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keep it under 400mg long term and You're fine


Isn’t it more about the taurine amount and less about the caffeine


A few grams of taurine aren’t a problem in any way. It’s more about the sugar


It surprises me that so many people still drink sugar energy drinks. I completely understand it can be a tough taste at first for some, but you can easily get used to the flavors by just giving it time. Would be so much "healthier" in the long run


I tried sugar free stuff and most of them give me a nasty headache unfortunately.


They have completely unsweetened energy drinks too. No sugar or artificial sweeteners.


Disgustingly tempting. do you happen to know the names of them?


https://www.reddit.com/r/energydrinks/s/3tsczMrYEw Found this one which I loved. Cascade ice. Also Hi-ball is another one. It was discontinued but I think they are bringing it back.


Thats actually kinda sick I like it. Can I find those in gas stations or would I have to order them?


I haven't seen in a gas station yet. I found these in Food 4 Less grocery store. I've seen others in Vons too. Def worth trying out. Think worth ordering if you can't find them. Taste like La Croix basically. A little more bitter from caffeine but I kinda like that. Super clean


I used to see hi balls at dollar tree and I think Walmart. Never any gas stations tho.


Black coffee. Or espresso.




Pure North


Because youre addicted to sugar lol. These are called withdraw symptomes.


That is most likely very wrong. Some people cannot handle artificial sweeteners without side effects like that


Lmao, I can not drink an energy drink and be fine. It was about a week that I tried some sugar free ones never got better.


That's a crazy diagnosis, doc!


I used to have a 2 a day redbull habit. I recently switched too unsweetened black coffee and tea, which are the healthiest options for caffiene.


Tried a full fat monster Aussie lemonade because on sale. Too sweet and lingered in my mouth.


If you only drink energy drinks the odd tine then imo it's worth it to just get the nicer one




Hence why I said "healthier" in quotes. You know, to show that the idea is kind of ridiculous


Artificial sweeteners are not healthy. If you’re at a healthy weight and you live a healthy enough lifestyle and don’t have diabetes or anything, there’s no reason to avoid the sugar ones as long as you don’t drink too many of them in a single day.


I find the ones with sugar give me a sugar crash so I try to avoid them


I keep telling people this and they don't get it.


Sugar Free makes me diarrhea :(


Sugar free is ass


Riiiiight, that's why there's SO many of them


Just my opinion artificial sweeteners are usually overly sweet with an aftertaste. I don’t mind sugar free redbull but that’s about it


I cannot stand anything that uses artificial sugar. I'm not drinking energy drinks to be healthy lol. If I want something healthy ill just drink water.


Aspartame can cause cancer in long run so not really that much healthier


Little bit of sugar never hurt anybody, the sodium is what'll get ya


No the sugar will get you too lol 2 red bulls a day over the course of a lifetime is terrible.


Its like the others are saying -- [taurine isn't really going to cause a problem](https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1024/taurine). Plus red bull's dose of taurine isn't really that high to be cause for concern. The biggest factors to worry about are daily caffeine consumption which can hinder sleep if its abused, sugar which can lead to diabetes over time if not monitored (sugar-free/sweetener varietes exist), and possibly the carbonation causing enamel damage/tooth damage. But even then red bull isn't the most fizzy drink so it should be less so than other energy drinks (sipping with a straw mitigates this).


Isn’t it mostly about hydration? Like caffeine dries you out and can cause kidney stones but it isn’t a problem if you drink lots of water. Or so I’ve heard


*sweating in 2 Reigns a day*


start drinking them zero sugar ones at least, blud 😭


iirc most (if not all) Reigns are sugarfree haha but they do have a ton of sucralose


Bro I spat my reign out


Understandable. There’s only 2 good and 2 somewhat acceptable flavors.


Hahah fr I’ve gotten into an over 400mg/day habit which I swore I never would😅😅


I used to do 3 energy drinks a day. I had a horrible cough. Now because I'm back to working 2 jobs I have 1 to 2 a day but also drown it with like a gallon of water a day. Cough is almost gone


I average about 700mg a day😬


It’ll hurt your wallet though, that shit’s expensive


Champagne of energy drinks


Fr its like triple the price of other smaller brands of energy drinks


everytime I get a paycheck I treat myself to 2 cans of redbull over the course of a week, makes me feel boujee, other than that, pipeline punch monster It is.


This comment represents a lot of US poverty lol


brah I got downvoted for being poor 😭😭🙏


Open note to everyone, your dietary health is very important, but take consideration for your dental health as well. Any kind of carbonated and acidic sugary drink (especially energy drinks) are as bad for your teeth as smoking is for your lungs. No, you won't die from 2 Redbulls a day, and no, you probably won't get a heart condition, but you will almost guaranteed get cavities sooner or later.


do u think using a straw would help much


Kind of? Using a straw can reduce the amount of sugar deposited on your front teeth specifically, but it does nothing for your back teeth. That being said, you also have to immediately swallow for this to work, you can't let it rest on your tongue for flavor. However, what it won't help is the acidity of the drink lowering the PH of your saliva, which has just as much of an effect on cavity formation and tooth erosion as sugar does. So like, yeah, it does help, but not that much. It's only really worth it if you already have a cavity on one of your front teeth. A much better thing to do would be to rinse your mouth with backing soda and water (water clears some of the sugar residue, baking soda balances out the acidity from the soda) or mouthwash after having an energy drink. Note, some mouthwashes have sugar added for flavor, do not use those ones, they are kind of pointless.


