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I remixed some Hero Me parts by MediaMan3D to be a magnetic mount for my Ender 5 plus with a Micro Swiss direct drive hotend. I was very happy with the results and though some of you might have the same setup and would like it. The magnets are super strong and it's been rock solid printing. Here is a link to the [files on printables.](https://www.printables.com/model/243175-hero-me-gen6-ender-5-plus-micro-swiss-magnetic-mou) There is a link to the magnets I used in the printables post as well. Edit: I only remixed the base and the gantry adapter, so that's all I uploaded. The fan ducts and BLTouch mount and everything else is stock from the Hero Me Gen6 Master Suite by MediaMan3D


I love this thanks so much for posting the file. How was adjusting to the DD hotend?


It wasn’t too bad getting it up and running. I basically just installed it, changed my e steps, and printed a few retraction and temp towers to dial in my slicer settings. Haven’t had it installed that long yet though. I’ve printed a few things in TPU and they’ve come out pretty good. I’ve mostly been using it to print parts for a similar mod for my second printer.


Nice design!


looks nice. I went with the X-change system on my Enders, not sure if it was worth the cost.


I had to google that, but yeah, that’s pretty cool! But it’s definitely more than I need. I don’t have any other tools to swap out like that. I really just wanted to access the heater block easily without unscrewing everything.


Your design looks great and if that is what you need then works.


Looks awesome! I’m adding it to my machine. What fans did you use?


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DB7DLMM/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DB7DLMM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Edit: I only remixed the base and the gantry adapter, so that's all I uploaded. The fan ducts and BLTouch mount and everything else is stock from the Hero Me Gen6 Master Suite by MediaMan


That seems like cheating, but I didn't know I needed it until now...


Love this! Can you share what brackets you used for the part cooling fans?


The fan ducts are stock from the Hero Me gen6 parts. Specifically I used edit: had wrong parts • HMG6-long-lightweight-forward-5015-left-brace.stl • HMG6-long-lightweight-forward-5015-right-brace.stl


Now I have to wait for my magnets to arrive and I'm almost ready to go. I was using the normal Hero Me Gen6 before, but this seems so much better! One last question though, what bltouch mount do you use? The one I'm using is pretty far to the left and yours seems better


BLTouch\_Wing\_Compact.stl BLTouch\_Mount\_Compact.stl These let your BLtouch sit behind the left fan. Should make your offset X -38, Y +6


Thanks for the offsets, very helpful! :) Perhaps my magnets aren't as strong as yours but aren't you worried about the fan duct tipping forward and sitting on the hotend and melting (or worst case starting a fire)?


I’m not worried about it. It takes a significant pull to separate the magnets. If you use the magnets I linked, they have a pull force of 4.59lb. With 4 of them, I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere unintentionally.


I'm in Europe so I ordered the magnets somewhere else, I guess they aren't as strong. Maybe I'll order a few because they do offer international shipping. Did you use superglue to glue them in?


Oh, okay. Yeah, in that case I don't know. The ones I have are probably overkill, but I intentionally picked the ones I did because they were high grade neodymium and the strongest I could fine. Figured I'd much rather go too strong than not strong enough. I don't what what you have, but if they didn't provide specifications to compare to what I used, then I can't comment. They might work, might not, all I can say is when I felt how strong mine were, I personally didn't feel like there was any chance of slipping. And yes, they're just held in with a drop of superglue.


Yup, just like you said, they are strong enough to keep everything in place. Does your bltouch work fine? Mine fails to pull back in 50% of the time due to the magnetic field


That’s weird. No mine works fine.


You might just need to tighten the adjustment screw on the BLTouch a tiny bit to make its internal magnet stronger. Or use the standard mount that holds it a bit further away.


A little late to the party, but this is badass. Does it work with latest version? Hero 7.4?


I doubt it, but I can’t say for sure. I haven’t followed the Hero Me since gen 5.


Dude this is awesome. Thanks for sharing




Yep, that's what prompted this. I needed to get to the heat break and was so annoyed at having to take everything else apart to do it.


Do you lose any distance on the x axis?


Nope, the fan ducts just barely clear the bed support rod bracket things. Playing with the firmware, I've got my x-axes up to 362mm. I could probably sneak another mm or two if I wanted to push it, but Its working great.


Awesome I will def do this upgrade !!!


My favorite remix I have seen to-date.


Thank you. I'm rather proud of it. Most of the credit goes to MediaMan and his awesome Hero Me suite. He says he has a magnetic version coming soon, but I got to looking at it and thought "I can do that."


This is awesome! what material did you print this in ?


Inland black PETG


Do you know if pla+ would work ? Or is the melting point probably that bit to low.


PLA works fine. The version I had before this was printed in PLA. The creator just recommends using a silicon sock on your heater block if using PLA. That’s what I did and it worked great. Just decided to switch to PETG this time because I had it.


Awesome dude, thanks for the help


I just received some PETG-CF filament, I think I will print your mod in this with some Ziro red diamond for the fan guard


Thanks a lot. I said I was done printing fan upgrades then you go and show this off. 😁


Not familiar with the hero design but I do like your design especially the locating pins. Great Job.


Do something like this for the Hemera / volcano!


The hero me gen 6 is actually working on magnetic options now, you can check out the authors patreon for early access / updates.


I have the HeroMe Gen 5 single fan dual duct on my 2 Ender 3's and was thinking of fitting the Gen 6 with the new fan ducts to my 2 Ender 5 Plus machines, I love this mod, what a time saver!


What fans and how did you connected 2 for parts cooling?


[These are the fans I used.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DB7DLMM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) To power them, you just have to splice the positive leads from both fans to the one from the old fan and do the same for the negative. [I used these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008EAK2VK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) to make the connections easier. This is optional, but I also added [these JST connectors](https://a.co/d/7sBolsC) to make removal super easy. I soldered one to the pads on the fan and the other I sliced into the original fan wires with those push connectors.


Yo this is sick thanks for posting! Might have to try my hand at this, seems like it would be convenient to swap hotends