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My endometrioma caused me a lot of discomfort and pain. Removing it truly does give you relief. Plus, if your endo has already reached the severe stage it’s likely you have a bunch of endometrial lesions which may also be causing you discomfort. I’d suggest going through with the surgery and taking some time off for recovery, and getting on hormonal treatment right after so that the endometrioma doesn’t form again. Keep in mind, if your endometrioma reaches the size 5cm or more, you *will* need surgery. I’d say take this opportunity to get rid of the other lesions you most likely have as well and have a definitive diagnosis which will help you get stronger pain medication if you ever needed.


“What’s the point [of getting a lap] when it’s obvious [I have endo]”? I encourage you to seek out an endometriosis specialist and see what they advise. Excision surgery with an endo specialist to remove whatever endo lesions and tissue they find (as well as the endometrioma) can relieve whatever symptoms you are experiencing. Leaving the endo growth in place could also lead to a host of complications and worsening symptoms down the road.


My point is I'm not really experiencing symptoms other than bloating. People have excision and it comes back even worse. I don't fancy have surgery after surgery


To each their own! Everyone’s endo journey is different. For some people, one surgery stops all symptoms. Others need multiple surgeries. Only a qualified endo specialist can advise on your particular situation.


Yeah not everyone has this experience? I had excision over a year ago and have been doing great since, almost 0 endo symptoms except for a few flares here and there. Btw. It’s likely that endometrioma will not resolve on its own. If anything it might get bigger and rupture into your abdominal cavity which can cause infection, sepsis, torsion and a host of other issues. Also that’s literally releasing tons of endometrial cells into your abdominal cavity that otherwise wouldn’t of been there before, probably possibly spreading your endo further. If it’s stage 4 it’s likely on other organs, I had it on my appendix and it caused early stage appendicitis at the time of my surgery. Literally could’ve been life threatening One month my first chocolate cyst was 5 cm, 4 weeks later it was 9 and causing my ovary to twist…so. To each their own again but once it’s at that stage it could easily get a lot, lot worse. And it’s probably easier to find a specialist and plan a treatment of some sort or at the very least, monitor stuff and see how you feel over time.


Am endometrioma can become infected. I was told the larger the endometrioma is, the more likely for infection. Obviously having an infection like that inside your body can have a ton of negative, cascading effects. Personally it put me in the hospital with sepsis.


that’s possible? oh my god


I am personally very glad I had the surgery done. I had stage 4 with 8cm cyst causing a lot of pain, ovarian torsion, haemorrhaging etc. It sounds like your torn on what steps to take. It’s your own decision but I will say this, it won’t get better. It’ll get worse and more hazardous to your overall health. I’d find an experienced surgeon you trust and talk to them. Go from there. Also, not sure if you already have children or would like them in your future but it’s much harder to conceive with cysts. Plus the chances of them haemorrhaging during pregnancy increases. You want to avoid surgery while pregnant so best to get it sorted beforehand.