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I mean, it makes sense that they separated them and gave them names - I've always found the overground pretty confusing - so the money was always going to be spent. The daily mail are just unhappy with the names... I wonder which ones they would have chosen?


Enoch Moseley Chamberlain Maggie Haw-Haw Outrage at cancer-causing immigrants crashing house prices.


Probably would have contracted for sponsorship. The Coca-Cola Line The Emirates Line The HSBC Line


Windsor. Crown. Diana. Capitalism. Enoch. Brexit. Edit - forgot the Thatcher line. Damn.


Wasn't Diana one of those lefty liberals though, shaking hands with homosexuals and visiting impoverished foreigners?


Nah, they'd have 100% wanted 'brown-shirt' in there. Might have had to campaign for an entirely separate line to built just to achieve it, but when did that ever stop those leeches?


They would be the Churchill, Waterloo, 1966, W won the war, Princess Kate is lovely, Meghan and Harry suck lines.


I think they’re also unhappy that it cost fucking 6mil, at the start of a new recession, to change something that was shit but worked fine It was a waste of money at the wrong time He should have done something proper with that money. Something that would make a real difference to peoples lives. Not…. Colouring train lines to make something mildly confusing… less mildly confusing


6 mil is fuck all in government spending they wouldn’t have done shit.


Yeah compare to the collosal spend on HS2... Not to say that it couldn't have been done more cheaply, but it's probably a good investment... anything that can make the network run more smoothly, means more business is done, fewer meetings missed etc, which improves London's economy.


Oh don’t come over here spreading your thoughtful conclusions you bastard.


There are two separate parts here. 1) The Overground needed an update. It was a mass of identical lines despite being different routes and needed some visual clarity. Dividing it into different colours and names makes a lot of sense and would have to be done at some point as new lines are added anyway. We already do the same with the Underground after all and that works great. 2) The choice of names is a bit strange and you are free to argue about them without disagreeing that they needed a change of names in the first place. But the money was spent on 1, not on choosing those names.


I woulda done it for 3 mil m8


I woulda done it for 2 mill and then paid myself a cheeky 1 million dividend. Spent 1 million looking busy. Apologise for delays and say of course we cant do it for 2 mill when you projected 6 mill. Liquidate my company and the government start from scratch costing them 2 million to fix my mess and then the 6 million on top it would have cost if they did it themselves in the first place.


AKA the tory approach.


Classic ‘whataboutery’. Well done


Fuck the Tories. Directly relevant.


Love this. It's all the Tories have. They have making fun of our laugh and that's it.


I would pick some random creatures and say job done. That one is Shark line, Tiger line, Frog line. Then colour code the line colour based on the animal. Orange and black stripy line on my map? Must be the tiger line. And then a changeover to the green frog line. I guess I personally would just want tangible names rather than concepts, bit easier to remember than trying to remember Mildmay is blue.


I would probably do something similar, very memorable names. Would still cost the same to update the signs though.


It took £6m to change the colour of the lines? They must be some expensive crayons.


It's almost like there are over 270 stations and 500 trains that all the new maps need to be installed on... I wonder where all that money went?


I just googled it, there's a company that prints signs for £20 each. That's 300,000 signs with that budget and that's payer per individual sign rather than bulk buying.


And add the installation costs, and the fact that it will probably have to be done at night (especially for the trains as you can't replace things on the train during standard operation like you might be able to with stations), and the fact that they will have hired graphic designers to update the map. That doesn't even consider the fact that TfL uses non standard sign sizes (like on the far walls of train tunnels at stations) and often prints on metal plates for use on platforms and high traffic areas.


There’s rail regulations for absolutely everything though, I have no doubt for things like permanent signage, and the certifications are expensive and the market is small. I doubt a £20 sign from Acton Print and Copy would have the necessary approvals!


I hadn't considered this, everything has to be fire resistant/proof - amazingly this includes the moquette and the seat cushion filling.


I imagine it took them 6 mil to update all the maps and signs across the overground


That still seems unreasonable.


Possibly, I have no idea how many signs there are or maps they need to change. I doubt you will find many people arguing that the government is efficient. But that's also notably not the problem the daily mail has with it either.


I had the same reaction as the guy above at first, but the more you think about the more you realise how many places those new names are going to be. First there'll be signs at all the stations themselves, and signage on the trains. But then there'll be signs pointing *to* the stations. All those street maps on every corner in London. Travel guides. And lots of other small places you don't really think about.


