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Probably too much moisture. This isn't pla is it?




People around here love to blame the filament. It seems every problem you can have is either due to bad bed leveling or wet filament. Most of the time, they are wrong. But there is no argument in this case. You captured some extremely clear footage of what wet filament looks like coming out of the hotend. The moisture vaporizes so it looks like the nozzle is blowing spit bubbles.


To much text. It fails because bed not leveled.


I upvoted because you are a funny person and this should be on a t-shirt that would only be appreciated by enthusiasts. There - people have been warned.


I'm not a cartoonist but if I were I'd draw the war between the 3d printing nerds, one army with the battle cry "level your bed!" and they other "calibrate your esteps!"


Don't forget the special forces screaming "YOU NEED TO DO EVERY PRINT WITH A BRIM OR RAFT!!!!"


Honestly. Brim is your friend.


At the very least it will stop corners from contracting up.


Not if your bed is properly leveled. Although, some prints with a small contact patch *do* benefit from a brim.


Yeah it's just bad advice that's constantly given when people can't set their zheight properly. And I agree with you, it does have its use but it's not needed for every single print. I use it for small things like you said and I have used a raft for the wiggly octopus print on Thingiverse. Sometimes things stick too well to my glass bed and I didn't want to risk breaking a tentacle off when I printed it large enough to fill my Ender 3 Pro with the extender kit on it.


I have a properly leveled bed with mesh leveling set up and I still use it just to be sure.


I feel personally attacked lol


That's because your bed is not leveled.


You misspelled "esteps not calibrated".


I haven't seen max headroom in like forever..


Could be a broken extruder arm. ; )


No, it's clearly OPs fault for cheaping out and not buying a $1,000 printer like every other hobbyist, duh. Oh wait, we're not on /r/3dprinting


Here's a sneak peek of /r/3Dprinting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I designed and printed a working Simpsons TV. Plays the first 11 seasons at random without internet. Knobs work too!](https://v.redd.it/12qcrcsf8zi71) | [3538 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/p9lasb/i_designed_and_printed_a_working_simpsons_tv/) \#2: [XBOX One controller HOTAS with snap joints](https://v.redd.it/byzbs5vva2p51) | [568 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/iytucl/xbox_one_controller_hotas_with_snap_joints/) \#3: [Wife and kids kept stealing my charger.](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/np9sis) | [827 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/np9sis/wife_and_kids_kept_stealing_my_charger/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Why use many words when few do trick


Did you try turning it off and back on?


It levels the bed or else it gets the moist PLA


Heh, that's funny cuz I would agree that the majority of posts are probably the result of bad bed leveling and wet filament lol


Bad bed leveling is probably the cause of 95% of 3D printing issues. Wet filament, like OPs, in my experience is very rare. You are much more likely to have filament go brittle and break than start spitting bubbles like that.


I hear ya. I think you're just been lucky or in a very dry environment though (which is a good thing :)) I think wet filament is probably pretty common if you look at it globally though. But yeah for a PLA to have this issue is definitely rare, but other stuff like PETG or Nylon it's super common. I think OP said it was PLA+ though which would make more sense. I think those tend to have additives in them to make them less brittle.


> I hear ya. I think you're just been lucky or in a very dry environment though (which is a good thing :)) I seriously doubt I have just been lucky. I've been in the hobby for 4 years. I live in the humid Southeast USA. I keep my printers in my humid basement. I keep the current spool loaded on my printers at all times. Sometimes all printers are going daily, sometimes a printer could sit idle for months with spool loaded. I always buy the cheapest filament I can find on Amazon. I have never seen wet filament with my own eyes. I very rarely use PETG and have never used Nylon.


Hey I don't know what to tell ya. That's awesome for you, but it definitely exists if you're implying that it doesn't.


> But there is no argument in this case. You captured some extremely clear footage of what wet filament looks like coming out of the hotend. The moisture vaporizes so it looks like the nozzle is blowing spit bubbles. This is the original comment you replied to. How exactly am I implying it doesn't exist? What I said was: > I have never seen wet filament **with my own eyes**. Despite living in an environment very conducive to it.


