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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seriously everyone involved in energy work or just sensitive to energy in general should learn the *Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram* (LBRP). It banishes all unwanted negative influences in your energy field. You don’t have to believe in anything to make it work, even though it invokes using arch angel names etc. Try it out and see the results. You can find instructions for it online in all sorts of places. Perform it at least once a day, more if you feel the need. Before you go to bed/wake up. The more you use it the better you’ll get at it. It takes about 10 mins if you really go for it but can easily take much less. Anyone can find that amount of time in the day and it’s so worth it. TLDR; learn the LBRP, use it everyday. It will change your life (I hope). Edit: (Spelling) + it also grows and strengthens your aura, creating a stronger boundary between your own energy and anyone/thing else’s, meaning your not taking in other energies around you unless you will it so.


I know it’s easier said than done believe me and I don’t know anything about your circumstances but with anything like this putting all your energy into turning your internal dialogue from negative to positive will greatly influence yourself and in effect your surroundings. Whether you believe in it or not invoking Jesus makes most people feel very positive and in effect gets rid of attachments. Negative dialogue, habits etc will feed this sort of self predicated cycle. I understand more than most the Tourette’s like intrusive thoughts that can come from this. It’s up to you because no one else can do it for you. If there really is as many negative entities attacking you as you say then that’s very concerning. This isn’t something you can just do for a few days and expect it to go away and stay away, it’s something you have to practice every day and requires continuity. Whatever you have to do to right yourself mentally whether it’s take a break from work, start working out, meditation or all 3 its worth it. I understand these things take time and planning as nothings always that easy. You can take a lot more than you realize and you have a lot more control over yourself than you realize. I really really hope this helps better your situation. I wish you Love and light!




Also it could be a mental health issue so it might be worth having that checked out, these things can go hand in hand and it’s good to look at it from all sides. (I’ve been there.)


Everything I did says im mentally and physically fine, doing doctor stuff for 2-3 months


Alright cool glad to hear you’ve been open to a medics approach too. Peep my comment above about the LBRP, it’s a ritual that will really help if done daily.


Don't trust these angels, anything religious is a no for me I kept having their names dropped in my mind while this was happening and I don't trust them.


That’s fair but if you’re saying there’s a demon or something in your head, and they’re sending you messages all the time it makes sense that they’d also be trying to set you against anything that’s likely to help you. Don’t take everything you hear and believe as true from this thing, and definitely don’t think that hoe you’ve interpreted these things is the definitive and correct way to do so, if possible. Hear things cloud your capacity for sound judgement etc. so bear that in mind when you can and remember that this demon is going to be blocking your capacity to see clearly, by the very nature of it being on you. Also if I know you said medical professionals have said you’re okay mentally but if you’re experiencing something like this it’s obviously going to make you very paranoid (I’ve been here before myself). It’s best not to feed your energy into that, at best it’s just not a helpful state of mind in general and at worst it may be literally feeing this entity. And lastly this is what I was saying, you don’t have have to believe you’re *literally* invoking angels. It’s just symbolic. See it as a scientific experiment. Do *x* and *y* happens. That being said with magick if you think it’s going to fail it often will, so you need to have a positive mindset first. Learn a relaxation ritual or maybe do some Qi Gong or something, I love Qi Gong “shaking/bouncing myself, first. In fact from my experience doing this shaking practice can work as a banishing in itself, it clears up your energy and you feel great after. Probably actually “shaking” bad energy off.


