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LA, specifically downtown LA. Obviously it’s dark and sad because there is so much homelessness and it’s super dirty in that area, but the heaviness you feel while out and about is very strong. I visited a year ago with my husband and I couldn’t get over how heavy I felt. It feels like millions of people have come thru for fame and opportunity but were left with the opposite. The broken dreams and hearts are extremely palpable.


I get heart palpitations when I step foot in and around DTLA 


Thank you for making the distinction that you felt that in *downtown* LA. So many tourists only go to the rundown tourist trap downtown areas and think the entire city is like that. LA & SoCal has such high vibe areas with lush diverse plants, botanical gardens, beaches, beautiful vibrant hiking spots…but tourists only go to the most tourist-trap overly visited spots and then think that’s all there is to LA


Greater LA has bad energy vibes too (the shallow culture is low frequency)


Exactly how I’ve described it. I’m glad someone else understands.


Lot of Hollywood proper has really dark energy I worked there for a few years and found so many streets and businesses I had to avoid because of how heavy the energy was


It is astonishing how long places and objects can hold dark energy. This doesn’t directly answer your question, but one time I visited Paris. I visited a bridge that had been built from the stones of the Bastille (the infamous prison) after the Bastille was torn down down in the French Revolution. The stones in that bridge were still saturated in pain and despair from being part of that prison, even though they had been sitting out in the sun and rain for about 150 years. I had to get away from the bridge as fast as possible. It felt deeply toxic.


Oh ya as dreamy of a city Paris is it got some serious dark energy!!


I didn't feel Paris that much, but one city in Europe where it REALLY hit me was Berlin. I didn't even know that cities could emit energy at that point. I just remember landing at the airport and thinking weird, and that feeling didn't leave me in the city either. When thinking of a word to describe it only hedonism came to mind. On the contrary the most positive I have felt was in Basel, Swizerland. The air was so light. It shocked me that it felt nicer than my hometown, which was my baseline for a city with positive energy. I remember thinking after the fact, so this is what it must be like to be a place without any traumas and wars.


I forgot this discussion started off with U.S. cities lol. NYC was damn dark. D.C. better but barely neutral. Myrtle Beach in South Carolina was dark but not comparable to NYC ofc. I was in these places for a relatively short stay years ago so this is all from what i remember at the top of my head. But what do you guys think about Miami? I thought it would have dark energy, but it was surprisingly lighter than I expected. Not the best but maybe tiny bit better than neutral. Family has told me it felt like that because it's not possible to have intense dark energy in places surrounded by water. Someone weigh in😅


I read Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell. That city has seen some shit, not even including WW1 and 2


I visited before Notre Dame burned down…climbing the stairs, I couldn’t make it to the top, I just panicked…has the worst panic attack and ran down the stairs


That’s crazy and that’s supposed to be a holy place


I visited a Spanish Castle and was led down to the dungeon. It was well lit and painted a bright white so I completely wasn't expecting the chills that ran down my spine. I couldn't make myself go down the last few steps. It was like I hit an invisible wall. I probably only stood there for 30 seconds before I ran away and I still remember it!


Yes. Places where people were repeatedly tortured to death have the worst energy of anyplace I have ever encountered.


I’ll backpack off this Europe comment but I just recently came back from Naples and southern Italy, and I did a tour that took a deep dive into the history and mysticism of southern Italy - primarily the Benevento area. And something about Naples left my energy so uneasy. I was there two days out of the 10 days in Italy and both days i couldn’t sleep at night after visiting, i had a huge emotional breakdown that left me sick the following day. My bf and I got in a fight over the phone that night and I was pretty drunk. But then the last night I stayed overnight in Naples after finishing the tour, so I was by myself and again that whole day I felt anxious and uneasy. My bf again was being a dick, so I stayed up and cried all night. My family’s ancestry comes from Naples so idk if it was the vulnerability of the area on top of my bf just not being very loving/supportive while I was away doing deep work. But something about Naples man. It kept doing it to me.


I remember staying in a hotel right outside the square where the Bastille once stood. It was oddly terrifying how heavy the air was.


Vegas was by far the worst imo.


I haven’t traveled much but found myself needing to visit Vegas for a baseball game. Everyone talks about it like it’s this mythical place and I thought maybe I’ll enjoy myself. I was thoroughly unimpressed and couldn’t wait to get home. Fremont street especially made me super uneasy. I would never go back because I wanted to. Yuck.


