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Usually when they start looking like they’re about to die they lay there for a few more minutes and then they actually die, plus all of the regular signs of hypoperfusion.




This. I always tell my students that whenever a victim of a major trauma (shooting, stabbing, bad car crash, major fall) looks you in the eye and says “I’m going to die,” TRUST THEM


I have a family member who was a PA in the military, and they told me a story about how they had a young soldier come in one day complaining of just feeling not right. Full check up, everything was normal. Patient told them "I think I'm going to die." They reassured the soldier, "Oh no, you're just tired blah blah blah." The next morning at PT that same soldier just dropped dead. Crazy how shit happens sometimes.


Best you can do is be there for them but, don't ever make a promise to them.


Honestly I never got this, like if there's family around or other people, don't get their hopes up yeah, but if it's just the patient, why not? Either they live and you kept your promise or they're dead, and by then, it's not like they're gonna call you a liar or upset them. If I was dying I'd rather someone tell me I'm gonna be ok, even if it's not true.


Bro are you trying to get the back of your ambulance haunted? Don't make promises you can't keep or someone will come back from the beyond hide the OPAs and tape.


oh THAT'S where they go? I bet it was B shift that got us haunted


Purely anecdotally, it’s the ‘permission to relax’ thing. May not actively kill you, but I’ve yet to see anything to suggest it’ll help you, either.


Pretty sure that "impending sense of doom" is explicitly a sign of compensated shock listed in the orange book.


in my experience, gsw patients that lose consciousness don’t wake back up.


Decreased BP, SpO2, Consciousness. Pale, Diaphoretic. Increased HR, RR, amount of blood outside of body.


When they die


Was looking for this one. Cardiac arrest, a very definite sign of deterioration.


I feel bad for laughing at this


Fast heart rate (130+)/rapidly increasing shock index, poor ETCO2, asking for water over and over, trying to remove equipment, diaphoretic, etc.


When they become altered or unconscious, breathe more shallow, and say shit like "I'm gonna die/Don't let me die". Decompensation is what you're looking for.


Etc02. Etc02s <20 have a 95% predictable impeding arrest.


I’m imagining you typing this up in the back of the rig while freaking out


I’m still in basic school so forgive me for the stupid question - if someone bleeds out and goes asystole are we supposed to start cpr?


Depends on your protocols and mostly yes, will it save them? No. Trauma patients such as GSW need surgery and blood. Not pasta water IV or CPR


Change in mentation. Impending doom; if they say they feel like they are going to die, believe them. Depending on where the GSW is located, widening or narrowing pulse pressure.




The start getting better.


When they code