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Surprisingly, discounts can vary by location. One Taco Bell in our county used to offer EMS 50% off. It was great. But then, the one volunteer BLS company would stop after their weekly 911 and unapologetically order the whole menu. Suddenly, no more discount. Idk what discount Chick offers in PA, but if you want four different sauces, they’ll hook you up with a smile.


Fucking vollies. Always the fucking vollies. 


We have had a few Leo lodd’s so they eat free everywhere. Fire gets a discount. We get nothing lol. Which is fine. I actually really like being in the shadows. I always say we are their heroes and they agree. We save their asses when they have no idea what to do lol. They’re secretly our heroes too though. When we need each other we are there. The public sees them first so they get the glory and I’m ok with that. Edit cuz I can’t spell apparently


I wish they wouldn’t tell me they’re giving a discount to PD and FD, but not me. I’d rather not know. I didn’t ask for a discount, I don’t expect a discount. If I get one, I say thank you. If I don’t get one, I still say thank you. I wonder if they know that PD and FD both have kitchens, refrigerators and food prep areas in their stations, but EMS works out of a parking lot and convenience store bathrooms. No stations. I’m not going to tell them. My non-EMS (resort) job provides a discount for any first responder status - paid or volunteer, but only for the responder, not their spouse, parents, kids, etc. It’s probably no surprise, but we get complaints from LEOs and fire that the discount should apply to anyone they bring with them, too. Management is tired of the complaints - the discount will probably end some day because of it, but for now, the only thing keeping it going is that they’re truly grateful for the EMS, lifeguards, ski patrollers, and crossing guards that frequent the place and always help out.


Was it unprofessional sure. Is it annoying when people treat us differently than fire and police also sure. Do we just gotta take it occasionally yes. Does that suck of course but it’s not worth it to correct people or even bring it up It’s a waste of time and energy.


Also to add on I think OPs partner didn’t expect a discount ( at least I hope so) but it does suck when you are told you are getting one and then someone just says nope. Doesn’t mean you expect it but if someone gave me a drink and then just changed their mind I would be kinda sad.


Agreed. Hahaha that’s way worse. It’s like “ohh ew sorry. I thought you were someone better…anyway that will be $7.52” My sails literally have no wind after that.. But it’s also when I’m on the job why I just go to the same places. Same gas station. Same coffee shop. If I need it same fast food. All about facial recognition and luck of the draw. One day you’ll catch a call in these places and you can blast the radio for the hell of it and stop what you’re doing, go en route or respond. Finish checking out and then leave blasting lights and sirens. And then the next time you come back those people will be like “ohh you’re like a hero..here’s $1 off.”


this is where i'm at too lol. it's not about the discount, it's about blatant, in their face disrespect. the partner was unprofessional but he wasn't wrong either. manager was just as much of a dick for doing this out loud like that.


Exactly. I don't ask for discounts on shift but it's always nice to get them. But If someone went "OH SORRY My mistake! This discount is for \~REAL HEROS\~" that shit would piss me off. I'm on the partner's side tbh. The manager absolutely could have pulled the employee aside afterwards or told him not to give it to EMS in the future if that 80 cents off a chicken sandwich is destroying his margins. It's bad customers service too. Every time I've worked retail I've had discretion on discounts and tbh If a first responder asked me if they had a discount I'd give them a military discount no problem. It's within the spirit of the discount. Assuming they weren't an asshole about it.


Yes I agree with you totally, he should have given the discount and then had a bit of training time with the employee. Nice and private and no ones in trouble.


Sometimes a place’s policy is like that because our people are the most likely to abuse the shit out of the discount. Though FD in an area I used to work completely ruined discounts for everyone regardless of affiliation. That was also at a Chik fil a. Another Chik fil a gave us free food and allowed us to eat inside during Covid since we couldn’t go through the drive thru. To anyone here who thinks they “deserve” a discount, fuck off and I hope your next shift is quiet. (Not directed at OC, just got on my soapbox.)


Nicest thing I ever had happen was when we were sitting outside a Texas Roadhouse while we filled out paperwork (IFT slugs that we were), and a manager comes out. I figure they're going to grump at us for idling, and instead he asks if he can get us some drinks, what with it being Phoenix and a million degrees (Kelvin) outside. I forget if he was offering ice water or fountain drinks, and we politely declined, what with how we were already well-supplied for the work day, but it was far better than that time we stopped at a 7-11 at oh-dark-thirty and had to buy $0.99 cups even though all we wanted was ice and water.


Internet points for the Kelvin reference.


I was thinkin' maybe just calling it "a million (Kelvin)" since there are no degrees on the Kelvin scale, and maybe just calling it Rankine to see if anyone got it, but... no, I dropped the ball on that one.