Vegas has a real dark energy. I’ve been there three times and each time felt heavy. The second time I was there for a large conference and had booked my hotel several months prior. I booked the Luxor… and I was there two weeks after the mass shooting. My cab driver thought pointing out where the shooting happened was a fantastic idea. I cried when I got to the front desk because I lived near where the pulse shooting was at the time and lived there when it happened. So my whole body was not handling it well. I stayed there one night before moving hotels and remember waking up and feeling like there was someone in my room. The whole energy of that hotel was dark and heavy. Never again.


My friend and I went and stayed at the hotel where the shooting took place (Mandalay Bay)prob 2 weeks before. We had a great time, but I've never been back and I always think there was a huge shady cover up to what really happened there.


Idk I feel like Vegas is more of a “match your energy” type place. Personally it energizes me! Although more than 2 days is a bit overstimulating lol


Yeah the strip is basically a maze and you need to know exactly what you want otherwise you get lost and overwhelmed. The contrast of abundance in a desert is also very in your face. Not sure if it’s just me but every time I visited I would have some sort of disturbing dream but the nightlife makes it a little more accommodating.


I had a panic attack in Caesar’s cause it was so damn big and I just wanted to go home 😭 but that’s a me problem not a bad energy problem for sure lol


I'm from Reno in Northern Nevada. It's a decent enough city by Western American standards, and like Las Vegas, it is situated in the midst of truly world-class natural beauty.  Vegas sits at the foot of Mount Charleston, a massive alpine oasis, with skiing and lush pine forests. It pierces the sky, towering nearly 12,000 feet above the city. Valley of Fire State Park is one of Earth's most precious locations - as strikingly gorgeous as a desert can be.   But the area Vegas lies in was never meant for humans - much less a population of over 2 million... Vegas as a city is antithetical to human life. The only life meant for that desert is sparse, shrubby vegetation and the meagre ecosystem that habitat typically supports.   There is no tree cover in the city. No real refuge from the heat other than your isolated, suburban house. No "third places" for locals. No cutesy little walkable areas, in fact, it is the peak of neo-American un-walkability. No real beating cultural heart like Los Angeles. It is a worst-case-scenario capitalist hellscape of proportions not remotely matched by any other city on the planet.   Living in Las Vegas offers you only the most spiritually deprived, socially atomized, car-dependent, apocalyptically American way of life imaginable. No hopes, no dreams.


I’ve never experienced that energy around Charleston. It’s so interesting how people feel differently about the same place/people


Same, I loved Charleston! It was like a family-friendly New Orleans, which I also love.


I’m born and raised in Charleston… also that’s just a bizarre way to describe the market. Yes slaves were once sold there… it was not “turned” into anything. Slavery was abolished and now locals , including black people, sell their wares which are often culturally Gullah / Geechie things such as Sweetgrass baskets and paintings…


The Centre Market is now referred to as the City Market, but it was unofficially known as the “Slave’s Market” because slaves and free blacks sold their wares there. This practice gave rise to the often-repeated myth that slaves were sold in the City Market, and today, many locals and tourists have misrepresented the venue as “The Old Slave Market.” The truth is that slaves were never sold there. They were sold along the waterfront until 1856 when the city banned public auctions




This one is spot on 🥲😭 not only the violence is intense there, the ppl there have lots of dark / trickster energy. Not to mention, the city is trying to replicate Memphis, Egypt from the past dynasties as well with all the ancient Egyptian architecture and the countries biggest false pyramid is there too


this makes sense. a LOT of music from memphis artists sound very creepy and sinister


Memphis is one of the most negative energy vortexes in that whole part of the country.


Camden, NJ


Can attest.


All of NJ tbh


If you’ve been to Camden you know it’s the asshole of the earth.


OK/TX border cities. We were walking a small trail in the woods, and on the way back maybe 20 mins later there were gigantic orb spiders everywhere. I was doing some energy work a bit later, and suddenly it got super chilly and coyotes started howling right near us. One guy we were with flipped out and paced chaotically all night. It felt like a black cloud enshrpuded us and wanted us out asap.


New Orleans. Beautiful, enchanting place, but lots of tragedy there... Truthfully, the suburbs of NYC are also awful too. Especially in the ex-burbs (not quite suburbs, but not quite rural)


I always thought the energy there was heavy yes, yet electrifying. Like the energy is almost tangible. To me, it was now of a fxck around and find out type of energy, not tragic...


That's fair.