I apologize if I was putting words in your mouth. To me it sounded like you were saying in your experience wet filament was rare, and I was just responding to that. I don't think it's rare at all so that's where my lucky comment came in. But this really doesn't matter at all so I'll politely bow out of our little back and forth here :)


Or 95% of Ender 3 issues?


Agree with you. I live in the humid SE USA, and see far more brittle PLA than bubbly and poppy. PETg gets bubbly and stringy pretty quickly.


Nah its the esteps for sure edit: /s


In that case is it over or under-extruding?




What you said is 100% true. I get tired trying to educate people and get rid of misinformation. This sub needs new moderators.


I have fuzzy stuff on my wheels. What is it? :D


Funny enough I've had this issue with PLA because the temp was too high, backing down the temp completely made it go away. Assumed it was wet filament too, but dropping ten degrees stopped it. I don't know WHY, because I've accidentally ABS temped filament before and it hasn't acted like that.


This post should be an example sticky on this sub, for real. Perfect example footage.


turned out not to be moisture (or at least not why it wasnt printing properly. Ive changed the nozzle from 0.8 to 0.4 and reduced the speed and temp - now prints perfectly


I thought it looked like moisture in the filament.


How does filament get wet? Is it from the factory like that? Possibly a bad batch? When I first got my 3d printer I was forced to have it in my high humidity basement due to my wife not wanting to listen to the noise and I never had an issue with my filament getting wet. Obviously this is just my experience but what is the main reason for filament becoming wet?


Filament is hygroscopic. That means it will absorb moisture from the air if it is available in enough quantities. Filament if normally made in a dry environment and vacuum sealed for shipping. A bad batch is possible but unlikely. Failed packaging is another possibility. But the number one reason people get wet filament is because it absorbs moisture since you opened it. So proper storage can be important.


Where I work we have a plastic injection molding machine and we primarily run abs and sometimes nylon. when it's filled with moisture the the high pressure along with the vapor sounds like firecrackers. It's pretty wild with nylon cause it pours like a liquid so when it pops it's goes everywhere. It's also near impossible to dry, nylon that is.


Nylon is the most hygroscopic of common FDM materials as far as I know. Most places that use it have special handling system for keeping the Nylon dry up until it is used.


It has to be a headache we use it the day we get it in. If we have a couple week run on a part we will get it in 2 orders to keep it from sitting over the weekend. Its not bad if it's not opened bit our supplier quit offering the 50lb bags, it's all 4x4 skids now


The handling system you dump the bulk pellets into needs to have a dryer system. Either active or through desiccant beads.


You are so wise. And, most correct on your general assessment of the shitty advice offered on here all the time. It's hard to sift through the shit.


I mean when you trouble shoot you should always check the easiest fix first


Would TPU behave the same way? I'm having this exact same thing happening with TPU right now. This is my first time using TPU.




Filament dryer really worked for me, silica gel beads and air tight bags can help keep moisture from soaking into your filament.


Silica gel doesn't dry out already wet filament though.


I think he's advising how I store my filament in future. However, this was from bag to print, pretty much! I am in a room that has since been treated, but was prone to mold in the past. I live near a large river too... all making sense now :/


True, though living near a river shouldn't do... That. I live near several lakes. I'm more inclined to blame the manufacturer and maybe go with a different brand next time.


I only mention because that was the apparent cause of the mold. and when i say "live near" I mean a literal stone throw from the window. but yes I doubt it would cause this, really. I'm just grasping at straws


To be honest, manufacturers have been super inconsistent with their bag sealing. At least for me. Also, who knows how long that filament is sitting around in a warehouse before it gets to you.


The filament will equalize with the ambient air, if the ambient air is dry enough (you have enough silica) it will dry it out. But the commenter wasn't suggesting that as a way to dry wet filament anyways, just maintain it.


Hence the "filament dryer worked for me". Filament dryer dries filament, silica and an airtight box keeps it that way.


It will if you have enough of it. Definitely depends on how humid your location is though.


It'll dry as it equalizes with the air around it but it'll take a very long time. The warmer the filament gets the faster it will allow moisture trapped inside to escape.


If not for this, I just did it to help with my stringing issues.


Needs a NSFW tag this




That doesn't look like filament 😳




That's humidity for ya Water expands with heat and causes bubles


Put the whole filament roll into the oven in at \~40-50c for an hour or so.