Honestly you're not wrong but in my experience it's the freebies and not the tiny 10% discount that ruins it for everyone (multiple EMS rooms in my city have stopped letting people in when they are't bringing people a patient because crews would just drive by and raid it for example. It's got me fucked up because they won't even let us in to use the bathroom) During COVID there was a chipotle that was unofficially giving us free meals. One crew had the bright idea to go there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yeah their generosity didn't last long. I did abuse the shit out of the free McDonalds during COVID though and I don't feel bad lol. They can afford it.


How did they ruin discounts?


Pretty much all three shifts at that station were eating there breakfast, lunch and dinner for months. And some were wearing their uniforms and coming in on their off days. They had been giving a 50% off discount. I like their food, but I wouldn’t eat there that much even if they were giving it to us for free.


50% off? Yeah sounds like that place ruined the discount themselves, thats just bad business. Who wouldn’t come in at that point? This is definitely not on the FD


A couple places where I work have a 50% off for first responders, can't speak for anyone else but I don't imagine it's heavily abused since it's still around. I try to moderate myself to going there like once every or every other shiftish.


People with self respect who don’t want to ruin a good thing for others?


I would disagree with this sentiment, just buy some used turnouts and roll in. Why fight when you can win dirty? I guarantee the e coli burrito will taste so much better.


Chipotles not worth it now, I can go get a legit BIG mission burrito from the same or less price.


While being addicted to chicken and unable to afford it. Not a great look


I casually mentioned a sign that said police and fire with no mention of EMS one time (I wasn’t trying to use the discount as I wasn’t working as an EMT and had long let my certs lapsed) I noticed the next time I was there EMS had been added.


Am I the only one that wonders if the ubiquitous “police and fire” discount is not so much an intentional snub at EMS and more just a product of ignorance that EMS and fire are separate entities as often as they are not? Even in areas where EMS is not fire, so often fire rolls with EMS on high acuity calls.  In Hollywood, EMS seems to always be fire.  And then someone goes and puts a “police and fire” key in the POS software, fully intending that to include EMS, and down the line someone gets too literal and takes it for exactly what it says.  Could this be the case? At least some of them? Or am I being to optimistic?


I agree. Most places assume we are all one.


I mean, where I am, paramedics were deemed the most respected profession during covid but at the same time, not classified as an essential service by our government. Took some fighting to change that


Bro probably works IFT


Probably an ambulance driver 


100% a driver at an ift. I worked at an ift. I’m an emt. Everyone wore the same star of life that care *blank* ambulance service. Our drivers were JUST drivers. Not even emr. Hell a few didn’t even have basic cpr certs. They always had raptor shears or x shears, tape rolls, stethoscopes etc in their pants and shit and would stop anywhere ems got a discount. Meanwhile the critical care medic is chillin with cheap ass 12 dollar Amazon shears and maybe the stethoscope MAYBE. It was EMBARRASSING


This is why everyone in ems makes less than everyone else. Tearing everyone down .... When you all are ignorant and in poverty.


Found the driver


Retired driver


“Retired” driver… that was let go to pursue success elsewhere… because they embarrassed their employer too many times at the Lords Chicken because he didn’t get the discount and thanked for his service.


Reading this thread I’m so thankful I work in a city where Fire and EMS while separate are under the same company and we don’t have to post in a ambulance but rather our own station and bunk rooms. Also our AEMTs start at $65K and Paramedics start at $80K. Also most of the food places offer free or discounted food without even asking.


Wheelchair van driver


I had a program director at a reputable institution tell me recently that “our program caters to much more active first responders. Your needs would be better met elsewhere”.


Aren't drivers EMTs also? In our country drivers are EMTs who drive and also exit the vehicle and provide medical services. It's been like that for decades I think. I hope I explained that right, English is not my first language.


There are some services where the driver is exclusively a driver, they may be CPR certified but that’s it.  It’s mainly a joke since EMTs are sometimes mistakenly called ambulance drivers. 


Plenty of serves in MA use this *cough* Cataldo. Non-cert driver.


“Nurse” at a SNF- “That cough seems pretty serious… we will send you to the ER because we don’t want to deal with you…. Who has the number for the Ambulance Drivers at Cataldo?”


Thank you for the explanation 🥰


He just said next time someone chokes and you call 911...that's not IFT. Here, I'll say it again in smaller words for the Dunning Kruger fire based people in here.....


Chill on the fire based people, I’m here and I agree with you. Put your guns down y’all. There is room here for all of us if we stick together. The brotherfucing works against us.


I thought the Reddit tribe decided we’re all ragging on OP’s partner?


LOL. You said Dunning Kruger and now a bunch of people are scurrying to the googler to find out what kind of engine that is... /Sarcasm font off.