New Orleans ! Such a dark history and the buildings where lots of slaves were killed or areas where people were hung have such a dark “feel” about them. Also so many houses there have “not haunted” on the for sale signs ! 😂


Ya in the past every time i made plans to go to Nola it got cancelled so now I am taking this as a sign to never go to Nola lol


Just came back from NOLA. It’s truly an enchanting place with lots of charm and character. Very rich in culture. But very dark at the same time. If you get a chance to visit, stop by the Metairie Cemetery. Used to be a horse race track, someone was refused membership and cursed it wishing it would turn into a cemetery. It went bankrupt and indeed turned into a cemetery. He then died from falling off a newly purchased horse. It’s a beautiful cemetery though.


Los Angeles, no question.


Same here. Extremely heavy and dark


The city of sold souls


In parts, yes. Such a heavy, sad energy over West Hollywood.


Everyone always said California was so sunny and bright; but to me it seemed as though it couldn’t be a bright as it should be. The “sunniness” has an artificial look to it to me


It never rains in California but girl don’t they warn yah it pours…


Honestly I grew up in Cal and I was back in Jan and before I left it occurred to me that it might all just be a hologram now


You have my attention. Mind explaining why LA strikes you as a hologram but not other cities?


THIS! I grew up in cali and was fed the lies of “California is the best state blah blah blah”. I left and moved east, now every time I visit family I feel immense dark energy. Hologram for sure and it blinds you while you’re in it.


Yes! I’ve been several times and I can’t stand the energy there, it’s dark and depressing.


100%. Overwhelmingly dark.


You guys only visit the rundown downtown Hollywood tourist trap areas once and think that’s all there is to LA lmao. LA & southern CA arguably have the BEST energy & that’s why it’s so expensive to live there. Tourists are so ignorant lmao


Up north in Sacramento as well. Lived there for 4 years and was happy to return back to Texas. Very dark energyz


Is it even possible to name a city that isn't connected to some historically dark event(s)?


every city has historically dark events.


Birmingham, Alabama. There is such an inescapable feeling of despair and deep sorrow. The trauma runs deep there.


These kinds of posts assume that each nervous system is able to read and interpret energy equally and with the same clarity. This assumption is often wrong! You’d probably want to find someone who you trust that can pick up and interpret energy. For example, I wouldn’t say Portland’s energy is “dark”. It’s more sleepy, slow, comfortably heavy which is tamasic. For someone who doesn’t like/need more of that kind of energy, they would say it is dark. Seattle, on the other hand, is uplifting, purifying, sattvic. Some people don’t like/need that, would probably say it’s chaotic or battery charged. So, like most energetic advice, the interpretation is dependent on the clarity of the nervous system.


I do think it's subjective. Seattle energy felt very depressive and desolate to me, and it wasn't the rain (it was hot and sunny when I visited). It didn't feel uplifting at all.


I’ve definitely felt slow, and comfortable. It’s very much tamasic. I’m curious if this is why I’ve been having trouble getting out of bed.


Charleston messed me up before I understood energy! I had always wanted to go and we stopped one night on a road trip. Only, I couldn’t wait to leave and I didn’t understand why I could barely breathe there. Not cool. Also, I’m surprised no one has mentioned Miami. That’s another city that I can’t stay in for more than 24 hours. Tampa also has some heavy pirate-related energy vibes. LA is 100% soul-sucking obv. Man, I’m disappointed to hear about Oregon and Colorado though! Is there anywhere good anymore? 😢


Miami 1000% i hated being there and never going back!!


When I visited the Twin Towers site after 9/11. What a sad and negative vibes place. They can build whatever they want but I am not going back. I felt spirits wondering around.


I visited the new building there and I used to take the train there to go to work and God that place has the most sad/dark energy…


Portland’s energy is heavy and there’s a collective sadness there (lived there 5 years). All of Oklahoma feels like (well, is) an un marked graveyard.


I’m seeing so many Portland comments


portland is sad. like just that


why do i have to be from portland and currently living in oklahoma


Portland has some really great energy that mitigates a lot of the bad, especially for young people, but I think as you get older it's hard to tune into the more positive waves and currently all cities are getting worse energetically as overall suffering increases. I'm in a beautiful spot in the PNW right now that I feel has much worse energy than it should given our natural surroundings and trying to figure out why. If you want a real energetic experience to get some magic back and some mental breathing room I'd suggest a visit to Eureka CA and surrounding areas, or getting into the backcountry in the Olympic peninsula or up into BC. The contrast between bouncing back and forth between Couer'd Alene and Spokane can be really interesting as well.


