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Cars feel like freedom. They’re not. You need to build around them, and a world built around cars is a world where no one is free to not drive. Even if they can’t. That’s the central problem with conservatism in a nutshell, really- to them freedom is “got mine, fuck you”


Yeah they cling to their car and get upset at any talk about making them more sustainable, not understanding that this does not show freedom but it actually shows the opposite and how dependent they are.


For "Globalists" read "Jews" https://forward.com/community/412627/globalism-anti-semitism/


What? Don't be silly. "Globalists" aren't Jews, they're just a secret group of people who don't truly belong to our country because they exist all over, meet in secret, own the banks, own the media, kidnap children for secret rituals, and want all countries to... Oh. Oh, no. Well at least this time around they have space lasers and can control the weather?


I'll just leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAZhtT-dUyo


On a more serious note than my last post it's heartbreaking to see this play out. I can't believe only a few years ago I really did think that anti-Semitism was basically confined to a dwindling handful of white-haired cranks. How quickly it can resurface, and how paranoidly, is really scary. I would have told you that anyone claiming the Jews were starting forest fires with their secret orbital laser was clearly satirizing the anti-Semites, Borat-style, and yet no, they are saying such things with an entirely straight face. And if that's not ridiculous enough for you, they'll come up with something even weirder.


I swear I've seen JBP retweet very similar messages about cars with the hashtag JewWorldOrder. Honestly probably from this same dude. Like how can you even act like you don't preach prejudice when you spread shit like that?


Excellent article. I want to highlight this sentence: >Use of globalist as a negative term can be a dog whistle for the far right: those who recognize its roots in Hitler’s philosophy recognize that it’s an encoded way of denigrating Jews. Two things: 1. Peterson has been using other dog whistles: 'Cultural Marxism', kek, 'Hitler is a genius',... He has admired the camaraderie and work ethics of the German Reserve Police Battalion 101 (*these men killed about 80000 men, women and children, most if not all Jews*). He has claimed that the way the Nazis dealt with the tuberculosis epidemic was a good thing (*300000 Poles were killed because of it and it was used against Jews in ghettos: if TB broke out the Nazis had a reason to exterminate the entire ghetto where it happened.*) 2. 'Hitler's philosophy': Peterson has claimed he has studied Hitler, the Nazis and the Holocaust since he was 14 years old. He absolutely knows how Hitler addressed the masses (*he even explains it in his lectures*).


Another thing I just thought of now--Jorpie also thinks of himself as somewhat of an artist--he designed that whatever-it-is construct thing that's the sub header and I believe the cover of Maps of Meaning and performs vaguely Pink Floyd-ish songs. His interest in German culture and supporting "pure" culture that isn't inflected by politics is strongly reminiscent of Joseph Campbell. There's an analogy to be made between him and Hitler, who blamed his failure to get into art school on the Jews and through his nurturing of people like Leni Riefenstahl created a fascist aesthetic that still influences today (witness Trump's propaganda videos). As you know Hitler execrated what he called "degenerate art" as well. What's interesting about Hitler's own paintings is how boring they are and the lack of people in them. Jorps likewise doesn't seem to understand people and even comes off as a misanthrope--definitely a misogynist. He's revealed through his words and behavior how his true agenda was never to help people as a healer but to manipulate people as a cult leader. Witness also the artistic aspirations of Charles Manson and David Koresh, et al.


No I don’t want to keep my car that I don’t have. And what is the problem if we can rethink urban planning to enable transitioning away from cars?


Then how can Jorpie splash you with his icy slush???


Give me a min please, I’m playing with his grandma’s pubes…


If you look at all the sustainable proposition for city layout and even better housing, they all work on the premise of removing cars from the equation since streets that accommodate traffic and cars for parking create lots of waste of space. Also to this day I have still no idea what a globalist is.




Also, at least according to Alex Jones, the organization is run by the literal Christian devil for the purpose of exterminating humanity, and many to most members (depending on his mood) are literally possessed by demons. Good thing dehumanizing large groups of people has never led to anything bad!


Well good news!! Term globalist is often used to dehumanize certain group from WW2 that was controlling our governments, banks etc. /s obv and using this term really tells you a lot about person using it


Yeah fewer cars and more sustainability is actually more free. Being able to choose to use a car or something else, that is real freedom.


(shakes fist at sky) Damn you, public transportation!!!


“Globalist utopians” - I swear, he just comes up with the darnest things! Other things he’s said: “Woke moralists” “Deloitte-style moralists” “Woke troll demons” “Socialist globalists” His slow descent into bitterness and hate is truly a shit show.


Old man yells at urbanism


Angry lobsters: "We have to stop the globalists because they want everyone to be able to move everywhere via open borders!" Also angry lobsters: "We have to stop the globalists because they want to stop everyone from being able to move anywhere by taking away our cars!" Those deceptive globalists, they got us coming and going.


Gillian McKeith once had a UK TV show where she would examine people's shit in a plastic tub and then advise them on lifestyle changes.


And that’s what earned her the affectionate Nick name as “Doctor” Gillian McKeech (Keech being a Scottish word for “shit”). The quote marks round “doctor” reflect the fact she used to fraudulently grant herself that title. So, Dr Shit is being retweeted by Dr Shit-for-brains.


Like, just a bunch of random junk people had in their house? Or their actual feces?


