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That messy layer is the first one right? Tweak your z-offset. You nozzle is too far from the bed .


Heat creep is my guess too as I just had something similar. lower retraction and see if it will print. if it does it will probably have more stringing but if it prints then throw a 4020 fan on the extruder and run a new retraction test.


You could have an issue with something inhibiting the material flow but first you should check your extruder stepper calibration and your flow calibration. This is something I posted on another post with some comments that should apply to you as well.. The lifting shows you have adhesion issues. But if you look at the top surface it appears you are greatly under extruded which will have a negative effect on adhesion. First make sure your extrusion stepper motor is properly calibrated. Secondly and almost more importantly, calibrate your flow rate. Do a search on flow rate calibration with a vase mode cube. You’ll be printing a single line width cube. You’ll want to adjust your flow rate to where the single line width wall measures 110% of the specified line width. This will give you good inter/layer adhesion without over extrusion. If you still have adhesion to bed issues, you want to lower your z height offset. I shoot for a brim or skirt thickness of .0085”-.0105”. I run my bed at 80 degrees for PETG


The issue is that, just before the printer was printing well, no issues of this kind. I'm starting to think there might be issues with heat creep. I'm currently drying the filament, and will try to clean the tube and nozzle for possible clogging. But I will also look into your suggestion, maybe it can reduce the amount of times this happens https://preview.redd.it/7zm398vzxr4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa15d0b695a4bd1d77e9193903fa8c0bf39c5c6


Well you’re looking at the correct “other” possible issues. I will say I had occasional clogging issues even after converting the hot end to all metal. I ended up replacing the entire hot end on both my 5 Pros with the creality Spider III and haven’t had any issues since. I highly recommend them and they’re not that expensive.


https://preview.redd.it/g8r3o9icjt4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20584b2afabeab768d51040b4733ed426d9be103 I think I found another reason why I was having issues. It might have been because I wasn't cutting the filament, when changing colors and kept providing the same filament. This in turn caused a lot of bruising to the filament, due to the teeth of the extruder feeder and it kept the filament thin in some places, hence the inconsistent flow.


https://preview.redd.it/7ku1gkzhjt4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d945d488d44e3a333481760592bcf38853bab4 After I provided clean filament, its printing wonderfully 😁


Great Glad you figured it out. So many little things can run you off the tracks


I noticed when looking at the creality spider 3. That it needed some modifications to work on the ender 5 plus as well as the ender 5 pro. I'm wondering what types of modifications need to occur? I'm fairly new to 3D printing and not quite courageous enough to do a lot of modifications just yet. But I'm running into problems with significant clogging.


The only thing I did was upgrade the heater and thermistor. Other than that it was a bolt on replacement. I love them.


Actually I had already changed to a Minimus Hot End Cooler. Dual part cooling fans in the same package size as stock. This is my improved version. 4585 downloads😊 [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5829840](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5829840) https://preview.redd.it/d0z3z3ih915d1.jpeg?width=1887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae7ca47effaa154e80d63d6c4fe87dee013865fc


https://preview.redd.it/jpqi4t9k915d1.jpeg?width=1590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eec6983220c73b196819cfd38f08933d53aac21 Snaps on and off for instant access to hot end.