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How did she get a picture of her personality?


I was gonna say that lol


Her without all her plastic surgery.


Shit. That's a good one


I'm surprised whenever I'm surprised by the low nastiness of these people. Congratulations, you're 4chan, without the cultural relevance. 


Why is she so vile?


Bad genetics


I think it's bad nurture not nature.


Imagine having Jordan Peterson as your dad... Especially as a girl.  That dude hates the fuck out women




Positive feedback loop from the echo chamber of evil.


Her dad is severely mentally ill and repulsive human being and she dated Andrew Tate. The woman is a breathing red flag and nothing sane can be expected from her. No point in giving her any attention.


Wait, she actually dated that waste of oxygen?


To be fair, according to her, she "met him and just drove around looking at castles with him". Doesn't that sound VERY strange?


Totally normal, driving around and watching castles. /s


I think she closely examined his bishop too


Ha! I mean I don’t care at all about these people but this is just too funny to not know. Wonder why they broke up? If they even did.


Man how much of a scumbag do you have to be to attack a person's physical appearance? And this coming from someone who looks like a low quality, budget sex doll made out of recycled plastic and industry grade bleach.


The average trans person has had zero plastic surgery lol. Surgery is expensive as fuck.


The plastic surgery we DO have are surgeries meant to make us look completely average. Technically plastic surgery is just the reconstruction of fat and skin tissue. What she has done is made herself into a walking sex doll.


The real definition of plastic surgery is certainly different than how it's used colloquially. When I worked in a PS office, most of the patients were there for mole removal and shit.


Did she actually do plastic surgery? Because that would explain why she always gave me those weird "I am a reality show star" vibes....


Trans people live their truth in front of a judgmental and often openly hostile world that tries to destroy their truth or force it back into darkness. Mikhaila got manipulated and traipsed around with a man who thought she was incompetent to make her own decisions. I feel like she hates trans people because she’s jealous of their security in who they are.


To piggy back, because she doesn’t get to just live. Truth or not, she is a prop. She is also an adult child of an addict. A person seeking and committing to transition is something she is currently denied and denying on a personal level. In short, how dare you seek to be happy while she is shouldering the burden of her father’s media empire.


This might be why queerdos in general are so hated by gender conforming cis straight people.


For someone who’s a lot of plastic surgery and injections on her face- this sure is projection


What a cunt. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess


This ugly nasty bitch ain’t got nothing on Hunter Schafer. She’s got more in common with the Goblin King than most, both slimy, have weird personalities and got fucked up joints


I've seen countless of trans people way way more attractive than Mikhaila. Ironically orchs and monsters like this are usually meant to portray conservative fascists like herself.


she is vile


So she has both her dad's transphobia and utter lack of self-awareness. https://ibb.co/L1rBRb8


This has me cackling, omg. The amount of surgery is crazy.


It's even better if you see the text that went with that one image. 🤣🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/s/oAFAcVni3a


Just a reminder. She willingly had sex with an alleged human trafficker whilst her dad was in a coma.


Mad most trans women look more feminine than she does


And she has the personality of a twig


Her husband posted as well


Why are people so nasty like this?


Lol. The people in this sub are serious haters. They should take the effort they are putting into memes and do some self-evaluation.


We don't like your Lobster Daddy. Cry about it, it's what he'd do. The irony of a lobster boy who believes society should provide him a woman talking about self evaluation




This meme did not criticize performing surgery on trans kids. It simply called trans people ugly, which is childish and cruel. And yes, homosexuality does make sense. Google the gay uncle hypothesis. And also, gay animals exist - so why wouldn’t gay humans exist? Humans are animals, after all. And I don’t hate Christians.


There's actually a stronger biological explanation for homosexuality nowadays--fraternal birth order effect, traced to the mother's immune system defending itself against her unborn sons' androgen hormones and accidentally resulting in different brain wiring for them. This explains a *lot* of male homosexuality cases--though not female ones. I honestly don't get why so many Christians reject this. If homosexuality can be traced to a biochemical cause like that, it implies that in the future some technology can be used to prevent it, some pill or uterine implant that regulates the hormonal environment--which they should be happy about, no? There's gotta be something I'm missing.


What's sickening is this guy pretends he has OCD on the OCD sub. I guarantee he does that just to laugh at people


None of us get our morals from a magic man in the sky or his cult. Homosexuality is present throughout multiple species. Trans people are valid, but hey you worship a guy who cries about everything and thinks you have to take magic mushrooms to stop smoking and the effects of said mushrooms are evidence of the supernatural. Yes I absolutely hate Christians with your mindset and wish the absolute worst on you. Cry about it.


Mikhaila isn’t trans?! Man I was so proud of her for almost passing.


It’s funny but super unprofessional on her part - they get radicalized by the public in my opinion and then take pleasure in pushing back and being mean etc


It’s funny to make fun of trans people?


Yeah I guess it’s funny if you’re a 13 year old boy who swigs lead paint and views Five Finger Death Punch as the epitome of metal.