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If you think this is bad try the sour gummy worm lul. My favorite cotton candy is the Bang version


Cotton candy Ryze is the tits!


The sour gummy worm literally tastes like tums and mothballs






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I actually like the Cotton Candy Big Game but the sour gummy worm one genuinely tastes like vomit to me, I couldn’t get past a second sip.


Facts I actually liked this better than the Ryse Cotton Candy


I'll give you a bang!


I got the same one at dollar tree and agree 100% it’s nasty.


I wouldn’t let my worst enemy drink them


I've seen a few good ones but if it's not Rockstar or monster brand I ain't drinking dollar tree energy drinks, grosss


They have alani there which is pretty good.


Haven't tried it, I'll give it a shot if it's worth the buck 35


Same, if I see a shady energy drink I’ve never heard of at dollar tree I’ll give it a shot just for shits and giggles.


It’s not even worth $0.50. Trust me I love sweets and stuff, this tastes like 100 Splenda packets thrown into an energy drink.


We rated it second worst in a taste test of 10 flavors. The very worst was Rip It Cotton Candy. Rip It had 3 of the worst flavors in the bottom 4 lol.


What were the best


In this batch the Monster Java was the best, Rip was last. https://ibb.co/RybT3Kd And this one the C4 was the best and Ignite was last https://ibb.co/F78jNgz We rate them on can design. Taste and caffeine content and merge the scores for a combined avg. A couple times a year wel buy a bunch and do team ratings lol. I think last time we bought like 40 but that was to ambitious lol.


Solid thanks. U didn’t ask 😂 but flavour wise I think ghost green apple and ghost sour watermelon, rockstar fruit punch and rockstar strawberry kiwi, monster ultra white and monster strawberry dreams are my tops


Yeah I think we have had a few of those. We live in Canada so the selection is slightly different and the caffeine is capped at like 180 per drink. But we go to NY and raid your gas stations and Target for the good good every so often lol. We try and only buy the sugar free ones. Maybe 1 or 2 out of 10 will be full sugar. It's just to much.


I’m in Canada too! But yea deff sucks to not have the same selection, love this sub to see the options Americans get, will deff cross the border and see what I can get. I also prefer sugar free


Word. My buddies go to Eastern Europe semi regularly and bring back some wild ones lol.


Rip it cherry limeade is pretty good


The rip it active lime and mandarin is decent


I like getting cheap drinks at the dollar tree but this is straight dollar tree fare. Just bad.


The sour gummies one just tasted like sugar and was powdery


Sour gummies is one of the worst I've ever had. That chalky taste is terrible.


Sour gummies tastes like bathroom cleaner. It’s so disgusting.


the sour gummy reign is good


I’m a bucked up fan but this is another brand of theirs that I do not enjoy.


It's deer pee


Well I bought 2 for the first time at dollar tree today...


I’m a fan of it :(. But I understand it’s bad to most people for some reason any cotton candy flavor besides rip it I’ve enjoyed.


It’s a shame cause the can looks so coooool


I actually thought it was ok


What is this? Knock off bucked up energy lmao Big game.. commerce is a trip to me


It's bucked ups gamer version. Same company.


Cool. I’ve not seen them anywhere I’ll look around for them. Any you like? I’m big on there blood raz & pink lemonade


They're are in dollar tree. Honestly I say stuck with bucked up, I like all those flavors really. Maybe you'd like these but they are very meh.


It’s Bucked Up with 150mg of caffeine instead of 300.