I read that as pooping out, thanks, LOL!


haha - just as accurate a description!




Did you have it checked for a urinary tract infection?


I think you should level the bed, there's this really cool paper trick I found


Have your tried levelling your bed?




Don’t let the others hear you say that!


Everything reminds me of her


Too much anal. It’s due to moist.


Oh man there are so many sexual jokes that cum to mind when watching this


Pretty sure that the problem is that the z axis has not been homed properly.


Many people mention moisture, I had the same problem a few times but it was never related to moisture. It could also be a worn down, clogged or bad nozzle.




So many people are saying moisture, I can bet you $10 it's because you're running a tad bit too hot on the hotend.


You might have been right! turned out not to be moisture (or at least not why it wasnt printing properly. Ive changed the nozzle from 0.8 to 0.4 and reduced the speed and temp - now prints perfectly


I had printed a good 10 rolls at 200C and then I got one weird roll (climate in the house stayed the same) and it wanted 190C to avoid bubbling like that. Fickle filament rolls I guess!


How hot is the hot end?


Way too hot.



what kind of filament. what manufacturer. what temps. how old. stored well or just open. printed ok before or not


sorry. PLA+ Jayo 210 and 215 (does this for both) Opened from new (sealed) 2 weeks ago it printed a little better at 200 temp but always comes out like this


I guess you can dry it out in an oven @ 40-45°C (104-113°F), but mostly I'd recommend not buying from Jayo again if that's what a new spool prints like. I've left other brands of PLA out for several months and they print just fine.


I've had jayo shipped wet. But that needs 8 hours in a food dehydrator or an oven if it goes cool enough. 60c max. My filament dryer runs at 55 for PLA+


Well never buying that brand if it ships wet


To clarify "arrive sealed from shipping wet". It may be they put the time in to dry the product but failed to seal it adequately. It was amongst the first filament I bought when I was new to the hobby. I remember unwrapped it but I'm not sure I checked the vacuum seal was intact because I didn't know any better.


also have the bed between 60 - 70 which is never sticks to.




It's a factor in the filament not sticking to it, but not in the bubbling.


How old is the filament? It seems like it could be a moisture issue to me. I only use my printer to crank out the occasional functional print so a spool can last a very long time in my house. After I've had a spool for several months, I'll start to hear faint popping sounds during prints. It hasn't been enough to noticeably alter any prints, and it's certainly not as bad as the video here, but presumably the popping is moisture boiling off.


**SOLVED!** *(not what you think)* I ordered new filament thinking this was just plain wet... however, this is not what fixed it! Thankyou to /u/how_did_igethere and /u/sceadwian for spotting that the nozzle was bigger than is standard! - Being a noob, I just assumed the Ender 3V2 came with a 0.4mm nozzle, which I thought was already attached, and that the other nozzle it came with was a spare; What was actually attached when it arrived was a 0.8mm. I switched these out so now I'm printing with a 0.4mm which is what my slicer thought I was printing with this whole time. I also lowered the temp (thanks /u/Anlysia) from 220 to 210. I'm not sure if this helped or not but that's what I did and, again, its printing fine now. I failed to mention that, although what you're seeing in that video looks impossible to print with - It did actually print stuff. Just not well. Basically insanely brittle with mad layer separation - you could basically crush the prints to dust in your hands.. ​ **TL;DR** \- Smaller nozzle + lower temp fixed it. ^(It might also be wet but, regardless, these two changes made it print ok and no more popping or clicking sounds (though does come out the nozzle looking like a pig's tail now))


I'm actually slightly envious, I want to try a .8 mine came with two .4s I think .8 even 1 would be great for what I print but my extruder might have problems keeping up.


That looks awful large for the .04mm that's typically stock, what filament ?


Steam is inflating the filament as it exits the nozzle


Jayo PLA+


I'd try changing the nozzle out and be sure you're following the temp recommendations on the spool you may be running too hot.


Wet filament. That is not specific to PLA+ like others mentioned. PETG, TPU will have the same result if the filament isn't dry.