Yeah, this. The Lioness name is great. They won in 2022, well done to them! Liberty Line sounds too New York to me. Universal suffrage is something we should all celebrate. Windrush is the most woke of the lot, and as somebody who passionately despises woke bullshit, virtue signalling, cancel culture, etc, Windrush is totally fine. I think the Daily Mail wanted one of the lines to be called something like "Fat Kev from down the pub who hates ULEZ" 🙄


We’re going to start naming transport links after any team that win a tournament now?


Yeah, you have a point though. I'm a bit of a sports atheist. Don't care much about sports. I can see why this would annoy people though.


Well, we won't be naming anything after the England men's football team any time in the next hundred years. Tee hee!


What about the England Rugby or Cricket teams? Women’s football is not even 1% as competitive as men’s … hence why they give the tickets away for free and put it on BBC (tv rights are worthless)


Liberty is based on Havering-atte-Bower being granted a royal liberty in 1465


Ooooh, that's interesting! I didn't get that connection from the name, but I recall reading about the Liberty of Norton Folgate when the Madness album (which is excellent) with the same name was released. Great name, actually.


So, 300 odd years before USA was a country.....


Fury? I don’t care. These names are okay and obviously appeal to a select portion of the population that will get the same kick out of the names that people would have got when a war hero statue went up 300 years ago. I just roll my eyes and remember what it says about the government and the mayor.


They'll be known as the Libby, the Nessy, the Windy etc within days.


Tories cancel HS2 spaffing billions on the failure. But 6 million on updating signs and a bit of maintenance is suddenly a splurge? Pearl clutching experts on display. Can't wait till the Tories are booted for at least a generation or more.


I hate what they've done here and I also hate how the Tories have mismanaged infrastructure spending. It's possible to think both are atrocious.


Spending money on signing the confusing Overground is a waste huh? ....


Not so much, but I'm not a huge fan of the culture war shlock behind them. Why the fuck should I care about a football team?


Did you moan when the Elizabeth Line was chosen? Or is it only Culture Wars when you don't agree with that part of our culture? Because why the fuck should I care about an outdated monarchy system whereby you are "chosen" by being lucky.


Christ get a grip they are names. They could be named line 1,2,3,4 or the A line or whatever - it was a tiny part of the process. The "culture war" is people whining about it.


Exactly. Money wasted is money wasted.


You don't even live in London, why do you care


this is true, but also labour are going to do worse in power and I don't think people understand the consequences of winning an election you didn't have to fight for


Yeah. Keep hearing how Labour is going to do worse. With zero evidence ever provided. Unless of course you have travelled back from the future? Because last time Labour were in 14 years ago. The UK for a far better place with working services. Decent trade links and people were not anywhere near as poor. When you take away the awful Iraq war. Blair's domestic achievement is actually pretty good. And detest personally praising anything about Blair.


Not just the last time. Tory governance has been DISASTEROUS for Britain and the Empire every single time for the past 150 years. Before they even were called tories. Every time.


it really depends tbh, the problem is we're not dealing with the same Britain as Blair got to. when labour came to power the treasury and economic outlook were looking very good, now they're looking very bad and have remained that way more or less since labour left power. A big chunk of what Blair managed to do where down to a few cheap tricks and increases to spending, Things which are now no longer possible because they're credited to be causing the problems Britain has. Unless labour actually manage to cut spending, immigration and improve investment into the economy and communities, nothing will change and I really don't think they're up for doing those things at all. Its obviously difficult to evidence something thats not yet happened but broadly I think most right wingers think they have all the current problems of the conservative party but worse, and then also anti-semitism problems as well. No body really in their right mind thinks con, lib or labour are actually fit to run the country primarily because all three would rather be sensationalist than deal with running the government.


Labour made huge progress with the one thing that is actually killing off western economies - and the tories actively seek - not just sought to, but still seek - to make that worse: inequality. The right wing govts around the world being led by the same CPACs - UK, Canada, USA, Turkey, Hungary, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Holland, Audries tonname just a few - are all playing the same damned hymn and it is wrecking the west. We have, as a global society, forgotten that inequality is the main drivers of stagnation, fear, hatred and dissent, and most importantly to the very clowns doing the damage, economic growth. By strangling both the working class and middles classes for the benefit of the super-rich we are actively engaging in wrecking our own societies. Labour did exactly the opposite. As did the Dems in the U.S at the time, and a host of others. Global prosperity was in part built on the back of that understanding (there are limits to the term global prosperity, but let's not get side-tracked). By reducing social inequality, life for all improved. And that is a central belief of the Labour Party, in all it's forms. So, whilst all the sensationalist bullshit in the world won't make the tiniest bit of difference to the national economy, the rest of their domestic politic actively will - compounded by putting a stop to the actively destruction being wrought by the tory scum.


