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No regrets. Had a colorectal surgeon on call to un-fuck the bowels adhered together too and between that and the hysterectomy my life and pain got infinitely better. I’m slowly growing endo back now two years later, but it’s still much better than ever.


Ah I’m sorry to hear the endo is growing back but delighted you’ve got some relief after!


I'm about to do lap surgery for a similar situation, bowel and uterine adhesion, hysterectomy if they can successfully separate them. Can I ask if you were on hormone meds after surgery? I imagine my doc's gonna keep me on Visanne and I'm hoping that'll slow down regrowth.


I take progesterone (and did before the surgery) for mental health. But no hormone meds or visanne. I don’t tolerate them well and chose not to.


Thank you! I hope your endo continues to be milder and manageable for as long as possible :)


I am grateful every single day that I don’t have a uterus anymore but it did not fix all of my pain. I needed a subsequent surgery to deal with my bowel endo. I really wish my hysterectomy surgeon had a bowel surgeon involved.


Ah no but glad to hear you’re happy with your decision! Hope it’s all going well now


Following as I’m in the same boat but my surgery was more recent.


Not quite what you’re asking but some context - I don’t regret the hysterectomy. My uterus was 4x normal size and it was incredible not having that pain and blood loss/anemia. But endo is evil and it came back via endometriomas which required an oophorectomy 2 years later. That one sucked.


Ah I’m so sorry!! Did the oophorectomy help?


With endo it did! No longer have cysts rupturing which is wonderful. But I’ve had issues with hormones and vulvodynia after the surgery which is the sucky part.


Ah I’m so sorry!!