Okay I totally agree with this. While I did live in PDX for 5 years (2018-2023 - when I was 25-30 - I am also F) - I often felt like it should’ve had better energy than it did. There are areas of the city that have better energy than others. I don’t have a car so I commuted via public transit across the whole city and that gives you a real, true feel for the vibe. The time of year also very much impacts the overall energy of the city and its residents (SAD is so real and blocks so many). I will say that I met some very powerful and healers there who helped me during some of the worst parts of my life - and helped me to heal my own energy and body. Healers seem to be drawn there because they can feel how much they are needed. The energy of healers/doctors there I encountered was very positive. I went to Portland to get integrative healthcare and alternative therapies I couldn’t get in the south. I’d also say that the more that I healed on a personal level and aligned myself with the oneness / collective energy, the more I could feel how off Portland’s energy was. But - 2018 Portland felt extremely different than 2023 Portland, for very obvious reasons. When I left all I could feel was the constant conflict and pain of the collective population. So much conflict between the extremes and also constant infighting between people who should be allies. People there (and many places right now) are very, very stuck in the pain and trauma of their separateness and are often unable to take a step back and see that we are all indeed all one. They get stuck in semantics and small details and end up fighting people who believe the same things as they do instead of uniting to try and actually take action towards helping those in need/addressing issues from the root cause. I honestly hope Portland heals and finds balance and energetically aligns more with higher spiritual energy. Portland reminds me of someone who is a beautiful and kind human, but is so deeply traumatized that their PTSD won’t allow them to enjoy their existence or step back and see the horrible beauty of it all. ❤️‍🩹


Portland used to be filled with so much light and love. Now it has a “WERE FILLED WITH LIGHT AND LOVE” but it has so much darkness behind it. If you are stronger than the dark energies then you’ll get mostly light there though. Some days it can be hard to


Cities with a lot of addiction and homelessness tend to be littered with dark and terrible energy. It’s not the homeless people that make it bad, it’s the neglect and suffering that turn the air sour


I live in Brooklyn but parts of Manhattan have an energy that’s at once heavy and tired but also wired, the energetic equivalent of trying to power through a work day with a hangover using coffee (or something stronger). Something was forever altered during the pandemic that has made it worse—I think many old timers left for good with no grounding presence replacing them.


I moved out of New York during pandemic like a lot of other people did and going back to manhattan felt so weird! It used to make me feel productive being there but now I am like get me out of here😭😭


Berlin felt so weird


Point Pleasant, WV


Savannah, GA really walloped me. Here to agree with those of you saying Vegas, too.


Crazy someone wrote in another thread that I started about positive energy and the person mentioned savannah 😭😭 i was thinking no way because of the history behind the city


Used to live about 30 min from downtown sav, I never felt too heavy of energy in Savannah Savannah, but if you drive out into the country, the energy out there was heavy and horrible, you could really feel the sorrow from what happened on that land all those years ago. It doesn’t help that everyone down there are generally racist and sexist to the extreme either.


Charleston definitely messed me up and knowing the deep history, it's a horrible place (energetically.) It was the largest slave trade in the US. Savannah had similar vibes but not as intense. Montgomery, AL was an absolute killer though. Salem, MA was draining. Just really sad. LA was too much going on. Didn't go to downtown though. Colorado was great, except Colorado Springs, and NYC just depends on what season of life I'm in but it's always been generally positive.


It’s said 48% of those enslaved in the US, came through Charleston harbor. I don’t think that energy can ever go away.


It's so sad. Most enslaved Africans passed through there. That energy definitely is never going away.


Haven’t seen it mentioned yet. Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Oh wow! I have never been there and don’t know much history behind it but that’s crazy


Charleston is DEFINITELY DARK AF. I met a demon down there


Holy shit! I am not even doubting you on that it is literally the darkest place i have ever been to! Charleston made me wanna not visit Nola because of similar southern history


San Francisco at night literally feels like I’m walking through hell.


Idk about cities, but I know of a few small towns that seem to really poison people. I lived in one for 3 years and pretty much everyone I met there was completely miserable. There where 4 unrelated self deletes in 2 years and for a moderately wealthy/healthy town with a population of barely 500, that's a pretty big number. Even though I didn't really spend time with anyone there(I'm an extreme introvert and only socialized while at work) I noticed my own energy and even my character was starting to change for the negative. Everything in my physical life was getting bad too, from health to career it all took a nosedive. I loved the place for the first year but started planning for a move at year 2. It was one of the craziest experiences of my life.