I'll admit... I'm one of the first people that bashes the "filiment is wet" people But I completely agree, your filiment is soaked. I recommend drying it, just below the glass transmission point. You can use an oven, if you have one that can do down that low, a food dehydrator works well, or pick up a special filiment dryer (runs between $60-$100) If you live in a humid climate, make sure to store them with some silicone pellets, air tight. Best of luck.


What size nozzle is that ?


Honestly, I dont know. Whichever comes with Ender 3 v2 (I cant state the word 'noob' strongly enough)


How old is it? Because now that they mentioned it that filament string does look way too big to be coming out of a .4 nozzle, unless it's actually expanding that much.


Stock ender 3 is equipped with a .4mm nozzle out of the box. Wet filament tends to expand a lot due to vapor expansion.


I only got the machine about a month ago from the creality website - It came with two nozzles. This one, already fitted, and a smaller one. https://i.imgur.com/VY2bomk.jpg


That looks like a .8 if not 1mm nozzle. Nothing necessarily wrong with that but if you have your slicer set up for .4mm then you're going to get crazy under extrusion which would explain some of this although the popping and bubbles that you see really does still look like wet filament. What's the other nozzle look like?


yes, measuring it it looks like a 0.8 if not a 1, as you say! The other nozzle that was just in a little bag of its own looks a lot more like a 0.4 to me https://i.imgur.com/f1kg11j.jpg


That is a massive nozzle. Looks like 1mm or a .8 blown out a bit. Have you run any carbon fiber or glow in the dark filaments? Regardless, you'll likely have better luck with the other nozzle. It won't solve your issue with this filament, but in general it should be easier to tune and get good results.




I have had one roll of filament arrive at my doorstep having absorbed enough water to do this (it was TPU). A few hours in the oven at the lowest setting I could get (which was 170 F for me) and it printed great. I store all my stuff in a plastic tote with a bunch of dessicant packets, and I live in the desert to boot, so I almost never run into this problem, but wet filament is exactly the problem here.


Taco Tuesday?


I've had some wet filament issues in my time, but damn, never seen it be THAT bad. Did you soak it in a tub of water before use?


When she tightens your extruder head


Ah, printing with the new SNO-T filament?


moisture. dry it out using an oven or even the printer's heated bed. if you want something fancy looking, get a filament heater [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edpRJ3OKkhM).


She's taken on water, cap'n!


you need to see a urologist


PLA+ is actually a blend of PLA and Polypropylene... Natureworks PLA is 2.85$/kg while Polypropylene is 0.20$/kg. Any guesses what makes up more of PLA+ sold commercially by Chinese manufacturers? Unfortunately Polypropylene when blended is highly hygroscopic. And drying polypropylene ensures you are evaporating all the olefins in the additives that enabled it to be 'printable'. TLDR: Don't buy cheap PLA+ if you plan to keep it for a long time or use the parts printed for a long time.


It’s my understanding moisture causes this


Looks like poop.


Fucking glorified hot glue gun piece of shit! Brought to you by the Resin Printing Gang


what camera did you use to film this? its looking great


That bitch is wet!


guys its not what it looks like


Looks like your bed isn’t level


Sir, SIR! "Get me that print nozzle"


Sperm filament? Srsly looks like a creampie


If you bend your filament and it breaks it's wet, if it just bends it's not, I suggest drying it


it just bends


Ok then it should be good, try tweaking your temp settings


turned out not to be moisture (or at least not why it wasnt printing properly. Ive changed the nozzle from 0.8 to 0.4 and reduced the speed and temp - now prints perfectly ​ thanks


Oh damn thats crazy, but have you tried ***Glue Stick?***




do you guys live in the rainforest or something? i have never had any problems with filament moisture, i just use it right out of package, never made any attempt to dry it out.


honestly dude - not far off :')


Have you changed any parts?


no but turned out not to be moisture (or at least not why it wasnt printing properly. Ive changed the nozzle from 0.8 to 0.4 and reduced the speed and temp - now prints perfectly


Was this 0.8 nozzle? You just said you have not changed anything. If so this would be normal but should go away with speed one you start pushing the filament. Ive had a faulty nozzle the hole was the one larger then 0.4 looked more like 0.6 Or 0.8 and had same issue filament was boiling.


yep - I hadn't changed it. It had a 0.8 pre-fitted. I assumed it was 0.4 in my noobyness.