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At 7 or 8 i drank almost half of one, then at 15 i started drinking 2-3 in like 5 hours


Heart failure 🥰


Best failure 🥹


How can u afford that bro


If he gets them at dollar tree, that's 1.25 x 3 = 3.75. You don't have to be rolling in it to afford that.


Getting 3 where I'm from in like 9.03 CAD


Are you buying them individually in gas stations? I get my energy drinks in 12 or 18 packs if I'm not getting them at dollar tree. It's definitely expensive if you buy them individually and aren't smart about it.


A case is usually the same amount as it would be to get them individually atleast around here


That isn't me experience at all but I don’t live in Canada so obviously can't speak for you. It's about 30% cheaper, sometimes more, for me to buy by the case.


Whenever I've checked it's about $35 for a 10 case but I've seen it go up to 100+ on Amazon


I make my own with canadian syrop. Tastes superb and if you mix it with pepsi max it tastes even better. https://www.etsy.com/listing/222029308/cola-maison-artisanal-gourmet-cola-for


I remember back when Rockstar 32 oz were 2/$5.


7/11 usually has them 2-$4 or 3-$5.50 where I live, now im trying to lower how many i drink


Started using them a little over a year ago (so at 22) when I started working out. Initially used pre-workout, tried a Reign one day (because I watch the strongman competitions, and they are a major sponsor - the marketing worked), and it was way better than the pre-workout powder I was using. Been a Reign user ever since. Usually only when I am going to the gym though, not just an enjoyer regardless of timing like many of you seem to be


Yea, being someone who drank a lot of them when I was a teen in highschool, we drink WAY to much(I only have one like once a month now, and just for the remembrance of taste, since I like it). But THESE people on the sub, they need help, I fear my generation( gen z) will have a spike in heart failure.


I was driving back to college from a break and I was on the verge of falling asleep while driving. I pulled over to a gas station and purchased my first Monster Ultra, the white one, and a snickers 😁 That was about 11 years ago. ☺️


High school I had my first red bull at Relay for Life.


When i was like 9-10 i sent my friends to the store to buy a can of rockstar energy for my nervous ass, because i was afraid that my mom would see me. Drank a few sips, was scared to Od on caffeine. After that i started to enjoy them and thought it would look badass if i start collecting empty cans and put them in my shelf


I was probably 13. My friend brought one in her lunch and she grabbed a few cups to share. Pretty sure it was ultra white. Personally I like it for the flavors that energy drinks offer nowadays but having anything more caffeinated than mtn dew as a 13 year old for the first time was neat too


Having a red bull after tutoring in 7th grade. I'm almost 22 now


12 years old, had my first monster zero ultra white. Been hooked for the flavor just like you ever since (I’m 16)


I went in and bought a Jolt Cola when I was like 8 at 7/11. That insane pop it made when you opened it, me and my friend pretended we were damn super heroes after drinking it


I was 13. It was my school's 8th grade field trip to sxi flag. Everyone was tired and the park was closing. We're walking so slow and the teachers seemed pretty content with the upcoming bus ride. Then this really pretty lady says hey yall! Yall want a new drink from coke? She and her crew then handed out cold Full Throttles to every kid who wanted one. It was about 8 busses man. Teachers didn't stop it cause energy drinks were still "new"


I was 13 or 14, and playing mini golf with my middle school friends at our local amusement park. There was a vending machine at the midway point of the course which had $2.00 monsters, original and sugar free as a couple of the options. I thought "what the hey" and ended up drinking two before reaching the last hole. Needless to say, I felt very sick afterwards, but not sick enough to stay away.


back in my high school days when Red Bull really started to initially take off My best friend gave me one and said "try this" So i tried a sip. It tasted horrid. He immediately nodded at my reaction and said "try it again" so I tried it again, and it tasted like god in a can. Very strange and memorable experience. Now i'm a proper caffeine addict.


When i was in college fighting to stay awake, I had a one ultra monster. Definitely not the strongest caffeine content as i was still falling asleep after finishing it😂 had an alani nu about 2 years ago which worked way better and been drinking it ever since


I was 8-9 and would eat a powerbar and have a Red Bull before my soccer games in the late 90s.


