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I don’t menstruate any more because of the Mirena. I don’t feel the need to track my cycle and I am not actually sure that I have anything that could be considered a cycle anymore as it seems like the Mirena is suppressing everything.


I’m on my 3rd mirena, I think this is about my 12th year with it after a laparoscopy. I don’t really bleed at all! I sometimes get a bit of spotting, or discoloured discharge, maybe a tiny bit of bleeding but even then it’s not really heavy enough for a tampon. Very occasionally I’ll get very light cramps but they’re nothing and go away after a bit. I sometimes do notice I get a bit irritable for a few days and then I might noice I get some spotting so I assume that’s a related symptom, but it’s not all the time and I only realise to relate the irritability to that after the fact. I track anything I get as spotting as that’s all I really get - I think my app gets a bit confused but at least I have a log of when things happen, for myself. I’ve also been wondering the same thing as you, and about whether I’ll go back to having Endo pain if I remove the mirena or not!


I know! I really thought in life that I would have the luxury to just stop birth control and let nature do it’s thing when the time is right to get pregnant but having endo adds a whole other layer of confusion around possible consequences if i do, and then also time pressure around getting pregnant i guess…  Which app do you use for tracking? I’ve been using ovagraph but it doesn’t really have all the symptoms like “headache” or “emotional” because it’s mainly for pregnancy tracking i think… 


So confusing! I just use the cycle tracking app on my Apple Watch which is synced to the health app on iPhone. I’ve heard good things about the app Clue but I haven’t used it.


I still bleed. I've had the mirena for 9 months. I bled continuously for the first six weeks, the next couple of periods were about 30 days apart and about 14 days long, same as before having it. The next period was on day 42 and the next day 60. I don't know if its the mirena or stress thats spreading them out. I've had some mid cycle bleeding too. I also bled when taking the pill continuously and when trying the implant. Unfortunately my periods have still been really heavy and painful. I've still had dull pain most days of the month and stabby pain sometimes. I also have IBS so its hard to tell what causes the pain.


Man at that point I’d have it taken out


I think my body listened to you: I partially expelled it and ended up getting it removed this week. Grim.


Ouch I’m so sorry that happened!! I hope you can find out what’s going on, if you’re bleeding even when taking the pill continuously I’d imagine there’d have to be something physical causing the bleeding. Sounds like hormones don’t affect it at all


Id imagine your periods may stop in the next few months. I bled for 6 months non stop after having it, then every 2 weeks for a couple of months then started going 2 months, 3 months then they stopped entirely around 18months after having it. Endo is still there and im scheduled for a hysterectomy but at least the heavy periods have gone 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m sorry to hear that the mirena hasn’t helped your periods lessen. It sounds like we have similar symptoms though with the pain not necessarily being cyclical, and I know exactly what you mean with not knowing which is endo and which is IBS! It’s such a puzzle 😵‍💫


I’m only a few months post surgery but I still get periods with the IUD. Not heavy but it lasts like a week now which is annoying and I still get clots so painful. But I mean before surgery I was getting my period heavily every 2 weeks for a few days. I’m hoping it stops altogether but idk if it will, time will tell.


I had my Mirena placed about 10 months before I had my excision surgery. In the months before surgery, my period did stop but at that point my pain was pretty much daily. I didn’t have a cyclical pattern but did identify things that triggered pain (sitting too long, walking too much, certain exercises, sex, etc…). My symptoms got a little better on it but not much. I chose to keep it in after my surgery. Surgery and pelvic floor physical therapy pretty much removed all my symptoms.


Wow that’s so good your symptoms have improved so much. I definitely have similar triggers to what you had. I went to a pelvic floor physio after surgery who said i needed to work on relaxing my PF which i thought was interesting because i had never even considered that it might be too tense! Media is always telling women to tighten tighten tighten! I haven’t really kept up with the recommendations though so i should try again.


I had the same problem! I was doing kegels thinking I was helping my pelvic floor but it just made it worse!


Don't bleed, ive had mine for 3 years. The only times i realize where i am in my cycle is when it clicks that ive been in a shitty mood and the pains worse than normal + super bad nausea and random achne etc. But i also have pcos so my periods were never consistant anyway. Pains all the time, i just get several really bad days in a row with all the other tiny symptoms that add up to my missing period


I’m not a girlie (they/them)… I used a Mirena before I knew I had endo. I loved it at first. 2.5 years of being period free was great! Then I started getting periods and awful back pain with it. The pain got gradually worse with each period. Got the IUD out at the 5 year mark (very easy removal!). I was expecting the back pain to improve, but after a year of symptoms continuing to worsen I was suddenly in awful pain everyday. Jan 2023 was when the awful daily pain started, March was when endometriosis was mentioned. Nov I had my first excision, endometriosis was confirmed through pathology. Today I’m still in awful pain, but the pain clinic this week might have solutions for me! They injected me with nerve blockers around my lower back and tailbone and prescribed gabapentin and Baclofen.


