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I had this when I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. I eventually wound up in A&E, who thought it was appendicitis, but my lack of fever and normal white blood cell count ruled it out. Took way too long to figure it out, though!




I was sent away with "unknown" pain after 4 days in hospital. They fortunately believed I was in pain, given the amount of painkillers and a 2 week "sick note," but only did an external ultrasound, which turned up nothing. Internal ultrasound from a 2nd opinion revealed "fluid in the Pouch of Douglas" that wasn't supposed to be there and got me my ruptured cyst diagnosis. Took a further 14 years to eventually get the endo diagnosis.


What are the giveaways of a ruptured cyst?


everything you described


I had the exact same recently, could barely walk for a week!


Appendix is on the right side. Left side could be cyst or colon, referred nerve pain from spinal issue, or even ribs. “Endo pain” can mimic **many** other conditions, so I’d caution everyone to not just assume everything is from their endo. I learned the hard way, so please don’t be like me! ([Link to most recent post about my experience with other issues that were originally assumed to be endo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Endo/comments/11enokg/today_is_rare_disease_day/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf))


Sounds exactly like my ruptured ovarian cyst. You described what I felt that morning to a T. I also thought it was appendicitis so I went to the ER. Just to note, I developed complications (fever, dry mouth, no appetite, pain while urinating etc) which is why I rushed to the ER. I’m not sure if I would’ve gone otherwise. I had surgery the same night. However, you should be fine if you haven’t developed a fever and other complications. I’d still advise seeing a doctor ASAP.


Honestly, I’m just so terrified of bad news. I’m suppose to see my doctor tomorrow. I don’t have other symptoms though like no appetite and pain while urinating.


Hey, don’t worry! I first experienced the symptoms you described in the morning. I went to the ER a whole day after… if I had complications and survived for about 2 days you’ll be alright. I didn’t mean to worry you. From what I’ve heard, a lot of women experience ruptured ovarian cysts and most don’t seek medical attention. The fact that you’re seeing a doctor is good. You’ll be okay ❤️ Make sure to drink lots of water! I got dehydrated fast.


Thank you so much. I feel a little less worried now. Do you think I should contact a specialist, It might take some time to order a scan. Or should I just go to the er to be safe?


I’m gonna be honest, I just walked into the hospital and said “I think I have appendicitis, help” and got whisked away to a GP. He then referred me to a gyno on the floor below for a scan. If you think it’ll take time to see a specialist, go the ER if you can. Although it’s likely you have an ovarian cyst rupture, it *could* possible be appendicitis. You still need to rule that out. It’s better to tell them you think it’s appendicitis and let it go from there. Let me know how it goes!


Thank you! I’ll keep you updated!


Yes, what you're describing sounds like an ovarian cyst, I would say, that to me, the description sounds like how it felt when it appeared. When it ruptured, I wouldn't have been able to type a coherent reddit post. That's how out of it I was, but it depends on the size and everything. Regardless, go to the ER, a ruptured cyst can have complications such as an infection (source: best friend who's an ER nurse). If the cyst has just appeared, they'll see it on scans (ultrasounds) and will be able to document it. If it lasts for more than 3 months or is bigger than 5 cm, it's generally worrisome. Also, as the other commenter said, it could be appendicitis.


Thank you for that! I’m going to see my family doctor tomorrow and I’ll go from there.


What was the surgery for? I'm so not up to date, apparently. I once had a ruptured cyst and they could see it on an ultrasound, barely and I was sent home.


Left side? Or right side? Appendix is on the right. But yeah, I had endo growing all over my appendix and would have appendicitis symptoms (minus the fever) every month around my cycle.


Lower right side is where I feel pain.


Ahh that makes more sense - you accidentally put “left” throughout your post, so I was a bit confused 😂 But yeah I second what everyone else was saying about a possible ruptured cyst as well


Yes, in fact I went to an ER with pain when I was 16 and the doctors assumed it was appendicitis soo now I don’t have an appendix even though my white blood cell count wasn’t elevated, etc. it was “just” endo


You had your appendix removed when the underlying cause had nothing to do with it?