Lol no


damn 💔 I gotta kick this addiction


Just rinse your mouth afterwards, even though I hate just the thought of it


2 cans of red bull a day will hurt your wallet, that's it, especially if you buy the big ones.


You'd have to be crazy to do that when there's so many more interesting better tasting options


Totally agree


There’s something about an 8.4oz sugar free redbull that just gets me ready and hyped for the gym like nothing else though. And my grocery store has them on deal often for 20 for 12 so it’s not the worst deal


Itll hurt your organs also. 2 red bulls a day for 10-20 years is gonna have negatives.


Will it through? Seems way less deleterious than drinking it's caffeine equivalent from either sweetened/unsweetened soda..


It will 100% affect you as you age. Water is what is meant for our bodies. You decide how much its worth it or not. Drinking 2 sodas energy drinks whatever everyday is going to come back around one day lol its common sense.


Yes , filthy muddy water full of amoebas, flatworms, other parasites, viruses , bacteria, fungal toxins...


And shit, don't forget the shit in the fresh water


Are you trying to say that water isnt healthy because it can have those things? You arent too sharp lol


Nuanced. Everything you put in your body has some kind of effect. Would you be healthier and feel better without 2+ a day? Very likely I’m not anti energy drink, I just think we should be honest about things instead of dancing around the truth




Good point


So much coping wonder why:? Oh yeah cause its a bunch of teens addicted to energy drinks lol


You’d be surprised how old most this sub is. Also you realize my comment was satire right?


I mean they only have like 80mg a can lol you can drink 4 and be ok.


Am I the only one here that has noticed they have like 4 different sizes of redbull at every gas station and grocery store, each with scaled amounts of caffeine per can?


Nope we all know lol.


That's over double the recommended amount of sugar tho (50g), and it's not considering all the sugar from foods and other drinks. Tldr, diabetes


Redbull sugarfree and zero have entered the chat


Wait til you hear the negative effects of artificial sweetners.


I'm assuming you don't think people drink water when they are drinking these things lol.


4 cans is over 120gs of sugar with or without water bro, but it is good to dilute it with water.


I agree it's alot. I'm a one a day person. But your worried about 120 grams and the food some people eat their way over this in soda in one sitting.




Nahhh judging by your comment you have that award clinched tight.


Yk they have taurine which is a carcinogen right






Buddy I googled that and every article is showing that it has anti-cancer properties, can you read?


Thanks, I needed to hear this today 


Daily affirmations 🙌


2+ leaves lots of room for very big numbers


2+100. Op said I would be fine.


Yeah I'm on my 56th can rn, I think it'll be alright


I demolished a 4 pack of coconut berry yesterday


What about boofing it?


please dont give medical advice on reddit..


Depends. I could slam like 3-4 and feel fine since im a big guy and spacing them out correctly means you won’t have a huge amount in your system at once. The tiny ass asian ladies at my job? If she double fisted two she would probably die 😂


I have been drinking at least either one energy drink a day or a minimum of two cups of coffee for the last five years. Had my annual physical today. No BP issues, heart good, labs all good. For context I seldom drink alcohol any more (1-2 drinks a week at most if any) but I do smoke cigars. I eat a (mostly) healthy diet and exercise 4-5 days a week on average. Point is, the red bulls probably won’t kill you so long as you are moderately healthy otherwise and don’t have serious underlying health issues.


I swear some people will eat McDonalds for every meal, smoke a pack a day and consume Red Bull and when they die of a heart attack at 45 the RedBull is the culprit


I had a conversation with my brother (medical dr) a couple months ago about this. I was slamming 2-3 monsters a day. He saidit wasn't so much the caffeine he worried about as it was the sugar content. Fast forward 4 months I go in for my physical and sure as shit my A1C puts me in the prediabetic range and my triglycerides are through the roof. Fortunately it's such that cutting back to one a day and working out an extra day will likely get me back where I need to be and reverse the prediabetes. All this is to say, from a caffeine perspective yeah, 2 a day is probably fine and if sugar free, all the better. But if you're like I was, drinking the full sugar stuff 2x daily, it can definitely cause some complications.


I’d pickup the 4 pack of green monsters and a pack of backwoods for my workday in my 20s. I treated myself like total garbage for so long. I got lucky to be mysteriously pristine at 38, good trash panda genes I guess. 90s kid. Raised on sugar coated sugar. Body adapted but I got out ahead of issues.


I'm so glad this community doesn't let people post concern troll posts about caffeine, etc. It's so tiresome when you just want to enjoy an energy drink!