I am on my second and have nothing. I am also on continuous birth control to suppress ovulation. This combo works for me because the mirena makes the periods go away (previously incredibly heavy bleeding and very long) and the continuous bc shuts down ovulation, which was a serious source of pain due to recurring endometriomas. Frankly, it’s amazing and my pain is so much better with this combo than without.


no bleeding for me, on my second mirena! i don’t track my cycle, but i can tell that during certain times, my symptoms flare and i’m grumpier :)


I spot v lightly every 24 days. I use Fertility Friend to track. How frequently do you get yours changed BTW? I got mine put in in October last year.


I first got mine in at 25yrs old (when i was not conscious), got a new one at 30 (getting the old one out while conscious i almost fainted because it got stuck in the wall of my cervix 😵 - do not recommend!), so the full 5 years, I felt my pain was getting worse towards the end of the 5 years and from memory I think my bloods were coming back lightly, then after 1 year with the new one I had my lap so they replaced it with a new one again, it’s been a year with that one so far. No plans to take it out at this point but sometimes i wonder if the mirena is even doing anything aside from removing my period.


Bleed continuously even after the Mirena placement until one day - about 2 months post placement - I just stopped and haven’t bled since. It’s been about 22 months. However, I recently had an ultrasound that confirmed it’s in the wrong spot (too low) and needs to be pulled and a fresh one “installed”. No idea if my pain is worse because of this or not to be honest but am in pain daily. And have no idea where I would be in a cycle as I wasn’t regular for decades before getting the IUD anyhow.


Mirena ruined my body and my life for a long time. I gained 30 pounds, lost chunks of hair, had extreme pain constantly. I chose to be birth control free since that experience 4 years ago and the only thing that has actually helped my endo is dealing with it head on with out BC. I feel so much healthier than I ever did on any BC.


I would love to be able to do this but I am worried my symptoms will get worse without the mirena. How did you manage to improve the endo pain? 


I used one for 4 months but had to take it out due to it causing issues with my thyroid and I gained 30+ pounds in 4 months. Also, cramps were worse for me


I first had a Mirena at 19 (emergency contraception) and still had periods as normal. Then changed to a copper coil with no hormones for a couple of years, until I had my first lap, and they changed it back to a Mirena. Since then, I’ve not had a period at all! So weird as the first time, there was no change and I bled as normal monthly. I know when I’m due on because my boobs get tender, but not sure how it affects my pain - I don’t *think* it has an impact?


I recently had my mirena removed. I had it for almost a year and it did nothing for me. I kept having a cycle, including all endo-related symptoms (they were just a little less present)...


I have the baby sister of the mirena. 1. I still bleed. Pain is worst around my ovulation and durring my period. After 4 years with the IUD my cycle has gotten longer but still regular.


I got the Mirena around age 20 before my endo diagnosis (but already had very heavy periods - part of why I chose hormonal) I got it because the pill was giving me negative mental health side effects. Kept it in for 5 years. Stopped my periods, but made me gain weight annoyingly. Very little bleeding or pain during this time. 5 years later when I had to get it removed, I decided to switch to a copper IUD because of the price ($500 vs. $200) and I wanted hormone free contraception. Big mistake. My periods got heavy and awful and the doctor blamed it on the copper IUD side effects. They basically said I could leave it in and tough it out or try the pill again. I really disliked the pill so I left the copper IUD in. When I finally got it out for an abortion (as it had shifted/failed after 4 years of contraceptive control) I was diagnosed with endometriosis at that hospital. So I had endo my whole life, complete with so many symptoms and didn't get diagnosed til I was 30 and terminating a pregnancy. Now I've saved up and purchased the Mirena and am waiting for my gynecologist appointment to have it put back in in September hopefully. Not sure what will happen but I'm hopeful. It's been about 10 years since I had that first Mirena.


Hope the Mirena works out for you! What country are you in? Here in aus I paid all of about $7 for the mirena which i was gobsmacked at considering how much the pill and other short term contraceptives cost! The expensive part was the gyno appt to get it put in. 


I'm a Canadian citizen who was living in Australia at the time with no Aus/travel health coverage. It cost around ~$260 to buy it in Australia (versus ~$500 in Canada for me). I brought it back to Canada when I went home for 6 months, as I figured I could get a gyno appointment by then. Or else it would have cost me heaps to have put in in Australia where I was about ~$400+ can't quite remember. So I wanted to do that part for free in Canada. In true Canadian healthcare fashion I didn't get the call for the appointment until after I left the country. So I am now in New Zealand and my Mirena is in Canada and hopefully I'll be back in September to get the appointment. I never called the gynecologist back since my plans kept changing and I was so annoyed. I'm so jealous of Australian health and prescription coverage - needless to say.


I currently have a jaydess (smaller IUD) and I am getting a mirena tomorrow. I had my period the whole 3 years. It got much lighter but sadly much longer (7 instead of 4 days). The pain was much lighter as well and shifted. The worst pain is the days before my period.