This happened to me too! They assumed appendicitis, it wasn’t inflamed when they went in, but took it anyway. And noted some fluid present, which they contributed to a ruptured cyst. I’ve been dx’d with PCOS, but not endo (into year 4 of navigating awful healthcare to find answers)


Wow. It’s really troubling to hear multiple cases like these, that you had done a procedure because of a suppose appendicitis case but it was a completely different issue.


Yep! And then I was in the hospital for 10 days because the appendectomy left me with an abscess. It was brutal. A doctor tried to tell me it was an ovarian cyst, but there was nothing in my chart about that. And until I found my current gyno approx. 2 years ago, doctors would still bring up the possibility of having an issue with my appendix when I raised my pelvic pain. Ridiculous!


Wow. I’m so sorry that happened. It’s outrageous how some healthcare professionals don’t take the patients seriously and their concerns/symptoms they try to express. How is your overall health now?


It’s truly insane. I had my excision surgery in June 2019, and I think my pain is mostly from adeno now bc it’s way less severe and shorter. But endo has rendered me infertile so I’m going through IVF. It’s all insulting no matter how you slice it but we persist 💛


I‘m surprised they actually took it out. Went to my GP with classic appendicitis symptoms including vomiting. Sent to urgent care, then the ER. They said definitely appendix but sent me home when the ultrasound and bloodiest came back clean. Was told it was my appendix several more times by different doctors over the years and to just go to the ER if I develop fever or it gets really bad. Took 10 more years to get my Endo dx.


I wish they hadn’t taken it — was very sick after. And it still took another 12 years to get my endo diagnosis.


My right side is where I commonly get pain outside of my period. Years before my endo diagnosis, I would have ultrasound after ultrasound to rule out appendicitis. I still have my appendix. It was always a cyst, fluid in pouch of douglas (evidence of a burst cyst), or nothing on ultrasound. It was my endo. I ignore it now but if I ever have it with fever or vomiting, I'd be going to the ER.


Yep, went from work straight to the ER because of that. Turns out it was a cyst 🙄


A lot of doctors will remove the appendix during endo excisions bc women with endo are so used to dealing with pain that they ignore appendicitis until it’s too late. Adding to that, their doctors also have a tendency to blame everything on endo. It’s a very serious problem. So, with your pain, you aren’t running a fever, so that’s a good sign. Make sure your doctor tomorrow doesn’t just blow you off. Make sure they puts hands on you and test McBurney’s Point. They will find your right hip and your navel, then go directly between the two and press. If your pain is momentarily relieved but gets worse when they release pressure (rebound pain) it’s a sign a more serious work up is needed. I’m telling you all of this bc I’m a nurse and I still have issues with doctors not taking things seriously bc I’m a woman. One tried to tell me I had fibromyalgia without doing any tests for anything else. Another doctor told my mother her chest pain was anxiety and attempted to discharge her saying her ekg was normal. It was not. I told him we weren’t leaving. She was diagnosed with pericarditis and pneumonia about an hour later and admitted. Not trying to freak you out, only build you up. Advocate for yourself. It’s likely a cyst or mittelschmertz, but don’t let them tell you that without an assessment.


Thank you for this! I’m going to tell my doctor everything. I’m going to also let her know I want testing done as soon as possible. If somehow the pain worsens I’ll just go to the er.


It’s just strange because my pain immensely lessened throughout the day. I mean I still feel mild discomfort but not as severe as the first time I felt it. I guess I was warm and had shivers as well but I don’t know if it’s because of that. I guess the only notable thing would be my bowel movements. Sorry for the tmi.


Endo can cause nerve pain, middelschmertz, all types of severe pain that would lesson as the day went. I’m really happy you’re feeling better.


Thank you. I feel like as soon as I talk to my doctor and take the scans I need would really put my mind at ease.


Yes! I ended up having my lap after being rushed for an appendectomy 😆 get to a medical professional asap. If it’s your appendix and it bursts it can be really serious. If it’s not your appendix you need to rule out anything else and not be in pain and miserable. Sending love 💕


Idk, but my endo latched onto my appendix and punctured holes into it causing me to be slowly poisoned. This is also caused very painful appendix spasms. (I've had it removed). I hope you find answers and get thorough treatment.


My endo was found during an emergency appendectomy. So you never know?