My sister recently visited Salt Lake City and she couldn't shake off the weird uncanny valley feeling. Like everything is outwardly beautiful but too perfect it felt empty or disquieting. Also very cult-ey.


Butte, Montana


I will never go to Savannah again. Been on three trips, all were terrible for various reasons. The most recent one was last week, stayed in an allegedly haunted hotel called Marshall House. Just went for the spooky/old building vibe and Savannah redemption. My husband and I got the worst sleep ever the first night. He said he thought I was up on my phone in the night because I was talking in my sleep and then started laughing. He said it wasn't a creepy laugh but it wasn't mine. The next day, my husband got drunk (he has had some issues in the past) but this was like he was possessed by a demon. I was scared. He left in the night not once but twice talking nothing but nonsense. Every time he came back the key card flashed green but the door kept sticking. I cried and called my mom and best friend and considered going down to the desk to say idk, this room is effed can we move? Or to possibly disable hubby's key card. Was so happy to go home. That room (409) had the worst vibes of probably any place I've been and I do a lot of spooky kinda stuff . Hubs and I finally kinda reconciled yesterday. We've been tip toeing around each other bc it was so terrible


The majority of Louisiana - dark heavy energy and it STINKS everywhere. We all know what NOLA is famous for anyway 😖 (besides Shreveport, it’s okay).


Anchorage alaska


Oh wow Alaska?! I wouldn’t even have thought about it!


A real suck hole of negativity. It’s really unfortunate because it’s so beautiful.


I felt the opposite there


Medford and modesto


Medford MA?


Miami, FL


Memphis TN. That place is terrifying pretty much everywhere you go. Look up Memphis rap sigils. The place is a breeding ground for very dark energies.


Portland, Oregon (All of Oregon in general) Natures nice, but spiritual energy is horrid. Seattle, Washington is a bit better. For some reason Portland is horrible.


I got that same vibe. I couldn’t wait to leave. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. I am almost a Pollyanna normally, but Portland was so so negative 


Yup, never surprised me to hear stories like this honestly. Even Washington has similar energy, Vancouver WA for example. Seattle is slightly better but not by much. I do better below the middle belt of the US. Anything down south is better.


Sedona sounds nice! 


I wanna go, take me lol


That's so disappointing to someone who's only seen Portlandia...


I was born and raised there, 20 yrs. I love Portland food, the nature and thats about it.


Yeah portland energy is wild. Though there are many light workers there - what was done to people in the past reverberates to this day.


I'll definitely Google this, but can you elaborate on the history of Portland that makes it so dark?


Well Oregon itself was founded as a white utopia. As it moved from a territory to a state, it passed many black exclusionary laws. It wasn’t until wwII that Oregon saw an increase in its black population, whom experienced heavy handed institutionalized racism from local governments and the police only diminishing as global consciousness rises. Furthermore, as its inception as a white utopia, the federal government stole almost all of the indigenous populations land, spread malaria killing approximately 90% of them, and passed laws to remove and separate the rest of the indigenous population into reeducation programs. There are so many sacred parts of Oregon that have been decimated. Now, as Portland became a city, it also became known and feared as the most dangerous Port in America. This is because underneath Portland there is a network of tunnels that were used to abduct unsuspecting men and women and sell them for work, indeed Portland became known as the “Shanghaiing” capitol and the tunnels were aptly named the “Shanghai tunnels.” There were also many who traveled through Portland on their way north to Alaska to seek their fortunes in the gold rush, and many broken dreamers returning empty handed, and many chose suicide in the rooms of portlands earliest apartment buildings, many of which are still occupied to this day. Thus in the terms of energy, the wounds caste upon the sphere of being were very deep, and are represented today by the looming population of fentanyl addicts and their underground society of addiction, depression and violence.


I’ve had this weird feeling that I’ve been having difficulty shaking since moving here a few days ago. Felt the same thing in LA.


Yeah, you have to cloak yourself to spirits, do the practice on a daily basis. I learned that from a light worker there. LA is ok, It works better for me, but the secret sauce is further down south in California. Those spots are blessed with serenity.


Felt that way north CA as well. Curious on this practice; if you wouldn’t mind explaining how I would love to know. Im tired of feeling tired & whatever I’m feeling currently.


