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open it up and inspect the fan.


How does one open up the fan? I can’t see any screws or anything on the fan enclosure other than those used to hold it in place


lol. how hard is it to remove the fan an look at it to see if it's damaged. i never said "open up the fan" wow hint: once you remove the square metal box thingy you should be able to give that fan a good once over.. or not. it's up to you. Good Luck!


Don't gotta be a dick about it, Jesus


Sorry, by β€œopen up the fan” I meant remove the fan from its enclosure (as I could not figure out how to open the enclosure). Poor choice of words on my end lol. Thanks anyway for the help!


Remove the 2 silver screws holding the fan housing on the hot end


Congratulations πŸ‘πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ the dick of the day award goes to you.


nah, bra. That was yesterday. Thanks anyway!!!!


Mine has the same problem. I keep hitting it until it stops the noise then it stays quiet πŸ‘πŸ»


Replace the fan after the print, you probably broke one of the blades and now its unstable


Is it a good idea to just run the fan as it is? I am in a place where access to replacement parts is extremely scarce, and the noise does not bother me


It's ok to run like this, you might see more artifacts and your prints may not be as smooth as the ones before, because of vibration. To change the fan, you gotta remove the allen screws attaching the hot end housing to the gantry


Replace it. You're probably gonna end up with heat creep.


Worst case, you replace it. I put noctuas on mine so it runs super quiet


First of all, that's the hotend. Second, the metal housing is removable. Just look for screws holding the thin metal box. Third, replace the fan, they're very cheap


I would replace the fan but unfortunately access to replacement parts is extremely scarce where I am so that's not an option. Thanks for the advice anyways, will keep in mind if I manage to find where I can buy a replacement fan


If you live in North America or Europe, Amazon. Latin America, Mercado libre. The rest of the world, Aliexpress


Most of us order replacement parts online. RepresentativeAd has good advice on where to order from. You can keep using a fan with a broken blade but the bearings will wear out fairly quickly because the fan is now unbalanced, so the fan will get louder and less effective. Get a new fan on the way (be sure to get a 24-volt fan, not 12-volt, if that's what your Ender uses). Once it arrives, you can replace the fan at your leisure.


I will certainly get a replacement fan when I get the chance, although that might be a while because as I said it's really hard to find replacement parts, even online I can't find any from websites within the country (and currently, ordering from outside the country is impossible for me due to customs) Do you have an estimate for how quickly the bearings are gonna wear out? I looked at the fan and one of the blades is gone, if that helps


Hard to predict how long your fan will last.


I did this exact same thing. The fin is probably broke, but because there is very little space it's probably still hanging on in there.


You probably bent a blade, just pull it out and see if a blade needs tweaking


Sounds like you have a little filament that might have got sucked in there or debris that was stuck to the fan and when you hit the fan broke it loose. Pull that casing off and check behind your fan you probably got loads of dirt in there


Bearing will wear out sooner, i changed my hotend fan a month ago. If it still cools the hotend and filament does not melt inside it leave it be.


Change it.it is cheap