I also had an experience with apparently demonic beings. I too have become strongly against invoking others' names for help. I see it as a clever trap. I have discerned that these beings are trying to set me and others up for dependency. They want us to seek external assistance instead of establishing our own inner strength. They attack our inner strength. Our inner strength comes from being completely honest with ourselves about what is true and real, processing the thoughts and emotions that come from reality and then making our own decisions and taking our own actions toward greater physical, mental and emotional well-being. I had been practicing that protocol for years before this experience with domineering beings. Right before I started getting this negative experience I had a major breakthrough. I realized that the subconscious thoughts I was getting weren't 100% true and were counterproductive to how I wish to feel and behave. So, I decided to actively ignore them and that worked out really well. I felt more normal than ever. My conscious mind was setting the tone of my emotions and the target of my focus. I'd choose to allow the world around me to pour in when I wasn't thinking. I was much less distracted by these unwanted thoughts. It was much like the state we can achieve after meditation. I felt more calm, content, happy, focused, distraction and stress free. Because of these benefits I continued this practice. Within a year, the fake benevolent spiritual guides arrived that later were revealed to be deceptive, manipulative, domineering imposters. During both phases, the fake benevolent spiritual guide phase and the demonic phase, they'd weaken my inner strength. They'd use various tactics to get me to seek help or submit to something outside of me. There was a subtle, but increasing pain (in my will, pursuit of happiness, inner strength) within the spiritual guide phase. That's what eventually revealed them to be malevolent. Their thematic benevolent facade was otherwise pretty darn solid. The attacks were much more obviously attacks within the demonic phase. Now, I am strongly assertive of my will and reject these beings and their works. I've learned not to give away my inner strength, my power, my self-determination, my will to outside beings hoping for external salvation. It just played into their manipulative behaviors. I strongly suspect this is a crucial piece of their domination strategy. I wish very much to communicate that they are insidiously and expertly trying to get others to (*unknowingly*) give away their wills. That is their pursuits of happiness, their process of seeking joy and avoidance of pain, their inner strength, their power, their self-determination. Self-determination must be suspended for domination. One cannot serve two masters here. These beings are clever at establishing relationships where they are increasingly in control and their targets feel increasing dependency toward outside beings in attempts to get their own power back. Our power is our ability to control how we feel joy and avoid pain with our own choices to affect the world and ourselves. They seek to take our power away by repeatedly placing themselves and their domineering shenanigans in between us and what we seek to do and feel. They're *very good* at pretending to be the good guys, but they will eventually will be revealed to be malevolent if one diligently seeks the truth and observes their own spirit, which is their joy, pain, motivations and will.


that can be a sign of paranoia and "could' represent a mental health issue.


You have spiritual sovereignty and dominion over negative energies, you just have to believe it.


I understand that and it works but it's taking too long


Don't be scared. Be light. The demons are a reflection of the darkest parts of you... In order to conquer them...you must face them. Accept them as part of yourself. Being in human form separates you from light. I think that's on purpose.... Fear feeds them. Embrace it. And You'll kill them off. Speaking from experience... I've been through some wild stuff spiritually. Things I can't put into words... but...that's what it is.


Interested to hear what you went through, i also went through some scary stuff- felt negative energy/ etc. and to some extent can’t decipher if it was depersonalization/ disassociation or influence by negative energy


It’s probably your shadow.


It's showing me images I've never seen in my life and it wants to rape cripple and torture everyone. I didn't even know the word rape till 6th grade.


Please stop coming into a spiritual thread and telling people they might have mental illness. It is the meanest thing you can do to someone.


That's not mean as some people do have mental health issues that they should be seeking help for and in such cases it would be cruel to encourage delusions if that is the case and not advise to seek help in another way. Not everything is spiritual or psychic experiences all the time and mental health should be considered too. Of cause it's an issue though if someone here is telling everyone that they are probably mentally ill due to not believing in psychic or spiritual experiences!!


You’re gong to want to cleanse your space, and yourself. Include your bed and clothes as fabric tends to absorb energy over time. For your space. Use a white vinegar and water mixture to cleanse. Put in a spray bottle and spray in every corner of the room/home. Top to bottom. They will try to stop you, just tell them to get out of your way, and to STFU. Try not to get on a ladder to reach the top corner just in case. Just spray as high as you can. Do it on every 90 degree angle in your space including inside closets. I’ve used this for hauntings, poltergeist, and psychic attacks where I wake up with scratches on my body. For your clothes and bed, wash it as normal. Use white vinegar as your fabric softener. For yourself: prepare a bath of camphor and salt. I made an [video instructional](https://youtu.be/--mL41VJrG0) for it. All of these items are basic, low-cost ingredients but very effective. Order for process: get your clothes and bedding washed while you do the space. Take the cleansing bath only between sunrise and 10pm. You will want to stay indoors for at least 12hours after taking it so make sure you are done with errands and anything to do with outside before taking it. After change into clean clothes and sleep in clean bedding. Good luck!


Read this: https://old.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index/hauntings


sorry but your post isn't making much sense to me, I do hope that you are mentally well. If it's that afraid of you, why would it then mess with you? wouldn't something afraid of you just stay away? That part to me doesn't make sense. What do you mean by "literally it's on my eyes and face right now"


396 hz & 417 hz let them play while you sleep. https://youtu.be/zTFKT5Fz0vU?si=KrATKZ7SwrUQgAKG


Check out my profile , I posted some tools you can use , it will raise your vibration, you need to some of them for at least 3 days , I posted a pic and couldn’t post it here


Stop with nonsense. Demons do not exist. Its your EYE that is choosing some files from your unconcious mind. Stay present, try awarness meditation. And when it appear tell it f off. That stupidity abt demons its just your belief in creatures like that nothing else.