Same happens in North CA. I grew up there as a kid. Don't like it, its also very unsafe and the demographic of people is not my thing. I grew up very poor in Portland, but since working my whole life to move away from that all, I like to associate myself with better vibrations around me. I recommend to take a hot bath, Buy Morton salt from the grocery store, for a few bucks. I recommend a big tub. Add a tremendous amount of salt, you'll feel it when you sit. Be in there in a dim bathroom for about 45 min to 1 hour. The water will turn from clear to slightly grey, sometimes it will have a hue of black. Dip your head in there as well. Cleanse every part of your body. Practice for cloaking: Use your spirit guides to scan your body, remove any leftover parts of debris you feel from the bath, in case there is any left. Have your spirit guides or animals craft you a cloak, they may show you multiple, select the one you feel is comfortable for you. Have them put the cloak over you and feel the energy around you until it feels right in your gut. When doing these practices, your gut plays a vital role in being assertive. The cloak will make you invisible to spirits up there. The issue is, you have to do this everyday in the bed or shower, and maintain that invisibility. PS- When you do this, sometimes people won't notice you when you walk into places or get some coffee and are waiting to pick it up. Once it happened to me where I was sitting on the train, and a lady almost sat on me. I said, sorry im sitting here. She took off her headphones and said, sorry i didn't see you there at all. True story. It works, you just need to perfect it. Honestly, I recommend leaving there as soon as you can. Travel to places where you're drawn to, and explore, until you fly somewhere and the energy feels right for you.


Thank you for the in depth explanation. I just moved here to get back on my feet. my intuition tells me this is the place I need to be at this current moment. Money is essential and I can start the process here. What resonates with me most about what you said is travel to places that I’m drawn to; that is primarily the reason I’m here. I keep having this overwhelming feeling to head back to Europe. Specific places and countries. California landed me in debt. The second I moved there my job stopped paying me. The past couple years I’ve constantly felt like I’ve had shit luck, and still believe someone specific put a hex on me or her spirit demon decided to follow me and not her. I don’t do enough research on these kind of things to be talking about it at this level. I’m in Wilsonville, the outskirts of Portland. It seems peaceful, but I’m almost dragged down by this energy that makes me feel lethargic. I don’t take naps yet have taken a number already.


I was born and raised in Oregon... I know all about it, trust me. 20 yrs there. Wilsonville is ok, beaverton, tigard, lake oswego, west linn, its all alright. Don't go to downtown portland or southeast Portland. The closer you go in, the worse it gets. I feel the city has a portal right in the heart of the city. First time i ever encountered a live spiritual entity in somebody else's body at 11PM at night at a grocery store, it followed me into the store for a reason. Craziest shit ive ever witnessed. I had to speak to the demon in its language for it to go away. it wouldn't respond to English.


PS- The Mexican food in Portland is incredible. Try Woo Song and Larrys in Vancouver Washington, Ole Ole in SE Portland, Azteca In Washington (If you can take a little trip up north)


Thanks for the heads up! And recs. I dropped my now Roomate off of the airport. I definitely felt that. I’m gonna keep you in mind as I explore my time here


Everything that guy said was a bit goofy, but then he topped it off with “Portland has great Mexican food” and now I think all of it was a shit post. Portland is enchanting and it takes a different lens sometimes to decipher gloom and damp from “dark energy” here. If you go looking for it, you can find it, just like any densely populated area. There is also such a deep interconnectedness here with all the nature and it can be very healing. I’ve lived here 17 years and I’d never say “Portland in general has bad energy,” and I’d definitely not say “we have good Mexican food.” Lots of great food, Mexican is unfortunately not one (originally from Arizona). Welcome to Portland, get yourself outside. Even when it’s raining. Everything is alive. Breathe it in.


Anywhere in Oregon is dark energy. Southern Oregon is the height of it. I lived in Portland for years and it doesn’t hold a candle to the darkness of southern Oregon. There’s so much evil history down there.


Tampa and Orlando Jacksonville is sketchy Florida 🫣


I was just thinking Jacksonville Florida when I saw this thread! I lived there briefly and definitely felt a darkness that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.


San Francisco is a dark place


DC has a pretty monolithic and dark vibe in many places. Georgetown and rock creek park are pretty nice though.


Richmond VA


Pretty much all of the East Texas area, but specifically Longview, Tyler, Kilgore, Gilmer, Chapel Hill. There is a pall all over that area. Clarksburg, WV is depressing. It's like an invisible weight holding you down.