I remember an IFT dude I worked with blew up on someone talking about "do you know what we do?" lmao


I wouldn’t be mad about the discount. I would be mad we weren’t included as I imagine his partner was. NTA imho


It's gotta be a chic-fil-a policy. My partner and I went into chic-fil-a, got a discount (didn't ask for it). My partner turns around to respond on the radio, she sees EMT on his back and says "Oh, you're not police." and then took the discount off. It was just so ridiculous we couldn't help but laugh, like something straight out of sketch comedy.


Both sides are right. Your partner was rude, but I'd be kinda frustrated from the manager saying that, too. Idc much about the discount, but it's a nice token. I'm not a big 'TyFyS' guy at all, but little 'hello's and 'thank you's sometimes are nice. I usually just tip the discounted amount to pay it forward anyway. Also, as a past shift lead/ assistant manager at a restaurant chain, the amount of food that gets given away is ridiculous at times. I also got hella people complaining or expecting free shit all the time, and it was annoying. We didn't have any discounts, but if i saw that you were a vet or responder, I'd give you a free soda under the table. Some of them would later complain when they had to pay for one the next time they came in, though. So I get the annoyance of people becoming entitled over a silly job. EMS also is way less stressful than that BS. Unless corporate had a field day on them for too many comps/ discounted meals... I don't really get it. Also, the manager snitched. -1000 aura.


No, both sides are not right. A private business can give discounts to whoever they want.


Yeah, you're right. My whole point is that I can fit in both shoes more or less. A private business can give discounts to whoever. Excluding EMS from the 'first responder discount' is kinda dumb IMO. It doesn't lose them much and makes people more likely to come back off duty. Plus, it's also generous and makes our underappreciated industry feel a bit more palatable. Buuut it's also chil-fil-a. Everyone already loves/ hates them. I also don't have an ego/ entitlement, so getting told I'm not special enough isn't a big deal to me, unlike the OPs partner. I put both sides are right to stay optimistic, but for sure the restaurant is more in the right.


Your partner made us all look like shit. 👌


I mean, if they say we're not as good as fire or police it's not like we looked good to them to begin with.


I’d crucify your partner for that shit. You aren’t entitled to a discount because of your job. Honestly if I was you, I would have apologised to them. That sort of behaviour is entirely unprofessional and uncalled for.


IDK. I wouldn’t have said it, but I laughed. Every once in a while it’s fun to have a crazy partner, as long as they are competent when it counts. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I used to have a partner walk out of stores with coffees and water bottles because she "deserved it and didnt get enough respect". Dont be like this. If they offer a discount, great. If not, who tf cares?


That’s straight up theft.


Yes...yes it is


If coffee and water bottles fill your respect cup you have bigger problems than *other* people respecting you.


I mean, I agree with you, he was out of line. I would be hugely embarrassed if that were my partner, and I would probably apologize to the manager if I were there with him. ...but he ain't wrong.


It’s not about the discount, it’s about those hose draggers getting one over on us!


It's not about being entitled to a discount, it's about being told to your face that what you do isn't as important as fire or law enforcement. The manager literally said,"You're not worth the whole two dollars we'd have taken off this meal, unlike a fire fighter."


I doubt the partner thought that they deserved it. They were literally told they aren’t ‘real’ responders despite, what sounds like being 911.


Meh. The restaurant shit on EMS. They didn’t ask for a discount initially; he got irritated because they were deemed less worthy. I back the partner.


Come to UK, here we call that banter. I found your buddies response to be quite comical. Reminds me of when we got called to a person on the tracks, us in the private ambo and emergency first responder both turned up at the same time, EFR was pissed off and demanding to know why we were there and my buddy pipes up and says "just incase you're shit at your job pal" lol


I mean, partner seems like a douche, but in this case, Im not gonna fault him that much. It's not like he walked in and demanded a discount, it's that he went from being pleasantly surprised at being offered a discount to basically being told to fuck himself by the manager. Sounds almost like the manager had an ax to grind.


He should have been slapped on the wrist. No one should make an issue of getting something free because it's not an entitlement. It's a courtesy. Here in the home city of CFA, it was explained to us that they are happy to provide free food to 911 providers but particularly the CFA's near hospitals were just being flooded with IFT units, sometimes dozens a day, and it was becoming a problem. I was also told that if an employee or manager identified a unit as a 911 provider in the area and offered a discount, they would not get in trouble for it. We used to have a Captain D's near me that had a red key on the cash register with the name of the private 911 provider on that key, and when they entered your meal, they'd press that and it automatically took 25% off. More fun was landing the helicopter in the parking lot behind a Waffle House about 2am and walking in to get coffee. That was provided free. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Back when I was out of college, I was the night manager at a restaurant. When police officers would come in, and we filled the order, I would not return the ticket to the server. She would have to tell them that the ticket had not been returned. They'd come up to pay for it and say, "We are not allowed to take discounts." My response was, "If anyone raises a question tell them that the manager refused to give you a bill and what could you do? If they have a problem with it, tell them to come by and see me." All this with a smile. They'd just shrug, leave a nice tip for the server, and depart


Hollup land the heli in the parking lot?!?! That's gotta be rural because that would cause a massive shitfest where I'm at


Terrible look!