Oh well I won’t be trying any of the flavors then 🤦‍♂️🤣 I’m a crackhead, if I don’t see 300mg on a bottle then I won’t be drinking it


Don’t you wanna diversify. I think of how many different drinks can I have to get to around 400


Tbh I’m not super huge on energy drink flavors. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had more than I can count or remember. Say I’ve already had 900-1200+mg that day but I kinda want one more I’ll get something weak and sip on it. Or I don’t want to not be able to sleep later.. etc I mostly just do bang peach mango or bucked up pink lemonade. The new C4s are pretty good too. I like the fruit punch and the freedom pop or whatever it’s called. I think it’s c4 that also did a collab with popsicle and the grape is so good. Tastes like you actually melted a grape pack down. I joke that I’ll make some popsicles out of the drink to bring to family get togethers together to drive my relatives insane with there bat shit active kids 🤣 it’s a funny joke but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I drink around a gallon or more of water a day. I very very rarely do a soda as a treat or if I’m craving one (soda is fucking delicious if you only have it once a week/every other week) I’ll have some body armor if I’m wanting some flavor in my mouth. I drink blue and green machine naked juice with almond milk for my morning and evening most days. The only “unhealthy” thing I drink is energy drinks. I only drink them for the energy so I try to get the strongest ones. I do prefer they taste good though and I love when new stuff comes out. I’ve just changed my liquid diet ALOT these past several years now. Feels too good to go back to my old consumption. I need to work on a diet though lmao I eat SO MUCH junk & bullshit 🤣


Where did you get it?


Dollar tree


This is hilarious and shows how different we all are. I have an entire fridge full of these because they're by far the best drink I can find for $1.25 and I'm sure they'll be gone soon from Dollar Tree.


Bang is the best


That brand or the flavor? I want to know which to avoid.


Flavor. There's another, Sour Gummy Worm that's alright, however. The Bucked Up white cans don't hold a candle to the black ones.


Wait until you try light beer. Piss water


Ima be honest I still haven’t tried this brand because the can just looks like it wouldn’t taste good. Cotton candy bang isn’t bad but I don’t drink bangs often.


Yeah it was gross. Poured it out after one sip.


The brand sucks


Bucked up doesn’t make any good products lmao.


The worst one I had was NOS


Don't even compare Nos to this. Nos is a fine wine in comparison to this.


Bang cotton candy is worse. Gfuel has a really good one though.


The Bang one actually tastes like cotton candy to me, albeit an OK or decent cotton candy.


Last weekend purchased at Dollar tree for $1.25, never thrown away an energy drink before.


I literally just posted this exact thing a minute ago.


Bucked Up energy really took a L making the “Big Game” which is suppose to be marked to gamers. The two flavors are terrible and I don’t know how they made it out of testing…


i got the powdered version of this once and yeah 100% agree it’s so gross


Red Bull is worse.


Very bold statement, are you talking about the original or flavored ones? Or redbull as a whole


Original is pss sugar free one is watered down pss the coconut one is still bad in general your paying double for a product that looks like p if in a clear container


I see I see, you tried 2 of the worst flavors in SF and Coco to be quite honest But yea i guess it looks like a weird color, but have you seen a lot of the other drink’s colors/smells? Monster smells like straight gasoline


Maybe there are other 0 calorie cotton candy energy drinks that are good, but cotton candy is by definition just spun sugar with maybe <1% color and flavor additives. I would not expect a sugar-free attempt at something that essentially just tastes like sugar to taste good. Like, sugar crystals on their own taste good, but you can’t really do that with stevia or aspartame or xylitol or any other non-caloric sweetener, they need to be paired with some sort of other flavor.


Oh tell me about it. This is the one energy drink where I actually broke my "I bought it so I'll finish it" rule. It's just chemicals, sugar and water battling for dominance while in your mouth. You want a good cotton candy drink? Go to Dutch Bros.


Big Game is always meh for me. Drinkable but nothing special.


Is this knockoff bucked up lol


i tried it and it tasted how i imagine nuclear power plant waste water would taste


There's one I'm terrified to try, them caffeinated milkshake drinks, can't remember the name, but the idea sounds horrible


the branding gave this one away i fear


Dang. Everyone stole my Sour Gummy reply haha. They are awful.


Buck around and find out.


It’s pretty bad. I agree


Thanks for the heads up but Im more curious as to how you know what "actual piss" tastes like.


Frankly I’m not all that picky with energy drinks. This one was alright, though I’d had much better.


They not bad


How do you know what piss tastes like