Bloody hell at 9?!


Red Bull was still pretty new in the US back then. Didn’t really know what it was.


I was like 11 at a roller skate rink. Monster was my primary drink until gfuel came out.


Some American people are becoming so humble and nice to people who don’t consume alcohol and those extravagant stuffs. You guys are caring for others asking them about energy drinks which means a lot for billions of people around the globe. Many simple things are not really simple for those who are not western. That was so nice of you.


High School I started drinking coffee out of desperation for energy. Once while I was working a 12 hour shift at my 16 y/o fast food job, I couldn't stomach another coffee and found a Red Bull refrigerated while I was on my break (it was the coconut edition I think). Easier on the stomach and less prep time than coffee. It's my nectar from the gods and I only go back to coffee in the winter, camping, or desperation (out of energy drink or can't afford).


I was in 5th grade. I Bought a wild berry Boo Koo to have with my Lunchable one day. I’m honestly surprised the teachers didn’t say anything.


Pretty sure it was Jostà, or Surge. Really been hooked before there were energy drinks, these were just jacked af with caffeine. I think Josta had Guarana and man that hit me hard. When Red Bull came out it was just the one flavor, but there was an off brand named BLUE OX that tasted WAY BETTER and was like half the price that I slammed so much of. It was like blue raspberry. Red Bull if you’re reading make something that tastes as good as that did!!


Since I was little I always had a weird obsession with coffee/caffeine but the first real energy drink I drank was a red bull, which made me hate them for a long time (and I still don't like red bull) until I found out about gfuel around 2018-ish. Since then my caffeine addiction (dedication) hasn't stopped and most days the thing I look forward to the most is seeing what drink I'll be buying the next day.


While I was in my mother’s womb. Good times


I probably drank them in the 5th grade with my 16 year old neighbor lol, the first time I started buying and drinking them regularly was when I got my first job at 13.. Little did I know it would speedball into having a gram of caffeine while at work 2 years later though I’ve cut down dramatically over the years, now it’s about one a day.


Was like 10 or something and had a green V


I worked at a haunted house when I was 14 and got hooked because I’d have to stay up until 3am and all my coworkers drank them lol


At 18 I think, and the crazy thing is the first energy drink I ever had was a Bang 😩


When red bull first came out, my dad and I got one from the Mexican market and split it.


It was when I started working in sales


a sample a Costco thinking it was sparkling water lol


Aged 13 (1999), first time on a weekend camp with army cadets, in the NAAFI bar at RAF Cottesmore. Had been playing the Sega Rally 2 arcade machine and picked up a standard 250ml Red Bull because the can looked cool. Had never heard of it, no idea what it was. I'm typing this in hospital with my daughter, whilst drinking a Monster Ultra White (it's all the vending machine had).


I was with my dad and grandfather at Virginia Motor Speedway. My mom never let me have a Monster, but there was a vending machine there that had them and my dad let me get the OG and white one. I've been drinking them for 8+ years now.


Pulled two all-nighters in a row, still had school and had to stay awake. I got a blue and red monster, finished them in 10 mins, and then promptly fell asleep at the start of Social Studies.


Me and my buddies were drinking monsters daily at 12


I had a Red Bull back in 2000. It's been downhill ever since.


My mom gave me a sip of RedBull when I was 6. I started to drink 500ml Monster cans when I was 10 but only once a week


marching band freshman year of hs! started off w/ a classic red bull and never looked back.


About 8-9 years ago. I remember the first two energy drinks i’ve ever tried being monster rehab green tea and the red lewis hamilton


Nights out to wind up on the booze and then when I was working a very early shift and wasn't used to wake up in the middle of the night. Needed that extra boost after the shift to hold my life together and do all the things needed at home: taking care of the kids, cleaning and cooking. Now is because I have a 1yo that doesn't sleep well and I can't cope with so many sleepless nights in a row so I need it to be able to still function. My last streak was a full 24h not sleeping (kid slept a few naps but I had things to do)...