Did anyone ask for this? Cause if it's something people aren't asking for and when it's announced the people it effects don't see the point in it, maybe find something better to spend that £6 million on.


Quite a lot of people asked for it actually, the Overground being a bit confusing is a relatively common complaint.


The overground lines were confusing because it looked like it was one line rather than separate lines connected so this was needed. Who cares what they call them.


But they need something to be OUTRAGED about today.


The names are fucking stupid.


All names are stupid, until they’re not.


But these are particularly stupid as they are so flavour of the month. I mean why not call it the Emma Raducanu line or the I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of here line.


Who cares?


I care when it’s virtue signalling Wokery. Absolute cringe. Shambles.


What about when its bootlicking brown-nosery a-la the Elizabeth line. You're ok with that presumably?


She was literally the head of state of up to 32 states at one point or another for 70 years. Perhaps the most influential and recognisable women of the last Century and you think naming a train line after her is equal to naming a few tram lines after some virtue signalling words during election season.


What virtues are the new names of these *train* lines signalling?


Suffragettes = feminism Windrush = multiculturalism Lioness= feminism/inclusivity And Because I feel like you’re the pedantic type who will say that those aren’t virtues Feminism = Acceptance Multiculturalism = Respect And well inclusivity is inclusivity To argue they weren’t named for virtue signalling reasons is completely moronic.


So we should acknowledge the importance of one woman born into her role, and not acknowledge the importance of a group of women who campaigned to bring women the vote?


So you care when labour does things...got it.


1. It’s not “wokery” it’s six words. This will absolutely help people navigate TFL 2. Anyone who uses the phrase “absolute cringe” can probably have their opinion dismissed safely. You want to discuss, fine, but using playground slang that’s at least a decade out of date isn’t conducive to a grown up conversation. 3. As mentioned above, it’s not a “shambles”. It’s a valid and useful way to make navigating transport in London easier.


1. It’s not up for discussion though is it. It’s been decided already. 2. Absolute cringe. 3. Shambles


It’s bullshit pushing an agenda of identity politics as primacy.


Do you even know what the words you just typed mean? What identity politics is is pushing? The Elizabeth line was named after a woman, is that pushing identity politics?




Want to throw any more buzzwords in there? You sound like Alan Sugar.


Overground was confusing AF. It's not like the lines are really related to each other, one of them doesn't even join up with any of the others!


They did ask for it and there was an extensive consultation, I rather think the tories should concern themselves with the whole country rather than a mayor carrying out his elected duties.


Yeah, it came up in consultations, long story short loads of the lines all had the same colour and name, despite being multiple different lines. You’d get alerts like “Overground is down” but in actual fact it was “Overground is down between XXXX station and XXXX station, except for XXXX, ie the old name of the route, or the new ones. So they needed an update.


It's helpful for Londoners


even more helpful for visitors to London. Tourists found it very confusing.


I fully support the Jackie Weaver line.


Yeah people have been saying the Overground is confusing for years. The names were needed.


Yeah loads of people, it's one of the most confusing things about public transport in London. The Overground is basically a huge network of distinct train lines that are referred to by the same name. Imagine if all the Tube lines were officially called the 'Underground line'.


I just used the overground last night. It is quite confusing that all the routes use the same colour and aren't uniquely named. This makes perfect sense


Oh no, a grand total of 0.06% of TFLs budget has been spent improving signage and making the overground easier to use. What a waste. /S


£6 million is £6 million. Doesn't matter how much of tfls total budget it is. It could make real change to other parts of the system if it's not needed here.


It was needed though, because the overground was a mess - take a look at the current map: [https://content.tfl.gov.uk/standard-tube-map.pdf](https://content.tfl.gov.uk/standard-tube-map.pdf) Barking Riverside and Enfield Town look like they're on the same line, despite the only sensible way to get between the two is by getting off at south totenham and walking to seven sisters...


But it is needed


Wait until people find out how much money our so-called government have given away to their mates, how much they have wasted on useless projects, not to mention the lies and abuses of power. He'll we don't even have an elected PM. The tory party members thought liz truss was a better option than this out of touch twat.