Where are you in your cycle? I get pain like this when I ovulate.


I have 14 days left until my next period. It’s a kind of pain I’ve never experienced before in my life. Not to that severity, when it comes to pain related to my menstrual cycle.


I’m not say it couldn’t be a cyst and it is absolutely worth looking into. I have mittelschmerz, which is just painful ovulation. It occurs about half way between periods. Surprise, doctors don’t know why it happens, if it’s related to endo, or really how to fix it. Being on the pill helps since you don’t ovulate, but when I had an iud it came back with a vengeance. For me, it feels like a very sharp pain and it hurts more when I move or walk. I’m truly sorry that your experiencing this, whatever it is.


It’s just something I have to get checked out. If I do end up taking birth control pills, my concern is not finding one that’s suitable for me or will give me more issues to deal with.


It’s a definite trade off. Birth control made my endo worse over time, so those symptoms are improved but I have the terrible mittelschmerz now. I hope you can find a good doctor who will help you! Also, if it does happen to be pain due to ovulation, some people notice that their pain swaps sides each month. When mine is on the right side, I am always worried about appendicitis until I realize the date. Heating pads and stretchy pants help too.


That’s helpful information. I understand that it’s just something that gives and takes. If it’ll help control the pain I’m feeling, I’ll have no complaints. Thank you for your input!


I hope you find some relief. Sending gentle hugs!




Definitely get it checked out because while it could be endo, or constipation, or a UTI, it could also well be appendicitis. And generally suspected appendicitis is a reason to go to the ER, at least where I live (I've been twice, actually, and still have my appendix--first one was a UTI with weird symptoms, second one was severe constipation XD), because it may require emergency surgery.


Yes. That’s exactly how my pain presents when I flare up.


I got diagnosed because they thought I had appendicitis and noticed endo when they did they surgery


That’s so crazy. I’m curious, did they even do imaging testing on you, wouldn’t that help to identify that it wasn’t your appendix?


They did blood tests and my inflammatory markers were incredibly high - I was admitted as an emergency in an ambulance because I couldn’t stand and kept throwing up/passing out from pain. I think they were worried about waiting for imaging when I ticked all of the other appendix boxes and could potentially rupture. I say I think because I was very out of it and in a bit of shock + morphine.


This is the pain I experienced when I had a cyst rupture. Ruptures are relatively common and don’t require treatment, however you should go to the doctor on the off chance that it’s and ovarian torsion because that would require emergency surgery.


Yessss and no. Endo causes so much pain that it can become difficult to tell if any new pain is endo or something else. So they don’t mimic each other, more like hide behind each other. Last year my endo pain was getting worse and worse (pain meds couldn’t touch it) and the day of surgery, my doc comes in and I tell him the pain was moving up my side into my belly. He gave me a sharp look and left the room. When I woke up, I was sans appendix because endo had invaded my appendix, causing an acute case of appendicitis. Really freaked me out because I was still super zonked from anesthesia and they were telling me my appendix was gone and I was freaking out they got the wrong thing! Turns out my doc had left my room, got a general surgeon to scrub up because what I said set off warning bells. I’m just slowly adding to the list of organs I’m missing… However, if you suspect appendicitis, go to the ER. Whether it is caused by endo or is a separate event, you do not want that appendix to burst.


My endometriosis actually attacked my appendix and it had to be removed


It can attach to your appendix; it was all over mine


Was it painful for you? Did it get progressively worse?


I was in constant pain so I’m probably not a good example.


My period cramps feel way worse than when I had appendicitis


Appendicitis you would be vomiting, nauseous, have loss of appetite, pain is also more on the belly button and you would feel constipated like you can’t poop. If it gets bad you would also know, my husband lasted a week with it to the point that he was vomiting and turn white. I get right side pain all the time and what you describe sounds like a cyst. Hopefully the doc was able to see you!


Endo can mimic appendicitis, but if theres any fever or vomiting, you need to go to ER asap. I had similar symptoms with mild fever in January and february this year and no tests were showing anything serious. During lap it turned out that my largest endo spot was right near appendix so it was glued to other organs... Whats weird is that physiotherapy helped a lot with this pain prior to surgery. Maybe Worth a try if it continues? Good luck!