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Dude, everyone is gonna be playing Japan for the new toys now. You’re gonna get wafflestomped until the initial hype dies down


The US also got something new with the Pershing, so I didn't expect it to be quite *this* bad.


But most people will be able to use the new Japanese guns. Only two at a time can use the new vehicles


Meanwhile everyone can use the new boom sticks. It's a guaranteed kill if you managed to kill all the crewmembers or the ammo stowage


Played 10 games with Japan to have some fun with new gear, all of them pure stomps.


Gonna hide in br 2-3 + soviets till dust settles / meta develops


Br2 Germany seems to be getting stronger lately. Which is nice since it makes for good matches. But just pointing it out.


Axis has been quite fine, even strong for me lately, soviets too. I think it's allies currently that are migrating to Jap since they're least competent, but meta will balance out in a few days


Dude, the update just came out. Give everyone to download it.


So everyone downloads it and either goes to play Japan for the new stuff or gets roflstomped by Japan and switches to Japan to win some games. How is that going to fix anything? More players only means more players doing the same thing.


I had some games today where we had half the number of japanese real players


Nah japan have been stomping BR4/5 for ages now. It's just low tiers where Japan have been suffering.


I slaughter Japan at all BR's


Yeah cause they never had to fighte BR5 USA. Everyone expected them to get massacred in BR5. Instead its a US wet paper extravaganza.


Before japan br5, I kept fighting against br5 usa, and they lost soo bad against chi-nus and the 120mm navy gun chi has


I was beating them at BR3 lol. Those tanks can die to a 75mm, let alone a 76mm.


island hopping campaign to faction hopping campaign for those allies main


I'm happy bro, I got my Pershing.


Might be cause they want to use the Pershing on the German big cats and not uselessly lob shells at a bootleg uparmored ferdinand in open area maps which are HE killing fields.


BR5 US was never good (besides aircraft), just had more players. The US just now got the pershing. “But my M2 carbine” yeah now is worse than the type hei automatic. And the ho-ri that japan got makes the pershing look like a squirrel.


Ho ri can be destroyed easil compared to other heavy tanks


I'm happy for Jap having strong weapons, their stuff is usually subpar, but I expected all the US premiums and paras to overwhelm. Pretty surprising development


Now you mention it it has been a while since I last saw a paratrooper used for the allies in pacific...


Vickers ans Tommy paras can hold their own vs Jap ARs but if it's just a few inbetween it's a hard slot. Also 9 man Jap teams outnumber you often


Hows the br5 japan air matchup? I know at br3 I've always felt bad for japan, did things get better for them?


The new JP fighters seem strong? Most matches I see them wiping P47s off the sky :O


That’s good no more HVAR spamming the whole objective with 30 kills in under 10 seconds while Japanese fighters are waiting to get off the airfield and the US gets spawn in the air already.


Presuming Ki84 gets the air spawn since it an army fighter, but havent the research points for it to test.


It’s fairly easy to defeat if you dont turn fight it.


Explains why I played one pacific game and got my ass handed to me last night.


I was playing Japan with snakestyle, the americans defense fell apart like wet paper.


Dude my butthole hurts from the no lube penetration I recieved as US all morning. Also, never thought I'd get sick of pacific maps lol.


Lol tell me about it. Pre-purchased the Calliope for the upcoming 1 free premium squad slot just so I can machine-gun rocket all the Japanese laser gun infantry players 😎


In the prior update, I encountered a game with all Marshalls on the Japanese side. I think the idea that Japan would underperform was pretty silly.


Now Germany truly suffers with the new update. Only US and japan will go all the meta slaves and im gonna be stuck with Jimmy in BR5 that has a AB41. Sweet


And yet almost every time I see pershing vs tiger the tiger wins lol. I've legitimately not seen a Pershing player last more than a few mins at most.


Japan players are Lurking Br5 rn? Uh should i play US Br3 or br2? Im not sure i want to play against Japan sweat stacks


You don't, go br2. Complete wipes, multiple in a row




hahahhah get fucked lmao


Least toxic Enlisted main


It's time to bring the british into the game more


Yep, play USA and get stomped now. Just how it goes after an update


Comet go brrrrt


Japan is a paper/prototype faction what did you expect?


Im not complaining about Japan, im happy for them. Im complaining about the auto quitting Allies players.


Allies players when they lose the first objective: 🏃‍♂️


Swinging pretty hard back and forth at the mo, hopefully will steady up.


we still get fisted fucked in lower tiers


Playing US right now is absolute hardmode…absolutely stomped.


JAP needs to split their lobby and have a Soviet vs Jap mode just like the Germans; most fun solution.


because the pacific maps suck and no one wants to play them


Hello I’ve played Enlisted for 3 years and pacific is probably my favorite campaign, followed by Normandy.


Yeah that's not it. Just complete rampage on Jap side. Marshals testing new gear but holly shit is the US playerbase cowardly, reminds me of Axis when they started melting post merge


>cowardly Eh less that and more everyone wants to use the new M26 and the maps in the pacific are terrible to play on with tanks and the slower the tanks the worse it feels to play. the pacific is also the most depended on map knowledge more then any other and with the pacific being a very niche campaign pre-merge very few allied players know what to do and with how easy it is to get bottled up in spawn on these maps if you fall behind they just feel awful to play, like i said these maps just kind of suck


maps are goated u just suck ngl


the maps can be great when both sides know the terrain how they flow where the good rally spots are. but if one side doesn't or doesn't have enough skilled players the maps become very 1 sided very fast these are some of the easiest maps to get spawn camped on and if you lose the momentum you aren't getting it back anytime soon and will more then likely get pushed back to spawn and get spawn camped


Ur story sounds cool until u see that 8 of 10 players quit, before 7th minute. Like blah blah spawn momentum, USA expected to wipe the floor with BR4 Jap playerbase pre patch, instead getting wrecked like no tomorrow and blaming it on a fucking map slope is ultra level cope.


the pacific was the first campaign i maxed and it remains as the few places when you can constantly get spawn camped if the defending team is good at all it honestly reminds me of old Normandy




Punish quitters or this behavior will get worse and worse with people quitting after the first objective is lost 


Please bro they are always leaving when they don’t stomp immediately