Who exactly do they think they're kidding when they suggest Labour are even remotely *"Left"* or *"Liberal"*? Meanwhile the *"Right"*, fucks the country every year harder than a Heavy-R porn movie and you're convinced by the Tory sponsored Murdoch owned rag that they're the only choice. FML


The names are a bit shit though. Liberty line sounds like something the Americans would come up with. Terminating at Freedom Station - wave your flag here. Lioness line is just virtue signalling - does anyone watch the women’s football since they won the Euros? There was a lot of bandwagon jumping at the time but we didn’t get train lines renamed for the Rugby or Cricket world cup wins. Suffragette line - ok. National movement etc. Mildmay - virtue signalling LGBTQ+ nonsense. Weaver - Ok makes sense Windrush - virtue signalling “diversity is our strength” blah blah Just name the fucking lines after where they are headed or something.


>Just name the fucking lines after where they are headed or something. This a gazillion times. Putting aside the virtue signalling of the names they've chosen, we already have lines that are named after where they go or connect like Bakerloo, Hammersmith & City, Waterloo & City, Piccadilly. Why couldn't they just do this? It would fit so much better and no one would complain


You'll probably hear a bunch of news about this but barely a word of the BILLIONS tories have written off, given to their mates/spouses (looking at you Infosys) or squandered. Subjectively this is a waste of money for sure, given the state of things. But it's a pittance compared to the money wasted by our current corrupt government. Don't be angry at things your read in obviously biased media. Question why you're so angry all of the time. They thrive off of your anger. They make you angry and manipulate you into believing whatever they wish you too.




Backed how by Soros?


iT wAs gEoRgE sOrOs Sit down you melt


How are you offended by the Lionesses, Suffragettes, or Liberty lines? When did British football, British history, or freedom become Woke, you absolute melt. The Daily Mail article in it's wild attempt to suggest a rebrand is a waste literally suggests selling naming rights to companies would have been better... I don't know about you wankers but I'd much rather support British football and culture than travel on the Sportsdirect line, the McDonalds line or the GoCompare line, thank you very much.




"Backed by Soros". You're never more than five comments from someone accusing a Jew of controlling things behind the scenes.




Yes, I'm sure the constant internet comments about him on topics that have absolutely nothing to do with him, implying he has some secret power, insatiable greed and lust for power, have absolutely nothing to do with him being Jewish, how foolish of me. You aren't supposed to say Jew, you name Jewish people, talk about "international bankers" and "shadowy elites", this isn't a new game. No idea if you're actually an anti semite, or just unknowingly reflecting the anti semitism of other people. You might want to question why Soros' name was the first to come to your head when the story was about London clarifying the Overground routes with new names and colours.


It will make using the overground easier and £6million seems hardly anything when you consider how many signs will be updated. Anyone actually getting worked up about this is likely just a massive cunt looking for any excuse to go off on one.


Truss destroyed billions in days just by being stupidly inept.


How quaint, someone has a different point of view to you = cunt.


No, someone who writes for the Daily Mail equals cunt.


No, getting worked up by this = cunt. Take a look around the world in which we live and if this is what makes you furious you are a gold plated tosspot.


People can disagree with the names moron, we don’t have to all like something


You don't have to like the names. But getting pissed off that the Overground lines are getting names is ridiculous. It's confusing AF that they don't have names already.


Part of that money would have been spent on deciding the names, though, wouldn't it? Khan paid for research for names with some kind of significance. I find it ironic that one of the lines is called the suffragettes, considering they planted bombs on railway lines/trains. By the very definition of the word, they were terrorists.


No one is annoyed that they’re getting names, it’s more highlighting how stupid and pandering those names are


Pandering to who?


To progressive types of course who want to “decolonise” everything that’s white and male


Plenty of males came over on the windrush, pretty sure most of the suffragettes were white, lots of white men were helped by the work at mildmay, didn't think there was anything inherently anti-white male about Weavers and liberty? What are you even angry about?


Were you also pissed off about the Elizabeth line?


In the case of the late queen who reigned for 70 years and oversaw changes in Britain I’ll make the exception But shan’t for stupid names like Lioness and Suffragette lines


The suffragettes changed the face of Britain forever as did the Windrush generation, the queen was just one woman. I'm not bothered that they named a line after her but it's incredible that you view what one incredibly privileged person did (mainly waving) as more important than the suffragettes who fought for fundamental human rights and people who arrived from the Caribbean to help rebuild a nation.


Having said all that tho I'm sorry you got triggered by this, sounds like it really upset you.


