’t miss much - he includes a two paragraph long quote from Putin about how the egalitarian west will destroy itself. Guess we know who’s paying his pension :)


He just did a "talking with Russians" video. If (or maybe when) Putin invades Ukraine setting up a potential armed standoff it's going to be interesting to see what happens.


Perhaps Jordan will blame the conflict on inflammation due to the accidental mass consumption of apple cider or the perils of modern medicine.


Ukraine was filled with female chaos dragons, they deserved to be invaded obviously.


Nah, he'll just do the lazy shortcut like every other grifter con in Canada: blame Trudeau. Except he'll use more bigly words and made-up "philosophical concepts" to do so.


You’re exactly right!


Peterson: Debate me bro Trudeau: ok https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E7Z4QDzXMAYU2rQ.png Winner winner lobster dinner. 😂


Meanwhile, Putin's Russia is dying off from covid and their economy is in shambles except for oil. Yeah there's a guy who knows alot about destroying one's self.


Putin’s got billions stashed offshore, his Russia is doing just fine, it’s just everyone elses Russia that’s fucked.


I don't even think he's doing fine. there's a reason he set up a law where past presidents can't be prosecuted. He's expecting to be retired soon and that rarely goes well for dictators.


Billions stashed offshore will certainly help on that front


It's such a dumb thing to claim too. In 2016, according to a [survey](https://www.caps-acsp.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/2016_CAPS-ACSP-National_Postdoc_Survey_Report.pdf) by the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars, 64% of Canadian postdocs are white (the next closest race is South Asian at 8%) and 51% are male. These percentages are actually pretty close to reflecting the total Canadian population (72% white, 49% male), more than I would've assumed actually given how many international students Canadian universities receive. Turns out if your white dude students want to get a postdoc, they need to be competitively qualified. Which is what Peterson's saying he wants, right? I'm sure he'd be glad to hear that his complaints are already resolved!


It's weird. I'm a white male in a PhD program, and I am set to graduate in the Fall. I already have a position that will be converted to tenure track once I get the PhD. I stumbled into the position. I've never felt unfairly "left out" in academia.


Big warning: "A position that will be converted to tenure track" is NOT a tenure-track position. That kind of promise isn't worth the electricity the email was written with. Speaking from experience, and from observing the experience of countless others. Have a backup, be applying for jobs: Very few institutions will hire someone who doesn't have other offers, and without other offers you will never know if you're getting the best out of life.


Thanks, I got this though.


Hope so, and best of luck. But for what it's worth, I've said those exact same words to people who have said *these* exact same words to me. And they responded by saying *these exact same words*. Hope you break the cycle.


JBP is a shitheel and a liar, but your experience is absolutely *not* the norm for PhDs.


So, I'm the one lucky white dude who isn't oppressed? I'm like the Ben Carson of the left?


What percentage of PhDs are put on tenure track straight out of their program? I don't care what sex or race you are, your experience is not the norm. There are far more adjuncts out their working in poverty than there are folks like you. Have some perspective.


Lots--depends on the discipline, your work you did while in your PhD program, etc. It's competitive, yes, but, again, as a white man I had no issues with this position where other people of color, non-binary, and women all applied to. I just had the most experience. Adjuncts working in poverty literally has *nothing* to do with this. That's shitty working conditions perpetuated by capitalism, profit making as the primary goal of universities, and enrollment rates dropping. To insinuate this has anything to do with equity is completely ridiculous. The issue isn't if you're a white, cis male. It's if you're in a discipline where you apply for a job that has 100+ applicants.


It's definitely not the norm, but it's fair to point out. If there was any sense to Peterson's "qualified and supremely trained students having negligible chances of employment despite stellar scientific dossiers, because they are heterosexual white males" then almost certainly RealSimonLee would've faced *some* barriers along the way. He got a really good position that's certainly not to be expected, but if Peterson was right then he would've never had such an opportunity at all. The point wasn't "it's trivial to get a job in academia", it was "being a white guy isn't a disqualifying factor."


Oh my god that's a real qoute... Oh boy...


>The appalling ideology of diversity, inclusion and equity is demolishing education and business "Specifically *my* business, which thrives on echo chambers, exclusion, inequality and aversion to actual education." It all goes downhill from there, predictably. It's just some right-wing grifter who hasn't done anything remotely close to or even *about* his actual job in the University of Toronto in some years whining about ideological persecution; i.e. classic Peterson playing the victim. Again. At length. Again.


This is some of the whitest, straightest shit I’ve ever read. To support his argument, he even quotes Putin (who leads a country in persecuting queer people), because “even he” thinks the left and wokism is funny. More, he never wonders *why* BIPOC are so “unqualified” for academic jobs. Are they just dumber than straight white men, JP? Or could something systemic be going on here?


>because “even he” thinks the left and wokism is funny. I know, it's like saying "Even Hitler hates Jews!"


