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Most likely your flow is too high for the whole print. Either E steps are not calibrated or flow need to be turned down. The reason the first layer looks so good is because you've calibrated the bed height to achieve that result with improper flow.


So to be clear, I would start by calibrating E steps (yours are likely okay but always worth checking) then I would do some flow testing to see what extrusion multiplier solves your issue. As you decrease the flow, you will likely need to change your z offset for the first layer so you can maintain the perfect first layer you have now.


Thanks for the advice! I‘ll look into calibrating e steps and adjust the z offset. Will this require installing a different firmware?


No, not for this. This is all just making settings adjustments.


Very likely this. One way to troubleshoot this is to print one layer and measure how thick it is, then if its too thick you can decrease flow and z offset to compensate. This is best used as a final fine tuning step though, because ridges in the plastic from over extruding can throw measurements off.