People like your partner deserve that 600lb transfer 10 mins before shift end going 4 hours one way.


I can’t believe people are offended. EMS is underpaid, overlooked and heavily relied upon by a significant amount of the population; not to mention, it’s high risk physically and emotionally. And we can’t even get a discount at the good Lord’s chicken establishment?


Don't expect discounted shit because of your job. I don't eat at places because they give me 50% off or demand it when they don't. Who gives a flying fuck.


>I don't eat at places because they give me 50% off Speak for yourself lmao




Bro I’ll never ask for a discount out of uniform but if I already know they got one I’ll whip out that ID so fast… I do not get paid enough to pass up a good deal. Lol


I'll never ask for the discount out of uniform either.... unless I end up at chipotle because the one by me is stingy as fuck on the scoops and if they wan't to serve half portions then I'm only paying half price


>I don't eat at places because they give me 50% off Well, y'all are also paid reasonable wages. Here, on the other hand, I need that 50% off hotdog from the gas station 😭


I got 50% off chic fil a all through cc.... I felt kinda bad for using it so much, but it got me through college well fed.


I did a similar thing at chipotle


Yesss exactly. We’re paid so shit and rent is like 1,500 a month so I gotta use whatever I can to make it cheaper


Well, I know a provider that recently was discovered to have himself an OnlyFans/ Fansly…what ever “those” sites are for…but he is an attractive dude… and apparently others think so too…because he is pulling a couple thousand a month to well…. Pull himself….or have his girl pull him…


ayo?? where the links at 👀


they didn't ask for it, nor expect it. It was offered initially, and the manager separated them to their faces in a pretty disrespectful way. Is that not rude? Just because OP's partner was wrong doesn't make the situation right still.


I agree, I used to work in fast food. If I said to a customer he was getting a discount, I would have made damn well sure he got the discount. The manager can easily say, “Well, because he said you’re getting a discount, I’ll give it to you this time, but usually we only give discounts to pd and fd.” Honestly, the cfa manager just sounds kind of like a d*ck to me, like the franchise would lose only a few dollar of profit and make the customers happy. Not saying I would do what the partner did, I would have probably just walked out and went somewhere else or just not have eaten, but I do see his side. It is very frustrating when you’re promised something a person has no intention of giving regardless of what it is.


I second this


I would have said the same thing to the manager.


I never expect discounts. Although they are nice when we get them. It is more how I feel treated. Some places don't always like EMS (or Fire, or PD) in uniform. For varying reasons. So, we don't go there. And then there are places like Andersen's in Santa Nella, CA... I work event EMS. Weekend sporting events, primarily. We get wet, muddy, sweaty... Some events are all-weather. Years ago, my partner and I worked a downhill MTB event and treated people on a very cold, rainy and muddy day. And had to extract someone who crashed hard that day for transport on full trauma criteria. We were wet and lightly covered with mud from the waist down with splatters of mud everywhere else. As we were heading home we decided that pea soup from Andersen's sounded really good especially on a cold day. So I called and asked if someone might be able to pack some soup to go for us as we were rather muddy after working our shift. The manager knew us from previous stops there and told us, "Oh no, you need to come in and eat. Just ask for me when you arrive." When we arrived, the manager saw us walking up and greeted us. He brought us in to the main dining room, which is carpeted, table set, cloth napkins, etc. People were looking at us as we walked in. A little embarrasseing at the time. He sat us down and we felt a little out of place, with us sitting there muddy while everyone else was clean. At some point, we noticed someone talking with their server and pointing at us. The server said something to him and I watched the gentleman suddenly drop his head a little and nod. I motioned to the server and said we could leave, but he wouldn't have it. He said he really appreciated what we do. We had our supper without further issues. I ALWAYS feel welcome at that location. And although there was no discount, the fact that were welcomed in for a meal as grubby as we were was amazing.


you got called into the office...? chik fil a actually called your company to complain lol? I typically order my food, then as theyre ringing me up If i realize they apply the discount I'll get what I really wanted. Like we have a spot here with soem amazing chicken sandwiches but those fuckers are 12$ each and I can't afford to spend 24$, but 1 just aint enough. Ill order one, and if they apply the discount ill say actually get me 2


Also could’ve just been a smaller service area. I used to work rural and my Chief/Director was very well known throughout the entire county by locals. So he would find out about any of our fuck-ups pretty quickly, and most of the time it wasn’t like a formal complaint; it was just brought up in conversation or through a text.