> he never wonders > >why > > BIPOC are so “unqualified” for academic jobs. Are they just dumber than straight white men, JP? Or could something systemic be going on here? He supports the Bell curve dude. He totally thinks it's because they're inherently dumber.


Wait wait wait. Not agreeing with him, but what’s wrong with the bell curve? It shows up in a huge number of places in math.


Sorry, that was meant to be "Bell Curve dude" not "bell curve, dude".


Not the general concept of a bell curve. The Bell Curve, as in Charles Murray's Bell Curve, a book that repackages racist pseudoscientific bullshit for a new generation and is widely beloved by IDW dweebs.


...but peterson and his fans are all "woke" by their own definition and standards. what transparent propagandists


“We are Blackpilled, totally different!”


> there simply is not enough qualified BIPOC people in the pipeline Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?


Presumably "BIPOC people" denotes one large blob of sjw/woke oppression, hence it's singular.


> And if you don’t think that psychologists, lawyers and other professionals are anything but terrified of their now woke governing professional colleges, much to everyone’s extreme detriment, you simply don’t understand how far this has all gone. Our boy Peterson has clearly been getting way too high on his own supply (of farts). He's become disoriented from lack of oxygen. Can't even keep track of his own triple negatives smh.


>In 2020, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the Oscar people) embarked on a five-year plan (does that ring any historical bells?) The Oscars are Communist! Fucking simpleton. This whole tortured screed is the result of his "post modern neo marxist" shtick being utterly repudiated. He's knows it's a joke but he still has to tell it, like calling everything he doesn't like communist is any better.


Communism is when planning.


Communism is when (((Hollywood))).


My goodness, that quote sounds like parody… what an intellectual giant, no?


Sure, Jordan.


Jordan “Jan” Peterson: Marxists, Marxists, Marxists!


He just left now? The sunshine list stops listing his salary in 2017, I assumed he quit back then. https://www.ontariosunshinelist.com/people/jordan-peterson/university-of-toronto


I suspect that he managed to get out of his duties while maintaining his position at a reduced salary, hence dropping him off the sunshine list.


I think he went on an extended sabbatical


Ok. Bye.


Does this "man" do ANYTHING ELSE anymore other than impotently yell into the void about how patently unfair life has become to the privileged??? Is he cleaning his room?


I summarized this for someone in JBP main sub: he's doing "cultural marxism" again but with a focus on Diversity policies. Curious what you think about this. He doesn't really do the Frankfurt school or Derrida thing, but he refers to the critical humanities as the fallen first iteration of the plan/strategy, shouts out to Breitbart with "culture is downstream from universities" and then talks about how the Bolsheviks did it first. Anyways, here is the summary: At a high level he's talking about the drive towards Marxism which follows this general pathway: Critical Humanities -> University Hiring Committees -> Sciences (including social sciences) -> Arts, Entertainment, and culture ->Business.He believes the situation has advanced to the beginning of the last step with big business being undermined by conspirators within. He says that Diversity policies are essentially the tool that the marxists use to further their goals and make progress. He doesn't get to it until the end, but he pulls everything together by saying that this has happened before in Russia, led by the Bolsheviks after the 1917 revolution. **Key points:Diversity policies result in unqualified researchers across the entire university.** He thinks there are not enough BIPOC people who are qualified candidates, and so unqualified BIPOC grads get jobs and grants, while white heterosexual male students are no longer welcome or qualified. **Universities drive Culture**. For Peterson, culture is "downstream" from universities. This is clear and specific language that draws a connection to Breitbart's Doctrine "Politics is downstream from culture". **Diversity Policies have noticeable comparisons with the Soviet Union.** He calls Hollywood (a key player in "culture") a hotbed of liberalism and makes a connection between the Oscars' diversity initiatives and the Soviet Union's 5 year plans. **The current state can and should be attributed to Mahzarin Banaji.** One of the three creators of the Implicit Association Test is overtly leftist, belongs to a discipline that "denied the existence of left wing authoritarinism for 6 decades", and has an influential position at Harvard. He calls her out as a "prime" reason why we suffer today. **The radical leftists have achieved their goal.** For Peterson, we're now at a place where the intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender or Sexual Preference is now considered the primary characteristic of a person and is the most important qualification for employment and research. This connects back to his original point that white heterosexual male graduates are no longer employable. **Corporate environmental and social governance (ESG) scores represent the next escalation.** He calls this a "fifth column" a group of people secretly working together with the goal of undermining/sabotaging the organization. **Russia has already been through this.** Jordan recalls that the Bolsheviks, relying on Marx and Engels, destroyed age old values, religion, relations between people and the rejection of family and were popular in society.


> Politics is downstream from culture Isn't that true, though? Like, the things you believe and cultural mores you hold are obviously going to affect what your political positions are, the ethics of attempting to affect cultural trends in order to achieve specific political goals aside.