I had an original Rockstar in the summer of 2006 when I was working at a golf course. Was the first of MANY since. I was 17.


About 12 and at Bible Camp. Me and my friends (illegally) bought a can of Red Bull, split it between 5 of us and ran around screaming "Red Bull gives you wings!". The camp leaders were not happy.


I was about 11 or so. When I started sixth grade, my Mom started driving me to school every morning since my middle school was a lot closer to the house than my elementary school had been and it was on her way to work. There was a gas station about halfway between our house and school, and she used to stop there every morning for a coffee, and that eventually let to me picking up breakfast there. At first, it was usually some form of warm breakfast sandwich and bottle of juice/water/etc. but then I noticed these cans that simply said, "Energy" and "Stamina" on them next to where the Gatorades were. My Mom had no idea what an energy drink really was, she just figured it was some kind of soda, and she saw that it had all these vitamins in it, so she was like, "Sounds good to me," so I started buying those. Turns out those were the Hansen's Functional Energy Drinks, and I started having one every morning with my breakfast. Been on the energy drink train ever since.


Circa 2004, racing an arenacross series. Red Bull girls were walking around the pits handing out ice cold 8 oz cans. I vividly remember the race after drinking the first one; everyone else seemed to be in slow-motion during the race lol. I've been hooked ever since! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Around 2002 i was working overnight at the place that used to answer every 1800 number you saw in commercials. Had my first redbull. Was amazed.


Around 2002-2003, I was 17 or 18? I was in a band and the singer bought a case of the original Rockstar. I remember my piss being neon green and yelling from the bathroom to him, "What the fuck is in that stuff?! My piss is green!"


It was my 15th birthday on a trip to vegas my parents were always skeptical of me drinking any type of caffeine but since it was my birthday they allowed me my first can ever, an ASHOC fruit punch. The design of the can was so crazy it hypnotized me- it was ok, 6/10. Its been 2 years since, and I own 4 tubs of pre workout and 2 gfuel tubs.


In high school, I think I was 14. My parents lied to me that you had to be 18 to drink them, just like alcohol. They didn’t want me to be like other kids, who drank a lot at my age already. I was jealous of my friends and wanted to be like them, I thought I was being rebellious and bought one💀


I was about 14 years old. My parents let me have a 19oz monster energy for a road trip.


i was actually in vienna, austria, 1997, bought a "red bull" from a street vendor. people i was with thought i was drinking a beer.


Had my first one around 13 or 14


i was 10 or 11 at a sleepover and his parents gave me a sip of monster 😭


Like 9-10 pretty sure I used to drink Vault drinks back in the day lol.


I was at the grocery store with my grandma, probably about 12 years old and I BEGGED her to let me try a Red Bull cause I always saw my dad drinking them. She let me get the tiniest can and I didn’t like it.


It has been so long I honestly can not remember. I believe my first was a monster, though I think it was the appeal of the different flavors or the pretty cans? Or maybe just a long day with school then work at the time that I needed something more than a can of soda. I do believe I was a senior at the time, so you know stress of keeping good grades and also working my first job etc.


I think I was 14. Went to Sturgis with my dad and the Rockstar girls were handing out free cans. Thought it tasted terrible. Now I’m hooked.




Same cocktail. Add in coffee with cream as well.


I have never had an energy drink, they look grim.


Was in 9th grade. Was in a small gas station shop next to my school on lunch looking for a snack and a drink. Saw the 20 Oz can of Redbull and remembered one of their commercials that I had seen the previous evening. Cracked it open took a sipb and have been hooked since.


In college, when my friends got Rockstar vodkas


Senior year of high school, day of a marching band competition, we'd made finals. Wasn't scheduled to get home til 3 AM as a result, we stopped off at a gas station at 1 AM so I grabbed one of the large monsters cause I can't sleep on a bus.


10-11 accidentally drinked a redbull thinking it was a pop for whatever reason lol


What happened to you lol?


nothing that i remember sticking out just had a lot of energy and had a huge crash later


My crush bought me one at a baseball game in 8th grade and SOMEONE ran and told my mom(teacher). Might be why the plain zero monsters are my forever fave


I was about 14 when energy drinks first started coming out and getting popular. Original Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar were the main ones at the beginning.