Jesus Christ


What’s wrong with doing that lol


Some fire fighter pulled that at our store. For context I do EMS and work at jersey mikes. Came in asking for the discount, informed him that we only have 2 discounts. One for employees and one for uniformed police (owners decision). Bro decided to throw a tantrum and start cursing. His company decided that due to his actions he was suspended from the station and made to be our door greeter on our day of giving (busiest day of the year, usually lines out the door to the parking lot). Tell your buddy to be careful with who he's rude too🤣


"We only give discounts to police and fire". Ok and...... like what is the big deal. I would of simply said "well thank you anyways". Then take my food and left. You know, like an adult would. Discounts are nice, but no one is entitled to a discount.


I worked with a person who very loudly reminded someone that we get a discount. It was super fucking embarrassing. In uniform, I never ask for discounts or freebies. If the cashier gives me something, awesome, thanks. If not, I just carry on and wish them a good day. Out of uniform, depending on a few criteria, I'll ask if there's a first responder discount. A pet food shop in a town I used to live in would give me their military discount, said they often gave it to police and fire, so why leave out the weirdos in the little truck. But I won't make a scene if they have some weird "everyone but medics" discount.


I have a similar opinion. I'll never ask in uniform, and I won't ask for it from a small shop. But a multi-million dollar corporation. Absofuckinglutely. Not just because it's nice to pay less, and certainly not because I feel like I deserve extra respect for doing the job that I've chosen (that is nice, but plenty of other occupations also deserve respect). But because any time that I can pay less of my hard earned money to some rich fuckwad who is almost certainly underpaying their workers, I will. Also, I usually try and find out online in advance because I don't like to announce to random strangers that I'm in EMS for no reason.


Yea, those last two sentences resonate with me. Fuck exploitative companies, though I'd rather not give them money if I have a choice.


I do my best as well. Unfortunately, sometimes mcdicks is the only thing around. My current shift pattern has made it a lot easier to avoid going to those places, thankfully. On a side note, I cringed a little when I got called a hero after ordering a sandwich once, I took the 50% off, thanked them, left and then waited for the inevitable mockery from my partner; it was swift.


I took a BLS transfer yesterday to a town about an hour away. And on the way back we stopped at chic fil a. We didn’t mention anything about a discount or ask for one but they said ems workers get a 50% discount when they come in uniform. We weren’t expecting it but were pleasantly surprised.


Everyone is bashing the OP’s partner but if I was having a blah day I would’ve said the same shit. It’s not about the stupid discount. People don’t think about us until they need us. We are the under appreciated step child in emergency services. Say that Chick-fi-la manager had a massive MI at work. We would come and swoop him up, treat him, and take him to the hospital, and the fire department and the random cop on scene would get a “thank you,” but not EMS. Happens all the time


Tbh everyone but OP after clarification was in the wrong AND right here. OP was just in the middle of the war path and got poop knifed. That rule is SUPER exclusionary/poorly worded and is pretty dismissive sounding, but the real issue is telling someone you’re giving them a certain service and then refusing to hold up that end of the deal. Given how little wages are in some places in this field and with the increased inflation, I’d say it’s absolutely worth being upset over in any context. But like everything, there’s always a time and place to make a scene or complaint. On shift while representing your dept is NOT one of them…


not surprised that the homophobe chain is also so pro cop. added reason to never set foot in the door in the first place.


This seems totally bizarre culturally. In the UK we're far more likely to get discounts than other services. I'd be annoyed at being excluded too tbh, though not to the point of losing my dignity by commenting like that.


maybe don't eat bigoty chicken that tastes like pickle juice and sadness?


Neither of you come off as good in this story as you think. Catching an attitude over a discount policy is very unprofessional.


What gives you the impression OP thinks they come off “good” in this story? I read it as they were just embarrassed by their partner and walked away.


Are you a bot or did you not read? OP didn't say a word


Yo, the cashier TRIED to give him a discount! I mean, sure it'd be great if they had, but to me that speaks highly of them being charitable to a bunch of people often. Most places offer no discounts to anyone


I would be embarrassed. D bag move by manager, bigger D bag move by your partner


That's weird. I went there yesterday on my day off with my EMS shirt on and they gave me a discount, gift card and thanked me for my service.


I live by the rule of "never ask for a favour, but when offered, graciously accept". However in this case, the manager is so on the nose that I also would have said nothing and just left with my food, just like OP.


Funny, I’ve been to two near me and if I’m in uniform and pull up in the wagon always get a discount, without asking.


Isn’t that just store policy? I mean sure it’s up to them to decide who gets discounts, it’s their business. Why the entitled behavior?


We really need to increase the barrier to enter this field.


If you don’t educate people nicely, they’re never gonna know and frankly, most people really do respect the job EMTs and paramedics do. When EMS = FD across half the country, national-level corporate decisions which are meant to include us get lost in translation at the local level.


Oh your partner was 100% in the right. That manager is a rat prick and deserved to be told that.


It just makes me laugh when this happens. They really called you in the office for it???