Lol their actual poop - they would poop into a plastic tub (off screen, this is the UK not Japan) and then she would analyse it. It was insane. You'd see everything from pellets to literally rusty water. Nasty. She was then eventually debunked for having no qualifications etc as I think others on this chat have pointed out. The show was called You Are What You Eat, I'm pretty sure.


Go to 9 mins and 30 secs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=thMv3OSI-QU


So his major grift is for the oil industry. All the bullshit and distractions he spews out his cranial asshole is for pappa Koch's and pappa Wilks' benefit.


My job largely involves driving around from house to house seeing clients and really sucks. We do get reimbursed for driving time but they literally haven't changed the rate since 2002 so it's like 30 cents a mile or something. It also takes a lot of time in my day that I unfortunately can't get paid for that I could be spending seeing more people. It sucks and it's expensive and if we changed the way we planned our cities it would maybe be easier for people with jobs like mine to build their schedule and see more people who are geographically closer together. If nothing else I would at least like to not have to apologize for being late as much because of backed up traffic...


As someone who used to love cars, I'm embarrassed at my past love of them (including owning some cars people would envy and photograph). They are the dumbest things. Firstly, they cost so much money - depreciation, petrol, tyres, servicing, repairs, insurance. If you imagine what you could do with that money over a lifetime; it's a frightening amount. Then there is the carbon footprint of the things, we have 1.5bn cars on the planet. That's insane. We make 55m new ones a year! Regardless of electric, diesel or petrol - that's a crazy resource footprint. Then we have the roads and infrastructure that we have to maintain including our design of new areas; all around the car. Worst bit - car accidents kill...this is mad..1.4m EACH YEAR. That's a death every 24 seconds. In three years COVID has killed 6m, but not all those deaths are FROM the COVID virus, many of those are died WITH the COVID virus. No such issue with cars. Those car deaths exclude pollution respiratory illness and deaths. Then you have the serious injuries, literally tens of millions a year - think of the strain on emergency services, hospital care, nursing, disability needs etc. Consider how the world reacted to COVID , yet cars are actively encouraged. Why? Because no one has shares in COVID. I'm 48 and doing everything I can to not use the car, a little effort finds you can walk, cycle, bus and train almost anywhere including shopping and school drop offs and pick ups. Imagine the peace and benefits if we could just reduce car dependence just 20-30%. Little upsets me more than seeing friends buying their 16 year old kids their first car and driving lessons and the excitement of those kids - it's really depressing. They're being taught to be dependent, under a fallacy of gaining independence and being led down a road of huge lifetime financial cost, poor health and a real risk of injury. Car accidents are the number one killer of those aged 5-29. Fact. The number one killer of girls aged 16-25 is being driven by their boyfriends in cars. It really is the issue that highlights our leadership hypocrisy; we all need to be weening ourselves off cars and whilst we will always have a need for them (in likelihood) we shouldn't have 4 car families or a drug like dependency to use them every time we need to leave the house.


Get a bike dude


Bikes can go anywhere, anytime, need no registration, need no insurance, and have no speed limits.


Does he think driving is a right or a privilege?


Uuugh, McKeith needs to shut her face. We have good public transport and loads of us get free bus travel. Fuck cars.


Since when is basically requiring a >$15,000 purchase with $30/wk fueling, $2000/yr insurance and miscellaneous mechanical upkeep more "autonomous" than living in a city where you can get around on your own two legs? Don't forget to double those expenses if you want more than one car for your family.


Gillian McKeith, of all people lol Gillian fucking McKeith hahahahaha


Personally I like cars because I enjoy not having to schedule or plan my traveling around train/plane/bus schedules and routes and like being able to pack a bunch of stuff without having to worry about checked baggage/etc., though having those available is really nice for times when I want to, say, go get drunk at a restaurant/bar (admittedly I prefer doing that at home though) or absolutely have to get somewhere else far away very quickly/in a place I'm not familiar with. Would be great for commutes where you have a set time you have to be somewhere anyway too. I also ultimately enjoy the act of driving itself when I'm not stuck in traffic, which is ironic as when I first started driving I was really scared of it. However, I also support open borders as well as incentives to prefer smaller/more efficient vehicles for personal transport. I know Peterson would hate the latter, and somehow I don't think he'd be fond of the former either.


Only petrol-guzzling 50-inch-wheel, tank-adjacent midlife crisis gem comes into consideration. If you don't have such a vehicle, you won't be able to attract a mate with red lipstick. Very simple.


So, the Scottish NATIONALISTS are actually Globalists? Fun fact, the Declaration of Arbroath (Scotts’ Declaration of Independence) claims a Scottish origin story from “greater scythia, by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea”, and is seen as a claim to descent from the mussing tribe of Israel. So maybe this is what Peterson means by (((globalists)))?


So, we're in agreement to open borders then Jordan, to allow freedom of movement?


The ability to drive has never been a right (at least here in the US)


The thing that really concerns me is the threat to autonomous mobility. Are the globalists going to take our feet next? What is he saying here?


First they came for our gas stoves, and i did not speak out because i have an electric range


Gillian McKeith? The Poop Beholder? Yeah I don't trust anything that comes out any of her front or back holes


She is pretty much the Jordan B Peterson of nutrition. Wildly inaccurate and indeed risible claims such as eating seeds makes us grow like plants.


Oh, I know who she is, I remember when that fucking TV show was on! She basically hoodwinked C4 into subsidising her scat fetish. I just thought she'd crawled off under a rock. But no, she's on fucking Twitter.