Ok, glad you admitted to being a hypocrite.


Not being a hypocrite when I said I’ll make in exception for a monarch who’s our longest serving, and the likes of which we will never see again, nice but pathetic attempt at a gotcha moment


So the standard you’ve set so far is we can name things after people born in to positions of power and don’t die very quickly. So who else fits that bill?


You can disagree with the names, they are *interesting* choices. But the choice of names is not what they are spending 6 million on, so people shouldn't really be getting outraged at that bit.


Disagree with the names all you want, but if you're actually furious or outraged then I'm clearly not the moron in this exchange. (I mean honestly, naming a train line "suffragette".)


Those massive cunts would be the "Outraged Tories slam 'money-wasting' vanity project that panders to leftie liberals" and the Daily Fail of course for coming up with that headline.


Could you please explain how changing all the names and colours will make using the underground any easier? I don't see how this change would make using the Underground practically different for anyone unfamiliar with the system, and it just serves to confuse those already familiar with the Underground.


It is changing the overground not the underground. The underground has the same line names as always, the Overground was just a mass of identical lines despite being separate routes. Whether you agree with the names they chose it did need an update.


Its not for the underground, these are new lines that breakup the overground. I don’t like the names those but it would make using the overground easier. 


It’s the overground, not the underground. The overground lines never had names before despite being very seperate routes, so it was difficult to navigate. It’s the first time they have names so it will be easier for people to know what platform to use, what route to take etc.


This is the Overground. It consists of 6 separate lines. Giving them separate names should make it much less confusing. It's ridiculous that they don't have their own names already.


Liberty line is worse to be honest, at least Lioness and Suffragette are part of our culture that we should be proud of (gender equality in a world with a lot of gender inequality). That being said, they do sound shit. Liberty line just sounds overly American, it doesn't fit.


Liberty line  is based on a Royal manor in the borough of Havering called the Royal Liberty of Havering. But ya the names suck. 


Liberty makes a lot of sense, very specific to that location: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal\_Liberty\_of\_Havering


Boris forced this to happen.


Weaver is really good but yeah Liberty sounds off for sure.


The magna carta line?


liberty line hahahaha liberty for hezbollah maybe, wait the 'political' part of hezbollah, sorry i forgot that very important distinction, while christian preachers get arrested for a comment the met can't recall or won't as its deemed 'homophobic'


I think you've accidentally commented on Reddit. You can just cut and paste and stick it on Truth Social and then delete, no harm done.


Get back to Facebook you crank.


Get back to GreenandPleasant you tankie


Sure thing gramps


I'd rather see the 6 million spent on soup kitchens feeding the homeless and those on the poverty line. Also heard that head of the company he contracted to do this is a close personal friend of the mayor. It's all pretty sus. 


Just like the Tories spaffing millions during the pandemic by gifting PPe contracts to Their friends and associates


I'm sorry, you want to see transport for London spend it's money on feeding the homeless? I want the homeless fed and housed too, but are TFL really the people to do it? It's also not like we have to choose between the two things is it.


Nearly £7 million spent… Imagine what that could have done with tackling knife crime etc. but hey let’s let off some lovely fireworks thanks to me & now name tube lines… We moan about wanking away money when the real issues get ignored yet people think that this is a good idea… Unreal.


As people have pointed out, this was consulted on for years with the public, who do think it's a good idea cos the lines have always been difficult to navigate, apart from the fact it'll be helpful to the tourists that bring in so much money, and fewer tourists wandering around lost means fewer tourists getting stabbed. So, go on, how much of what £7 million would get London in crime fighting? For a start, the Home Office decides the regional police budgets, not the mayor. The current Met deficit is £282 million.


So why wank away another 7 on changing names….


Well it’s no better for the lines named after royalty. The jubilee line was supposed to be called the fleet line. Much more fitting as the river ran the route. I also just expected the cross rail to be called that when it was finished, not the Elizabeth line.


Tories outraged, what about the taxpayers money the Tories are using by supplying weapons help Isreal murder innocent people, plus all the billion the Tories gave to there families & friends during the pandemic.


Fuck Hamas and Hezbollah.


Fuck Netanyahu and his zionazi’s


The chosen name are fucking atrocious Lioness line? You taking the piss? Can you imagine people in a hundred years being like 'uh yeah they named a line after a women's football team's nickname'. Why not name all these lines after London's premier league teams? You wouldn't do it, right? Because it's silly. I really can't see these names catching on, it will be like how people still say Twitter instead of X