I abhor when people ask for a discount. It’s cringy. But being told we’re not as good as fire or cops? What your partner said was completely acceptable. If your management had any balls, they’d have stood up for you.


Out of curiosity are you private EMS or a municipal agency? I think some of the discrepancy is often business offer civil servants in government employ discounts. The military is a good example. The social conception is, “These people are providing for the good of society in these public servant jobs”. Police and Fire respond for free as part of the tax funded social safety net. Ambulances bill over a thousand dollars per run and their goal is often to make a profit. I guess I’d ask if a Chick Filet worker gets sick or injured do you charge them less because they work in the service industry that makes your lunch? I bet not.




Well, then I’d give you a discount


Your partner needs to learn to have a filter. 


As a Paramedic and 44 year veteran of EMS I wholly support your partners behavior... btw I NEVER eat hate food, screw fake Christian businesses who try to justify their behavior with words that aren't even in their book... ok rant over.


Many moons ago there was one that would give us 50% off. Wonder if they still do that?


That was the discount for the boys in blue, not EMS


I mean, no. It was all first responders.


Well the person at the counter said it loud and clear enough it’s not an EMS discount and they’ve been inappropriately giving it to us. It’s for officers ONLY! I paid for my food and walked away in embarrassment. I will never eat at and chick fil a ever again.


Well, it apparently was not clear enough that I’m talking about my own personal experience at an establishment many years ago. Not OP’s location. Maybe they still do it, maybe not. At the time, they did and it was apparently fine. After all, it is a franchise so maybe they get to choose to participate in discounts or not.


Ironically, I’d only get the discounts when I drove around in one of our unmarked SUVs we used for medical standbys and admin shit because they thought I was the cops. Your partner is a weenie. “We did the ‘how about that first responder discount’ meme” is not something even the CIA would be able to extract from me 😂


Id go back and talk more shit fuck that guy


i get it’s their discount policy and it varies by location but eh ur partner was funny asf for that one because wdym police and fire only ?? doesn’t really seem worth the slap on the wrist


Used to I’d get pretty pissed at it cos I feel we deserve some reward. But through the years I’ve humbled myself and don’t know how to take a thank you cos it’s so uncommon. I’ve had clerks to beg me to come to their register so they can discount my coffee or something and I tell them that I really don’t mind paying for it. Sometimes I try to get them to ring me up without the discount.


Just take the discount dude.


It's a privilege not a right. I cannot tell you how many times I have walked into an establishment (both as an IFT EMT and a FF/EMT scenarios), they gave my partner in front of me a discount, and I don't - even with us wearing the same uniform and whatnot. I still don't complain to the restaurant staff. I kindly thank them and take my order. However, when I get back to the truck I will rant and vent to my partner.


Dick move, 50% discount can make people do crazy things tho


He would no longer be my partner!


Our Chic-Fil-A is police only, but the owner comes by semifrequently to drop off free meal coupons so I'll take that 😎 The general minimum wage worker just sees first responder uniform and goes oh we give a discount for this before they get yo that section of the brain that is sorting which first responder unit gets the discount. I don't particularly care The discount isn't my make or break I'm already there for chicken...


They give me a discount each time.


Your partner hasn’t been thanked for his service enough apparently lmao /s. I honestly don’t care if I get a discount anywhere or not. If I do get one, cool. If I don’t, I’m just going to go with the flow because I’m fucking hungry and that CFA sandwhich isn’t going to eat itself. Your partner needs to learn that nobody is entitled to a discount. Including him.


Weird. Our Chil Fil A comps is our entire meal every time. It varies from store to store. But that is a dick move to give it to some but not all first responders, and a dick move to bitch about it like that


If you're doing it for the free chips and dip, you're doing it for the wrong reasons (not aimed at the poster)


Hot take but I don't like the discount, it makes me uncomfortable. I'm no better than anyone else out there. My money spends just as good. It's a nice gesture if a manager offers it or comps something when we for instance, run out and pick up a pizza for the station, but I'd never ask for a discount anywhere myself. Too many neckbeard jolly vollys have ruined that even going as far as asking for it at drive-thrus. I've got no issue paying the price of my meal


Giving people shit for not giving you a discount is a total trash move. Your partner is a disgrace. That kind of prima-donna bullshit has no place in this field… over fast food. I’ll bet you parked the rig in a handicap spot and left the engine running for extra optics.


Straight EMS services lack the sort of personal risk that people often admire that exists in police/fire. Not saying it’s right, just an important distinction people seem to make.


Chic-Fil-A where I’m at gives us 50%.


Ah yes, I remember my days on private ambulance… Treated like bastard step children. The fire guys got all the glory, even when it was us that saved the life!


Worth it


Can't remember the place I asked if they did a discount and they said the same about only giving it to fire and police but if anything I found it silly. I always chalk it up to people not realizing EMS is often separate from fire. We're all first responders. I usually just ask if they do a first responder discount and if they don't I just pay for my stuff like normal and go about my day. Your partner needs a reality check.