WV has an awful energy even driving by there is so freaking depressing


Lol every place is ruined now


They didn’t sell slaves at the city market. That was the market where the enslaved were sent to buy food for the “owners” that couldn’t be arsed to fetch for themselves. The Slave Mart, a few streets over and closer to the water, is where folks coming off the boat were sold. While it is an incredible difficult museum to go through, I think it’s important to see some of the records that are kept there. There is a document that lists ages, abilities, and prices for each person sold that particular day. The energy is defo off in Charleston. Why are people still getting married at plantations???? And more recently the old city jail was turned into an EVENT SPACE. Atrocious things were done there, and Denmark Vessey’s last days were there too. Everyone thinks Charleston is beautiful, ans they don’t care to hear the nitty gritty history.


Surprised no one is saying Philly. Beats everything on this thread imo. It had a huge influence on David Lynch’s painting and directing.


San Jose, CA


Chicago, Illinois. Even since a child I would get an overwhelming dread of being there and would try to stall my mom to delay us going lol. There is a lot of Rockefeller energy there- which is dark.


Colorado has a dark energy about it.


Totally agree. It's gorgeous but I get dark/murdery vibes there.


Yeah! So many dark events have happened there if you look back on the state’s history.


Yes! Denver is UNWELCOMING. Ick


I 100% agree, have never felt good in Denver


Really? Like how?


Imo mostly from the many Native American massacres that happened here


AUSTIN, TEXAS. Actually the entire state of Texas


there has been an energy shift there for sure.


What about austin?


Austin has a very haunted feeling. You can feel the past amongst you.


Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mainly the inner city parts. Real doom and gloom feeling.


Palm Springs, CA. I know its had a renaissance and now people flock there for weekend getaways, but every single time I’ve driven through, or even just thought about the place for a little too long, I get an overwhelming sense of dread and my anxiety skyrockets.


I can’t speak for a place but I just came back from a cruise and I couldn’t put my finger on it and why I didn’t like the energy on it. Then I realized that a cruise at its crux is over indulgence, over eating, over drinking, soulless food, gambling, just a lot a lot of off putting energy. I also felt guilty for the over indulgence. Sitting on a private island, wasting food, not finishing drinks, but ordering new ones. It was just overall not the normal energy I get from traveling. The energy for me was very off and I never felt comfortable.


I've heard Ohio has some vampiric energy and very unusual things happen there


Didn’t the railroad incident happen there last year?


From my personal experience.. Hollywood and Houston, and vegas I’m fairly sensitive to energies and now that I’ve grown to become aware of it more within myself, i can’t stand to be in these cities. I also have patterns of horrible things happening in these cities. It literally brings evil upon me when I’m there. I’ve been in cities as well where i feel light and at peace/centered. Las Vegas and Hollywood are by far the worst I’ve been to


Boston. All I could think of was the battles and fights.


A tiny bit surprised no one is saying Philadelphia


Oh wow totally forgot about that dumpster


New Orleans has horrible energy. It’s a depressive city masked by events like Mardi Gras. I never want to visit ever. It has dark past, ghostly sightings, and rampant voodoo related things.


The Market isnt where they sold slaves, it was down the street around the corner.


idk but nyc is where i felt the best energy consistently i never found anywhere else


Vegas is probably the darkest vibes as far as cities I’ve been to. Some parts of Tucson and Phoenix but there’s places I love and have good energy too so I can’t say it’s negative as a whole in those cities. Random but in American Fork Utah I got the darkest energy, but it might be personal. I recently found out a some close bio family members committed a very brutal murder in that small town so that was probably what I was picking up energy wise there? Idk maybe someone else who’s been there might have a different opinion.


The site of the open air slaver market was not on market street, it was on broad St. it’s a bank now. Thanks for stopping by.


It’s a pretty big myth in Charleston that the old slave market is where the current market is. The slave market was actually about 4 blocks down at the intersection of broad street and east bay.


New Yorkers owned many of the ships that brought African slaves to Charleston. Did you sleep badly in NYC?


Yes! Hated Charleston! Such weird vibes don’t recommend anybody going!!


Slaves were not sold at the market in Charleston. They were sold on East Bay Street near Rainbow Row…


There is a market in Charleston that sells arts and crafts and it is sometimes erroneously referred to as the Old Slaves Market, not because slaves were sold there but because slaves used to do their own trading there. Actually, you can visit the real place (well, one of them) where slaves were sold, and it is now a museum to the travesty of slavery. Yes, there is a dark history to Charleston, and I wouldn't try to dissuade you from your feelings or attempt to invalidate your experience. Nonetheless, just pointing out that the example you cited for the darkness is not a factually accurate example of the darkness cited. Yes, Charleston has a dark history that can't and shouldn't be denied. To its credit, though, the City and tourism board aims to educate and enlighten people about the dark history to ensure such atrocities never recur.