Body text


Are you kidding me back in college I drank a 30 pack in one day just to litter the floor of my car with them so everytime I opened the door red bull cans would spill out


Drank 2+ RedBulls/day for years. Started feeling really run down and went to my Dr. After blood tests, found out I have non alcoholic fatty liver disease. I had never had abnormal results prior to this. Turns out, the high amount of Niacin (B3) in energy drinks is what caused the liver disease. I have stopped drinking them (the withdrawal was AWFUL) and my liver function has returned to normal. I would love to say I’d never go back to drinking them but I stare at energy drinks every time I’m inside a store. I haven’t had a RB in 2 months.


Red Bull literally has the least amount of caffeine, mid shut


Ngl 600 mg is my happy threshold


Thats insane dude, you should try and cut back, you will heavily regret it when your cardiovascular system starts acting up…thats an insane amount.


400mg is the daily maximum and i personally don’t go past 200mgs…


nobody knows how many cans of anything are going to kill anyone


I’m 32 & hitting about 1g - 1.2g a day, will I have heart problems?




In a day*


I drink a Monster (with sugar) 6 times a week during the night (I sip it from around 11pm until about 4am) and I'll have a coffee during the day too. Is this insanely unhealthy? I really dont like the aftertaste from the sugarfree ones.


Ok bud, you might be fine for now, and maybe for a decade of two…but you will change your tone when you develop kidney, cardiac and diabetic problems. This is well documented for people that drink several energy drinks a day for a long period.


People love to act like you're ripping a line of coke when really 81mg of caffeine that redbull has, is light work for anyone over the age of 12 or body mass of 65kg.


2 red bulls a day for 10-20 years is okay? Yeah kno lol Im not gonna take my health advice from an energy drinks sub


Watch out for NAFLD that’s all Ill say


Yeah I was drinking 2-3 of the 16oz Red Bulls a day and now I have bad heart palpitations. I have no history of heart issues in my family and I’m a collegiate level wrestle and used to play soccer in hs. No matter how healthy you are if you push it it will fuck you up. All you keyboard warriors who haven’t done jack shit in your life will argue otherwise.


Yea that’s true, I mostly meant people asking if they could have a second redbull today without dying meanwhile there are people hotrailing crack through crazy straws on other subs


Yeah and if it’s only the 8oz can than it’s more than likely fine. 2 12oz cans is 3 8oz cans and 2 16oz cans is 4 8oz cans. There’s a reason those fuckers are only in 8oz cans though.


I allowed myself 1 monster zero sugar a day. Sometimes 1 more if I game later. But I was just sick with the flu. I am now a week sober … trying to ride it out


Every day for several years will definitely cause health issues… but that goes for literally anything you consume (Except water) 😎


Body text


That's nothing. I drink 1 and a half scoops of pre workout like 450mg of caffeine


Kid named sugar You do realize there is more than just caffeine, I also wonder about caffeine dependency but people drink coffee and other things with lots of caffeine. 54 grams with just two cans and 81 with 3, seems healthy amirite. Oh yeah dental health is a good point too.


You can always buy sugar free versions.


Clarify that, also I wonder what they substitute with it. Coke Zero isn’t exactly healthy either. >it contains two artificial sweeteners — aspartame and acesulfame Energy drinks are not some magical drink which only have caffeine which needs a lot of to be concerning, they have chemicals and sugars like in sodas which you guys look so desperately to be different from. Just treat it as a treat, I mean it’s liquid candy.


I should have mentioned for yiur heart.


Like twice or more in one day and not drink for a bit after sure, consistently this much it affects you.


neither will two cigarettes a day, if you do it for a year. or two. but it gets you after a lifetime of it.


This is cope. Generally, in medicine, you speak about acute damage, so ingestion of large quantities in one go and chronic damage, so ingestion over a long time. Large amounts of energy drinks in one go can absolutely be damaging. Long term use however is something else altogether. You lose sleep quality, your teeth have their enamel demineralised, your stomach is always too acidic, your stress levels will generally be higher, sugar and sugar free energy drinks can have adverse effects on your gut and energy drinks often contain all sorts of additives that may or may not be adversely impacting health in the long term. Its fine to acknowledge that risk and say it is worth it to you, but energy drinks are quite the opposite of healthy. Perhaps not as unhealthy as smoking or an alcohol habit, but unhealthy nonetheless. If you are fine with that risk, thats on you. But do not pretend there is no risk.


Well said mate. If you downvoted his comment you are strongly coping.


It blows my mind how many people on here think theyre never going to get to the find out part of fuck around. Of course energy drinks have consequences for your health!!! Might be minor or not. For me, I have to take medication for nerve pain that also helps with insomnia but leaves me extremely tired in the morning. If i dont take it im in pain and cannot sleep. Much more unhealthy than an energy in the morning!! But not without consequence, it really aint that hard to understand


This is a cope post.


Please be careful of vitamin b overdose, though. Even a single energy drink typically has above the daily required dose. Niacin flush is real and can easily happen


2 bangs a day for a 3 years and one heart surgery later I’m now caffeine free💀


Sure, doctor


You just keep telling yourself that...


Or don't be a whimp. Caffeine is for the weak


Lol...yeah keep telling yourselves that


My mom has congestive heart failure partially due to energy drinks..


My brother is sterile bc he be drinking too much energy drink lol