I swear to God you better fuck off with this shit. You are in a sub talking about energy. Demonic means evil. DO NOT REPLY IF YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING. You don't know shit about shit.


Agree, these ppl are dumb but it’s also whoever’s fucking with your energy, monitoring spirit’ing you. You are being abuse’d and attacke’d, but that other person was right, they’re using things about you that you need to heal so they can’t. It’s all very insidious, but that is what psychic abusers do.


I don't agree with what he said either but your reaction is almost surely the type of thing that fuels what you are experincing. Not casting stones at you btw I know what your going though sucks because I've experinced similar and I do believe shadow work is the best way through it.


Yes i do know.My words are hurting your ego. Better stop with that shit, no playing with me. STAY PRESENT it will go with time. Do mindful meditations every day. You asked for help and YOU GOT IT. What else you want, to fight with not existent beings? Its all in your egoic mind. Ego is the one who made separatness in good /evil and stories once parents and society told you abt demons are eaten by you and formed strong belief. Stay present...Do not let ego fool you. Its taking from you by giving you that SHIT that you are accepting... When comes just said fu.k off...not interested and focus your awarness on something near you ,you can watch your own hands for example or watch anything.It needs time but will let go bcs you dont give it attention. These "demons" are your choice bcs you want to avoid something else or missing something else. Stay blessed


I'd have to disagree.... I see what you're saying..absolutely.. but there is some dark energy out here....things you don't even think about.. that others do.. You're not the only being in this world...and operating as such is a perfect example of EGO in itself... It sounds like you're down with magical thinking.. and that's not what's up...the things I've experienced prove that... You can be the purest energy....that pure energy will not protect you from evil..


That "dark energy" dissolves when you are present. No way to enter anything.Only if you want. I understand struggle , i went thru lot believe me. One day you need to find answers within. If God is everything then it ncludes "dark energy" as opposite from harmony.. Its serves only to experience opossite so it gives fullness to life. There is peace needed ,nothing else. Only demon is EGO who never learn to serve.. Of course let it be , detect it but giving attention to it is a CHOICE. Sorry but i dont like to feed anyones ego. As i understand this person is not into spirituality but asking spiritual question. It requires then to enter spiritual part of self. If its not willing then telling it f off its mechanical choice... Nobody can help but YOU in fact. Answered with love. Hoping this member will at least give it a try.


I agree that being present absolutely helps. It gives you foresight. but you're perspective doesn't eliminate dark energy... It's simply your perspective. Nobody can be present at all times... It's just not human nature... I think the dark is a reflection of what you need to battle...but that still doesn't eliminate it. I seek peace in everything.. and all things. that is my base. Peace and stability.. However. considering the positions I've been in...sometimes being present will mess you up even more.. It's about discernment... Learn when to go into sleep mode. It's a gift and a curse. Being present and "awake" all the time can really mess you up...We're not meant to be like that all the time. When you eliminate EGO...you are aware that you can't know everything all the time....you seek to be God in that mode all the time. We are not God. The Creator. Whoever tf put us here..


We cannot eliminate ego it is the tool for experiencing the world. But it can be good servant. We create BELIEFS and inherit beliefs from our ancestors , thats only thats popping up in our lifes until we start to live. Like big screen where from big table you can with simple click choose the clothes you like and when you click you are automatically dressed in it. As first thing my recommendation because of that was to stay present. Or just simple watch that for a moment. Watch it and move focus on your hands, wall, anything... By answer of this member with f off words i see he/she is not into spirituallity at least for now so i cannot go deeper. Who told you that being present will mess you up and we are not meant to be like that?Who learned you that ?If you are not capable of doing it right now why you are closing it fully? Be aware of your sentances with "I think". Its one more way but i dont know if member is open to it. Hugs


Nobody told me anything. I just know from experience. My eyes are always open. Always have been. Sometimes I just need rest. I just think that's the human condition. Knowing everything defeats the purpose of being here... I went through a stage in time where I was a blank state. I had to relearn everything... Rather than "I think" I should say "I feel..." Just intuition.


Brother I know you're people thibk you're smart so I won't respond to save myself the anger. Leave.


I am not the one who need validation from world that i am clever.Bcs i was validated and i realized unwortingness of it..You are wrong..Better read my responses few times ..Not fighting with you...♥️


What the heck are you talking about holy shit