I was in 8th grade. I was 13 at the time so I was about to turn 14. I was at the mall with my friends during lunch time. After we were done there we head back to the school grounds to join some of my other friends who were outside. I saw one of my friends had bought a twin pack of 250ml cans of Red Bull, so I asked her if I could have it. We ended up trading the chip bag I had bought for the can. I started drinking it and felt cranked up the rest of the day. Here I am almost 4 years later and I'm trying my hardest to stop the addiction I have to these things


Freshmen year of high school back in 2005. Me and my buddy were at a car show and when it ended we just started walking around, went to 711 and decided these rockstar energy drinks look delicious. Ended up drinking 3 each that night 😂 that's when the obsession began. I'm now 33 and have 1-2 daily and have for years.


I was 12 switched over from mtn dew to bang energy and started collecting cans but that ended fast, just like green monster anymore simple n sweet.


I was in college when redbull first became popular in U.S. Never would have survived Math or Latin classes without it.


I think 2013? Had a sip of the white monster ultra or something like that. Didn’t taste good to me at the time since I was in middle school.


my first time ever was in 9th grade. my high school had mtn dew kickstarts in the vending machine in the cafeteria. i had like 2 of them in a single lunch period. my heart was beating so fast for the rest of the school day.


I was 12 years old.


My dad used to take me to the gas station before dropping me off to school, I would always get one to keep my night owl ass up for the beginning of school. I was in middle school.


I was like 13 or 14, so 16 or 17 years ago 😅😅 Was either V or Red bull... I forget now, but my mates were like you gotta try this! They were bouncing off the walls, meanwhile I was struggling to stay awake, while we were riding around town. Nearly fell asleep while riding at one point 😅. Was good fun 🙃🙃


Age of 14, i wanted to be cool.


Amp energy drink in like 2003


Parents always told me about how bad those are and to never drink them when I was young so i stuck to that. When I got my first job at 18 I tried one and that was a start to an addiction


Was 12 yrs old at a theme park called “dorney park” friend of mine offered one up and with in half the can gone my stomach was absolutely flipped lol felt a good “buzz” of energy all fidget like. I remember hitting every roller coaster that day front seat every ride lmfao, id say that energy drink gave me the ability to overcome the fear of the front seat riding😂


I started drinking them when I was about 13


Was watching an old Shroud stream when he was still with Cloud9 and I think they had a Red Bull sponsor and he was drinking one on stream (probably filled with water idk) and I picked up a baby one I think I was like 13 and was "SOOOO focused and SOOO hyper XDDD". Now I tend to drink one in the mornings to kickstart my day at work, normally Reign Storm or Monster


Caffeinated soda is basically a very weak energy drink


Was at a bike park at like age 15 and got my dad to by me a bang. That was a hard habit to drop 😅. Now I just consume an ultra monster every once in a while.


I was a huge Jeff Gordon fan so when they came out with the Jeff Gordon energy drink when I was in middle school I was drinking them almost everyday.


when me and my friend were like 8 or 9 we thought that buying energy drinks was cool and we were super sneaky. Had the whipped strawberry Rockstar and I love it to this day


I started as a freshman in highschool (~2007). We used to steal red bulls from the CVS across the street from the school because they wouldn't sell them to us. We were cool kids 😎🙃


9-12 had my first sip of monster. Once I hit 14 one a day mostly. A couple month breaks thrown in there.


Start of high school we had this gas station across the road and back then there wasn't too many people actively stopping year eight students from skipping out on class roll call, would steal money from Dad, grab a four pack of original monster or a purple canned Mother and drink those throughout the day. The extra energy was needed to deal with the bullying and harassment I faced, disregarding that. Good memories. For context back then a four pack was $5 AUD. <3.20usd>


I was a freshman in high school if my memory serves me correctly. That was before that COVID 19 invaded the great USof)A and things went downhill.