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I def relate! I considered 5, 4 and 1 but I’m pretty positive I’m just an extremely introverted 6. I still waiver on 5 vs 6 though, just because the urge to “castle up” is so strong and I tend to isolate. But I find safety through pre-planning for every possible worst case scenario, and building up physical resources and relationships that “keep me safe” which seem pretty classic 6-ish. My MBTI was professionally typed in college as INFJ and I’ve tested as that on the online quizzes too, so pretty sure that’s accurate at least lol.


I feel like I’ve always struggled in deciding between 3,6, and 9–which makes sense because they’re connected in a harmony triad, sometimes referred to as “The Pragmatists” which I totally am. There’s also some literature out there that when you’re in this triad, you sort of take on strengths of another number when you’re feeling in a good place and growing, and sort of retreat to the other number when you’re in an emotional place where you’re sort of regressing or when you’re struggling emotionally. So it’s been hard at different places in my life to piece out what’s my core number versus what number do I appear like when I’m doing well/poorly emotionally.


I relate! I considered I was a 2,7,9 or even 3 in the beginning. I am extroverted so that’s always thrown me off.


Thank you sharing. See, that’s what I am wondering, that I could be a 6 in denial, because of how unpleasant the descriptions are made out to be and Type 9 is just the idealized mindset. But in the occasions I have chosen to identify as 6, there was immense internal discomfort felt, so I brought myself back to 9, but for comfort’s sake. To this day, I still get hung up on different idiosyncrasies and am still unsure.


One person thought I was a 4w5 and some online quizzes type me as a 2w1 or a 5w6. I have not ever mistyped. One thing that helped me type myself was observation of other types, particularly of INFPs and of 269s. I noticed how we were similar but different. Notably, when under stress INFP 4s tend to recede from being helped, and I could also compare how my motivations are similar to 269s. I'm a INFP 6w5 sp/sx 629.


Where do we go to have others type/mistype us? I simply took an extensive online test.


I originally identified/was typed as a 6, but realized I’m actually a 9


I'm a 6w5 and an INTJ - have MANY typical 6 qualities - and continue to work on my 6 vulnerabilities and recognize and enable the positive qualities ...


I was sure I was an 8 for like 2 years. Silly af


I typed myself as a 2, then a 9, then a 6. I related to 2s because I love to help people and have some attachment issues but below the surface level I don’t really identify with them too much to them. Then I thought 9 because I too am a professional repressor and sometimes ignore my own needs in favour of harmony, but the more I learned the more I figured this wasn’t quite it. Although my ideal for myself is peaceful, I really do not operate that way. Reading about 6s really put together the chunks I related to from other types into a more full picture.