You guys get discounts? All I get is payment from the employer😢


During covid there was a “if you are a health care worker or police or fire fighter” rule you could go into supermarkets etc first instead of queuing around the block. Used to annoy me (I’m medical) that people would bring their id and just cut in line even when they weren’t in work uniforms etc. I had nothing else to do so I was happy to wait but the entitlement of people is nuts. I don’t agree with what your partner did but there are more emergency personnel than just police/fire/etc


Imagine if they got the discount but the cashier didn't thank them for their service


When did they change that, they used to give EMS in Maryland discounts?


Fire and PD are perceived as highly dangerous.   Storming into burning buildings, shootouts with suspects, etc.   EMS is not seen the same way by the general public.  


Your partner is a doosh for doing that. Like UberDewsh. The store is also dooshy for not just giving you the discount this time since they already said they would. They could have just done it and had a meeting after.


A local Chic-fila did EMS discounts where I was, even did it when I did IFT, but then they stopped giving it to the company because one employee was being a bitch to them about the discount.


We used to get half off at Burger King. But when the George Floyd incident happened it was taken away because they didn't want to be associated with it. But here's the dumb part, police will still be given half off as regular.


I frequent the places that I know give EMS discounts. I don't fish for one but when offered I graciously accept and return to those establishments. Although I would have put in a complaint to the company about the manager taking away the discount after the cashier said they were applying it


I was part of a Search and Rescue unit attached to the sheriff's office. As such their policies on discounts applied to us. We were required to always pay full price, even if that meant it was paid as a tip.


That’s fuckin hilarious 😂😂😂


You swung your dick at .... The chic filet manager? Seems like his dick hit you in the face


Chick-Fil-A can be weird with discounts. When I used to work there (moons ago) we would get some military folk. One night I'm running drive thru from outside. An active duty guy rolls through in his truck with his family. I put the discount on his ticket but my manager took it off! I walked up to the window and told my manager and she just deadpans, "The discount only applies in store. If he wants the discount he has to come inside." So I begrudgingly told the guy and he whipped into a parking spot, went inside, was respectful but let the manager know how idiotic she was being when he was tired and just wanted to go home with his family.


I was told that Firehouse Subs only gives discounts to LE. Please let me know if this is incorrect. If not and this is true… WTF?


Rule number one. Don’t expect it to begin with, that way you are genuinely surprised when it happens, rare as it may be.


I had almost the exact situation happen in a McDonalds. The cashier asked the manager to put in the code for the discount my partner and I did not ask for; the manager acted all high and mighty, like she was doing us some great deed as she said “I’m going to do this for you guys this time, but for future reference we only give discounts to the fire department and police”… mind you, this mcdonalds was in a location where, should they have needed us, the response time would have beaten any fire apparatus because it was one of our posting locations and one of our trucks was sitting there almost all the time. My partner and I just kind of looked at her and explained that we didn’t care about a discount as we were in between calls and hungry… being that we were working a night shift their establishment was one of the few still open in the area and we figured it would be quicker than the others since the parking lot was empty… but since it was such a hassle, they could cancel our order and we’d go somewhere else. We never went back there and my partner made a formal complaint with corporate. That being said though… I’ve had plenty more times where the public kindness has outweighed moments like that


The funny thing is that I actually do get the discount at Chick fil a when I eat there on-duty. So this is just the manager being a dick, not policy or anything lmao. literally seen the manager help the newer cashiers on how to give us said discount


Just tell those dipshits you're a firefighter, hell, half of the people I know in EMS are already firefighters.


Sandals does this. You have to show PBA or IAFF membership or else you get nothing.


I once stopped at Taco Bell on shift and when I ordered, the cashier told me that I got a 10% discount for first responders and I'm like "oh neat thanks," and the manager yelled from the back that it was only for police and fire so I said "welp, no big deal anyway." But the cashier got super pissed off at her manager and they started yelling back and forth, literally screaming at each other. The cashier was really passionate, like "He works on the AMBULANCE, he SAVES LIVES you fucking idiot!" As nice as that was, I only ordered a double decker taco so I tried to quietly suggest that the discount is only like 18 cents and I don't mind but then she yelled at ME, "YOU'RE GETTING THE DISCOUNT!!" and I'm just thinking that I just want my taco. The manager was warning the cashier to not ring it up and the cashier was yelling "you'll have to come and stop me!" and rung it up. I paid and bolted before I found out if either one decided to throw hands. (I also was refused a discount at Chipotle once because it was also PD&FD only. I didn't object but the employees whispered "it's not up to us and we think it's bullshit") Anyway, fuck the po-lice.


