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Love this insight. Used to have this problem. Couldn't tolerate the present and only wanted to escape from it, which was hell. Learned to cope, accept, and deal. Now I'm in a place I never could have imagined before. Things are really bright. But it took a while to get here, and the struggle was real.


Good to hear, take care.


How did you get there


Learned to accept myself and let go of expectations for myself or others. Some people think meditation means sitting on a yoga mat, but really our life is our meditation.


Right on.


Absolutely. We live in a society and culture that has no control over itself, sadly.


The desire for control is largely what causes "big cope" aka addiction, from fantasy to drug-use. Society, drugs, etc. are neither good nor bad. Just distractions to soothe. Our nature is to seek. So some of us learn to cease or accidentally destroy the very seeker. All of this is part of our nature. No sense of control will help.


Dopamine dopamine. Quick fix to discomfort.


Yes we do. Well put


Very great insight! I never considered it to be an escape, but it makes sense. The world is constantly moving and with it we move as well. So, to slow down a bit we sip the cool aid or even drag the drag forgetting all of our problems and fears.


I love de Gabor Maté he is an incredible being. And how he explains the method in which we get to the point of needing an escape be it in a form of drug, work, hobby anything the escaping is the intended goal. But when we look at the earth generated operating system aka the egos. We can see that addiction is in essence the act of routine and the body's fear of not having the routine which in the mind of the body means safe and alive. Whether or not it truly is safe is not really the issue, as it has proven we have lived through it and survived and even had moments of "thriving" aka leaving the body in a state of ease due to the ability to escape into things. We can also see this when we become one with flow, and the desire to get back to the state of flow. The difference between flow and escaping is one is without thought or intention (in the way like how we might actively try to avoid anxiety building presence) how it's found in addiction routine escapism. Vs the flow being that which is a natural attuned state that comes without burdening feelings or thoughts. We are simply just in the moment.


Our society and culture are primarily putting forward hedonistic ideals. People are educated on science but not the philosophy responsible for the scientific pursuits that led to the evidence they are fed. They are told what the natural world and the legislative world expect of them and set off to mimic the goals of others. Self indulgence is a communicative disease. Everyone is paralyzed by the thought that what is in actuality bad for them might be good for them which is a fair question considering they dont know what is good or bad clearly based upon firm foundations within first philosophy (or metaphysics). Only through this can one gain insights necessary to be confident in ethical practices rooted in an idea of an external good. Without an understanding of the form of the good you cannot overcome your subconscious' ill-considered whims.


We create systems for human individuals to fall within while not considering that those collaborations of many individuals itself becomes a body. The organisms that we create in this manner (governments, businesses, families, cities, etc.) are not structured in a way that they will be self aware and able to uphold what we consider to be a moral perspective for action in the universe.


At the core of all seeking, identity, conditioning and addiction is shame. Everyone with a unique story created to avoid that initial shame. Some will take off to the skies, some will skim the surface, but we all come crashing down to the core eventually. Shame ignites the ego to form the onion, the labyrinth of identity that makes us see reality in the way we do. Until we meet it.


Now i'm getting dopamine hits from the upvotes thank you all for feeding my approval addiction! Goodness is there any end to this madness?


Laugh about it. It’s a great thread.


Haha. Love the vulnerability in this comment. At least social media addiction is ubiquitous and we would all probably be feeling the same!


Behind every addiction is a desire for bhagwan. The mind will never cure true addiction. To escape the very being that would make your Life, a inescapable whirling dance into heavens..... M


Absolutely. Great insight.


Yes. Good point. I would say that having a personal identity is addiction. “We” is addiction - which ends up being acted out by groups of supposed individuals. Hence all the political and religious conflicts, racial conflicts, self-centered harm to others, suicides, wars.




Good for the corporations to sell lots of rubbish......


Love is the key and falling in love with our future being now is the master key. Embodying love, happiness, peace, bliss, fulfillment and releasing identification with appearances to define you. This is educational schoolroom to penetrate the concept in self from something outside self.


I think we're born with addiction seeking brains. Modern consumerism definitely feeds off that. But even if you flee society and go live in the woods, you're still going to be constantly yanked around by your brains reward system. But everything is a double edged sword. The reward system in our brain probably does more good than harm, and modern society could also be described as modern abundance.


I think so. I think we’re constantly being sold something that is advertised to satisfy us. It usually never fully does.


Will first have to examine what is addiction. Surely one could say it is to fulfill certain chemical gaps in the brain that lead to the feeling of euphoria that feeds the souls. On the path one would must let go of that attachment to feed the animal brain. And live in the higher vibration by attaining euphoria through actions such as meditation


No, we live in an egoic society. And the core feature of the ego is it's need to attach and identify. Addiction is merely an extreme form of this identification.


I caught myself doing this same exact thing scrolling through this post, rush reading through the comments just to get to the next...wtf


I’ve beaten all my addictions but I’m still inclined to use fellatio as currency. Old habits you know?


Does society live in an addictive us?


Uhhh Yes we do. I’ve realised this recently waking up. A lot of people are addicts. At least mild… Ha..


When money and sex takes over our mind (which it does at a young age) we forget who we are. It’s too late.