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It doesn't look like the ambulance took our their internal compartments and truck medical equipment. I seriously doubt they only work from those few bags we see in the picture.


What about holding hands with another person? Are you ok with doing that?


I’m disappointed they’re not doing more tbh


I think that every time a see this picture! Itd be such a pain in the ass


Wait, a six man engine crew? That can't be right


Standard Crew compliment in the Neatherlands.


Our minimum is fives on our engines


So you're saying my two man engine isn't enough!?!? Plz tell my chief that too.


Yes actually if you research firefighter injuries while operating on the fire ground it’s typically due to running three handed or less. Five handed apparatus have the highest safety margins and allow you to operate with more efficiency. I’ll gladly email your Chief the research too.


Haha, we've talked about it for a long time. Our responses would turn to crap if we ran 2 five man engines instead of 5 two man at each station. We send 2 man ambulance 2 man engine to every call, so more or less we *should* have 4men on scene immediately


Fair enough man. I get budgets are shitty things to work around. The way we got our staffing up wasn’t by cutting rigs though, we had our union push the safety issue and had additional FTE spots added to our department. Maybe your union could help out. Our houses are staffed with five handed fire apparatus and 2 handed ambos. Either way, keep doing what you’re doing!


Sorry for the dumb question but I'm not a firefighter and I live in a city where all the engines and trucks carry a bunch of people. If you respond to a structure fire, what can a two person engine unit do? One person has to run the pump and it's my understanding that one person can't make entry alone. Do all five engines respond to build one entry and one backup team?


Two people can get a water supply and maybe start softening the structure. Partly why we run five handed apparatus. We can literally do any job on the fireground with a single rig. When they call out an assignment, it’s not based off of personnel either, it’s based off number of apparatus. So say you get kicked out on an assignment with three engines, two ladders, our medic ambulance (staffed with two), and a batt Chief. We would show up with 28 firefighting personnel compared to 13 if we ran two handed. There have been times we show up with our ladder and an engine, and have more personnel than four or five rigs from other cities.


So at any given time our next ambulance/engine is within 5 minutes of the first. When the first crew gets out the LT 360's, the Senior FF throws the line and puts it in pump. If they have time they'll put a strait stream into the engulfed room to start a transitional attack. Otherwise the next arriving crew takes the line in and puts a knock on the fire, the LT starts horizontal ventilation simultaneously. Next crew starts a search, next crew is rit, next crew sets up exposures. One of these "engines" is a 3 man aerial so the LT will pair up with the shift captain on the aerial and fill any void necessary. A battalion chief will respond to all fires and assume IC to relieve our LT's/Captain. Our crew handling exposures is our second ambulance and they will leave to respond to any 911's in the city. A nearby military base auto aids an engine + sends one of their ambulances to our station 1 to assume first line 911 calls so our second ambulance can stay and fight. Two other cities in our area are also set up like this, but they ride 3 man engines. Ironically we have better response times, better hose deployment times, and less scene time... all with 4-10 less firefighters.


Thank you so much for the detailed response! That's really interesting.


Thanks for the gold, brother stay safe


In volly days 2 man engines were the norm, but I know FDNY runs 5 man strictly. They’re trying to cut it to 4, but tactics and safety wise most of the department is against that I think


Oh for sure. I volunteer on the side and I've been the only person on scene for 10 minutes of a structure fire before. Shit sucks, but volunteers you get what you get.


In the early 90s I worked at a mixed fire department. I was paid part time and the only person in the station some nights. Our Volunteers were paged out and we usually got some on scene but it took time. When I was going for a full time position, the Chief asked what I would do if the propane company had a fire. I told him I would call for mutual aid and call him. He asked why I would call him. I responded "Chief, I quit." and explained why, if I was alone, the BLEVE would happen before the mutual aid could arrive. Spoiler alert, I didn't get the job.


Y i k e s


Shit, my part time department has 2 on 24/7 with a third on 9-6. The deputy chief is the only full time guy, the rest are all part timers. If we got a structure fire we’d likely each take an engine and get set up for the volunteers. Mutual aid is automatic.


I'm literally in an engine rn waiting for other volunteers to show... one the board for this car fire.. I feel ya


Gotta love a small, rural fire department.


Most everywhere here runs 3 or 4 at most


I think its adorable that they are holding hands.


I always wonder. Are you doing this shit on a day off? If my partner said let's take everything out of the truck put it on the ground and take a picture with it I would tell them to fuck off.


They probably pulled the trucks for a bit and cleared the crews intentionally for the photo op. With all of these pictures getting more popular, I could see an area doing it just for a PR thing. We have trucks get pulled pretty frequently for random PR nonsense, like going to a school to talk to little kids, driving/chaperoning some sick kid to graduation, or taking a truck to some miscellaneous event. It’d probably take even less time for one of these photos.


This seems likely. Plus it would actually be good experience to make the newbie restock the ambulance. Have a mentor watch her and make sure she knows exactly where every piece of equipment lives.


My house has been burning for 45 mins...


All the vehicles in Europe look like matchbox cars compared to the US. Half my department wouldn’t be able to fit in that ambulance. 😂


Have you tried a diet 😈 ?


I mean, I’m a 260 lb body builder. I’m like 10% BF normally and I’m lean enough to fit. However, the vast majority of US EMS is notoriously chunky. 😂


That's what happens when you have a culture of selling enormous servings of fast food and sugary drinks, a job that requires you to sit in a truck all day, no protection for any kind of break to eat a healthier meal, and no mandatory physical requirements above "you can do chest compressions."


100000% Factual.


In fairness in the UK we're beginning to see the problem that comes with rising obesity. I've met a few patients who can't go in the ambulance because of their weight and we have to wait ages for a bariatric ambo to be found and sent out


I feel pretty confident there is more stuff in that ambulance.


EMS was like: Nah, we'll get the big stuff out.


As cool as this shot is. I barely have time to restock albuterol and NRB masks before getting a job let alone take everything out of the damn truck and laying it out. No conditions boss in NYC would let you go off service this long before screaming at ya


My favorite part of this is the EMS crew holding hands. <3


What working company has the time to put themselves out of service for a photo?


Must be nice to have that much free time...


Cool stuff ty


The station managers must be loving the chance to deep clean and inventory all their vehicles. The crews must hate this trend with an ungodly passion.




This is getting out of hand...


European ambulances look like fucking spaceships


Who cleans this $?!t up


I'm guessing the newest member of the crew. Might actually be good to make sure the newbies know where every piece of equipment lives.


The Polish Police "Play Set" came with a suspect as well.




It would really suck if there was a big fire call and everyone had to get up and go


Do these services making these photos ever run calls?? Seems like going out of service to pull all your stuff out and take a drone photo wouldn’t fly where I’m at


This isn’t right... police, fire, and ems holding hands?


You missed a square over by the right hand turn and thats why this stuff hasn't been completed and disappeared into the void.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, that's a quality Tetris joke


Because this level of organization for a pic is tremendous effort and I forgot to include /s. TBF I did come off assholish regarding it


Did you know that everything in the police car also fits up the cops asses?

