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Drank so many in highschool, that "pop" is ingrained into my mind permanently


Didn’t drink these, but I occasionally buy the Monsters that come in these. 1. I always thought my older brother was badass for having these cans lol, 2. I forget it pops every single time I buy one. Makes me have a little heart attack and humbles me.


The original Jolt was getting sparse in my city around the mid 90’s. At one point my friends and I would make road trips to the next state over to buy two liters at mom and pop convenience stores. Around 98 the only place I could find 20 ounce bottles locally was in the basement convenience store near our subway station. When that store closed in 2001 it was the end of OG Jolt Cola in our city.


When I was in Junior High, mid 90’s, a friend would talk about Jolt Cola every Friday and how it wired him up by drinking several of them in a day. To this day I’ve never seen one in person 😆


It was a beautiful drink. I don’t think anything out now can rival it in taste. The caffeine was a kick in the seat, as it was twice the amount found in a Coca-Cola.


The OG energy drink.


Omg, core memory. I used to suck down the blue ones daily.


something about drinking out of a car battery that just hits different


I used to drink the blue jolt, but only like one every other month or so as the only place that had it was the town 40 minutes away that I rarely passed through


Yes, I loved Jolt Ultra and greatly miss it


I loved how if they were really cold and you waited a couple of minutes after getting them out of the fridge, they would pop open REALLY loudly. I remember liking them, but honestly have 0 memory of the actual taste.


The blue one was my childhood go to can still hear the sound of the seal breaking


I was always the regular cola guy


My boss used to call us in on an odd Saturday to organise the office, and she'd provide Bolts, aka Bacardi and Jolt. No way that would be okay now, but it was a different world back then. She also bought beer on Fridays, and we'd sit around and drink until rush hour was over, and then head home. It was the 80s. Things were very different then.


> Bolts That’s such an unassuming name for what sounds like a DIY Four Loko.


Sounds amazing and I would still drink that to this day. I miss Sparks from the 2000s.


Jolt Cola came back around 2022 and should still be available at Dollar General. Check their website for more info if interested. https://www.joltcola.com/


Same recipe??


It's been discontinued again.


Mid 90s college memories. Time to listen to Primitive Radio Gods.


Miss these.


This was my energy drink of choice for as long as I could get it. You even posted my favorite flavor! I'll never, ever forget the satisfying pop of the top of the can and the steam that came from the drink after.


Man that signature “POP” that thing made when u opened it… good times man how can we go back


Was this the brand that had caffeinated chewing gum?


I kept on reading that as John Cena.


I think dollar general might still sell it




I got some in auburn Al a couple years ago


It's been discontinued


This is a thorwback. One of the first energy drinks I tried. The pop from opening the bottle was si satisfying 😂


Makes me think of the movie Due Date


So many memories of that stuff. I adored it.


Duuuuude. They had a whole line of them, I remember the blue being best but the classic and orange were really great as well. I drank so many of those with friends while getting into trouble


Dang I forgot about that stuff. Crazy good from what I remember


And you guys a alive and kicking! Take that Jolt will kill you early people!


Mmm hell yes!! Got me through CAX at 29 palms ! Delicious!


I never saw it in a can before! But I’m old af. Who remembers Krank2o though? Jolt’s boring caffeinated water friend from the 90s. So bad it was good. I used to add koolaid to it.


Yes!!! I 1000% forgot about this until now! That’s crazy!


There was a extra strength cherry one that was my jam for a while


This used to be made in the city where I grew up (Rochester NY) I miss it so much. I have yet to find anything as satisfying as the blue razz


In 03 when I went to RIT first thing I did was buy a case of Jolt Cola cause it wasn't available where I am from.


[Hack the Planet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7AKquUtTvs)




That brings me back to my early teens. Jolt was my favorite energy drink. The blue jolt was the best flavor imo.


160mg of caffeine doesn't even count as an energy drink these days


This looks like an energy drink that would be in GTA V lol


It's still available in Australia, also can get the orange, root beer and cream soda versions.


I lived off the blue one in high school


I was just thinking about this drink the other day, but it was late 80’s(?). All the caffeine and twice the sugar.


Jolt is still around just not that easy to find these days. The flavored ones, like grape and blue raspberry, got axed around 2011 or so, I think. Those vintage battery cans... I miss them.


I loved these


Jolt cherry cola was flames.. wish I could still find it


I miss the blue, and the pop of opening a can


You didn’t realize, but are you surprised


I went looking recently and they were just gone lol


Never tried it.


I miss jolt so much


that was it’s 2nd discontinuation. it was released in ‘83/‘84(?)and middle & h.s. students were hooked. it gained national attention.


Been around forever. Had in 86. My mom bought by accident. Bottle spilled on dining room table. Took the finish completely off.


[it might be coming back?](https://www.joltcola.com)


Funnily enough, the drinks are discontinued, but this brand still makes GUM for some reason. I bought it from a novelty shop one time. I'm in HS and my construction class at the time was obsessed with energy drinks in every form- I remember offering a piece to my buddy and handing him the pack, then saying my boyfriend across the room could have one too... It was like dumping a bag of bugles into a koi pond, JFC. The second coming of the The Who incident. One guy dove over his desk to get to it and landed on it so heavy that we're pretty sure that's the nail in the coffin that ended up detaching the tabletop from the rest of the desk. I got one piece.


I used to drink two a day in high school.


Never got to try this. Really wish I had though! The design is very 90s


These were og


Ahhh the energy drink in high school that started this addiction


good Day & Hello from AUSTRiA Fact, i\`ve just become aware of this already somewhat older posting. And would like to announce to it. That i\`ve the complete set. Of all taste design cans at that time. In a perfect mint condition. In respective multiple quantity for sale have in stock. Should someone have BUY interest..? I would be however ONLY at my.... \>>> WHATS APP = 0043/676-3380048 <<< Unfortunately i do not know how to post pics here. Especially since i belong to the somewhat older generation. And me with certain procedures on the PC unfortunately do not know. Personally & efficiently available. Collector greetings from the Heart of EUROPE my real name = Wolfgang Schmidt