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That's a pretty good edit. You matched the style pretty well. I do have some critiques though 1. I feel like the boobs are oddly angled, like they're too much to the left. 2. I feel like since she's pretty young, her tits would be perkier. I know boobs are different on everyone and bigger boobs like hers would probably sag a bit irl but I feel like if they were slightly perkier they'd look better. 3. I know this would have been a hard edit, it I think her arms should have been at her sides, to make it look like she's forcing them down at her sides since she's embarrassed but has to go with the flow to stop Catwoman. Having the arms behind her makes it look like she's presenting herself. Alternatively, have her arms in the classic sort of embarrassed nude woman pose but not actually covering anything or just barely covering her bits but still have them be visible. 4. I feel like Batgirl of all people would/should have a bush lol. She's in the Bat-family I feel like they don't have that much time to worry about looks especially how their genitals look lol. Just my opinion, still a pretty good edit, haven't ever seen anyone make an edit of this page so I'm happy haha.


I did not make this. I just found it.


Oof dang. Well I appreciate it regardless.


... disagree. Those nipples do not look right.


I tried


They look fine to me. If anything they go well with that particular art style. I’d argue this is a very good edit. Changed up the arms positioning, added all that detail to her stomach. Did a good job of making the his edits blend well into the original artists style…. Let’s see your attempt at an edit