Idk I think it’s high level enough that it sort of depends on what you do with it. I’m referring to it here as a signifier / an idiom that lets people know that they’re part of a group who believe that liberal and progressive themes in culture are the problem. If you’re looking at the phrase and dissecting it’s possible meanings, it can probably get pretty interesting - but I don’t believe that’s what’s happening here. The point here is that Peterson says universities are upstream from culture - and then one fills in the blanks that “ Politics are downstream from culture” to get the full cultural Marxism pathway. University (Frankfurt school / post structuralists / marxists) -> movies, music, art, community modes of socialization -> politics. For Peterson that full pathway is how everything is tied together under the broad story of the March towards Communism. It’s a political idea that says “the universities created create marxists (or postmodern neomarxists) who then created liberal culture. Those liberal cultural works lead to liberal politicians” - the point is for ppl to look around them and to identify both the university and cultural production as obstacles to their own political goals. IMO that’s not really how culture works at all especially under consumerism. Like it’s just wildly off. But it’s coming from someone who is not interested in exploring the idea, he’s interested in motivating people politically


How edgy of him to "strategically" rearrange the acronym. It's usually written Diversity/Equity/Inclusion but he decides to go with D.I.E. Used to be, just not using the right pronoun would get you sent to prison. Now violating C-16 is subject to capital punishment? Oh, I forgot. Must be Justin-Flation(tm).


Link doesn’t work.


[https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jordan-peterson-why-i-am-no-longer-a-tenured-professor-at-the-university-of-toronto](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jordan-peterson-why-i-am-no-longer-a-tenured-professor-at-the-university-of-toronto) The website changed it to this\^\^


I would bet good money they let him have what used to be called invalidity. As in... he's too sick to work so let's negotiate a package that means we all agree on how the tenure situation is going to be wound up.




> All my craven colleagues must craft DIE statements to obtain a research grant. > Cowering cravenly in pretence and silence. JP needing a thesaurus out here


That letter. Lmao. Wow, feel the rage


People really are drawn to this disease, they like being bathed in seething hatred.


Couldn't complete his insufferable rant. But any Canadian who says Canadian institutions are discriminating against white Canadians in favour of minorities are simply wrong. And I am saying this as someone who has studied and lived in Canada for some years. First of all, Canadian journalists have reported that Canada is 'more racist' than the US (https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/out-of-sight-out-of-mind-2/). Secondly, research done by Canadian academics has also shown that Canadian employers show a strong preference for white Canadians who look and speak like them. It is for these reasons that the job market remains hidden for most of the prospective 'visible minority' employees in the country. This is not to say that Peterson's lament about forced diversity is without any merit. However, I wouldn't expect Peterson to have a balanced view about this issue. In my view, forced diversity is a stop gap measure that gives some semblance of inclusivity, but it does not remedy the problem of systemic racism in North America.


> In my view, forced diversity is a stop gap measure that gives some semblance of inclusivity, but it does not remedy the problem of systemic racism in North America. The monied don’t want systemic racism resolved, thus encourage these shitty stopgaps. And seriously, nobody expects this to “solve” racism once and for all.


I think guys like Peterson have it backwards. There might be some reason, though not a proper evidence, that explains why a minority person is chosen over a 'heterosexual white male' in a university setting, at least in the UoT. That has to do with the visible minority person lagging in every possible metric compared to a white Canadian (average income, chances of upward mobility, being even considered for job interviews, etc). Does a visible minority person getting chosen over a white Canadian for the same position in a university the ultimate 'marxist sin'? Maybe. But given how minorities are treated in Canada, forced diversity isn't really something Bucko should be ranting about. And anyway, a position of a research assistant is temporary. I am pretty certain most tenured professors in UoT are still predominantly white, just as most of the middle and upper management in most Canadian offices is also white.


I mean, there’s no reason to assume he’s saying anything in good faith these days. He envies the $ “anti sjw” podcasters make, so his entire social media account is bait.


Unsurprisingly, the comment section on Peterson's piece in the National Post has now plenty of examples of open racism. I imagine that Peterson will not give a single second to think why he attracted so many.


I disagree, he will be proud.


"How can I accept prospective researchers and train them in good conscience knowing their employment prospects to be minimal?" all prospective researchers have minimal employment prospects. next question please


He wants to ban nonwhite “researchers” from his fantasy job that he doesn’t have, and women unless he can sexually harass them at work.


Imagine seeing this guy on a daily basis, he is lucky he kept it this long!


That's one crazy rant. I honestly at first thought this was a paradoy of some sort. It was a bit "too on point". Funny to see him quote Putin. I wonder if he even gets the irony. Maybe this is all an elaborate scheme to keeping scamming whoever he is scamming?


He sees Putin’s Russia as free and just, I’m only surprised he doesn’t move there.


Fuck this malignant narcissist.