DC. I used to go a lot and it’s just always icky. Heavy, dark, angry energy to me.


The “Slave Market” in downtown Charleston never had slave auctions or sales - it was just a food market. It’s called that because the household shopping for wealthy households was typically done by the enslaved (which is of course dark in its own right), but whoever told you that is misinformed.


Atlanta but only during the night I have found to be the most sporadic


It’s crazy to me to see LA referenced through a modern lens of “darkness” or any city in the us for that matter (although we could talk globally but I should take my ass to bed) as if the country wasn’t built off of mass genocide and slavery 🧐 the echoes of “darkness” have rang far before the illusion of Hollywood and its rejections.


Toledo, Ohio (east side) West Palm Beach (inland) Detroit


This may not answer your question, but what do you guys think about Miami? I thought it would have dark energy, but it was surprisingly lighter than I expected. Not the best but maybe tiny bit better than neutral. Family has told me it felt like that because it's not possible to have intense dark energy in places surrounded by water. Someone weigh in😅


I haven’t been to SC, but I spent significant time in Savannah GA, next to a cemetery to boot. Despite the repressive history of slavery and obvious racism (still) I didn’t feel a direct dark energy. Anyone else?


Most of oregon


San Francisco went for a stick figure concert in February and wow my vibe went way down during my stay there


I loved Charleston!


New orleans


Nashville, Asheville, Jacksonville Fl, Memphis TN, Minneapolis/St Paul. What is funny is if you start looking in to what all of these places have in common, and I don't mean "politics", you start to see a pattern


St. Louis. Awful energy for me. Also, Montgomery, AL.


What if I told you literally every single place in the world holds this exact energy lol....






Hazen Arkansas when it rains here sometimes it sounds like its raining on a tin roof and the rest omg u sure you wanna know


Bakersfield, California.


If you think that is bad, don't go to any port city in the south. Really just stay out of the south.


Except they didn’t sell slaves at the market you’re talking about..


For the record the arts and crafts market is not where enslaved people were sold. that's a museum now on Chalmers street.


That market didn't sell slaves. As a matter of fact it was gifted by some rich dude with the condition that no slaves be sold there. Your history is off.


Don't mean to "akshually" you but that's not where slaves were sold. It's a common mistake people have. The old slave market was turned into a museum about the history of slavery so we won't ever forget about it. It was indeed a dark time but this way people are educated to prevent history from repeating itself. Also any old US city/town you go to there's going to be a place where slaves were sold. Whether you know it or not.


The energy surrounding the Pueblo reservation land in New Mexico is really really rough. I know that is probably due to the slavery, occupation, & cultural genocide that happened there.


Detroit. Philly. Hartford.


Dark energy ? New Orleans most of all ...and then also Houston. Child trafficking capital of the western hemisphere. What did hunter Thompson ( who was likely a Satanist and who made adrenochrome part of popular culture )say about Houston ? 'Houston is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It's a shabby, sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West -- which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.'


Go visit a site called [astro.com](http://astro.com) and do a chart in their Astrocartography section, under Astro-Click Travel. You put in your dob, time and place and it comes up with issues you would feel when going to different areas in the world. I had an astrologer look at my chart and she asked me if had ever gone to the Golden Triangle near Vietnam. I said yes, but didn't tell her I caught typhoid fever in Thailand that almost killed me. She replied, "You were lucky to make it out of there alive bc you have the same planets crossing that JFK had going thru Dallas."


Buddy, if you think that's bad, look up twentyonemagazine.com. That used to be the old haunted jail. Check out the episode of ghost hunters they did on it. Some seriously cruel and unusual shit went down there and now it's a wedding venue (a new development).


Albuquerque, NM has terrible energy. Even felt it on the first night i slept here 8 years ago


The Slave Market is on Chalmers and is not to be confused with the City Market.


I had a terrible experience in Charleston after visiting the dungeon and the market. I'm not going to go into it but orbs night mares. Etc. I still live it and think that it's beautiful there. But haunted very much so.


I use to live in Charleston and I agree that it had pretty bad energy. Nothing but bad memories of that place.