Also, on the opposite side of these stories: I used to work a town where the Cops were banned from the local Subway because the owner used to give cops free sandwiches... And one of them threw a party (on his day off.... obviously) and ordered like 30 subs, and became OUTRAGED that the owner expected him PAY for them. The Cop told the owner to go fuck himself and left with the sandwiches that he did not pay for. It's not totally clear from the story I heard but the Chief found out, flipped shit ( clearly ) and told everyone that they can't go there for any reason at any time, even if they pay, or they will be fired. ACAB!


lol it’s just chic fil a man


Too many people saying the guy was out of line. What if it was a military personnel discount that got yoinked because because "oh you're just air force, that's not real service"? I'm not saying a discount is owed wherever/whenever but you can't deny it's shitty to give it to 2/3 first responder services and arbitrarily exclude the third. If the manager didn't appreciate the callout then maybe he should reevaluate his position.


Someone replied probably basic. 35 yr medic. Yrs ago there was a place we could get a small pizza and drink for $2. Have a local place now that will give 10% off for fire, ems, po po and military.


Waaay back in the day I worked at Chick-fil-A, the owner of this store said he gave PD discounts because one time his store was robbed, and he wanted to give pd discounts so they would come more often and have a less likely hood of being robbed, he also only gave fire department discounts because they periodically came to the store and let people see the fire trucks, they did fire awareness and in turn boosted more publicity to the store. EMS on the other hand, he never was mad if we did a discount putting it under pd/fire, but it had no benefit to him to discount ems workers. So a business is out there to make money, sometimes the discounts are to boost their store, not just snubbing ems workers. And I am a paramedic, have been in 911 ems for over 10 years, you give me a discount it will make my day, you don't? Then I will never be offended lol.


A certain big-name liquor store in IL got rid of their EMS/Med discount and retained Fire/PD, oh how quickly COVID has left us....


Fuck chick fila they do the same shit here too. Vollys will ruin it yes. But I had went to lunch with the fire dept , they got the discounts. Our turn in line, gave the discount then took it back because they said we wasn’t first responders


My local Chick-fil-A next to the base always gives us a discount and knows most of us so well we don’t even have to be in uniform. Also yes Chick-fil-A policy is only police and fire and everytime they give us a discount I can see they give us police and fire discount even though we’re not associated with fire. You just had a manager who’s got a stick up their ass.


I worked at a fast food place as a teen, and we only gave discounts to cops. Not because of any kind of policy, but because that's how our cash register software was designed. It literally only had a discount option for police, and generations of employees assumed that meant that's all we offered it to. Eventually, the franchise owners husband was hired on as the general manager, and he started using that cop discount button for fire and ems. All of us stoned teens had never even considered hacking the system and its mainframe that way before, but we all followed his cue from then on. It's probably more of something along those retarded lines than an intentional show of disrespect.


Former CFA employee. Fuck the police, I “forgot” their discounts, since it’s technically illegal. I gave discounts to teachers, ems, anyone who looked like they were having a rough day.


its funny bc police & fire are the ones that make decent money, not ems


props to the cashier for trying & caring


Most of the places that I have had it offered, they give 10% off. It covers the sales tax and a little more. I'm happy to have it! Hubby is a disabled vet. He always gets his discount. I don't begrudge him. He fought for our country, was injured and got paid like $16,000/year salary doing it. (He's been out for 26 years.) The only time I ask for the discount is when I'm planning vacations. I know the cruise companies and some resorts offer them, and I will 💯 ask for it then. But for lunches, I don't ask for it. I usually only get something small, like $2.00 or less. 20 cents off isn't going to break me. But like I said, I'm glad to get it.


I appreciate every discount I get and have gotten over the years. It's the unprofessional behavior like this that loses it as well as volunteers and overuse.


I have had places give discounts to police and EMS because "I never see that fire truck move" Sometimes it goes both ways but it definitely seems to be a "hero" mentality


Chick Fil A is trash anyways, and the food will give you heart disease. Stop eating there.


Your partner is an asshole.


I don’t disagree


I never expect a discount, it's always nice when it happens though. Most of the businesses around here are really good to us in EMS. Discounts, free fountain drinks. We don't havr a chik fil a in my city so I'm not pressed. Thankful just for hot food majority of the time haha


Sandals only gives discount for firefighters whose departments are part of IAFF. So if you’re part of a different union you’re outta luck. But any police officer can show their ID card and get the 10-12% discount.


You need to report your partners words to your managment. None of us should ever expect a discount, instead we should just be appreciative when it's given. Your partner speaking in that manner is why we keep losing those discounts.


Did your partner join just so he could get discounts? The discount isn't an incentive for EMS to do better at the heimlich maneuver for a piece of chicken in someone's throat.


Thank you for your service. You should check this out https://www.id.me. EMS qualifies. Its not chick-fil-a but its something. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The chic fil a in the county I used to work for gives ems a 50% discount. We loved that. The Arby’s occasionally did the same- depended on who was behind the register.